A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
The Kami kidnapping Incident D:
SEIRRO GLARES AS HE AND TOUKA FLOAT DOWN A STREET "Shit...", Touka apologized "Sorry Seirro, I should of payed attention, instead leaving her by herself...". He answred "Don't apologize, I was a idiot too, for assuming that was you in that creepy costume... why the hell would you even wear that?", he thought out loud "I hope nothing went wrong, I have this strange feeling in my chest... when Aojeremiah talked about Fusagi's past, he said we'd soon regret having her... Let's just go back to the judgment for now, I hope she went back there safely...". Meanwhile Yui shouts "What do you mean you can't fix the judgement!? Aren't you the best mechanics in the world?!!!", Tatsumi answers "Your ship can't be repaired nomatter what... It's a miracle you're here...". Mira yells "What do you mean? What's wrong with the judgement!?", Kasanoba answers "Do you know what keel is, Shameless girl?". Mira jumps "It's on the bottom of the ship...". He replies "Correct. It's the support that goes from the head to the tail of the ship, It's the most important part of the entire ship! When break the goddamned keel, you've broke the the head, tail, spine, ribs and pillar!!!! It's common sense to NOT BREAK THE THING YOU'RE TRAVELLING IN!!!!", he sighs... then calmly finishes "Thus no 1 can repair your ship...". Yui yells "Then... then repair the ship from the start! Remake judgement from the start!", the pidgeon explains "That's impossible, we can't use the same material you had to make the thing in england, even if we tried, it wouldn't fix the ship, the thing'll fall apart...". Miya asks "So then... you're saying the judegement will never sail again?", Tatsumi answers "Yes, either let it sink naturally or tear it apart to make go karts: it'll be fun as heck!". Iceberg smiles "Nma, you can use this chance to buy a brand new ship. You have the money for it, yeah? I heard of your ship's caliber, it's a very old model. The sea is very rough around here, even if you didn't murder your ship.", Yui yells "No... I don't want a new ship! Our ship is the judgement! Our friends will be mad if we don't repair the ship they made for us! I don't believe you! You have no idea how strong our ship is!". Iceberg pets T-rex "The you can sink in that ship... bitch, do you call yourself a captain?", Yui looks surprised as he walks away "That's enough talk for today, think about it! When you want to buy a new ship, with those $300 millions you can afford the best ship we can make. Haruhi.". She walks behind him "Yes sir.", she hands a catalogue to the soldiers "Please reconsider. This has everything from 2nd hand ships to the newest in production...". They suddenly hear a muscular, shirtless man, convered in tattoos "Mr Iceberg, the representatives of the government are here again, should I tell them to leave?", Iceberg turns toward him "Nma... tell them I'm not here.". He streas at his hair "Also... did you comb your hair after your nap Nakazawa?", Nakazawa presses his pointed hair down"Excuse me...". Iceberg freaks as it comes out his nose?!!! "I'll tell them suck a dick, yes that's what I'll do...", the agents walk around the corner "Hold on Iceberg, nfunfunfunfunfunfu.... I knew you would be here!". Iceberg turns toward him "Nma, long time no see Kougii! Sorry but, I'm not here today.", Kougii freaked "What the fuck? ...I rode a long time to get here, don't kick me out yet!". Meanwhile the soldiers walked away... Yui glared as she held the suitcase "? It's light...", Mira nervously laughs "What? Don't joke around! There's $1 million dollars in there. How can it be light?". They both scream "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!", Kasanoda runs to them "WTF!!!? You're screaming!!!? SHAMELESS GIRL! WHY DO YOU SIT LIKE THAT!!!?". Yui freaks "$200 million dollars!", Mira finishes "GONE!!! If you look closely, these aren't even are suitcases!!!". The pidgeon yells "What!!!? Don't scream!", Nakagawa looks at the soldiers "So noisy...", he turns toward Tatsumi "Hey Tatsumi, did you see the Frank family earlier?". He answers "No... I haven't seen them at all today...", Nakazawa answers "They had a boring looking kid with them, he was dressed nice and had a creepy skull themed tie on.", Mira freaked "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!!! HE'S WITH THE FRANKYS!!!?". He turns toward her "More precisely, they're carrying him.", she yells "KIDNAPPED!!!!? WHY THE FUCK YOU DIDNT DO ANYTHING!!!!?". She turns toward Yui! "YUI GO FIND HER!", her BFF rushed away! Mira then asks "Hey where do the Frankys live?", Kasanoda "Their base? Go northeast from where you docked, you'll see Franky house.". Mira flies around the city, then feels a faint energy!!! She drops into a middle of a crowd! "CHIBA!!!". She kneels by him "CHIBA WAKE UP! I's okay you'll be fine! ", a man asks "Did you drop out of the sky?. She shouts "SHUT UP!!! THE FUCK YOU'RE LOOKING AT!!!!?", she uses "Soul Star" "Did the Franky's do this to you?!!!". Chiba answers "Yes... I'm so useless... They caught me while I was... in pain... I saw a shorter... canon... I'm sorry everyone... we were finally going to fix the judgement...", he started crying "I lost the money... I'm so useless... I'm sorry I'm so useless...". Mira glares "It'll be fine, Chiba... We will defenitly get our money back!!!". She flew away "Wait there Chiba, don't worry about the money!", the demon girl flies toward the judgment! Meanwhile Kirik told the soldiers what Tatsumi said "They can't repair it? Even if we pay them?" Touka asks. Seirro adds "...you sure he wasn't exaggerating? The ship looks as good as it did when we left.". Kirik answers "That is probably why it's broken. A person get's stronger with wounds, but... for a ship, it justs stacks up and get's worse...", they suddenly hear Mira "Everyone!". Seirro looks over the edge "Huh? Why is she alone?", he yells "Mira!!! Did something happen?!!", meanwhile as she explains . Inside the Franky house "$200 million!!!? $200 million!!!?" the boss freaks, his team happily says "What do you think bro?", "When we got a little, we bet it in a Yagara race, we lost every penny!", "We went from having almost nothing, to getting the whole $200 million in a instant!". Their boss exclaimed "You guys did an amazing job!" he hands over a stack "This is not much but, these $5 million, take it! EAT! DRINK! SPEND IT HOWEVER YOU WANT!", He throws the money into the crew! The door suddenly explodes!!!! "What was that!!!?", "Who dare attacks the Frankys!!!?", Chiba glares at the crew "...The money... GIVE IT BACK...". Their boss asks "Give the money back to you? So you're 1 of the judgement crew?", a punk answers "That's right bro, he's with Karis Ai, Yui! I thought he was strong but, he has a SERIOUS thi... ahahahahahahaha!!!!". Chiba charges "Buzz off!", the boss dodges easily "I can't give the money back to you...", Chiba stands up "GIVE IT BACK, WE NEED IT TO REPAIR OUR SHIP! IT'S VERY IMPORTANT! THE MONEY'S FOR REPAIRING OUR SHIP, WE CAN'T GET HOME WITHOUT IT!". The boss laughed "Calm down... Hahahaha! Your ship's very important to you, eh? Too bad the goverment don't trust outsiders, if you don't like it us stealing the money, go to the police! You'll have this "looked into". He finished "Too bad Karis Ai Yui has a worthless crew, who can't even keep mney in their hands!", he kicks Chiba! Then walks away... The shinigami uses "Soul Star!!!", the boss turns "Oh yeah... See my hands, the middle finger on my left hand's shorter than my right!", he holds his hands up "See I kinda ha d a birth defect...". Chiba freaks as the crew beats him!!! Meanwhile Mira thought as she guarded the judgment "I'll wait to see if Fusagi comes back, I'll be burden if I anyways, without mastering my powers... Please becareful everyone!", meanwhile the others searched for Fusagi... they found the area Chiba was left at... Then ran into Yui! She told them what happened, "We know! Let's hurry! He must've left to get the money back!". They all suddenly felt his energy! The soldiers flew to his body... "Is he still breathing... Touka?...", "He's alive... he's still conscious. He'll be okay...", "Wait here for a little bit, Chiba.". They marched to the Franky house "Let's cause trouble in that house... then send it flying, with a kick!" Yui said.
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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