A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Captain Yui
A MONTH AFTER THE HARU SAGA, STEIN WALKS UP TO THE SOLDIERS... "Everyone, we just recieved a SOS message from a unknown sender. The only thing we know is, he lives on a long island (Not long island). We would go but, there's another attack happening here soon... so you kids will go.", Seirro glares as exhales nicotine "How are were going to this... long island? Are we're suppose to fly?...". Stein takes the cigarette out the teens mouth "Don't smoke, it's bad for your body... And no, you can't fly there: the only 1 who could get there in under 10 months would be Penance Sama. Even Chiba's too slow" he exhales smoke as he explains. Seirro and Chiba glare at him as he continues "You'll all be sailing there:..", Zolo interrupts "YEEEEEAAAAH!!!! But wouldn't that be retarded slow???". Stein sighed "No... let me explain, The ship has a sail, but a motor too. You'll use that, oars and the sail at your descretion to get to the island marked on the gps. When you ship off, you also must be disciplined and make sure it doesn't get damaged too badly: We'll have no way of getting you back here...". Zolo smiles "Alright, guys Ore sama will be the...", Stein coughed "WE already selected roles for each soldier according to thier talents/interests: Seirro will be the chef, Kirik will be the weapon handler, Chiba will be the sniper, Touka will be the doctor (Thanks to her knowledge on humans...), Fusagi will be the "archeologists", Mira will be the navigator and Zolo...". "Will be the captain!!!" he leers! Stein talks over the teen "Zolo will be the 1st mate... YUI will be the captain.". Zolo yells "WTF HELL!!!? Why is SHE THE CAPTAIN!!!!? SHE'S A IDIOT!!! Plus now, I'm stronger than her in "princess" form! And I'm not even powered up now!", Stein glares "It isn't about just her power: Yui was able to live through the djinn saga and is the only 1 who was able to beat Haruka... She isn't the most... intelligent soldier, but she's the only 1 who could match Noire's and his soul... if anything happened to you guys, she can still save the crew without just power.". Zolo stomped away "YOU'RE ALL SLOW, DUMB MOTHER FUCKERS!!!", days later... the kids were sailing to the island. They suddenly saw sea monkeys swim up to the ship!!! Yui smiled at the giant fish, they feistily made a giant wave!!! The crew yells "WTH!!!?", "There's no wind!!!", "Pull up the sail!!!", "This'll fuck the motor up, use the paddles!". Chiba glares "Another ship at 12:00!!", Yui turns toward him "OOOOOOOH!♪". Kirik yells "Wait , dumb slut, there's no sail or flag... What kinda bullshit is that?", she shouts "No sail or flag? What kinda ship is that?". Chiba looks at all the members "I don't know... The sailors look strange too... They all just sit there, dishearten... Their souls look killed...". Mira asks "The hell!? Can they make it?", Touka replies"It'll get swallowed if the wave, if it drifts like that!!!". Yui yells as they pass by "Hey guys! The waves and sea monkeys are coming! Turn around!!!!", the crew looks up "Ah... it's a ship...", "A pirate ship...". They all stumbled up "Everyone get up!!! It's a enemy ship! Let's rob their treasure!!!", "It's a giant wave, let's dodge it!!!", "We can't let them get away!", "Fire the cannon!", "Shut the fuck up, you can't command me!", "Turn around!!!", "Hurry up!!! You have to know your place!". Yui stretched her arm "They lack discipline, we have to...", Seirro shouts "Don't save those retarded fucks, they said they wanted to rob us!". The other members fussed "Where's the sail!!?", "Who fired the canoooon!!???", "Dick!!! You're all useless!!!!", "You can't even dodge a fuckin' wave!!!???". Yui watched in horror as the pirate ship crushed under the wave, the sea monkeys giggled as they swim away from the Soul Hoshi ship. "phew That's over." Kirik smiled, Mira exclaims "Tempeture and climate returning to normal". Yui looks at her close friend "Hey Fusagi, you see a island?", she answers "Yeah, quite a while ago...". Yui and Chiba fall flat, "Fusagi!!! You're suppose to tell us if you see land! It's your turn, broad!!!" he yells! Yui adds "We can't trust you if you, if you don't tell us when there's a island Fusagi!!!". She yells at them "SHUT THE DUCK UP!!! I CAN'T SEE IT WELL, IT COULDA BEEN ANYTHING MORONS!", Mira looks through a telescope "There is 1, I don't see anything on it... maybe this is where we're suppose to go though...". Seirro adds "It's glowing in the GPS... but yeah... It looks as if someone tricked us". Yui finished as Mira turns toward her "I really would want to know if there's land, I haven't breathed fresh air for days!", Fusagi answers "I'm sorry Yui, I'll tell YOU when I see 1...". Mira interrupts "Captain, there's land!", Yui jumps off the ship "YEAHHHHH!". Seirro suddenly stops her "Wait moron, we have to divide up our crew, some of us have to stand guard...". Yui smiles "Um... Chiba and Touka: We need a kami in case there's someone we don't know about. And Touka if I'm hurt by a surprise hit!". They ran off on the giant field!!! Touka suddenly yelled "What the hell!!!? Is that a human!!!?", Yui shouts "No... it's too fuzzy... that has to be a bear!". Chiba glared "Feel the soul, it's a bear... but it's so tall...", Yui adds "All the animals are really long, oooh even the fruit!". Chiba yells "Don't eat strange long crap!", he then noticed "There's a house here... But no one's inside... but I still can feel some one here...". Touka shouted "Hey guys look a giraffe!", Chiba looks around the strange house "That's a horse idiot...", Yui adds "A long horse... It's so beautful!!". Chiba glared "It has a saddle, that means it has a owner, there must be a someone here", Touka laughed "I can understand it's soul... it's says her name is Shirley.". Yui suddenly exclaims "Look at this long bamboo!!!", Chiba stares at the long tree stretching to the sky "It's REALLY long... like everything here." . The bamboo suddenly hits her!!!! "That bamboo attacked Yui!!!?" Chiba shouts, Yui glares "Ah yeah..." she punches the bamboo in half!!! Chiba shouts "You killed it!", Yui laughs "Hahahaha maniacal tree!". They suddenly felt a soul!!!? The soldiers turn around to see a old man lying on the ground!!!? "It's a genie that comes out of the tree?" Yui asks... Meanwhile the other soldiers stare in anger "Who are you people?!!"Zolo asks, Mira shouts "They're blocking the ship!!!", Seirro frowns irritated "We can't leave from front or behind!". Zolo screams "WTH DO YOU WANT!!!?", they hear voices from the giant ship "We are the Foxy pirates!!!", "Don't be anxious.","...patient... our duel will start soon".
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