A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Chocolate :D
Continued... :@
Ulquirra walks out of Fusagi's room as a gay Arrancar came sneaked behind him... "So... How was it? How is pet-Sama doing?", Ulquirra turns around "...Noitre". The gay asked "So you doing as So how far have you disciplined her?", Ulquirra walks away "Trash.". Noitre slams his hand hard against the wall!!! "Look fuck you!! (Ssss... Dammit!!! My hand!) I just wanna know hows it going?!", Ulquirra replies "That bothers you? Such small composer". He walks away from Noitre "It's going well, she's been under Sosuke Sama's spell since she got here.", Noitre turns "Kyuka, Suigetsu, huh?". Ulquirra answers "Not even... Ever since I captured her, I've used a many layered cage...", Noitre turns "Huh?". The other Espada explains "When I captured her, I used her friends lives as a cage. When I commanded her to come, I let her find us, instead of dragging her here. This started the trapping of her believing she had free choice, with the exception of telling anyone what happened, she truly believes she's LETTING us use her to protect her friends, while we're manipulating her to become our white mage and lure our enemies here.", Noitre stared in shock... As his comrade finished "From the time she left, she's been used by us. And has no way to break free.". The gay leered "How very well thought out, I should say: this is expected of Stein?", Ulquirra replies "No this is just a game to Stein Sama, if it works:good. If it doesn't:Still good.". Meanwhile Fusagi glares as she thought "I'm going wipe their minds!!!! Theyre so arrogant, they forgot I can STILL READ THEIR MINDS!!!, meanwhile Yui runs through a hallway, until she hears stumbling in the cieling!!!? She looks up until the Arrancar falls through the rafter!!! Yui freaks "Are you OK!!!?", a mexican(?) Arrancar suddenly gets up, "Jya jya jya jya"14×. He takes a dance pose... Yui stares at him... he suddenly pointed to her, glaring "What's with that reaction?!!!"3× Yui replies "Sorry, I thought you were hurt!". He retorts "You shall pay for thinking the great:Doidooni Sama!!! Is inpotent in his presentation!", Yui protested "Wait! I...". She feels him slice her shoulder, and turns to see him standing behind her?!!!! The soldier then smiles "Ah... At least I can try out my new attack: Soulsuga Tensho!!!", Doidooni flips over it! He lands leering ""Never judge a book by it's cover", Nina!".He charged her again!!! Yui blocks his lightspeed attack, until she flew backwards!!! He leaped into the rafters, then dove at her!!! "Your feet, isn't something you should be keeping your eyes on!". He knocks her through a wall!!! "Your reflexes are slow, and speed is like dead fag, humping a pig/cow offspring..." he turns in anger "It is like fighting a baby!!!". Doidooni then leered "Madness... let... me see your "Princess" form. SosukeSama told me of it, I won't blame you for needing to transform.", Yui replies "I can't... I don't have the energy or control...", she rushed him!!! "OVER IT!!!". Doidooni leered "Now I see what kinda person you are, Now allow me to reply like this: Don't take me lightly...", a hurricane of giant snakes(???!) suddenly knock her back, one strikes at the soldier as she tried to deflect it!!! Yui's suddenly struck by his other snake, they continue trying to kill the girl, as she barely deflects the storm of hits!!! Doidooni giggled "There×3 Go "Princess" Nina, you don't wanna die, do you!? To reserve your Power against me, is way too soft! Why can't you understand!!!?". A snake pins her to the ceiling!!! "You're unreasonabe Nïna, Go "Princess" I wanna see your full strength!", Yui whispers "SoulsugaTensho!!!!". The beam destroys the snake!!! She rushed Doidooni, he blocks her sword with his arm!!!? Yui glares "Soulsuga..." he interrupts "I told you, don't underestimate me!!!". He kicks her away, then put his hands together "Kids who don't listen, need to be punished!" He fires a Cero!!!! Yui sat up and caught it in her mouth!!!? Doidooni stares in shock, until she spit it back!!! He bounced the cero back before she coud recover!!! "I don't know how you could do that, it's quiet something to redirect my cero in my released state. But... isn't that a little creepy?", he suddenly kicked at Yui!!! She backflips, somehow cutting his shoulder and one of his horns! Yui then looks up leering "...I made you wait Mr Doidooni, here's as far as I can powerup...", he sneered "I see... I got tired of waiting: Nïna". Yui thought "I wanted to save energy for the Espada, but if I die, I'll never see Fusagi or Cirris again.", Doidooni shouted "My only anger is not being able to fight you at full power!!! Show me!!!!". Yui then says "OK... You'll only be able to see it for a instant.", he leered "That's more than enough for me." his snakes suddenly charged the girl!!! Until he feels her energy!!! "What a huge spiritual pressure!!! Here, we can see your energy, your wavelength!!! It's bigger tham my...", he sees Yui transform into her "Lady" form!!! "Saa!!! Now I shall use my full power!!! We!!!", he suddenly feels his arms fly off!!!? "Wh... what the hell?!!!", he says as he fell. Yui turns back "OH SHOOT!!! I'm SO sorry!!!", he leered "To my chargin...". Yui rushes to him, and heals him back... "The fuckin... Nïna, why do you heal me?", she smiles "I don't wanna kill anyone, we could be friends!". Doidooni smiled "Ah... yes... When Stein Dono came in here, he wasn't interested in the "chocolate", he only wanted power. He doesn't even see the Espada under him as tools, I was hoping to at least be seen as a object by defeating you in your full power... But I couldn't even defeat your retardant form...". Doidooni jumps up "But now, you shall pay for letting your enemy heal!!!", Yui yells "But we're friends!". He replied "Healing me doesn't mean we're friends!!! You're just too stupid to leave a enemy for dead!!!". She retort "You can't even fight! I only healed you enough to move!", "As long as the will to fight is there, my physical pain doesn't matter!!!" he shouted!!! He charged her!!! Yui deflects him, but turns to see him staring at a army of Arrancars with cowskull heads? "Welcome Exequias, gentlemen...", the squad replied together "We have been sent to execute a intruder who has invaded the castle.". Doidooni replied "From who?", they answer "Can't say.". He leers "I see... " he charged them!!! Doidooni talks to Yui telepathically "Nïno, you released your "Lady" form against me, you could've defeated me in your current form, but did it for me. Thank you... this is the least I could do for you... run fight the others here, but you cannot show them the kindness you showed me... you can't heal them as you've done... You must act as a demon and destroy them if you're to save your friend,. Kill them, and leve the CHOCALATE BEHIND!!!!!!!" he dies protecting her... meanwhile Mira and Kirik are found by two other Arrancar!!!
To Be Continued.. :@
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Happy Halloween Finale!

First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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