CIRRIS STARES AT THE PACKAGE... HIS STOMACH GROWLS AS HE THOUGHT... "Meat... meat... meat... meat... meat... meat... meat..." he grabs the package. "Meat... meat... meat... meat... meat... meat... meat... meat..." and throws it into the all!! The weakling jumps of his bed and tries eating everything in his kitchen, he vomits until he drinks coffee!!! "The thing I HATE drinking, is the one thing that doesn't make me vomit...", he sat at his coffee table... "The beans taste a little better..." he thought, he tries sprinkling it on bread, then bit it... "EEEEEYUUUULLLVV!!!! IT STILL TASTES LIKE SOLIDIFIED VOMIT!!! I can't ise coffee to mask tasts... but this is a huge discovery!". Later, Cirris goes to a store... "I'll buy this for now, I hate how coffee taste, so I wouldn't know what to buy...". A curly haired guy takes a jar from his hand... "Oops... sorry, Blondie coffee is the best imo... :))", he buys it an leaves... Cirris buys his coffee and leaves "This is the most I ever bought.... This is the first time I bought it too...", he suddenly smells something delicious!!!? "What's that smell? It smells like my mom's home cooking... Maybe it's something I can eat!". Cirris walked into a dark alley... "It might be animal meat... I never eat it... but maybe now, it smell's good because vampires like it?", he then sees a ghoul eating someone!!!!? "I WAS PULLED IN BY A CORPSE!!!!?". Cirris fell to his knees... the ghoul noticed him crying to himself... "Hey... hey, you a ghoul? I can't see ya face...". He turns toward him "Hey, this is my kill... You better get away... oi... I'm talking, you dumb...", his head's suddenly kicked off!!!!? "Boom!!!". Cirris looks up to see the curly haired man??!!! "Oh shit!!! I didn't mean to kick his fuckin' head fucking off... I just meant it to be a friendly: "Stop eating here, it's my area..." Ah... it's you, from the store...", he noticed Cirris too!!!? "Looks like kindness is my weakness...", his eyes turn black... a red glow emits from then... "If you were a human, I'd eat you...". He walks close to Cirris, "Now I know, why you were buying all that coffee too... But, what's with the 1 eye? Neverming, this is MY feeding ground, get it!?", he grabs him by the throat and slams him into the wall!!! "Yöüř ťřėςşραśşiňġ, ďőň'ť ėνēř şťėρ ϊňťő my territory! If you're a vamp from the 20th district, you ought to at least know that..." he starts tightening his grip... "Welll... you already pissed me off enough, by invading my space!". Cirris somehow yells "Wait... You... You're wrong! I don't have anything to do with that vamp, neither did I know this was anybody's property!!!", the vampire stopped "Let's imagine, you came home and saw your girl broken and naked... and some guy there with his clothes off... But he said he ain't did shit to her... So do you believe him? If I were you, I'd kill the bastard.". "Your feeding grounds, you say?" Touka asks, the man lets go of Cirris "It's not yours, it's Rize's turf. Nikishi.". She jumps off the building, Nikishi adjusts his glasses "Did you know, that voracious woman died?", Touka glares "So that means it's yours now? Don't be stupid, management of the 20th district is the job of the stability team.". Nikishi yells "WHAT, THE STABILITY TEAM!!!? THAT SPINELESS, TIMID LOT!!! HAS NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN!!!", he turns "This was my feeding ground until Rize came along!!! If she's dead, it's mine, right!!!?". Touka sighs "The feeding ground Rize took over, will be divided among weaker ghouls, it's not something for you to decide on your on...", the woman smiles "Besides, this tinyass was stolen from you, because Rize was the stronger one! If you wanna blame someone, blame your weakness, IDIOT!". Nikishi glared then walks to the vampire "Being treated like a fool, by a upstart impertinent brat... really pisses me off!", Touka suddenly rushed by him!!! "As for me, meeting idiots who think they deserve my respect, really pisses me off...". Nikishi suddenly jumps up kicks her!!! "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!", he leered as sprinkles of blood pours from him "Psssh, nothing but shallow wounds...". She stood back up "Yes...", blood suddenly sprays from him as the cuts open up!!! "Should I cut deeper next time?". Nikishi glared "You damned woman!!! Take your corpse and go, weakling!!!", Touka sighs "I guess I'll ask Yomo san to take care of it...". Cirris then thought "What are vampires? They kill humans, and have no connection to their fellow vamps?", Touka interrupts his thoughts "I see this man's still uneaten!". Cirris looks up at her "But I don't even eat animals... How could I eat a human?", Touka sighed "You are a weakling..." she kneels by the body... "I should give up already... but, if you don't have the courage to eat it...". She tears the corpse's hand off "I'll help you!!!", she slams Cirris's head into the wall and push the hand in his mouth!!! "EAT!!!". Cirris unvoluntarily drinks the blood!!!! Then gags out the hand!!! Touka sighs... "What's wrong... EAT.", Cirris notices the hand's drained completely of blood!!! "Why... why am I doing this... "I was wrong to think about eating meat, after all" I thought, and looked for another way... Even so, this is not what I wanted... How could I possibly eat human???! I... I'm not a monster!!!". Touka suddenly grabs Cirris and grinded him through the wall, and threw him into the street!!! "Well, aren't you awfully fucking noble?", she kicks by his head!!!! Cirris looks up to see up Touks's skirt!!! "EAT's true you're no Vamp though...", Cirris feels a mixture of being freaking hard and terrified "But... you're not human either. As some1, who can't be called 1 or the other, there's no place you belong. If you wanna keep being a "animal lover" then go and bring yourself to the brink of starvation!". She walks away "I'm telling you now, hunger of a vampire... is literally hell.", Cirris sat down... "Dammit... she's completely right: I'm not a human... but I can't be a vampire... I can't eat her cunt either... !!!? The fuck??? Dammit... did she really tell me to eat it?". The next day, Cirris meets Seirro by a academy... "Oi... oi... OOOOOOOOIIIIIII!" he waves to Cirris! The man turns to see Seirro run to him "Hey dude... sorry about that... I really wanted to apologize: Touka told me what she did... She's on her period now, she usually isn't that bitchy. Plus she's been so angry too...", he notices Cirris's eyepatch "Why're wearing that thing?". Cirris sighs "I turned into a Vampire... I already want to drink blood and flesh...", Seirro smiles "Don't be ashamed, I'm a deamon, you don't see me hiding it. That's why Touka was angry too: she was hoping no one here would call her that,(despite ACTING LIKE 1 NOW???!)...", he then leers "But you put up with alot of shit... You're not as weak as we all initially thought, bro...". They walk to the academy "Besides that pussy stuff, we have a mission to meet with another contact. This 1's suppose to legit be with our side.", they go to his room... Seirro opens the door "Excuse me...", a almost naked girl puts on a coat, and jumps out of the contacts lap!!! Cirris and Seirro stare, both as hard as fuck... She ran pass them... Seirro leers "Sorry about that...", "Evans... I hate it when people barge into my territory. Don't you know how to knock, is this how you respect your elders?" the contact interrupts. Seirro laughs "Dude, I don't know what else to say...", the contact glared "Do you think I'm trying to trick you, with smooth lines and sweet words♡?". Seirro arches his eyebrow "What???", Cirris sighs... then noticed Nishiki!!!? They stare at eachother.... Seirro turns "What is it Cirris?", Nishiki scratches the back of his head "Why don't you come in? You're with Evans chan then?". Seirro answers "Yeah, this Cirris Michaels.". Nishik leers "Is that right? Cirris Micheals, huh?", he walks to him "Nishio Nishiki... My pleasure, Michaels.". He suddenly stood up and turned "You need the materials, don't you Evans?". Seirro leers "Yeah...", Nishio turns "You go look over there... and Cirris you should try looking too.", the weakling stares as Nishio adds "C'mon, it's more efficient if we all look together, get a move on."????
To Be Continued... 껭껭괴ዘ৺=未1ㅏ大ի
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
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Happy Halloween Finale!

First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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