Vassago Or Haru!?

Continued... >:l
VASSAGO TREMBLES IN TERROR, AS HARU SAYS "I believe your already numb from my speed, super really is really is a legend after all...", Vassago stares in horror then screams "I... is this rea...lly the be... est I'm ca...pable... of?! No!!! I refeuse to accept it!!! I AM!!! I... I AM SUPER VASSAGO MOTHER FUCKER!!!!". He suddenly fires Garlic gun!!!! "DIE IBLIS HARUKA!!!!", Everyone freaks as they remember feeling that energy!!! Kyubi cried "OMG Vassago!!! Are you planning on blowing the world away!!!!?". Haru then barely kicks the spell, it flies straight into the air!!!! The werewolf freaked "He... ju... just... blew... blew it away... with just 1 kick...", Fusagi adds "Vassago put everything he had into that attack! This guy's something else...". Haru looks at Vassago "Now then... let's hear your orgasm squeal",  FOR THE 1ST TIME VASSAGO TREMBLES IN HOPELESSNESS, FOR THE 1ST TIME IN HIS LIFE, HE FEELS TRUE FEAR. FOR THE 1ST TIME IN THE DJINN'S MALICIOUS LIFE, HE CRIES... Haru headbutts the djinn, then slaps him in front of the others!!!! The iblis then picks him up with his tail, then starts fisting inside Vassago's buttocks "When I'm through with him, he'll pee like you bitches: are you sure you don't want to step in?". THE OTHERS STARE IN TERROR AS HARU BEATS HIM LIKE A PUNCHING BAG, TOO PARALYZED FROM FEAR TO HELP. Meanwhile Yui thought "Vassago's energy got a huge boost, but it's dropping fast now... what's happening?!!!", she hears the medical lamp alarm "I'm healed!!!". The lamp explodes!!! The wet teen flies on top of Haru's lamp "My power spiked really high, it's gushing from me!♪ I'm so excited by how huge it is, ♪I'm kinda scared!♪ But there's no time to enjoy it, I can smell dooky in the air: That means I have to save everyone! Don't worry everybody, I'm coming!", she feels thier souls... "There... they're not far...". Meanwhile the others watch in horror as Haru finishes molesting/beating Vassago, and throws him into a boulder!!! The djinn coughs blood as Haru walks towards him "I'm upset you seemed to have gone unconcious... I just finished our foreplay, I wished you stayed awake for the main attraction... I guess I'll just kill you now...". They all suddenly hear a girly twinkling sound behind them!!!! Yui appears, then walks by Kyubi "So that large energy was you Kyubi! I sense you learned white magic too!", she smiles at her two friends! "Thanks you guys for helping me to the lamp, I'll beat this guy now!♪". Mira freaked "Yui...", Fusagi s looks scared "Her energy feels completely different from before... She has her own soul but... it's like she's a different... person...". Yui walks to Haru "Vassago promised me a fight, please wait your turn Mr Haru!", Haru glares "I've seen this slut before...". Vassago wakes up from hearing her high voice "Kar... Karis Ai?", Haru looks surprised as he thought "Karis Ai!!!? A earthling?... I know I saw someone who looks just like... her. On earth... but she was a adult, this couldn't be the same slut...". He looks at Yui "I will fuck anyone who dares to defy me, you could save yourself the trouble and suck my dinghy now.", Yui answers "But I can't eat it, why do people put...". Haru suddenly kicks at the girl!!! She appears in front of him, then kicks him backwards!!!! Haru points at her, Fusagi cries as her and Mira ran "Mother of God!!! Run Yui, He'll...". Haru looks tired "Wretched bitches", he fires many Death Beams! Yui blocks all of them!!!? "Oh no!!! I think I burned my glove!!!", Haru glares as she wipes it off "She blocked them all with 1 hand!!?". Vassago suddenly laughs "What's wrong gay? You realize she's stronger than you are? She's finally someone you can't fist as you please, she's what you fear most: she's Super!!!", Haru looks scared as Vassago laughs "HAHAHAHAHA What's with that look?!! You're having a orgasm now just thinking about it!!!? Doesn't it make you wet too? If you beg, she may even le...". Haru suddenly fires a death beam through Vassago!!! He falls down, and coughs blood!!! Everyone looks in horror as Haru says "I thought I told you, to only squeal, bitch.". Yui stares at the djinn "Vassago...", she yells at Haru!!! "How could you hurt him, he was too injured to fight back, let alone stand!. The iblis answers "I told you retard, I'm the pimp. Bitch was trippin' balls.", Vassago whispered "Ka..ris Ai... You have to st... op the mercy... act. You... du...mb... bimbo... You'll ne...ver s...uper...". Yui answered "But I can't be as cold blooded as you!", he yelled "You.. to... or you'll... n...ver bea... Haru...ka". Yui uses Soul Star and tries to heal the djinn "Stop speaking, you'll waste energy...", he gags blood "Kari...s Ai... Our world wasn't destroyed only because of the kinshin: We djinn used to be a race, like you earthlings... we're stronger but not perfect. Until he took over, we did everything he said! No matter what he wanted!!! I was probably the ONLY djinn who avoided his "schnitzel", then finally... the madness of abusing something completely obedient to your will... attracted Asura! He watched as everyone except me and my dawgs, were consumed!". Haru tilted his head "You hated your "dawgs", punk ass corpse." ,Vassago finishes as tears pour from his eyes "Tha... t bas...tard destroyed our entire... race... He ab...use us 3 until we... to eart... Please Kari... Ai... yo... h... to... k...ill Haru... He mus... die by the hands of... y...". Vassago dies from stress... "Vassago..." Yui stares a hole into the island (!!!?) then carries him "You're not upset about your friends dying, you're upset about being Haru's puppet. You're the nastiest rotten, evil man I ever spoke to... but you have your djinn pride, I'll take on your fear and hatred and stop him!". She turns toward Haru "In the name of all djinn you killed and everyone in genie world, I will defeat you!", Haru woke up... "Can we continue the orgy?...". Kyubi screamed "Let's go!!! We'll be in the way!", Fusagi turns to see Mira still staring "Hurry up!!!". Mira looks at her BF "Becareful Yui!", she flies away with the other soldiers! Yui suddenly rushes Haru!!!  He disappears then kicks at her from above! Yui dodges, the iblis fires laser eyes at her!!! She appears behind him and kicks hard!!! He pops out the water and fires at point blank!!! Yui catches the pink spell and is pushed through a mountain!!! Yui then finally throws it up!!! "DYAAAAAAH!!!!", the teen blows off her hands " Owieeeeeeeeee!!!!". Haru glares at her  "Bitch... fucking "funny" bitch...".

To Be Continued >:C

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