Continued... :#
THE SOLDIERS MAKE A PLAN TO CLIMB THE SPACE STATION TO THE MOON, THEY GO IN TEAMS OF TWO AS THEY RAID THE BLACKBLOOD COVERED MOON! ANATASIA AND MINAMI STARE AT THE STATION... "So, that fag said this the way up to the moon?" Anatasia asks, Minami replied "When we get in, we have to rush up through the top...". Anatasia grabs her arm, and rush up the space elevator "C'mon! This'll take forever! They probably know we're coming too!", Minami sighs "That hurts...". Anatasia turns toward her "Stop being a bitch! You hafta hury up before we screw up!", Minami replies "That's why I wish Yuka was here...". The pinkhaired girl turns toward her "Your little gay friend isn't here, now listen... That bitch Kinshin's cutting us loose from the moon!", Minami looks around "She is... can we ma.... wait...", she looks at her "Yuka Chan isn't gay... th...". Anatasia yells "Hurry up, we'll make it if we hurry!!!", she drags Minami to a door!!! The soldier gets up and starts running ahead, until Anatasia puts her arm out in front of her!!! "Stop Minami...", she looks up "What...". The Vizored leers "They're not going to let us go that easy...", they see Haruhi sitting in front of the door "I can't let you pass...". Anatasia laughed "Why you're blocking us? Kaguya used you up, too?", Haruhi glares as Minami noticed "You're that voice that came from those drones...". Haruhi screams "SHUT UP!!!", the drones suddenly charge to the girls, Anatasia rushed ahead as Minami used "Soul Star!!!", she aims as the vizored slices through the army of drones!!! She leaps in he air, Haruhi thought to her drones "Go to where she lands...". They surround the soldier as landed, Minami shoots the drones!!! "Thanks!" Anatasia leered then sliced at Haruhi!!! "Issen!!!!", Haruhi blocks her with a kick!!! The beam cuts through the wall!!! Anatasia then aims at her "Sparrow Seeker!!!", Haruhi flew over, then dives at her!!! Smoke suddenly fills the room?!!! Haruhi glared "What the fuck...", Minami replies "Smokescreen... made of ki... you won't find her...". Haruhi uses Reningan!!!? "You forget, I'mma kinshin...", she looks around "Where th...". Anatasia suddenly sliced her in half!!!
The room finally breaks, the girls start getting sucked in space, until the drones float into the crack!!!? Minami turns "They're filling the hole...", then sees Haruhi still lying dead "Ah... she is dead...". Anatasia glared "Of course, now let's get tha fuck out!!!", they rush out as that part of the moon's shut off... Meanwhile, Mira and Fusagi walk through a hallway... "How come the moon has metal hallways? I thought it'd be fucked up this thing...", "Kaguya probably changed it... She's a demon goddess with a area she could easily manipulate...". She sighs... "Ah... Mira, tell me about what happened earlier...", she replies "Sei was killed by a drone... but he was so fucking stupid, Sei coulda saved himself. Ah... Even though he was being creepy, he kinda reminded me of my mom...(as creepy as it sounds) Even though we're creeped out by him, he always wanted to protect us... Still I wouldn't of thought that if she was still here!". Fusagi smiles "Really... I kinda know how you feel...", she opens a door and let Mira in... "I haven't contacted my family in months now... I couldn't even call my other family members either, since they're dead.". Mira turns "Yeah... it...", the door suddenly closes "Sorry Mira, we wanted you to be surprised!", the demongirl bangs on the soundproof glass as the psychic finishes "You'll be so happy, when you see her!". She send the capsule back to earth!!!? Mira lands on the world... then gets out to see Noire!!!? "Noire... h... how... the hell you got here?!" Mira freaks, the girl smiles happily "I had sealed Asura easily myself, at first... but after Kyuby blew up the moon... I was kinda tortured by him as it repaired... it got even worse when Kaguya came in... but now, I'm fine! When Kaguya started "Making children" I came out♪", Mira smiles "You're okay... Wow... I can't believ...". Noire giggles "I'm safe! I was tortured BADLY before, but I'm safe now! And I heard what you did, too! Thanks for taking care of Roc!", Mira blushed "Your welcome!". Roc came out of her body "You're back!!! Now that I know you somehow survived that shit, I guess I better go back!", he goes back into Noire... Mira's hair turns back black as he leaves her. Noire laughs "Heehee, thanks so much! I'm so happy you saved him, he'd probably be just another kinshin by now! Thank you!", the girls caught up, as the other soldiers continue raiding... Meanwhile, Kaguya leers at Lucci "She tried so hard... even with almost everybodyelse dead, this one still believed it's possible...", Lucci replied "She dost not know your true nature, prefect...". Kaguya casually walks to a chained Minami... "Everyone's dead... counting you: there's 3 or 4 soldiers left in the moon... The others'll die anyway, even if you delayed my attack...", she starts taking off her clothes "I wa gonna make do with Xnfe, but you'll do...". The kinshin stops... "Ah... where's Yui?", Minami replies "I donlt know... I haven't seen anyone since back then...". Kaguya sighed "Casual, are you? It doesn't matter...", she walks by her teaparty table "When she gets here, she won't be able to resist the level madness after this...". Meanwhile, Yui meets two students outside of the Moon "Hey... you're one of the Soul Hoshi soldiers, right?" a student asks. Yui replies "Yeah! Me and my friends came here to stop the kinshin, but... it feels like everyone's hurt...", the student then says "They are... at very least they're just hurt... you can still save them.". Yui smiles "You're right, thanks...", the girl answers "Maka...", her scythe forms into another teen "This is my partner: Soul.". Yui giggles "I'm Yui! Becareful guys!", Soul answers "Yeah... (Geez, she's creepy...)". Yui smiles "Alright, I'm going! I feel them a little... I hope they're OK!", Maka looks up as Yui flies to the moon... Soul states "She's so damned perky...", Maka sighs "Shut up...". Meanwhile, Kaguya sits at a teaparty table... "Mmza, Mefe, Saha... Szzu, Ckry, Xnefe... Gibby, may as well laugh about it. I'll have a little more fun, before I leave here...". Yui bursts through the ceiling!!! "Kaguya! Give ba...", she suddenly coughed blood!!!? Kaguya appears in front of her, "Sorry... But I'm..." she slams her through the floor!!! "Too angry now... I can't hold back...", Yui tries to get up, but is slammed back through the floor!!! "Is that all you got?", Yui suddenly formed a gun via Shinagami powers!!! "AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!". Kaguya leered "Whoah!", then blows in it... The canon tears to pieces!!!? Yui screams in pain, as Kaguya stares then walks away... "She's letting her guard down... I'll use my..." Yui thought, Kaguya's hand suddenly pins her to the floor!!!? "Sorry I thought you were strong... I overestimated you...". She holds her cheeks.. Yui backs back "No... I am... I have people to protect!", Kaguya leers "People to protect????", she opens her mouth... Minami's sparkle sits on her tounge... "You mean them? I ate everyone...", Yui stares as Kaguya spits it out "How're going to protect dead people? They CAN'T come back when their souls eaten...". Yui starts transforming to Lady... Kaguya laughs "Yes... that's it!!! Fight me full power!!!", Yui calms down... "No... I can't... Or I'll everyone left...", she reverts back "I'll defeat you, for everyone you hurt!". Kaguya leers "Oh... You finally controlled "Princess", huh? Then come on! Let's play a GAME!".
To Be Continued... :%
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
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