A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
WEEKS AFTER THE SHIPPUDEN ARC, NOTTINGHAM GOT A MISSION FROM SOUL HOSHI SAITAMA. THE CREATURES LURKING THERE: VAMPIRES, HAVE EVOLVED ALOT, AND NOW DRAIN BLOOD, INSIDES AND EAT THE SOULS OF ALL VICTIMS THEY CAPTURE... THE SOLDIERS ARE ALMOST ALL SENT TO SPY, THEY WAIT UNTIL THE PERFECT TIME TO FIGHT, AS THE VAMPS TOO, HAVE THEIR OWN ACADEMY AND BUSINESSES... AND HAVE EVOLVED TO USE SOUL STAR MUCH BETTER THAN ANY HUMAN BEING. THE NOTTINGHAM SOLDIERS NOW WAIT UNTIL THEY RECIEVE A AVATAR'S SIGNAL TO ATTACK!!! CIRRIS AND SEIRRO NOW LISTEN TO A NEWS REPORT IN A COFFESS SHOP... "On the 28th, remains of a man's body was found on a street of the Takeda builing. Fluid from what is thought to be a Vampire, was left at the scene... Specialists are saying this is work of a "eater" type... though every vampire eats blood... maybe the eat it congeled, or maybe frozen? Today we ask dr Ogura, a researcher that studies "eater" types.". Seirro sighs "That's a stupid looking guy... but... forget him. We have to go over the mission....", he turns back around toward Cirris "We're using Touka's old work place to spy... Don't screw up the plan...". Cirris replies "I can't... I don't even want to fight a monster that'll "drink" my whole body...", Seirro leered "Stop being a pussy, everybody else's ready... Except...". He looks at Touka... "She isn't happy being back here... But as soon as we get the okay, it should be easy to fight 'em!", Seirro then turns toward him once again... "Now, you have a guide to help you find the Vamp here to catch. When she comes, all you need to really do is listen and respond... And speak up man...". Cirris sighs "I will...", Seirro then says "And don't fuck this up, we'll all be eaten if you mess anything up...", he then sees his guide come in the coffee shop... "There she is... don't screw up, and don't stare at her awesome tits either...". He gets up and signals to her... Rize sits in front of the man "Hello... are you Cirris... Michaels?". Cirris replied "Yeah... I'm the spy of Nottingham.", Rize smiles "Perfect, I'm sure me and you will get along well!". DAYS LATER... "You've been getting along with her?" Seirro asked, Cirris replies "Yeah... She acts kinda like ...Yui... She even LIKES when I stare at her breast...". Seirro stares "I wanna date her too!", Cirris jumps "We're not! It's just... I think she assumes I'm younger than what I am... She thinks I can't control my penis, meanwhile... she doesn't know I'm a perv...". Seirro leers "Awesome man, ya'll should be finding a lead... but if you can't: landing Rize'll be better than Ms Board!", that night... Cirris and Rize walk by the Takada building street "I'm so scared walking down this street by myself... I'm glad you're here now, Cirris♪" the woman giggles. Cirris smiles "I'm happy I can help! ...But, I'm a Mage, I couldn't fight a vampire off us...". Rize smiles "I know you could... You have many abilities, thanks to your training right? Surely if you fight, you'll be able to save both of us!", the weakling smiled "I'll try it... but I don't know if I could save us... I could make a distraction...". She stops walking "Cirris, you should believe in your power... I know I've felt protected with you... I know I'm safe with you...", she suddenly hugs him???! "Cirris♡ Truth is... I know, that you liked my breast, my eyes... me... and I too was watching you!!!"!!! She bit Cirris's shoulder!!!? He fell back as she walks slowly to the man "Oh... are you okay? You know my favorite thing about you, and every other guy I trapped? When I rip out A~~ll their entrails♪", she takes off her bow and glasses "No matter how many times I do that... It always makes me shudder!!!". Cirris starts to crawl back as she bent "That expression is quite exquisite, it never accured to you idiots... That your guide, your contact might be a..." her claw shaped soul flourished!!! Long claws stretch from her spine and hands as her eyes turn completely black... "Vampire!!!". Cirris tries to run, when she easily picks him up!!! "Got you♡!!!", Cirris uses "Soul Star!!!". She giggles "Awww, you can't fight me.... You're the weak soldier, right? I love a little fight though, too bad you're not a vamp too: maybe we coulda fought a little before I sucked your dick off...", Metal beams suddenly fell from the sky??!!! People rushed to the two... "Is that person, under those beams?!!!", "This black's out too!!! Call911!!!", I'm not the protagonist of a novel or anything, I'm a nigga who loves girls... But, if for argument's sake, you were to write a story with me in the lead role... It would certainly be a..." Cirris wakes in his hospital bed, revealing his human and Vampire eye!!!? "Tragedy ". Days later... The Dr who "helped" Cirris, sat in a conference room "You performed it without the girl's parent's consent??!", "How do you feel about letting a perfectly sexy woman, die!!!?". The dr answered "I'm suppose to save the lives present in front of me... She was considered dead on site, I simply took what I could use, and saved that "blackey" that still draws air!", meanwhile Cirris walks to the bathroom "Since then... that night seems unreal... but...", he looks at his stomach and chest... "This scratch's real... It's the only sign I have that happened... besides my memory...". Dr Kanou suddenly walks by him... "Hello Mr Michaels, how is everything?", Cirris answered "It's OK...". He then shook "You sure... Because I asked the nurse... and she said you HATED THE food!!!", Cirris smiles "It's alright, I just hate meat... it's too strong for me...". That night, the nurse brought him a tray of food... Cirris ate some "Shit... it's like eating motor oil...", the nurse noticed him holding his mouth... "You don't like tofu?", she ate some of it... "It's delecious, you stop being so picky, jerk!!!". Cirris sighed "I'm sorry...", he thought as she left "It's not just it... soup's like blood... Salad's like tree leaves... And juice's like plaque...". Later Cirris's discharged from the hospital... he gets a text "SAW U R OUWT OV THE HSPTL, LETS MEAT AT BIGURL." Cirris stares "Shit... We just got cellphones... I'm still not used to using these things...", later at the restaruant Seirro and Cirris sat at a table. Seirro spoke as the waitresses...sss...sss got their orders "You got screwed over on a spy mission... only you... At least we gotta excuse to come here: I'm kinda tired of skinny ass girls all the time: (Touka...) So, I used the chance to be around American girls! Betcha missed their huge ass bodies!?", Cirris thought as he looks around "I did alot... But it's still not fair that I only see this after I started dating! I wish she wasn't hurt now...". He stares at a girl's thighs as she delivers their food... slober drips from his mouth... Seirro scares him!!! "Oi!!! Are ya listening?!!! I know ya didn't eat much in the hospital, but try to control yourself...", Cirris thought as they bought the food "It wasn't that... I'm not hungry, I haven't been at all... I can only assume I wanted to eat her cunt out, or to fuck her brains out... But... this feeling's too strong...". Later a little girl rolls a ball to him... he gives it to her... "Thanks Mr!", Cirris sniffs, then pulls his hood over his face... "Now I know... I'm turning to a pedophile... she smells so freaking good...". Later he tried to eat the food given to him in his paid for apartment... nothing tasted good... Cirris finally goes outside and tries to clear his head... "What's wrong with my taste... Nothing tastes good period, ...I couldn't be pregnant... right? No, I couldn't be... a", he's interrupted by a oldman, trying to molest Touka!!!? "That's a nice body you got there... how b'bout we have some fun?", she pacifily answers "Let me go...". Cirris thought "She can kill him... I don't have to help... but... she DOES have nice thighs... and a slender torso... ƒűľļ őƒ iňşiďěş!!!", the oldman noticed Cirris "Hey, what ya starin' at?!!! Get the hell back, nigger!!!". He noticed Cirris's black eye!!! "Disgusting!!! Get away from me, you MONSTER!!!", Touka sliced his head in half "I didn't mean to try to kill him... I wasn't even hungry... I guess I'll hafta now...". She looks at Cirris "Why the fuck you wandering in the streets? We're..." she notices his black eye, with a creepy red glow... "You turned into a vampire!!!?". Cirris looks terrified!!! "I'm... a vampire!!!?", Touka sighed upset ""I'm a vampire"!!!? You don't hafta be a ass about this, it's fun when...". Cirris ran... she sighed "He's probably thinking "I'm a monster, I should hide before I'm overcome with the inane bloodlust!!!" It's not that horrible... Jeez, you'd think I was a creep instead of their friends for years..." she sucks the dismembered oldman's arm dry... Meanwhile Cirris ran back to his apartment... he could smell everyone he passed by... "Child... Young man, young woman... woman... girl... meat... meat... meat... man... meat... woman... meat... meat... meat! meat!!!", a woman noticed him biting his fingers!!! "Hey, that guy...", her boyfriend shouts "Don't look, whore!!! Dammit..." he turns toward him "Damn... you want that guy to get us?!!! Nigga must have something wrong upstairs". Cirris ran to a public bathroom... he stares at himself in the mirror "What is this? Why me!!!?", the mirror cracks from his soulwavelength!!! "The hell is this?!!!". Cirris looks scared... "The fuck? How did I do that? I scratched myself up..." his body automatically heals... Cirris then smiles "Wait!!!! I know what I could do!!!", he goes back to his apartment... "If they transplanted Rize's parts into me... then I'll stab myself and injure her... shit, what the fuck they put in my body?!!!". Cirris fell on his apartment floor... "What do I do... Even if I hurt myself, I couldn't snatch the part out... My Houtentai's accepting her too... I'm being tortured by this ungodly hunger, and I can't satisfy it... There is one way... but if I did that... I couldn't be human anymore... But...", he cries... "What else can I do!!!?". Later Cirris came to Touka... "I... I can't stand it... please... help me...", Touka glares "No... you think it's oh so fucking horrible to be a vamp!!! Tell me, what does cake really taste like? It taste like sugared loaf to me... I can't love anything as much you humans do... How is it like not being hunted by anyone, your days not spent in fear from the Vampire Investigation Department, or other vamps gone inside!!! So tell me... What about being a vampire is so terrible, since I've been born... Go off and die you...", a oldman man suddenly sneaks behind them "Touka chan!". She turns "That's enough for now...", she replies "Boss...". He stared at the man "It must've been hard...", he opens the cafe door "Please come...". Cirris follows him "I appreciate his help... but that sounded gay... seriously, read it again... as a gay bear...", Touka yells "But, he says Vampires are soooo horrible!". The boss replied "He's a vampire... and giving aid to fellow vampires is our policy, right Touka chan?". They go under the cafe... and walk to many giant refrigerators.... The boss reaches in one of them "Let's give you 1 package now... Come back when you need to, there's no need to be shy...". He tosses a folded package to the man... Cirris stares in terror at it "Am I really gong to eat human?". He looks at the boss "Thank you..." then leaves... Touka sighs "Why did you help him, boss?". He smiles "Touka chan, I wonder... do you know the detail of the accident on the news?", she replies "No...". The boss smirked "The start was... 2 people were trapped under a pile of construction beams... 1 of them, a girl, was killed instantly. The other 1, a yound man, was near death... and needed a organ transplant. So the surgeon decided on his own, to use the organs from the girl... Those organs, seem to belong to Rize Chan...". Touka looks surprised "She's dead?", he glares "Yes, even with a vampire's undead abilities... She can't get away from too heavy of a attack... weight??? Thus, if her organs were used... theres a human with her organs in him...". Touka answers "He ate her!!!?", the boss sighs... "They transplanted them... Touka chan... THEY TRANSPLANTED THE EYE!!!".
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Happy Halloween Finale!

First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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