Continued... :#
CIRRIS ASKS "Nishio?", the vampire replies, breathing hard!!! "Ki... Kimi came here?". Cirris gives him the note "Yeah...". Nishio throws it to the ground "FUCK!!! This is the worst, why the hell things have to turn out like this!!!?", Cirris kneels by him "I'm going... I'm his... target...". Nishio glares "I'm... going too!!!". Cirris stood "You can't go, you're dying!!!". Nishio shouts "Look at me, how the fuck am I suppose to stay home!!!?", he stood "Let's... go!!!". Later Touka sees the two men going to Tsuki's church? "???". Meanwhile, Tsukiyama plays Beethoven's Hymn Of Joy... "Do you like Beethoven, when listening to his music, a transparent darkness of europe comes to mind...", he looks up as the door open "Hm?". Cirris and Nishio stand in the doorway "Oh, Cirris Kun I'm so happy to see you!" he greets them as he stood, while playing Megalovania with his right hand "And Nishio Kun, I was hoping you'd come! I heard some interesting stories surrounding your adventure, but why do you look so fucked now?". Cirris asks "Where's Kimi!!!", Tsukiyama smiles "She's here, completely safe...". Nishio yelled "DON'T YOU LAY A FINGER ON HER, YOU FUCKING TRANNY!!!", his hair rose up!!! Tsukiyama smiles "My dear Nishio, she's fine, I wouldn't eat her...", Nishio calms down "What our you talking about, you smug gross bastard? You're not going to eat here?". Tsukiyama leers "No, sorry but Kimi is just spice! I only need her to get Cirris Kun at maximum freshness! To put it plainly...", Tsukiyama puts on his rape face!!! "I want to eat Cirris Kun, while Cirris Kun is eating!!!". Nishio yells "Fugly bastard!", The weakling stares "How perverted...". Tsukiyama puts his and on his temple... "Perverted... me? Well, if I am..." he suddenly rushed him, and grabbed Nishio's collar "You should take the blame, for you made me this way!". Cirris stares in surprise "You should be aware of your potential deliciousness, Cirris Kun.", Nishio suddenly punched, Tsukiyama dodged and kicked him through a pew!!! "You can rest, over there!". The man punched at him, Tsukiyama dodges the weakling "Such weak unrefined style... like a baby bird, first toitering steps...". He punched him hard "This, is a real punch!", Cirris stood up, then tries to knee him!!! Tsukiyama spun him, and kicked him hard!!! "And this, is a real kick!!!". Cirris slams through a pew, as the gourmet walks to him "What would you like to be hit by next? I do have to take you apart...". Touka slices his eyes!!! "How about that one? A normal surprise attack.". Tsukiyama helds his eyes, as blood sprays from them "Oh my... this is trouble some... It's been a long time!!!!!" he leers with the cut still going across his eyes "Since I been grazed...". He wipes the blood off, his eyes are completely healed??? "Hah? I'm going to break you so badly, you won't even be able to eat, Tsukiyama." she leers as she stretched. Tsukiyama laughs "I do not have feelings of ever being broken, Toni San.", she leers "You've been creping around the shop, so I thought I'd beat the hell out of you, sooner or later... And when I followed these two in secret, I found out you were here too. Besides that... Putting that shit head, Nishiki aside... If Anteiku looses a member, it'll be troublesome.". Tsukiyama leers "That's surprisingly kind of you, Toni San! Before your eyes were so cold... it was if I was cut by crystal... Haven't you calmed down some? Before you were as keen as a knife...", she retorted "Don't you think it's boring to end it right away?". Tsukiyama whips his coat off, and kicks at her!!!! "...jeez... your becoming skilled at merely talking, your still a child... well, that's whats cute about you!!!", She suddenly dodges, menwhile Cirris goes to heal Nishio, he hears him whispering... "Ki... mi...". Cirris stood... meanwhile Tsukiyama closed his eyes "You were so beatiful when you were 14... I...", he's suddenly kicked through a pew!!!". "You're so creepy, you smug fuck!!! Dammit, you're a pedophile!!!" Touka glared, Tsukiyama stood "I was just remembering you as part of a dream, that's all...". He's suddenly kicked by Cirris! The man glares "I'm NOT going to be eaten, and I'm taking Kimi back...", Tsukiyama stood up "That wasa good kick, Cirris Kun, jeez...". He sees both coming at him... "Hahaha, jeez...", he catches them, "Not bad, your movements are synched together." he kness Touka, then asks the weakling, as he spun his arm around "You certainly know this, right?". He knees his elbow out of joint!!! "Guaaaa!!!!", Cirris falls in horiffic pain! Touka walks to him "Now time for a taste!", he tore out Cirris's abdomen!!! "Buaaaah!!!!" The man coughs, as Tsukiyama eats it. "♡TRES BIEN♡!!!" the gourmet threw his head back!!! Tsukiyama then holds his hand together "I never experienced this before, a perfect taste that dances atop my tounge!!! Shit... it's better than I could expect! H... however... Now I need to have the spice on Cirris Kun, I can't eat him like this!!! ". He walks to Kimi "Now it's time to treat you to the girl...", Touka kicks at him once more, he suddenly grabs her foot without turning "Touka San... I'm sorry..." his Kagune stabs throgh her!!! "You don't deserve this... But you're getting in the way of dinner♡!" he walks away with his black eyes, glowing red."This is turning out to be fun!" he leers, Cirris yells "Don't... do you truly not care about life?!". Tsukiyama leers "Don't use that "Life's so precious" crap, you humans shave away more life than us, we only eat humans!", he moves Kimi's shirt from her shoulder "What's that ghastly thing!!!?". Nishio suddenly jumps at him "Be Prepared!!!!♪", Tsukiyama turns bored "You have some business with me?". He punched his head, as the vamp swung!!! Tsukiyama calmly takes out his Kagune "I've been fasting for Cirris Kun's sake...", it spins in side the vampire as the gourmet yells " I'm considerably hungry!!!". Nishio fell as Tsukiyama leers "There's no way you could win without your Kagune, you know? We evolved so much, that we can keep our souls, and have solidified them into a muscle, the RC inside undulate-- Then our full physical strength increases, our resilience enhances, our mobility heightes!!! All of the benifits of Soul Star, without the worry of losing your very Soul. If our Soul's are the engine, then human's are the fuel!!! I'm just displaing, my power!!!", Touka glares "I hate him,talking like a fag...". She glares "We have to eat her... I can't bring out my kagune unless I...", Cirris then asks "We can't... we only came to save her, but... I have a idea: Do you believe you can beat him?". Touka looks upset "We were evenly matched, years ago... I don't know now.", Meanwhile Nishio tries to stop the vamp, "I'll kill you, even if you fucking kill me!!!", Tsukiyama sighed "How irritating...", he starts stabbing him over and over!!! "Irritating7×!!!". He stands erect "Now, if...", he suddenly hears "Hey, Tsukiyama...". He turns to see Touka pull Cirris's shirt, off his shoulder, and bite it!!! "♡...". Cirris winced in slight pain, as the Gourmet yells "Fury. He's MINE!!!! ΜİŃĖ МİΝΕ МÏÑÈ ΜÌÑЕ♡!!!!", he screams as he slices at Touka!!! She counters as her Kagune comes "Yours... Are you stupid? Absolutely nothing in here is yours". He leers as she vanishes, smashing everything in the church!!! Until just suddenly guards against her "Calmato", she replied "Cal... what?". And fired blackwings into him, he fell over as she flies over him!!! "Kukukuku.... HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm so happy, Toni San, to think I'd be dameged so much, by someone with a Ukaku Kagune!!! I can't forgive you for snatching away Cirris Kun, but at least I can see this side of you again!!! Fufufu...", he stood up, and erects his Kagune "It seems your passion for that time, has been revived. I'm going to use your entrails to decorate all around Cirris Kun, Thank you, for the unexpected Hor D'ouevre!". He charged "I'll make you real tasty!!!", she suddenly vanishes, her speed causes the friction to break everything she passes, he swung, but is almost hit behind!!! Tsukiyama blocks the woman, then jumps onto the balcony. Touka flew on it, and ran to him, screeching her arm throuh the wall!!! She suddenly flips over and kicks the Gourmet into the floor!!! Tsukiyama spoke... "...You're doing well, Toni Kun... But I can not be stopped, this is completely not, what I intended but...". He takes out his hankirchief and ran to Kimi "Strategic Digestion!!!", he's suddenly stopped!!!? "Nikishi Kun?!!! Is this a Zombie?!!!". He starts pulling "Let me go, or...", Touka suddenly slices his arm and half his head off!!! He fell... "My arm...", then starts laughing "Hahahaha... This is hopeless, right? A lot of time... has already passed...". He stood up, and head tilts "This is the afterlife... ♡Cirris♡ Kun♡.", he staggers to him "...ust...ite...". He falls, Touka glares at him "Even your meat can be eaten, Fucking Gourmet.", Nishio ran to Kimi as she woke up "Nishio?", he starts taking her blindfold off... Touka walks to him "Nishio... She saw too much... I overheard the conversation they had, she knows your identities as welll... She has to die...", Nishio just glares... Cirris crawls to her "Touka... She's important to him, as our friends... Yorikio are to us... What if she knew your secret?", Touka yells "This isn't the same!!! She'll tell, that's why I..." she fires Blackfeathers into Nishio!!! He faints as Kimi wakes up!!! "How beautiful..." she says, Touka stops walking to the girl. Touka glares "What the hell is all this?", she flew away!!! Kimi looks at Nishio "Is she the same as you?", he faints "Nishio Kun!!! ...Cirris, even now? You almost dyed... Please turn, stop looking...". Meanwhile Touka sat on top the church... balled up... "And yet? This is a beautiful thing?". The next night, Cirris tells Itori what he found out... "I see, so you escaped with your life..." she suddenly chopped his head!!! "So you didn't find the requirements? What the hell!!!?". Cirris smiles "You have to be invited by a member of the restaurant.", She yells "That's it!!!? Jeez, it took you 3 days to find that out? Mr University!!!?", Itori then sighs "Well... At least you tried your best, even though you're untrained... And I'll chill, since Rin Chan told me not to send you there... he's not talking to me either, he only says:Cirris is not your toy. So, your Onii Sama is going to give you a hint! The hint is Rize herself, the vampire "Rize" does not exist... She changed her personal and surname, like few other vamps... After she disappeared, she threw away her name for some reason. Don't you think you should investigate about Rize, before she came to the 20th Ward?". Cirris stares until she adds "Cirrhosis, even though it's harsh, there are many situations, where the truth is hidden... Don't forget that, and keep it in your heart", Cirris smiles "Thank you, Ms Itori.". Later he walks back to Anteiku "She gave me a hint, by telling me to find out where she was, before the 20th Ward? Ah, the hidden truth... I wonder Yomo knows ab...", he's suddenly bumped by a pale Tranny... "I'm sorry!". The tranny replies "Ahhhh, I'm the 1 who should be sorry, I was lost in thought there...", the tranny leves "Well then, goodbye, I'm in a hurry...". He walks away... The next morning, Cirris tells his friends what happened "Pickpocket, why didn't fuck him up?!!!" Seirro asks, Cirris replies "I wasn't carrying my wallet... He only took a napkin of coffee beans...". Touka then asks "The hell?!!! You really didn't want to report him?", Cirris smiles "I hate them anyway, I don't even know why it was in my pocke...". Nishio walks in the room "Well don't you just look dumb? If you were to present yourself more sternly, then poor bastards wouldn't target you.", Seirro leered "If you weren't such a gay looking pussy, you wouldn't of been targeted before!". Nishio glares "You trying to get a ass beating, Seirro?". Seirro laughs "Naw... I'm just surprised you wanted to work here! (gasp) Could you been aiming for Touka?!!", Nishio laughed "Who'd want such a simple minded woman?". Touka glares at both of them "HAH!!!!!?", Cirris remembers when he was hired "If you have someone important to you, I think it's kinda unfair to kill others, as they'll have friends and family...". The boss adds "You can work here, and live a crimeless life... So you won't get yourself and Kimi in trouble again...". Later, Cirris spoke with Nishio "I wonder if Yoshimura really is acting creepy?", "Yeah he is!!! He's probably using her, to work the shit from me!!!". He sat up "I don't know what you're thinking either...", Cirris replies "I think it's possible for Humans and Vampires to live together, but we must find a way to coexist without trampling eachother... I think you and Kimi, are the first step...". Nishio replied "What a shit like way of thinking...", Cirris thought "Shit like... How does it.... Did I sound shitty? Did I say shit alot when I speak... I curse so much, I could've...", Nishio interrupted his thoughts... "Well, somehow, that ain't bad... There's people out there that think like that too...". Cirris, later walks back down stairs... "What's the matter?" he asks Sierro "There's investigators from the main ward being dispathed again, was the 20th Ward always this dangerous?". Earlier... the other night... the tranny walks away as he looks through Cirris's wallet "License... Library Card... Soul Hoshi ID... Cirris Michaels Kun, huh? Age... 17, just like me! Now time for the vitals...Oooohhh... Huh? Coffee beans!!? Shit... I won't have anything to eat tonight... I shoulda talked Shinohora San into giving me money after all...". The three vamps who tried to cannibalize Nishio, earlier sees the tranny... "I'm hungry...", "Me too", "This 1's got a nice smell, yeah?". They glare "Let's do it!!!". Later they beg for their lives "I'm sorry I'm sorr, please forgieaaaaaah!!!", "Sorry? But you were the 1's trying to eat me?" the tranny asks. He walks to one "So how about we even the score a little?", he grabs his nostril "Now then, shall we play a game of chef?", he use a razor to slit his neck "I'll be the chef, and you're the pig!".
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
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