Combined Strength

Continued... :+ 
MIRA WALKS SLOWLY TOWARDS KIMBLEE AND PRIDE "A philosopher's stone?", "Shit she get that?". She creates a dust cloud!!! Kimblee glares, she appears behind him. He dodges her slice then created a explosion!!! She blocked with a stone wall, Pride cut in half, and her hand!!! She creates another as she reaches to Pride, he throws her lag at him! She caught it, and alchemizes a sword!!! She sliced at the humonculous, he blocks with a shadow, the sword bends and cuts off his head!!!  Mira then makes a stone bird and surfed on Kimblee, she then created another mountain around Pride as his head repaired "That won't work this time!", his shadow stabs through her arm. She alchemizes a flashbang! "Not happening!!!", he cuts it in half!  Mira laughs "Gotcha♡", a flash appears under Pride!!! The humonculous covers his eyes "Mother fucke...", another mountain covers him!!! "DAMN YOU!!! YOU METAL FAT FUCKING BITCH!!!! GODDAMN YOU!!!!". Kimblee stands "The philosopher stone's incredible, I've used them before, I know all to well... But what I don't understand is, why don't you use it to get your body back? You should no trouble escaping this situation with it, and when your safe, you could get your body back, and that bimbo could have her soul too...". Mira answers "But we wouldn't save everyone else.", he folds his arms ""The Greater Good" You can't gain anything without sacrificing something else". Mira answers "I wonder, why're there only 2 choices?  "Save yourself, and sacrifice everybodyelse?" or "Give up on yourself, and save everybodyelse?" Why can't I save the world and myself?". Kimblee looks surprised "What about equivalent exchange?", she replied "New possibilities without regarding the rules, is how we evolve.". Kimblee punches in his hand "I see, experiment thoroughly and see that your a moron! Your way would mean there's also a 4th option: "You lose your chance to return to normal, and fail to save the world"". he holds his philosopher stone in his teeth!!! Then charges Mira, a giagantic explosions erupts!!! Meanwhile Sloth tries to kill Olivia with a chain tied to his arm band, until Topeka soldiers run in the room "That's enough Major Armstrong, you are to be exacuted for high treason!". She dodges as Sloth swung, killing them!!!  She explained "You don't concentrate your men in 1 spot, in a situation like this cretin!" threw a bomb at Sloth. It destroys the the the area!!! Olivia looks from behind a giant pillar on the other side of the room "I hope he's at least slightly wounded...", Sloth picks her up with it!!! He's suddenly knocked away!!! "Hahahaha! Don't you know it's not right to hit women?" Franky leers, Olivia turns "The shit???!". Franky turns toward Sloth "I'm a cyborg  sent with the rebels from Notiingham, that's 1 of the humonculi, right?", she answered "Yes, only artillery shots just about faze it.". Franky leers "That's my specialty, Weapons left!!!", huge bullets rain on Sloth until Olivia flies over him, and stabs his eye!!! "Okay! Underneath that skin, he's as soft as anyone!!!". Sloth stops bleeding "Ow... I died... Hate dying... Dying takes too much effort... Hate this... hate it... hate it... Hate getting serious.... too much effort...", the soldiers hear more Topeka soldiers come in "Major general...". A blast of wind suddenly blows between Franky and Olivia!!! They trn to see Sloth standing up, the other soldiers were crunched under him... "I missed...". He runs by Olivia!!! "What incredible speed, he was lazing about a second ago!", Franky stares "Oh heck... He's so bulky...". Olivia glared "Doesn't exactly make sense.", Sloth answers "No... I'm... The fastest humonculos...". He gscrapes Franky's face, then alost rammed Olivia!!! "Finally hit...". Franky throws him across the building!!! "Damn asshole dislocated my shoulder, you alright?", Olivia glared "Minor broken bones...". Sloth jumps through the floor! "Kill... you... quick... then... sleep...", he charged Franky!!! Meanwhile Pride breaks out of the small mountain "Kimblee...", Kimblee smiles with his hands out "Ahhh Nothing makes me harder than indomitable wills clashing in battle...". Pride sniffed "She's still nearby.", "Of course... she won't try to escape...", he threw rocks at into the dust, hitting her body. "She's there!!!", he causes a explosion!!! She creates another dustcloud!!! Pride grabs her "Checkmate". Mira answers "You sure?", Pride yells "Even with th...", he notices the stone was gone! "She read which way the wind was blowing, so they could strike where I can't smell them!!! Kimblee, downwind!!!". Heinkle suddenly bites Kimblees neck, Pride tries to stab him, but stops... "I figured he'd attack, without any regard for him..." Heinkle thought, the humonculos smiled "You humans are quite persistant but you can't win as long as Father's in central, you'll need to get out of this situation 1st...". A car suddenly hit Mira and Pride, "Yoku?", Sei asks as he rides with him "I never expected you to show up...". Heinkle jumps into the car with Mira "Where'd this car come from?", Sei turns "It's Kimblee's". They drive away... Pride watches "Humans sure are easy to trick...", he walks to Kimblee "Excellent, your still alive... you wanted to see the other side the world would choose, yet here you are beaten and humiliated... Have no fear... You'll live on as part of me..." he eats Kimblee... Meanwhile Franky stops Sloth with "Strong Right!!!", when dolls suddenly ran into the room!!! Meanwhile Mei ran from the dolls and Envy as Yui's team fought them below... Mei fell into the room as Seirro enters destroying them all, Seirro notices Envy there too then suddenly rushed him!!! The other soldiers walk through the giant door, as Touka watched him burn Envy to his original form, "GODDAMIT!!! I wouldn't of been burned if that bimbo didn't distract me!!! I can hear her soul whispering from her shell, THAT FUCKING BITCH UNDERSTANDS HOW I FEEL!!! It's the ultimate insult!!!", he ripped out his philosopher stone, preparing to crunch it... then is burned by Seirro?!!!
To Be Continued... :@

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