A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
♪Daily Life♪
NOTTINGHAM IN HOSHI CITY, THE CITY PENANCE PROTECTS... A Avatar wearing headphones, and a black robe, walks up to the City gate. He looks at the Academy "How many years it's been, since I last came here?". He makes a cross with his finger, then prays as he holds his cross necklace... "Oh Lord... please protect humans, so they may live and die happily...". Meanwhile inside the Academy, Sei was washing candles (???). Stein walked up to him "...", Sei turned "What's the matter?". Stein replied "Ahhaha It's time to meet up with Penance Sama.", Sei glared then turned back to the candle "I'm... not going". Stein asked "Why?", Sei turned around "Stein, why do you think Penance Sama summoned the other Avatars?". The Dr answered "Because the kinshin has been revived, so he's going to discuss plans?", Sei pointed to him "NO! You're wrong! He's definitely going to transfer me! or demote me!". Stein wondered "Really?", Sei answered as he turned "Isn't He? If I didn't leave the room, I could've helped stop the kinshin's revival!". Stein answered "So your cleaning a candle stand, to make a good impression? YOU IDIOT.", 2 more Avatars walked into the hallway... A blonde wearing a hair bun, and another woman with black hair and glasses. "Stein... was your first love, right Momo?" the Avatar wearing glasses whispered. Momo answered shyly "Don't bring up the past...", the guys heard whispering... They turned to see their old friends! "Ah", "Here they come." Stein and Sei said, "Hi" "Long time no see..." the woman and Momo greeted them. Sei whispered to Stein "Robin... Queen of the student council. She was small but, very talkative...", Stein remembered her... "Everytime I wanted to dissect passers by, she'll always scold me.". Sei glared "Of course she would...", Robin walked up to Sei "The kinshin's revival... wasn't caused by your negligence?". Sei shouted "AH!!! Don't mention it! You're not going to say that in front of Penance Sama, are you!!!?", Robin answered "It's hard to say, I express whatever I'm thinking, at any moment.". Stein stared at Momo... "Eh? Momo, didn't you say you would retire after you became a avatar?", Momo grabbed his coat as she started looking depressed "...Don't mention it...". Robin then spoke loudly to everybody! "Alright! Enough chatting! Penance Sama is waiting for us!! Line up... walk forward!", everyone thought as they lined up "It's here... it never changes...". Meanwhile in Penance Sama's room, the avatar with earphones was kneeling before Penance Sama. "Oh Lord... why don't you talk to me? Why is this? I can't hear God's voice?", Penance Sama tried to explain... "It's because". Sei suddenly kicked his head!!! "Take off the earphones!!!", the teen turned around and saw him "Ah!". He took them out... "Everyone, Aizen has arrived.", Penance Sama started to speak to them. "Thanks for coming here, Everyone. I think everyone knowst why I gathered you all back to this Soul Hoshi Academy. Kinshin Asura's revival, I need to discuss this with everyone. The Kinshin won't take action for a period of time, to storest energy... Thus the important thing to do now is investigate his wearabouts, while I think of a plan to deal with him. Also the insane wavelength Asura released: Stein, please explain it...". Stein answered "Yes." Robin raised her hand "The madness wavelength, is it Asura's?". Stein replied "Yes indeed, however it's on god's level...", Momo then asked scared... "What effects does the wavelength have?". Stein answered "This is tricky... Everyone has a little insanity... especially me... Asura's wavelength is something that will, provoke the madness deep inside... It's given insanity's contagious, the moment Asura was revïvëd ï dêf ... defítëlÿ félt ît!!!". Everyone jumped... Robin then forced out... "In san... Insanity that spreads, anyone can get infected?", Stein answered as he shook his head, and snapped out the memory "No. I think people like Aizen, who devotes himself to God. Have a lower possibility of getting infected. Though, At this stage... ordinary peope shouldn't get infected". Aizen then asked "Then what's the problem with madness?", Robin answered as she stared at Stein!!! "It allows dormant villains to awaken and increases their power!", Stein leered "That's right! Like when you resolutely stare at others, while speaking about the subject... Makes me wanna dissect you♪". He then exhaled smoke "Under the influence of Insanity: Witches in slumber will awaken, cities and the dead will resurect. The amount of horrible things that will happen, will be uncountable.", Robin then stated "These thing's happen because of those 2 carelessness, has Penance Sama ever thought about punishing them?!!!". Sei shouted!!! "Y... YOU!!!", Penance Sama answered "You're right, I was also thinking of changing some personnel...". Sei fell crying!!! Penance Sama said to the top avatar "Don't worry Sei, you'll remain as my 1st Avatar.", Sei turned as blood (???) flowed from his eyes!!! "But I made a mistake!!!!". Penance Sama explained "Thou art the only 1, of all the avatars. Who call thyself: Avatar of penance. Thou shouldest be more confident.", Sei and Aizen kneeled before Penance Sama "I feel blessed", "Oh Lord, you are so generous". Penance Sama then exclaimed "But it'll be different from now on, thou canst not leave the academy. I also will add another Avatar to stay here, Stein thou will partner again with Momo... and Robin, use thou clairvoyance to search for Asura.". He turned towards Aizen... "Thou'll live as a normal soldier... be ready to kill when I sendst thou on a mission. Thou art all dismissed.". Everyone walked out... until Sei heard Penance Sama "Sei wait...", meanwhile outside... in Hoshi City All the Soldiers were playing basket ball! Zolo ran up to Yui, "Hey Yui! We're starting!". She jumped up excitedly and ran over, Fusagi suddenly hit Zolo! "Syd sensei said, she should rest! (Besides she doesn't know how to play...)". Zolo answered "We don't have a choice, since Touka suddenly couldn't come.", Chiba replied "She said, she didn't want to break her nails. But I think it was just a excuse... She just went shopping instead.". Seirro leered "Heheheh! Just playing basketball's no fun! Why don't we punish the losing captain too?", Chiba looked freaked "!!!". Zolo leered "Oh!!! Good suggestion!!! I accept!!!", Seirro explained "If we lose... we'll let you move all Chiba's paintings by 2 cm.". Chiba shouted!!! "YOU... YOU CAN'T!!!", Zolo leered "Then if we lose, we'll make Yui put on a frilly dress, then go talk to the pedo!". Fusagi yelled "EEEEEEH!? Why!!? I thought you were the captain!?", Zolo started crying "I was, but since I dragged her out... I have to let her be captain! Even though I REALLY want to!". The teens started playing... Meanwhile Stein and Momo were watching "So these are Hoshi city kids?" she smiled, Stein answered "Yes, and starting tomorrow... they're your students.". Momo smiled happily "Alright! Let's work to my fullest! Oh... I don't have a place to stay... Until I can find one, can stay in your lab? It's pretty big...", Stein answered "I don't mind. But don't blame me if you get dissected...". Sei walked up to them... Stein noticed his friend coming behind them... "!! I really envy those kids, they have no worries...", Sei answered "That's not true... their just trying their best, to forget that place. And return to their daily lives.". Seirro smiled "24 to 4, Yui's team lost!", Seirro, Zolo and Mira sung "Punishment♪ Punishment♪". Sei started to walk away, when he heard footsteps... he turned to see Yui in a (kind of revealing!) Frilly dress!!! "Sei... what do think? How do I look?" she asked, fidgeting. Sei felt a imact hit body! "Just before, I thought I would be transfered out... I never thought this would happen!", he turned toward a tree and vomited!!! Yui watched in surprise!!! "Sei!!! are you OK!!?". Sei turned towards her as tears streamed down his face! "I'm just too happy...". Yui ran "I'll get some stomach medicine!!!", Sei smiled "It's okay, I'm fine...". Stein watched him... "Something I'll never understand, being such a creep that, you'll throw up upon seeing a flat little girl...".
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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