Arc Angel

Continued... :O

YAMORI WALKS INTO HIS ROOM AND SPEAKS TO HIS VICTIM "Cirris, the CCV is raiding now. It's our duty to stop them now......... A long time ago, there was a superstition that if we eat eachother, our Kagune grow sharper... I tried it, after that guy... I believe that bullshit. There aren't alot of vamps I like, because we aren't good for eating... but, I don't have many enemies in the 13th Ward. It seems like us vampires are born to compete with eachother...", he rubs his finger on Cirris's head "And now, you're going to be out competed by me...". Cirris suddenly leaps up!!!? Yamori noticed a bite out of his cheek!!? "???!", the weakling replies "It IS like rotten fish guts...". He suddenly backflips off the chair!!! Yamori punched "You ate me???! The f...", the weakling lands on his shoulders, strangling him with his chains "My bad...". Yamori threw him off, then noticed blood flowing from his head... "You ate me AGAIIIIIN!!!!!!!!!?". Cirris feels power emitting from deep inside "You tried to eat me, so..." he leers "If you get eaten, isn't that just too bad?". 
Yamori charged him, "You, useless nigger!!! The strong eat the weak, that's how it works!!!", he tried to punch, Cirris tries to fight, but is stopped once he grabbed his leg "This again?! If you try it, it'll break!". Cirris spun "I don't care...", his leg spun in circles "I can't feel it.". He kicks the living fuck out Yamori, he slams through the wall!!! The vampire jumps out of the debris "Î'ļĺ ķiľł уоű3× Î'ĽĹ ČĦĚШ ĪŇȚÒ ŞĻÒРΡŸ МЕςŚ,  ÅÑÐ ÐËVÖŪŘ ΥОÜ ŤŐ ĎΕĂŤĦ!!!" he cracked his finger, Cirris leers "Awesome... Bring it..." he snaps his. Meanwhile the CCV kills vampires as they raid the area, "What's that kid... Juzuu? I hope he doesn't go against Jason!" a investigator says, Sosuke asks "I know it's dangerous, he's very violent, correct?" He turns toward Shnohara "Have you fought anyone like him?", Shinohara replied "Years ago... Remember the 1eyed owl? Me, Mado and Arima went to fight him... The mother fucker killed every investigator with us, and we barely escaped the freak... He... that owl was a member of the 13th district, where humans are scarce, so they resort to cannibalism... This causes a mutation in the RC cells, and forms their kagune into armour called:Kakujya. It's also called Kushuu these days...". Sosuke replies "Oh fuck... That sounds creepy.", Shinohara adds "They get stronger nomatter what apparently... that's why I REALLY hope Juzuu doesn't find Jason.". Meanwhile Juzuu shoots into vampires heads "Are you dead yet? Are you dead yet?", he starts stabbing another "Don't die yet, hang in there3×". He stood up and looked out the window... Meanwhile Cirris dodges Yamori's attacks, he takes out Rize's kagune and stabs... "I got through... but not deep enough". Yamori shouted "SI... RIIIIIS.". The man flips away as Yamori striked again, then tries to stab him "Still to shallow, huh?". Yamori quickly bites at him, Cirris uses Soul Star, knocking him through the wall again... His soul and Rize's kagune form together to look like angel wings surrounded by light... "It's my turn...". Meanwhile a group of Vampires ran through a building "Dammit, where's Yamori?", "He's probably in his "playroom"...". Another asks ""Playroom"?", the vampire explains "It's a building in the back of the others, he use to torture people, he's probably enjoying his new "toy" now...". One of the muttered ""Toy"...", the vampire stopped "Hey... where are you guys from?". They quickly slice his head off!!!? "EEESAAAAEEEAAAAH?". Touka, Nishio, Tsukiyama and Yomo take off their masks "Anteiku" she says. Later Tsukiyama and the others ran through the halls, him biting pieces of every vampire he passes "Chewing... Poor food, poor food, poor food, Poor FOOD♪!!!!". Touka yells "You're too loud!", Nishio adds "Shut up ShittyYama!!!". She then added "Why're you wearing your mask, too?", Tsukiyama cheers "Because 1 fights better, in something their body's accustomed too!". Touka sighs "You're too proud...", Yomo adds "I'm wearing mine too...". She jumps "Not you Yomo san!". They continue to the last building, as Yoshimura telepathically show how to get there "The doves already taken building 2 and 3... Please hurry, both sides are our enemies...". Mira senses energy with Hinami, "We can feel wherever people are and get what they think and feel, too!", "I wish I can do like you guys...". Mira replies "You can, but you Vampires can get even more! You can hear the distance and weight of people far away, and what they're using, you can also smell what they are! But... We can only sense what, who and where they are, when they're in a certain mile radius... I can't sense too far from here, and if energy changes drastically... You try to find someone specific, Hinami.". Hinami listens "I... sense... Onij chan!". Meanwhile Cirris cracks his fingers as Yamori charges, he flips over him as the vamp turns and swung!!! Cirris grabs his arm, then tries to stab the vamp, "These are all limbs... It's like I have 8 limbs...". Yamori stabs at Cirris, the weakling starts stabbing right back at the vampire... They trade blows at high speed, flying through the room, causing a split in the floor!!!! Cirris, flips as Yamori swung, then flew at the vampire!!! He dropkicks as Yamori tried to bite!!! Then pinned him down!!! Cirris's eyes emit a unearthly red glow!!! "I am Michael, the arc angel... And now that I know this,eating kagune makes your's sharper... I'll tell you something interesting...", he bends Yamori's arm to his back... "I know that Kagune are solidified souls, something you never suppose to eat or have..." he stabs Rize's soul into his limbs "I'll eat your soul... and use the kagune for good... something you choose not to do...". He opens his mouth, revealing red teeth!!!? "Count βαčкшаřďş ƒřőм 1000, ßÿ 7", Cirris eats his kagune as Yamori tries to count... Tears stream down his face as Michael consumes his soul "Yuck... I can't... disgusting... How do you voluntarily eat this?!!", he stands "Now, you'll help people... I won't become like you, I'll save people everytime somebody dies... Instead of making them like me, I'll let feel the effects of their lives...", he walks out "I won't kill you, please get up and leave, don't turn me to a killer, until I do it, until someone truly evil crosses my path.". Yamori cries "Do... leav... me...", meanwhile Mira stares at Hinami as she jumped "It suddenly stopped?". Yoshimura walks by them "Good job, Hinami.", Mira added "Yeah, we know he's alive!". Yoshimura glares "Mira Chan, would you please tell me where everyone is now?", she closes her eyes "Cirris left the torture room... There's a powerful vampire in the building close that one... The CCV are coming to him, and our group's stuck somewhere...". Yoshimura puts on his rape face... I'll have to buy us time...". Meanwhile, Touka sniffs "CCV are close by...". Tsukiyama smiles "Good, now we'll have quality food!", Yomo glares "We don't have time for eating...". Tsukiyama snaps "We'll make time Mr Yomo!!!", they see a room full investigators waiting... "I'll force my way through, you guys take a alternate route.". Tsukiyama then suggests "I'll take some other route, too!", Yomo glares "If you even move weird, I'll kill you right now.". Tsukiyama leers "I was only kidding.", Uta adds "He doesn't get jokes...". They split, then start to the other building... Nishio notices Touka staring in space "Hey, idiot woman!!!", she jumps "HAH!!?". "The fuck's wrong with you?!! You're really going to stare into space while we're trying to save Cirris??? Stop being a shit friend and shittier mate!", Touka yells back "I don't wanna here that from a foureye sex maniac!!!". He yelled "What a shitty retort!!! Hah!  You fucking mindless woman!!! At least I don't want sex so bad I'd ask someone else!!!", he sighs "You're good at taking name calling, eh?". They suddenly hear a vampire "Your both shit...", Nishio blocks Touka as many blackfeathers suddenly stabs his back!!!", Nishio fainted as Touka sees Ayato and his followers standing there! "Long time no se, my shitty bitch. Your anus's all mine!". Meanwhile... Banjou asks "What's all the ruckus outside?", one of his followers answer "The CCV are here... They must be fighting now..." another asks "I wonder how Kie and Kotuo are doing?", the other asks "I wonder how Cirris's doi...". Banjou stops him "Don't... we know... Goddammit Goddammit Goddammit Goddammit Goddammit Goddammit!!!!! GODDAMMIT!!! Why can't I save anyone, WHY?!!!" the vampire bangs the floor "I DON'T WANT MUCH, I JUST WANNA BE ABLE TO PROTECT SOMEONE!!!!!", He slams te ground, until they here walking. "Who is that?", "Dammit... Protec...". The wall explodes!!! "Banjou, are you there?", Banjou stood "Cirris?! Is that you?". The dust clears to reveal the red eyed angel... "Cirris!!! You're OK?! But... what happened to your hair... and eyes?", Cirris smiles "Some... rough... shit...". Banjou then asks "Awesome, wait where's Kie and Kotou? I saw them being dragged out!", Cirris sighs "They're... dead...". Banjou cried "DAMMIT!!! I still couldn'...". The man replies "Mr Banjou, please don't blame yourself, it was my fault, for my lack of ability, don't place anymore blame on yourself, you were a perfect leader. Now, I shall take all the blame, I will protect all of you, I won't let anyone else die...", Banjou and his followers look up as he stops as if he noticed something... "Please... follow me.". They ran after Cirris, as Banjou thought "His voice sounds sadder, yet pissed...", Cirris stops... then looks in a direction "I... I'll be back...". Meanwhile, Ayato walks to Touka "You're not here for that fag: Cirris, are you?". "Get the fucking shit outta the way, Ayato!!!" she shouts, he leers "That fucker was weak, so Yamori took him, he's being torture right now! He might be dead, so you came all this way for noth...". Yui suddenly shattered the room!!!? "Touka!!! Is he really?!", Touka replies "Yui!!!? You're okay? ...nevermind, we're looking for him now!". The girl smiles warmly "Please find him, while...", Ayato shot at the girls!!! "Stop ignoring me, you whores!!!". Yui blocks them with her hand, "I only want to find my...", he charged at her, Yui flips, then punched him into a wall!!! He fires blackfeathers at her, knocking up onto the roof!!! He walks upstairs "You bitches, deal with my bitch, while I deal with this small fry...", meanwhile Juzuu finds Yamori "He.. mude... mothe...r... I don...t want... this...". Juzuu then asks "Are you Jason?", Yamori replies "I... I... Not... Jason... I'm... Ya... Yamori... Jason,  the 13th Demon of Friday... Th... smell, that look... are you a angel???", he turns "A... demon... did this to me... he ate me... everything... except...". His kagune suddenly erected "My Koukuho!!! He "missed" my Koukuhou!!! And now zi have meat!!! You should have never left me alive!!! I... I'll get him!!! I'll eat that nigger..." he charged at Juzuu!!! The tranny sees his Kagune "The kagune, nows my chance!!!", he slices hs koukuho and sliced off his face!!! "C'mon don't die!!! I got you... my Quinquae!!! Quinquae!!! Where's the koukuho??? I don't know where it is...". He starts dragging the body outside "I'm more interested in whoever weakened him... ah well... Shinohara Sa---an!!!".  Meanwhile Shinohara and his team stop at a doorway!!! "Oh... fuck... it's...", Sosuke runs by him "Him? The one eyed...", the other investigator finished "Owl... dammit...". Yoshimura turns, with his Kokuhou covering his eyes... "Isn't the man who took my arm, here today? Or shall I take yours, Shinohara San?". Marude contacts the investigator "Fuck... We won't touch until we lose a few men... Shinohara, take all the expendable but excellent guys and tell them take another route, while you... fight the faggot.", Shinohara then orders "Chino San, take your team and go, Sosuke, you go with them!". Sosuke yells "No, I will fight with you!!!!", Shinohara gives a warm smile "Sosuke, you never changed from back in your academy days..." he thought, then punched him!!! "This is a order from your superior, go with Chino San!!!",  Sosuke sighs as Shinohara smiles "You're one of the expendable excellent guys...". He then turns "Alright let's go!", another investigator asks "Then lemme gues? I'm expendable". Shinohara tries to stop him "No... ha...", the man interrupted "No, I understand I'm like shit to you...". Shinohara turns toward his Quizilla "Do you have your quinquae?". he replies we...". Shinohara jumped "Oh, yeah... we're already wearing them...". Meanwhile Yui asks "I only wanted to find Cirris, would you tell me wear he is?", Ayato leered "He's dead, you flat chested bitch! Now, the only thong you found: is a ass woopin'". Yui replies "Ah... I remember you, you're the one who kicked over and over and over and..." they hit eachother!!!! Yui swung as he flies over, then fires blackfeathers!!! Yui blocks using "Soul Star!!!", but is almost stabbed as he fell!!! She doded then kicks, he backflipped then flew over the railing as she punched, Yui rushed to it as he flips over an kicks her across the roof!!! Touka suddenly dove at him, "Dammit, I shoulda known she couldn't fight: She hasn't recovered...", he fires blackfeathers into her, knocking Touka out of the air!!! Then pins both down as he leers "Now I have 2 bitches, 1 for love, and the other wil know how weak and shitty she is..." he unzips his pants as his eyes turn black and a ungodly red glow, emits from them!!! Touka flips, and kicks him off as he aimed at them... "Fuck you, both...If you don't accept the D, then you'll have..." he fired blackfeathers at the girls!!! "Death!!!!!!!!!!!". Cirris lands far away with Yui and Touka ...."I won't..." he remembers getting Banjou's gang safely away and going to his hurtf friends... "He was quite a handful... he even got my arm..." a vamoire says, another kicks him "Hey, perm asshole, wake up!!!". Nishio suddenly kicks off his head, the other charge "This fucker... get him!!!". Nishio thought "Shit, these guys are too much for me to handle, and there using their kagunes expertly!!! These aren't your average henchmen!!!". Theyre suddenly sliced in pieces!!!! Nishio turns to see Cirris!!!? "What the... you, wha...", Cirris smiles "Mr Nishio...". He walks to the weakling "Ci... Cirris... You... alright? You just killed them!!? What happened to you?", Cirris replies "Sempai... Alot... let's go...". He replies "Okay...". Cirris finishes "...let you die...", Yui and Touka stare... 

To Be Continued... :D

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