A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Yui's Return!!! Again...
THE SOLDIERS HIDE IN THE CAVE AS HARU AND HIS MEN FLY BY!!! "Do you think we've been discovered!!!?" Fusagi asks as they hide. They all flew by... Touka looks outside "They're gone, I guess they weren't after us after all... I wonder what...?", Fusagi interrupts "Did you feel... magic?". Touka looks in wondor "What the hell does that...", the psychic explains "When witches used magic, we could feel it from their Soul Reaction... but this magic... it felt different than theirs...". Touka sensed them... "Right... it's in clusters... they have 4 magic???", Fusagi adds "What ever white magic is here, it has a physical form. We have to actually get it to use it then...". She looks up "Girls, did you see the homo looking 1, 2nd to the front?", Mira answers "I felt a huge queer soul reaction coming from him!". Fusagi trembles "As strong as Vassago was, that guy beats him by 1,000,000 miles! His friends were strong too... But that gay's on a entirely different level!". Touka tilts her head "Who do think that was?", the pyschic answers "He must be 1 of Vassago's pals, they're all wearing the same clothes (or lack thereof). How are we suppose to get the white magic away from those guys?". Touka suddenly exclaims "Wait a minute, they're headed to more magic! About... 14 kilimeters... that way!", she points in a direction... Mira then shouted "That's where you said you thought you sensed genies!!!", Fusagi glares "I'm going to find out, exactly what's going on over there!". Touka freaks as the girls walk out "Wait!!! You're gonna leave me here without blood to protect myself!!!?", Fusagi shouts "You'll be safer here than where we're going moron!". Touka sighs "You're right... I'll see if I can set up a base, you guys becareful out there!", the other 2 rushed off behind the group!!! Meanwhile Yui was trying to do sit ups on the hospital floor, a doctor and nurse walks in as she sits up slowly.... "Oh, still pushing yourself Karis?". Yui looks up "Oh... doctor...", he tongue lashed her"How many times have I told you, if you keep being a dumbass, you'll never go home!". The nurse lays her in bed "I'm not buying the magical monster crap, but being physically abused isn't something to be taken lightly!", "Yes Dr..." Yui says as she's layed in bed. He then asks "Where's your friends?", she laughs "They bored of me right now!♪". Sei walks into the room, "How are you Yui? no one else here?", Yui giggles "No...". He rushed to her bed "I bought get well cake!", Yui smiles "Thanks!", Sei walks behind the nurse "I just recieved a important message from Touka and the others about genie world..." he spanks the woman!!! "KYAAH!!!", Sei turns towards her "Sorry ma'am I spun to fast. I kinda swing my arms when I walk...". He turns towards Yui "Anyway... they made it safely in the world... but they're not by themselves... the djinn somehow followed them there.", Yui freaked "V... Vassago!!! Are you serious!!!?". Sei continued "Just before I got here, I got another call... Vassago's not alone, there are at least 10 of his friends there as well, the lamp was wrecked and now they can't get back to earth. And to make matters worse, there's someone with a soul stronger than Vassago's!". The fat civilian suddenly walks in... "You're still alive? What? I thought you'd be happy to see me...", he walks to Yui "The soul food is ready, it's just a little though... Stein said to bring 'em to ya!". Yui laughs ."Awesome, give me something!", he puts a potato in her mouth(?). Yui somehow chews it, the doctor freaked "See here, she said give her something edible dumbass!...". Yui suddenly flipped out of bed!!! She tore off her bandages and hospital gown (Leaving only her "bra" and boxers shorts) "I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT! Daddy bought me new clothes for when I get outta the hospital!", She reaches in a drawer and puts on a new black training dress, red skirt, white gloves and boots! "Alright! I'm off to genie world!", she takes the bag from the civilian "Sorry, I'll be taking the soul food with me!". Sei asks "Genie world!!? How are you planning on getting there?", Yui turns towards Sei "Professor Stein came by earlier, and I asked him to make a new lamp just in case!". Sei tilts his head "How?", Yui explains "Since Touka blew the other into pieces, he used normal metal and changed it to the metal the other lamp used, plus since he made his after the other: the designs optimized. So I can get to genie world in just 6 days!". Yui jumped out the window!!! The civilian asks as she falls "What the hell!!!?", Sei answers "She knows how to fly, Stein would've taught you too, if you stayed...", they suddenly hear a crash! Yui flew back off the road "Ouch!!! I can't believe it! There's someone stronger than Vassago!". She flew to Stein's lab, the soldier landed and looks around. Momo suddenly walks to her "Hi Yui chan!", Yui giggles "Hi Mrs Momo♪". Momo starts walking with her "Are you all better now?", Yui laughs "Yes! Thanks♪ Ah, is the lamp done?". Momo smiles "No... Stein said there was 1 more important thing...", Yui freaks "He's not done?!!!". Momo holds her hand "Don't be scared, he's almost done... I can't believe you've gotten so strong Yui chan, You're even stronger than Zolo was now... Even if you're late, you can still save them!". They walk to the lamp! "Stein! Yui chan's here!", Yui looks excited "It's bigger than the other 1!!!". Stein came from the door "Come and have a look, I built everything to your specifications. I even put in the artificial gravity machine and a kitchen! All doodoo goes through that hatch: everything's done!". Yui laughs "Ah! Then what else needs work?", Stein looks upset "I need a place to put the speakers, you want things to sound good regardless of where you are, don't you?". Yui freaks again "I need to go right now, Touka said they're stranded there because their ship's destroyed!!!", Stein shrugs "Alright, if you don't want to rock...". Later, the lamp flew into space!!! Yui looks out a window "Space is really bright and pretty! Nevermind, I need to start training right away!", she turns on Punk rock trance fusion then starts training! Meanwhile Fusagi and Mira found a genie village, "What're they doing?", "Thier houses look like lamps also...". Fusagi then notices the lamps in thier hands "Wait a minute, that's the source of white magic. those lamps in thier hands! We'll have to rub them, to get white magic right?", Matsouka turns around "I thought there was a small power reading on that cliff... it must've been a animal...". A monster suddenly yelled "Master Haru! We've only found 5 of them!, the others appear to be out at the moment...", 3 colorful human shaped, beings floated out of their lamp. They all were different colors with spiky hair, and baggy pants!!! Fusagi thought "The Soul Rescation... They must be genies!!!".
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Happy Halloween Finale!

First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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