The Hopes Of The Planet's Last Heartbeat

Continued :+

MIRA AND VASSAGO FIGHT AS FUSAGI HOLDS THE STAR DAMA!!! "This is how power feels like!!!", Yui explains "Remember you have to hit him with that, I won't be able to make another Star Dama, make sure you don't miss your chance!". Fusagi glared "You can count on me!", she flies on a mountain... Vassago flies extremely fast as she tries to aim at him... "If he keeps moving like that, I won't be able to hit...". She suddenly hears a voice in her head!!! "The Star Dama isnt something you aim with your eyes... you must sense out his dingling... I mean evil presence before you launch it...", Fusagi turns around "What the...?". Kaio Sama then explains "I am Kaio, the 1 who taught Yui how to use the Star Dama... Everyone's depending on you: know that all the world's hopes are stored in the Star Dama!",  Fusagi looks freaked "K... Kaio Sama? (thanks for the pressure idiot...)". She then uses Soul Preception as he fights Mira, the teen finally locks on to his evil presence!!! Vassago suddenly charges Mira!!! "Watch closely, Karis Ai!!! These are the final moments of BFFWFD: Best Friend Forever Who Fucking Dies!!!", Fusagi throws the Star Dama "Got it!!!", the civilian screams as she throws the it!!! "What're you doin' fat ass!!!? Hurry up and throw that crap!!!". Fusagi glares as he finished!!! "THAT IDIOT!!!!", Vassago heard him then crapped himself as he saw the Star Dama!!! "WHAT THE MOTHER FUC...!?". He jumps over it as Fusagi freezes in horror "SHIT!!!!!!!!", Mira freaks as it closes in... until she hears Yui!!! "Mira you can bounce it back, if you're good it shouldn't hurt you!". Mira holds her hands to it! "Unless Roc tries to bounce it...",she adds! Mira quickly drops her black magic and bounces towards Vassago!!! He screams in horrifyingly writhing pain!!! "GWAAAAAAAHHHHHHAAAAAGYYAAAAGYAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!", the Star Dama explodes and knocks him in the air!!! Every one smiles as they watch him ragdoll... Fusagi  jumps off the mountain "Yeeeaaaaah!!!!♪". She runs to Yui!!! "We did it, we really did it Yui!!!", Mira limps to her "Yui...". She giggles "I knew you guys could do it...", Fusagi answers "I thought we were f'd". Yui looks at her friends "You guys are all beat up...", Fusagi replies "I forgot! I just got this dress... and my earings!!! My hair must be crappy too!!! I hat that....". Everyone suddenly hears a his body hit a rock!!! "The djinn!" Mira glares, Fusagi smiles "It's just his body...". She walks up to him "You're a freaking butthole!!! But at least we could dig a grave...", Vassago suddenly says "A GRAVE FOR YOURSELVES!!!?". Everyone almost crapped as he stands "I have to admit, you really did a number on me... For a minute, even I thought I was done for...". They all tremble in terror as he speaks "You may have succeeded in wounding me, but I know I made you crap just now Hahahaha!!!", he slaps Fusagi far away! "Once I finished you all... I'll recover my strength... before annihilating every piece of filthy, shitty trash, on this planet!!!". He limps toward Yui "You've made me, Vassago use more power than I have in a long time...  You not living because of my lack of trying... This really does a number on my pride...", he suddenly screams!!! "SO DIE ALREADY!!! Please?...". Everyone looks terrified as a explosion suddenly appears!!! Vassago stands with his arms straight up as the smoke and dust clears... He sees all the soldiers still moving!!!? "What the freaking hell!!!!? Damn... they won't fricking die..." he cries... he almost passes out as he stands. "I better hurry, I need to finish up and get some rest..." he flies to Mira... Then sees her demon tail!!!!? "This bitch has the exact same contract we use!!!?", he prepares to kill her!!! "If she transforms, I'll be in alot of trouble!!!". He suddenly hears screaming!!! He turns to see the fat civilian flying to him "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", Vassago freaks out as the fat man falls on him, knocking him out!!! "I killed him!!! Hahaha!!! I did it! How di' ya like tha' mofo son of bitch!!!?". Vassago stood up as he celebrated "You filthy Bastard!!!", he tries to cut him!!! Vassago easily dodged the sword! "I, I'm sorry!!! Did that hurt!!? I was just playing!!! I was trying to give you a hug at 1st, th... Um.. I'll give a blow...", Vassago kicks him in a rock before he finishes!!! Yui then yells "Mira!!! The sky!!! Look at the big ball of light!!!". Vassago flies back to her "No you don't!!!", he prepares to stomp her head open!!! "DIE!!!". Mira's skin suddenly changes black... Vassago tries to kill her as she grows in to a giant demon!!! "NO NO NO!!!, I know I'll cut off her tail!!!", He was knocked out as Mira stood up!!! He looked in horror as she destroyed the area!!! Fusagi screams "M... Mira kill the djinn!!!", Mira snaps out of the madness and attacks Vassago!!! He then sees her tail as she jumps to him!!! "There!!! all I have to is..." (He fires Kien Ω!!!) "I hit her!!!, ♪I'm the best around, no one's going to ever bring me down!♪". Mira aims for him before she turns back!!! The giant crushes him!!! Vassago trembles as he barely thought out loud "I came... to destroy earth, and was beaten up by 3 little girls... and a fatass. I'm done...", he summoned his lamp... "To think... I... would be... forced... to run... away..." he growled as crawled in pain, into his lamp! Fusagi limped to him!!! "He'll get... away...". She then saw the civilian's sword... "We've come this far... I have to finish this myself...", Vassago tried float into his ship... when he heard Fusagi!!! "This... is payback for everyone of our friends you killed!!!". He thought as she prepared to stab him!!! "Dammit!!! My body won't respond!!!", "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!". She suddenly heard Yui!!!? "Please wait...", Fusagi turned towards Yui! "Y... Yui!!?". Everyone heard her speak telepathically!!! "Sorry Fusagi, I can't speak because of the blood pouring from mouth. ...Please forgive me of what I'm about to ask you, but I want you to let him go...", Fusagi screams "Are freaking insane!!!? He killed everyone, and would've destroyed the whole world!!! And you want to let him run away!!!? He won't change, if we threw him in Penance Sama, he'll die like the other criminals!!!". Yui answers "I know how strong he is... I know he's evil... but I know why... He needs love, if we show him we trust him him, he may see the light, and he'll never attack anyone...", she thinks toward Vassago "Do you promise not be mean anymore?". Vassago thought towards Yui "I'm promise!!!", she then thought "Are you sorry too?". He answers "I'm so very, very sorry!!!", Yui laughs "He's going to...". Vassago interrupts as he floats in his lamp!!! "Listen closely, you worthless trash... your so fat, if you climbed the effiel tower, you'll be arrested for exceeding the weight limit!!!". He flies away as Fusagi tries to fly after the lamp!!! "I'll kill you, you fricking piece of crap!!!" she screams!!! She then picks up Mira "It's okay now, you can rest easy..." she says to her naked unconscious friend... "I didn't feel right about letting him leave, but I thought of way to bring everyone back...", she was interrupted by Soul Hoshi's airship!!!

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