Continued... :#
TEN DAYS EARLIER... YAMORI LEADS CIRRIS UP DARK STAIRS, CIRRIS THEN ASK "Wh... what will I do?", Yamori leers "Nothing big, just listen closely to what I have to say...". Cirris thought as they walk into a room "There's something only I could do? I wonder why he picked me out of every...", he suddenly sees a deadman tied to a chair, in the checkered floor room... Cirris thought "He's dea...", Yamori interrupts "Welcome to my room. That's for screwing up.". He pulled out a needle "You know what this is? It's a RC suppressant fluid, used in the surgery and dissection of vampires, specifically made by the CCV's medical department. When this liquid enters the vamp's body, the activity of the vamp's RC cells, will be inhibited.". He rubs it up close to his face "Their body losses resistence, and a scalpel will easily slice through, like a human.", he walks forward "But a regular needle can't pierce a vamp, can you guess where the injection is made?". Cirris replied "No... where?", Yamori leers "No idea?". He spun and quickly stabs!!! "A mucous membrane!!! Even vampires, hae this weakness!!!". Cirris yelled "Aaaaah!!!", as he thought "It feels as if lava flowed in my eye... He stabbed me in the corner of my eye, imagine the worst case scenario, then you'll see it's much worse... I saw afterward... Yamori wanted me to satisfy his sick pleasure... He use tools... pincers, large pliers, forks... Much too easily twisted my body... and tore me apart... He's periodically tell me to "Count backwards by 7s, from 1000", I didn't get the meaning of this at first... but realized, it was to keep me awake, and keeping my mind busy, distracted me from the pain. Now with the vampire part of me suppressed, what felt pain was the "human" part of me...The agony was enough to drive someone insane... Yamori would force feed me, when the drug wore off, then leave until my toes and teeth grew back, and return to tear them out again, over and over and over and over and over again... In a constant cycle... Everytime I see my toes regrowing... I got the guilty feeling, that I had become a monster...". Yamori starts howling and laughing maniacally "脨脿芒芒芒谩茫谩茫谩茫脿屑卯钮!!!! 臓艖玫贸玫玫么贸么玫么枚么冒, 脦 褕邪泄钮 葲艖 姆i木暮 魔暮屑5× 脩贸 脦 屑伟艣艌'葲, 铆钮'艧 艣芯 屑暖膵魔 茠疟艅! 脦 膵膬艌'褌3× 脥 模艖钮褌邪 褟械艧i艣钮, 莽脿眉蟼蔚 i茠 葲魔i艣 模眉每 泻墨莽泻艧 钮魔膿 脽没膷姆膿钮, 脧'募暮 j没艧钮 尾猫 脽貌艡膿膹 膬模膩墨艌! 艦艖 陌 膵膩艌'钮· 每毛脿魔, 每毛茫魔 艧臎募茠 膵艖艅钮艡艖暮. 脥 模艖钮褌邪 艡臎艧i艣i钮, 脥 莽脿帽'钮2× 脩螉膶艕.", Cirris looks up "And this vampire... clown... fag... tranny? ??? Whom Yamori called when his excitement peaked", Nico walks in "Coming2×". Cirris glared "...was impaled, to hold himself from destroying the "toy" he went through so much to get...", Nico heals back "Oooh♡ That's something♡...". Cirris finished "Yamori did this instead... Oh God... please let that be me one day...", he looks up "Let's say I knew a secret, and this were to make me talk, then I'd have a little peace of mind... But meaningless torture just for fun... what else is there but despair?". Yamori walks into the room "Hey Cirris Kun♪ Time for another round!", he starts to put on his mask "You know why I came to love hurting people? Do you want to know? Hey!!!", he shakes Cirris's head "Yeah, I thought you wanted to♪". Yamori reminisced excitedly "Back before I was called "Jason", I fucked up and was captured by the interment camp in the 23rd district... because I knew all sorts of things about the 13th district, I wasn't weeded out, and kept alive for information. At that time, there were a buncha clowns gaining power, so that's how things were... There, there was this investigator with a couple of screws loose, on top of being human. Everytime somone is disadvantged in this world, it is because of their lack of ability, the weak are trampled, overrun, violated and afflicted. As long as the harsh life of torture continued, I desperately tried to find a way out... very disperately. I imagined I was the investigator, meting out the torture, I convinced myself, and when I imagined, mysteriously and unclearly, I was unclear if I was the 1 suffering pain or inflicting it... As if the person and I became 1, a strange sense of unity... then 1 day, in a split second chance: our roles reversed... Though it was but a short hour, I felt as if I became human. I will never forget that thrill♡". Yamori walks circles around his tortured victim "The injection and method for torturing vampires, were things I picked up. Nowdays I try to find ways to amuse myself. Both humans and immortal vampires die quickly, but you are good.", Yamori kneels to him "Even among Rinkaku, Rize's is special, that's why it's so delightful, Cirris Kun. I don't know if you realized it, but that regenerative ability is abnormal. It all thanks to the dr's experiment. We knew you'd be a key in our plan, you're Houtentai made you almost exactly like Rize... When Kanou fled the other day, the truth came in plain sight: He's using your gems to make vamps like Rize...". He pulls out a huge centipede "The chinese red head centipede, have you heard of it? It makes one of the lagest centipedes in japan. Growing more than 20cm long!!! I'm going to try putting this guy in your ear, okay♪?", Cirris quickly turns "Please don't... please I don't want to... I don't wa...", (he lets the centipede slither in...)"Aaaaah! Ahhhh! gyaaa,ahhhh!!!". Yamori closes up his eye and earholes with duct tape as Cirris thought "From far away, came the sounds of someone's laughter... it was me." Cirris laughs maniacally as the centipede eats his mind!!!! "...if I went mad like this, how pleasant that would be. God, please kill me...", he finally went numb... "Everyone's faces float through my mind, Banjou and his followers, everyone at Anteiku, my friends in Soul Hoshi... I wonder if Touka and Seirro are alright? I wonder if Yui is alright, she hasn't woken up in weeks... I wanted to not hurt anyone, but rather a person who's hurt...", he suddenly hears "god, that's boring...". He looks up to see Yui!!!? Standing over him?! "Hi Syrup♪!", he shook "Yui?!!!". She holds his face "Syrup, your hair's gone all white...", Cirris replies "How.... are you able??? I...". Yui then asks "Answers, living as someone who's hurt, than to hurt others? Is that how you lived?", her boyfriend replies "Yeah, after I left my house... I lived like this...". She then looks up "What's that?", Cirris looks up to see his old home... "That's where I lived, I am the oldest of four children, and was always looked at as a example for them... but, my dad kept pressuring me, until the point he told me, he always was going to treat me worse, nomatter what...". Yui then asks "What happened afterwards?", Cirris replies "I couldn't stand it, being pressured while everybodyelse could live however they wantd. I would get in trouble whether or not I did wrong, if I played with them, I got in trouble. If I didn't I got in trouble, if I helped, I got in trouble for messing up, when I didn't, they'd be mad I wasn't doing what they were.". Yui turns "That's how you lived for the entire time? Did you make friends back in America, at all?", Cirris looks up at a school play "Yeah, before I was taken out, I made friends and seemed happy... Though I screwed up at this play... I didn't practice my lines! I was making friends... Until my dad thought it was dangerous, and pulled me out at 2nd grade...". He sighs "Me and my sibilings were all homeschooled... so we were around eachother constantly, for years..."... Yui then turns him around "Now we talk about, your mother.". Cirris replies "Mother, she homeschooled me and my siblings kindergarten, to junior high... I got in trouble alot still, since me and them fought alot. I hated how they could easily get away with anything, and how they never accepted anything I tried to do for them or anyone else...", he looks at himself and his mother "I talked to her about my problems, and what happened... but all she said was: it's okay, it's fine! You should love everyone, nothing they or I did mattered... I hated thinking this way, how could you believe you should live, but not care about yourself or others?!!! So I walked away, I packed my clothes and pretended I only left to take a walk... And stowed away on a plane, to England.". Yui smiles "This is close to when we met!!!", Cirris replies "Yeah... I was going to fulfill my dreams there, I was going to try to live happily. But, I saw all the evil and horror of the world... I couldn't stand that people know this happened, and somehow... somehow was alright with it, they didn't care about it... That's when I lost most of myself... All the dreams, personality, feelings I had, I hid them deep inside, and wanted to only help people. That's why I wanted to be a person who was hurt, rather than hurt others...". Cirris looks at himself and the Soul Hoshi Nottingham Soldiers "When I met everyone, I got too comfortable when I assumed I had made friends, when I masturbated that night, all of them thought I wasn't good enough to be with you, and that I woud hurt you... They hated me because they love you, or wanted you to be at full power... I only just now, made friends, only 2 others besides you, wanted to be friends with me, instead of the "me" when I was possessed...". He suddenly hears Rize!!!!? "But, you'll lose your friends if you live that way...", Cirris quickly turns his head "!!!?". She walks away "Look, "the Master" is coming...", Cirris hears Yamori walk into the room "Hey Cirris Kun♪! I noticed something, in the past few days, you seem to be very strong physically, but I never noticed how much mentaly... so...". He tore off the duct tape!!! "I need you to choose! The Mother or Child!!!?", Cirris looks up to see, the mother and Kotou tied in bags!!! Yamori laughs "CHHHOOOOOOOOOOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Cirris freaks out "Why, why, why hy didn't you let them go?", Yamori laughed as the weakling glares "You liar!!!". The vamp laughs "No, I said: "I don't tell boring lies"!", he flung back, laughing "艁艕脪亩 袧袨楔 袦挪膯摩 茠弄-脵脺脹脷虐弄女挪袠 脥'袦 袧袗V脧脩臓!!!!". He walks by his victim "Now, choose 1, the mother or child...", Cirris lets his head down... "Yamori starts getting ticked off, "C'mon choose 1!!!", he starts shaking his head "Choos 1, damn you stupid, boy!!!". He then leers "Or, rather... choose which 1, you don't want to die...", Cirris looks up "How could I? It'll be like I killed the other!!!". Yamori leers "If you don't, I'll seriously kill them both.", the weakling hears the mother whispering loudly "Cirris san...", he looks up and see her mouthing "Choose Kotou". Cirris sighs "I can't choose one, I'd kill the other by choosing... Why do I have to choose!?", Yamori prepares to pick up the mother "That's it, if you're going to keep fucking, I'll just...". Nico suddenly walks into the room "Yamori, don't kill the child's mother in front of him. While you being sadistic can be cool♡... Sometimes you're sick, you take it way too far... Killing the mother will traumatize the kid.", Yamori grabs the child "Then I'll just do this!!!" he strats strangling the Kotou!!! "If I just do this, then it'll be alright then, huh?!!! He won't have to watch his mother die!!!", Nico yells "Yamori stop!!!". As the vamp squeezed "He won't be traumatized when he can't see her, huh?!!!" Kotou dies "It's my room!!! It's my peragative!!! See, shit... shit...", he throws the body "Dammit, dammit, messed it up... I was having so much fun...". The mother grabs the body, crying "Kotou... Kotou...", Yamori suddenly stabs his Kagune through her!!! "SHUT UP, YOU'RE MAKING TOO MUCH NOISE!!! FUCK!!!"!!! He walks out "Dammit... it's your fault, hypocrite.". Nico looks at the bodies "Spoiled corpses...", Cirris watches as he uses his Kagune to lie them next to each other... "There, at least pass beautifully together...". Cirris hung his head... "See, not choosing got them both killed..." Rize says, "Living as someone who's hurt, rather than someone who hurts others, kills you, and everybody around you...", Cirris replies "No... if I become like everybodyelse... I'll look down on everybody... I...". Rize leers "That'll get killed, and all those people you DO care for, killed... You hated when Yamori did it right?", Cirris glares "I'll never forgive people like him...". Kainen suddenly adds "That's the difference, people like him, should die... Or would rather be a "priest" forever? Someone who only watches people die... like somebody...", Rize laughs "Your mother... She didn't care what happened: she just watched you lose your self... until you ran to England. No one's even looking for you, you don't want to become a athapathic person, you?". Kainen leered "Not caring who's hurt, or that they're even hurt... like your, "friends", family... your mother AND Yamori.", Cirris replies "Leave her outta of it... I... I... only... I...", Kainen holds his cheeks "If you let them die, if you can't make decisions, if you do what they're doing... You're a killer too!", Rize added "Or did you LOVE IT, when your mother ignored your feelings?". Cirris yells "I wanted her to help me!!! Not ignore my feelings as just a passing thing!!! Or like I was nothing!!!", Kainen leered "And what about your family, friends and people who hurt others to live, to be happy with their selves?", Cirris glares "I'll kill them, I can't forgive people who enjoy torturing others... They're like weeding... handpicking coffee beans, you throw away the trash, to make a still horrible cup of coffee...". Yui holds his face "Syrup, you have to fight, you have to you... If you believed this was wrong, stay like this. Keep your integrity, because the you that you are... Won't be able to save our friend in Anteiku or Soul Hoshi...", Rize then says "You have to kill Aoigiri, and the CCV. If you continue to be this "you", you'll lose everyone...". Cirris suddenly jumps out of the chair!!!! "I won't lose my friends, the few people on the earth worth living, I'll eat Aoigiri, I'll eat CCV!!!", Rize leers "But you can't control your Kagune...". Cirris glared "Then I'll control it" leaps on her "I won't accept the vamp in me, no, I'll control it!!!", Rize leers "You understand, you must consume others to live... eat...". Cirris drinks her blood as he thought "I will become a vampire!!!", then starts eating her flesh... "No... I... I... have become a...", Rize giggles as he finished her "Eat♪". "I... I am a ghoul.".

To Be Continued... :O
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