CIRRIS WALKS THROUGH THE WATER, HIS EYES VIOLENTLY SWITCHING TO HUMAN, VAMPIRE AND ANGEL... "I... hafta find the boss... Must find... Need food, kill somebody and eat!!! No, Sosuke, don't die... Need MEAT!!!", he suddenly sees everybody he ate, men and women stare at him with their eyeholes, blood pours from their sockets as they pull him!! Cirris yelled "It's my body... It's all only mine, stay out!!!", he holds his head as he hears everybody's soul speaking at once... His Kagune forms into everybody's soul that he's eaten as he writhed and yelled "GET OUT OF ME!!! IT'S MY BODY!!! YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!!! I AM CIRRIS I AM MICHAEL... I AM ME!!! I AM... I ÁΜ Ι ĀМ Î ÁΜ Ι ΑМ!!!! YOU WILL DIE!!! GET OUT OF MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEÊËÉÊÉÉËÊÊËËÉÈÊËÉЕΈΕÉËÊÊÈĒĖĚĘĒĖĚĚĒĘĚĚĚĒĖΕΈЕЁÉ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", Cirris falls as he suddenly hears splashing behind him... "Cirris, is it you?" Seirro called, the man jumped "Sei..." he quickly grows his Kakuja "řŕő.". Seirro smiles "Bro, what the hell you doin'? Everybody's kinda upset you screwed up the mission...", Cirris looks down "It's not Seirro... It's a dream It's a dream It's a dream... It happened millions of times before, he isn't real... but if he isn't... then I...". He feels Seirro touch his shoulder "We need you, Cirris! Listen, even though you fucked up, we need your power to stop the investigators! Most of the vampires kinda start listening, since you killed the evil ones... The only thing left is CCV, but there's more Soul Hoshi Soldiers with them, rather than us... So we're depending on you, bro! Don't freak out, concentrate and know: We never needed for you to get hurt, eat souls or let your mind go crazy... We need you to be yourself, we need you!". Cirris transforms to Michael... his robe still bloodsoaked from his and others wounds... The injury healed... "I... will make a escape route for everyone, then go out..." Cirris says, Seirro smiles as he watched him walk away "Cool, I'll tell everyone to meet ya down here!". Meanwhile, Ui tried to stop the one eyed owl, until it fires many "Feathers" into her, knocking the Investigator out!!! Juzuu then watched as the vampire chopped off Shinohara's leg, causing the man to wake up in pain!!! He coughs blood as the vamp then eats it... then points to the man writhing in pain "Ñõω уóú мάțćħ.", Juzuu suddenly hopped up on his leg, ("If a angel descended here from heaven, even they would be tainted by this world. I wonder what colors would their purity be smeared with?") and charged the vampire!!! He screams toward Shinohara "I'd like to go drinking with you too, someday!!!", Meanwhile, in the sewer... Cirris starts changing back to human... "When I came back to my senses...
I tasted the sweet sensation of blood in my mouth... Seirro was no where to be seen... I tried to dismiss the heavy uneasiness in my chest when...", he sees a investigator staring!!! "I saw a man, standing in a bed of flowers... The smell of dead flowers wafts through the room... Upon staring into his eyes, I immediately Identified the man with the last of my fading powers from before... That cold glare... that apathetic feel... Only one investigator was feared by the vampires, and escaped my power...". Cirris then says "Arima Kishou...". Cirris then realizes "Why are beautiful things associated with death? It's sad, though you're free... I'm now stuck, I didn't notice the "flowerbed" was death...", he stares at millions of bodies surrounding Arima... "Did he do this by himself?". He looks up at a piller "V14... The only exit...", and fall on his knees "It's a lie... After everyone I saved... I took Zolo and Mira down here... Even as I tried to fight with fury or sorrow... The emotion I felt most was... Despair... I can't fight... I.." he remembers what Seirro said... what his new friend said to him!!! "Everyone needs me!!!". Meanwhile, Washuu stares at his moniter "How did it get pass our net?!". A investigator replied "We told Arima to guard V14 to make sure no vampires can go pass the net, and we set up a ariel net to stop others from escaping/getting in... We also told Arima, if the 1eyed vampire came from underground, to kill it. For it to get through, it was like it was underground...". Washuu stared... "You never said... how..." Meanwhile, Juzuu hopped to the vampire as it stirred Shinohara's insides "Мix, мïx...", he tries to slice it, as the Owl easily dodged him then flicks the tranny away!!! Ui shouts "Stop... that's enough Juzuu!!!". He leans on his QuinQuae... "Never... I'll never standown..." then faints as a investigator catches him... "Fuck... tha... a CCV investigator... damn..." he cries, another looks at the one eyed owl "Fuck it, that pain in the ass, destroyed are strongest men and their Quinquaes... We'll have to use backups...", they prepare to fight. Meanwhile, Cirris falls as three Quinquae stick through him!!! "Wh... How... he never...", he then ran "I'm OK, I only need to go around then I..." Arima stabs through the back of his head!!!! "'ll be OK...". Cirris screams as the QuinQuae goes through his left eye!!!!"ÂÁÁÃÃÅÃÅÅÆÄÁÂÃÁÁÁÂÀÃÀààâáÂÁÁÃÃÃÀàââääåäãáâáâàâааααăąăąćăАААΆΆΆΑΑĂĄĄĀĄĀĂĂÂÄÁÃÂÄÅÅÂÄÁÁÂАААΆΆΆΈΆΑΑΑΑÄÂÃÄÅ!!!!!!!!, he falls on his knees as writhered in horrific pain!!! "Fuck, it huuuuuuUUUURTS, IT'S LIKE MY EYE MELTIGGGGG!!!! ASAHH MYBRAIN!!! IN AIN AIN AIN AIN!!!! It hurts38× It' hotter than kitchen!!! My brains mellllltiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiing!!!!!!!!", he uses his kagune to tear it out "Mackeral Mackerel, Swordfish!!!". He held his head "Dammm Thissssssss hurts liiii shiiit Mommmy dadfy... I wannne, what r you... Doi... I...", he kneels... "He is Ainu... His eyebrow's sparkling and his long wite beard reaches his chest... From his thatched mat, he stares longingly at the flowers, stuck in it's beauty. He is the god Ainu, a living corpse, he dies as summer leaves and the beautiful, loving murder of all plant life, gives us Fall...", Arima stares as Cirris finishes "Autumn is so pretty...". Aria then said "You are Cirris Michaels..." he then aims his Quinquae at him "Sorry, no vampires are allowed passed V14. You need to die...". He fires electricity at the man, Cirris feels himself cooking "I'm melting... Wait, this is no time for melting!!!", he rushes from the electricity "My opponent is human, I only need 1 hit!!! Only... ..." all kagunes and souls he ate transformed into a giant centipede and broke through Arima's barrier, destroying his Quinquae!!! Arima drops it "Good job... that's the 1st time anyone's broken through it's barrier...", the Quinquae suddenly pushed through Cirris's torso!!! Arima picks up another lance and walks to the man... "I just remembered... I need a new QuinQuae..." he stabs his right eye...
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