A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Alias Pluderous Edict...♪
ONE DAY, CIRRIS TALKS TO HIMSELF AS HE WIPES A COUNTER... "It's so creepy here...", Nishiki hears him "That's cause there's less Vamps, thanks to the investigators.". He coffed "Those fucks are even banding to kill them in the 11th Ward...", Zolo leers "Without that Yoshimura fag, I can finally let loose, when the war pops up!!! You'll see the power of the: god ape!!!". Cirris sighs "god ape???", Nishiki thought "He does look kinda like a ape...". Zolo laughs "That reminds me, who's turn is it to feed loser?", Nishio answers "Touka.'s...". He looks at the stairs "She's been up there for a long time...", Cirris replies "I'll look at her... Check on her!!!". He walks up to his room, and sees Touka staring at the bird... "Did Loser... eat?" Cirris asks, Touka suddenly turns "Hm? Yeah...". Cirris walks beside her "Touka's been absent minded recently, since...", Touka spoke "Hey... it must be pitiful, being a bird... but have to stay in a cage... but it's difficult to survive in the world... I couldn't kill that girl... I...". Loser suddenly says " Shithead Scum!!!", Touka yells "Hah!!!? You're foul mouthed to be a bird, I'm going to fry you in oil!!!! When your owner comes back, I'm gonna beat tha hell outta them!!!". Cirris thought as she yells "Touka is shaken... she saw a possibility of what could happen, if her friend found out about her... At this moment, Yoriko's safe... but if she ever found out she was a vamp... or was a murderer... It's sad if she finds out... because once a relationship has a hemical reaction... it can never go back to their previous state of being...". Touka glances to Cirris... "Wanna have sex?", later... on the outskirts of the Ward... "This is it..." a vampire says, another replied "It feels like time passes slowly here.". The first vamp retorted "Don't let your guard down idiot! There's investigators from the main branch, swarming everywhere!". Another vampire added "It's become more and more dangerous out here...", the first vampire replied "That's why we need to find her, this looks like the place she said she was going... The place Rize was headed...". The next morning, the vamp came into the cafe, Cirris turns "...Welcome.", the vampire walks to him "Excuse me, let me talk to your manager.". Cirris replies "He's out in business...", the vamp then glares... Touka yells "Hey, if you want something, order, don't stare all day...". He jumped "Ohhhh!!!! Oh, you're a girl...", he then says "Give him this message when he comes back, I can ask you this too... Do you know who Kamishiro Rize, is!?", they both look surprised... "He knows Rize?!!!" Cirris thought, he the telepathically asks Touka "Is he a investigator?". She shook her head "No...". Later they talk upstairs, the vampire's eyes turn black, a unearthly red glow emits from then "Is this good enough?". Cirris then says "Yeah... We had to see it... there's alot of investigators here...", the vampire replied "I know... I'm Banjou, of the 11th Ward, I came here to bring Rize back...". Touka sighs "She might not be around...", Banjou sighs "I have to bring her, they really want her to return...". Touka stares at Cirris "What're you going to do...", Cirris almost replied when Banjou suddenly jumps and sniffed him "Why are male vampires always sniffing me?". Banjou grabs his collar "WHY... WHY DO YOU SMELL LIKE RIZE!!!?", Cirris replies "I... I don't... know...". Touka yells "No violence in the shop!", one of his followers yell "Banjou San, there's no need to beat him up...". Banjou yells "WHY!!!?", Cirris replied ""I... don't know... she... a friend...c. Banjou rears his fist back "RIZE IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!!!?", he swung, Cirris dodges then reflectively elbows his neck!!! "Oh crap... I did that unconsciously..." he thought, Banjou followers leer "He's out...". Touka asks "Is he always like this???", the follower repled "Fo shizzle...". Later they rest him on a couch... One of his followers explain "Rize was in the team of the 11th Ward, we originally lived "peacefully" but she fucked up and left, after she killed the leader and top brass, she "left" Banjou in charge, and let him become leader... He's been trying since, to lead us in his own way... But, some guys came and took over, annd they ordered him to look for Rize...". Touka kneels by Cirris... "What're you going to do?", Cirris replies "I have to tell Banjou... everything...". Meanwhile the boss and Yomo walk around the 11th Ward... "It doesn't look like we're in japan... it looks more like a battlefield in the middle east... Yomo Kun, have you found anything?", "I caught one of them, and made him talk... He said this is by the gang:Aogiri, he doesn't know how many there are, but there's fair amount of them... He also told me, they they're acting on orders from the 1eyed king... What do you want to do?", The boss replies "1eye... let's go back to Anteiku... Cirris Kun's life is in danger...". Meanwhile, the other vampires and Touka wait and work downstairs, while Cirris waits until Banjou wakes up... Touka thought, "I winder if that buff guy woke up yet?", Banjou suddenly sat up "!!!?". He sees Cirris walking to him, with water... "Sorry, reflectively hit you... I didn't try to hurt you.", Banjou takes the water "I see why Rize San likes you... you're really strong...". Cirris replies "She's not my girlfriend, we were only acquaintences...", Banjou fell on his knees "I'm SOORY!!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!". Cirrirs freaks "W... wait, forget it, you didn't hurt me!!! Get up!!!", Banjou replies "I won't feel satisified unless I do this!!!". He gets up... "Listen... would you tell me where she is now?", Cirris sighs "She... left... (Damn..., I can't tell him...)". Banjou sighs "Oh... do you know where she went? No... of course... Listen, when you do see her again, tell her this: Run away...", Cirris looks scared as he says "Where I came from, I was leader... But suddenly many vamps came there, calling themselves: Aogiri. I never seen so many of my friends die... After surpressing the vamps, they went to destroy the 11th Branch of the CCV... I only know that they really want Rize.... and that they'll do something terrible to her...". A evil, loomng shadow is cast over the window as Banjou says "I don't wanna imagine what they'll do... they'll keep on until they're satisfied...", he's suddenly kicked into the floor!!!? Banjou looks up as a vampire leers at him "There you are, faggot.", Banjou glares "Ayato...". The vamp leered "What're telling peope our shit for? Do you want me to wreck your ass, until you're coughing blood again?", Banjou's followers run upstairs!!! "Banjou Sa...", "Shit... What're you doing here, Ayato San?". He replied "This faggot wouldn't answer his cell, so I had to come!", Touka ran upstairs "I said no...", she sees him... "Ayato...". He leers "Hey whore...", she suddenly hears two vampires behind her "Ohhhh♡ He's here!", "Yo, Ayato Kun!". She turns, "The customers from downstairs!!!?". Ayato leered "You already know this place, Yamori?", the musculare vampire leers "No, Nico's nose lead us to this place!". The gay clown vamp replies "It's nothing, I'm only able to smell peope from afar! It's just my speciality!". Banjou freaked "Rize isn't here, so we can leave!!!", Yamori leers "No, your mission was to either find Rize, or the 1 who smells like Rize...", "That's him" Nico leered. They all lear at Cirris "Shall we quickly take him back...". Touka and Cirris stand together... "Take him back? You think we'll let you do as you please?", Yamori suddenly appears in front of her ""Let us"?" he chops her into away, and grabs Cirris's collar "Doing what they want, is the right of the strong!". Cirris tries to fight, but is slammed into the wall!!! Touka staes "Cirris!!!", as he kicked the weakling, then walks to him "Are you gonna sleep? If you keep resisting, I'll have to ass beat you...". Cirris's eye turns black, a unearthly red glow emits from it, as he punched!!! Everyone looks surprised!!! Yamori disappears, "Where did...", Yamoi's kagune, stabs through Cirris's torso!!! "When did he...". Touka flew to him "Asshole!!!!", Ayato appears in front of her, and punched her away "Stay away, bitch... Don't wanna screw up that delicious body...". Touka uses "Soul Star!!!", she glares "Stay away you bisexual, hypocritical, ass!!!"". Ayato leered as she rushes him, he slaps her with his two black wings Soul!!! "You stupid bitch, the more power you have, the more ass you're in... the stronger you are!!!!", he fires many Blackfeathers into her!!! He walks to Banjou and throws a bodybag on him "Put that tranny into the bag, we're going...", Nico tickles him as he walks away "Yu're SO COOL, Ayato Kun♡!!!". The vampire giggled as he slaps him away "Stop, fag♡!!!". Later, Yamori calls "Tatara San... We found the 1, with "Some of Rize" in him... But we can't find Rize, we'll bring the 1 with "some of Rize", back...". Later... The boss and Yomo came back to Anteiku, they see the mess... He lens to her "They got him, didn't they?", she twitches... The boss turns toward Yomo "Yomu Kun, gather everyone. Anteiku will be shutting down for a while...".
To Be Continued... :#
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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