MASHIRO LEERS AS MIDORI ANNOUNCED "The winner is Mashiro!!!", she then throws Tenten!!! Yui catches the unconcious girl!!! "Mashiro, you could've killed her if you throw her while unsconcious!", Mashiro replies "Sorry! I'm EXCITED TO WIN!!! Now I can show off my SUPERHERO SKILLS!!!". Yui smiles "Awesome, when we go out, I'lll be waiting!", everyone prepares for the next fight... Meanwhile Cirris watches his girlfriend carry Tenten to the stands "Shit... I knew it, as soon as I start dating, now I see another girl I'm sure would get along with me, and wears a skin tight bodysuit!!!" he thought until... "Don't lose Cirris!" Touka suddenly says, Cirris jumps "You're OK!?". He looks at her "They said you didn't need to be healed... sorry s...", Touka leers "It's alright! You should worry about yourself, it'll suck if you lose in front of your girl!". She smiles warmly... "If it wasn't for Yui's giant mouth... I'd never snap out of Yourichi's control... You have a nice girl... hold on to her..." she says as she rubs his back... The teen suddenly stops "What the fuck am I doing?!!! 1st I turn my boyfriend's ass green, then start being super nice to Yui's!!!? Before this me and Yourichi were warming a little too much... What the fuck?!!". Midori then says "Next is..." the scoreboard shows: SEIRRO VS KIN, Seirro sighed "Man this sucks: I always have to fight the big tittied girls, my ass is green and if Touka sees it'll be the end of it, damn... if Kin sees, she ain't going to want my ass either...". Kin replied "No, I don't want your green ass... Why the fuck's it's green???", Midori then interrupted "Begin!!!". Seirro uses "Shadow Jambè!!!" his shadow stretches to the ninja from the fire glowing off his legs... Kin ran "1 trick pony... I heard you use that earlier!!!" she throws needles at the teen! Seirro dodged, then heard a tinkling "Bells? That's old trick, you use that to distract me, then I turn and don't notice when you throw another, right?", Kin leers "You flap your ass too much!". Seirro hears the bells again?!!! "The hell?!!" He turns to see them moving themselves?? "Dammit... I didn't feel her ki before...", he turns "Telekinesis?!!!". She throws two needles into his shoulders!!! The other suddenly shot into his back too!!! Seirro fell... Kin leers as Touka yells "Seirro!", the ninja prepares to walk to him "You won't fight, and your technique..." she notices her legs frozen!!!? "The fuck?". Seirro stood "Looks like the Shadow Jambè finally worked!", Kin looks down "I don't see your shadow!!!". Seirro explains "It moved uder the needles, bells and touched your shadow, you didn't notice as long as the flames were turned on, my shadow expanded!", he points to her "Now we'll do the exact same movements!!!". Seirro suddenly fires a ki blast!!! "WTF!????? The hell's wrong with you?!! We'll both be hurt at this range!!!" Kin yells, Seirro answers "We'll hafta see who can take the most damage...". They both stare as the blasts came close, Kin tries to dodge, but hits the wall!!!? Seirro stood up from his crabwalk "1 down!", he then says "We'll do the same movements, but I knew you'd forget your against the wall. That's why I decided to throw ki!!!", Touka and Zolo cheer for their friend! "Yeah Seirro♡!!!", "Almost as fast as I'd done it!!!". Midori then announced "Time to see who's next..." the scoreboard shows: CIRRIS VS KIBA. Cirris thought "Hell... Fucking shit... Dammit...", Kiba cheered "Surete!!! This'll be easy Akumaru!!!". Yui cheers to Cirris as he goes to the arena "Syrup, you can do it♪ Yay!!!", Midori announces as both soldiers stand in the arena "This match will be between Cirris and Kiba". He sees Cirris sighing at Kiba cheering "Hyahahahahaha! This'll be a easy win! He's the weakling from Nottingham, let's go Akumaru!!!", Midori announces "I see that skeptical face, Dogs are like ninja tools, it's legit!". Kiba leers "I won't need him, stay Akumaru...", Midori then says "Begin!!!". Kiba used "Ninpou No Jutsu!!!!", and elbows Cirris into the wall!!! Soldiers from every academy snicker or laugh as the weakling's seemingly out from one hit??? Yui yells "Come on Syrup, you can't lose here! Not to a dog!", Cirris stood up... Kiba leers "Your covered in blood, and you STILL think you can fight? Sorry, I gotta shame ya in front of that little bitch! C'mon Akumaru!!!" They both run at him!!! Then throw a smokebomb!!! Cirris tries to sense his soul, but is bitten by Akumaru!!! Kiba cheers "Get 'em boy!!!" as they fell into the smoke... It clears to show Cirris holding his arm and Akumaru wagging his tail!!! "Good boy, who's a good boy!!!?" Kiba cheered as his dog ran to him, then bit his arm!!!? "Akumaru!!?" The clone turns back into Cirris's shadow clone!!!? Cirris stood up revealing he caught the puppydog!!! Seirro leers "Oh shit... Weakling's learned some crap...". Yui cheers "Awesome!!! Go Syrup!!! I believe i you!!! Beat 'em♪", Lin thought "All that training babygirl spent on Cirris paid off: he learned Shadowclone and Henge No Jutsu, when he only knew Soul Star...". Kiba glared "You fucking villain, I won't play around anymore!", Cirris thought "Dear God, PLEASE let him faint, or I go unconscious before that dog bites me, or I lose in front of Yui!". Kiba then threw Flafla into Akamaru's mouth!!!? "Here ya go!", the dog shook violently and growled, Cirris let's go of the dog as it turns bigger and it's fur turns red!!!? Kiba leers "That's why he's Akumaru!" and pops some in his mouth too!? The weakling turns toward Midori, the narrator says "It's okay... it's like a stimulant. Pills are a ninja tool too!". Cirris turns back toward Kiba to see Akumaru turn into Kiba?!!! "Beast Human Bunshin!!!". They jump at the weakling, he uses Soul Star to deflect the hit!!! Cirris tried to run "Fuck, why the fucking hell he can take drugs to fight?!!! I can't get away from him!!!", he turns to see Kiba leering "A opening!!!", then uses "PIERCING FANG!!!". Cirris slams into the floor!!! He tries to get up... Yui thought as she watched "He can do it... Cirris is very private and silent... but I know he loves attention, he holds back too, because he knows not everyone can love him, or would agree with him... But now, he knows everyone's cheering for him, he knows I'm cheering for him and he can't lose! Everyone's acknowledging him!!!", Cirris stood "I... won't give up...". Kiba leered "Hey, why don't give it a rest!!!". He charged to him "You heard what he said, Akamaru? Weakling's voice to fucking low!!!", they used "PIERCING FANG!!!" knocking Cirris back again!!! "I can't dodge it... If I wasn't defending with Soul Star... he'd knocked me out by now... If I could hit him once, then it'll be over..." the man thought, Kiba slinshots "It's not ever yet!!!! Cirris then looks happy "I know...", he uses "Hange No justu" and turns Kiba's clone? Kiba and Akamaru stop "???!". Mira then asks "Why'd he transform? Surely every soldier can sense wavelengths? Unless Kiba's Goddamned retarded, Cirris must know that!". Kiba leered "So that's your plan, but... I'll warn you about something, I wasn't focusing before but... When used Henge No Jutsu, I noticed you because of...", he headbutts the other "Kiba"!!! "You smell... Don't underestimate the power of our noses, boy!". He stares at the clone still lying on the ground "Heh, I won!", it turns into Akamaru!!!? Kiba cried "Akamaru!!!?", he turns around and hit the other "Kiba"!!! It turns to Akamaru too?!!! "What?", Kiba turns to see Cirris's Soul hit him!!! He flies back, and slid next to Akamaru... knocked out by his owner... "Crap...". Cirris stood erect as Kiba glares... Mira smiles "I see, he turned to Akamaru when he was hit, and let him knock out his puppydog too!!!", Kiba fires many kiblasts!!! "I don't what the fucks up with your creepy shit, but I won't let you even breathe!!!!". Cirris tries to fend the many blasts off, when Kiba runs behind him... "Too slow, eat this!!!". The weakling uses Soul Star once more, hitting Kiba's teeth!!! The ninja writhes "Fuck... You know badly it hurst... to have your fangs bENT BACK INTO YOUR GUMS!!!?", Yui yell"Fight!!! We'll heal him later!!!". Cirris uses "Kage Bushin No Jutsu!!!", he kicks Kiba into his clones, the clones kick him upward!!! He flew over Kiba and dropkicks him through the ground!!! Midori stares at the unconscious ninja "Kiba's unable (cough) to move, Cirris's the winner... Yui cheers "Ooooh!!! Yeah, awesome Cirris!♪", Mira smiles "The shit!!!? Yui did pretty good!", Touka leers "That was great!!!", Seirro smirks "That nigger beat Kiba?!". Cirris walks back up into the stands "Syrup!!!" he turns to see Yui!!! "Let me heal you!♪". She puts her pink wing soul into his body, they blush as he heals... Midori then says "Cirris's disqualified from this contest, and Kiba will be a fighter in the next mission..." everyone looks surprised as he explained "He used Soul Star too much, the technique kills soldiers who over rely on the power. He'll be a spy, and Kiba will fight as he actually knows energy techniques...". Yui yells "That's not fair to Cirris!!! He's a Soul Star prodigy like me!!!", Midori replied "He can't use it like he did now, during the mission, if he's hurt or uses too many times, he'll be useless when he dies and we're using the boy!". He then sighs... "Now the next match'll be... The scoreboard shows:GARRA VS YUI!!!! Garra teleports to the arena, Yui holds Cirris cheering "Watch me Syrup, I'm gonna beat 'em!!!", she flips to the arena!!! "To face you this early, I couldn't be happier!!!". Gaara fires the cork off his guard, Yui caught it!!!? "You dropped... OMG!!! Sorry!" she says as she realized she crushed it in her hand!!! Midori smiles then says "This match is only exabition match: Yui lost her powers, but will show off why she's the top Nottingham soldier, despite also being in the same academy as Zolo... Begin!!!". Yui rushes Garaa!!! Sand blocks her attack, she keeps running circles trying hit the boy... Fatashi thought "No body ever touched him before... the sand's supposedly moving by itself...", he sees her flipping away as it tries to grab the soldier!!! Mira looks upset "I wish she could use her powers, it's sad she doesn't even attempt to...", Lin sighs "When she used "Princess" her body lost most of her abilities trying to control something so powerful... so I taught her Taigetsu... So she could fight...", Mira sighed "Why did she even want to try this? It'll be horrible if she ever got hit by anybody...". Yui backflips up on a statue of hands using a jutsu, "Babygirl, take 'em off!!!" Lin cheers. Yui looks confused "But isn't only for protecting people when I have no choice?!!", her daddy smiles "I'll allow it!!!". Yui takes off her gloves and shoes... "Training gloves??? That's just fucking dangerous..." Seirro said, Mira looks at her "She's gonna fight without her clothes?", Fusagi stares "Her clothes held her back?", Seirro sighed "So lame, even if she has training gloves, they couldn't be that much.", Zolo leered "That woman wouldn't be stronger than me, even if they were 10'000'000 lbs!!!", Anatasia glares "Droppin a little wait isn't goi...", Yui drops her gloves and shoes, they break through the floor!!!!? Everyone shits themselves "Now she's a Taijutsu master!!!" Lin smiles!!! Mira freaks "She's been wearing weights..." Fusagi finished "...For all these years!!! This whole time!!!?". Yui cheers "Boyfriend, watch this!!!", she rushes behind Garaa. The girl nearly punches through the sand, she speed around him as the sand tries to block her from hitting him!!! Fusagi freaks "How... does she...", Lin replied "She's practiced hard every day since then, the training drees, gloves and shoes helped when she converted energy to strength!!!". Yui dropkicks Garaa nearly breaking his neck!!! He glares at her, as she looks worried "Are you alright!?". Lin cheers "Yui, explode!!!", "Yes sir!!!" she says, then vanishes!!! Garaa turns as he tries to see her, "Over here!!!" she says as she knocks him far away!!! Garaa stood back up... he has a creepy smile on his face... Konkouro walks by Cirris "Damn... it's bad... I never seen Garaa like this! She broke his Shield and armour of sand... and he has to do the armour willingly which uses up Chakra... he's in a bad position... but he'll still kill her!!!". Cirris prays as Yui stares at Garaa smiling at her... "He's have a sand shield and amours covering him... It'll be harder to hit him... I'll have to use "it".", she looks at Lin... he smiles... Yui shook her pigtails loose... Garaa leers "Hurry, come at me!!!", she kicks him up!!!? "As you wish!!!", she keeps kicking him up pushing him higher until she winced, Lin prays as Yui then grabs him!!! "INITIAL LOTUS!!!".
She slams Garaa through the ground!!! Everyone shits themselves until they notice... Garaa left the sand armour!!!? He rised behind the soldier "Heheheheheh!!!", Yui turns... as he fires a wall of sand at her!!! Yui's slammed into the wall with enough force to shatter it!!! Mira freaks "Why doesn't Yui move!!!?", Sei replied "She can't, right now she's feeling so much pain she can't even dodge the attack...". Yui tries to dodge but is hit until she notices Cirris staring in terror... She dodged the wave the sand... "Thanks... Thanks to seeing you, I can move again...", Lin leers "It's time!". Yui stares at her opponent... Garaa glared "You're finished...", she smiles "Either way, it's over!". Sei turns toward Lin ""It's time" for what, you homo!!!?", Lin replies "For Yui to release the 8 Celestial gates...". Sei glares "How could you teach that to such a innocent sweet girl!!!? You should tied to a boulder and thrown into the pacific!!!", Mira look terrified "What's the 8 Celestial gates?!!", Sei answers "It's a technique that forcibly makes you use all the strength within you, Yui moved because she opened the gate of healing...". He turns "There's a: Intial gate, Heal Gate, Life Gate, Harm Gate, Limit Gate, View Gate, Wonder Gate and Death Gate!!! These are known as the 8 Gates!!!". Lin adds "Babygirl opened 2 gates, from here she'll open the Life Gate and enter Extreme Lotus!", Mira freaks "No way, she took so much damage... she'll...". Sei answers "Yes this technique is a double edged sword it'll fuck your ass up... but you'll surpass even Kami for a short period of time... after that, you'lll definitely... die!"
To Be Continued... :#
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