Karis Ai Nickname:Yui Age:14 Height:5'7 Weight:102 Hair:Silveryblonde Skin:Pale Eyes:Blue SoldierType:Fighter Race:Japanese/English Yui was born to Lin and Aino, after her mother died, Lin enrolled her into many fighting schools, to train her. Thanks to this, being surrounded by killers and Lin's constant cuddling, Yui became a sweet/kind tomboy. She fought Asura, Haru, America, Father and Stein, this caused her to completely use abilities she did before, as the professor was a Kinshin. Yui controlling Princess, rendered her nearly powerless, but the girl's strength increased alot due to her converting it! After opening 6 of the Celestial gates, her power surpassed even "Princess" despite hurting her. Her full strength almost killed Garaa despite holding back alot of it, but caused her to break her muscles and bones. After Yui was healed, she sexed her boyfriend then left to spy! Yui now runs around in the darkness, wondering why she still's awake??? Yui is a slender small girl, she's usually seen wearing a black training dress, white gloves and shoes, with a red skirt. She showed everything she wore weighed: 200, 400, 400, lbs each respectively... and that she effortlessly wore these clothes her life!!! Yui has a PinkFairyWings Shape Soul.
Mira Elric Age:16 Height:5'7 Weight:128 Hair:Purple Skin:Caucasian Eyes:Darkblue SoldierType:Mage Race:British Mira was born to British philosophers, upon settling finally, Mira learned about Soul Hoshi and wanted to be enrolled. Afterwards she befriended Yui, and became a Mage. Mira further became a tomboy too, because of her being surrounded by murderers and having murdered too, she still is kind too, the demongirl later found she was related to Michaelis, but still was able to attack and save others, despite finding out before the mission. She now tries to get back to her world, after Kaguya warped her into a desert... Mira is healthy girl for her age, she's usually seen wearing a frilly blue shirt and jeans, but now wears a white, open vest, with black pants. Mira has a BlueFire Shape Soul.
Fusagi Tsunou Age:15 Height:5'7 Weight:? Hair:Honey Skin:Pale Eyes:Emerald SoldierType:FighterMage Race:Japanese Fusagi was born in a rich family, thanks to a slight deviation in her family, she has beautiful gren eyes! Fusagi was moved everywher as the USA attempted to murder her parents, but had escaped upon moving to Nottingham. Fusagi chose to enroll in Soul Hoshi, as she wanted to hide in a "hidden" academy and have friends. She helped defeat every criminal, getting caught by America and Stein during her missions. Fusagi now tries to fight against Kaguya, and prepares to help look for Mira. Fusagi has a curvy body, resembling a grown woman's. She's usually seen wearing a cream colored dress with gold lacing and huge hooped earrings. Fusagi has a TwilightButterfly Type Soul.
Touka Toni Age:18 Height:5'9 Weight:109 Hair:Violet Skin:Pale Eyes:Sapphire SoldierType:Mage Race:Japnese Touka was born in Tokyo to vampires, she was found by the government and was hunted... Touka ran away, and somehow moved to Nottingham, she enrolled herself in Soul Hoshi afterwards and quickly became friendswith everyone!!! Touka seems not to take any misdion too seriously, and relaxes alot, due to her needing blood to use her power! She helped defeat Asura, Haruka, America and Father... But was sent on another mission before Stein attacked, she came back as he was being killed by "Princess". She then fought Yourichi in the Soldier Exam, and faked being angry to use her vampiric power... Touka now sleeps in a branch from the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil, being used by Kaguya and slowly turned into a WhiteZetsu♀!!! Touka is a slender tall girl, she's usually seen wearing a blue vest, shorts and shoes with a purple undershirt... She now wears Darkpurple ninja suit, with fishnets on her arms, legs and cleavage, she also tied her hair in a ponytail. Touka has a BlackWing Shape Soul.
Penance Sama Age??? Height:9'0? Weight:??? Skin:Aqua Eyes:Red SoldierType:god Race:Kami Penance Sama is a kami that was born from the beginning of the universe, like all others, he was sent to judge humans and other creatures who did wrong. He flew with his Avatars, exacting judgement on all evil. Until he was betrayed by his greatest one:Asura, he sealed him, but 800 years later, had to watch as he was sealed once more... He then watched over and judged all who his Soldiers caught and later passed judgement on specific criminals, allowing his soldiers to kill. Penance Sama judged Vasago, Zolo and Ana, letting them join upon seeing their souls and future, he also healed Momo jr after the stabbed child was warped into him. He learned of America's plans through his Avatars, and ordered for his Academy to call others, unalligned with their government to host the Soldier Exams. He helpd decide which soldier would do what during it, and is one of the 10 kami to help fight America. After Michilis attempted to absorb him, Penance Sama told Garra to bring Cirri's unconsciou body to Minato, as he sealed some of himself with in him, and The god possession jutsu could only work if all of every kami is inside the vessel. After being revived, Penance Sama and the others took Cirris's body and along with him are fighting Kaguya. Penance and the others, now are coming up with plans to kill her... Penanc'es Soul is a ElectricFire Shape.
Lin Ai Age:34 Height:6'0 Weight:132 Hair:Black Skin:Chocolate Eyes:Brown SoldierType:Avatar Race:English Lin is a English Philosopher descended from Japanese ancestors, he became a Avatar and married Aino. His wife died after his daughter:Yui was born, causing him to enroll her Fighting schools so she could learn to defend hersef. Lin's constant cuddling caused her to become a kind tomboy, and seem almost exactly like him. Lin has fought, despite being a pacifist when serious dangers came, as Father and Yui loosing her soul, CP13, Stein and USA's plans. Lin watched during the Soldier exams, and later found and helped his old friend, Obito. They and his senpai: Minato worked together to fight Michilis... and now fights against Kaguya. Lin is a huge man, with a muscular build. He's usually seen wearing a red shirt and purple sweatpants, he now wears a blue ninja suit and belts to hold his tools and weapons. Lin has a WhiteElfwing Type Soul.
Sei Albarn Age:37 Height:5'9 Weight:135 Hair:Mahogany Skin:Caucasian Eyes:Green SoldierType:Avatar Race:Japanese/English Sei is a pedophilic man, but the powerfullest Avatar in Soul Hoshi. He is treated badly by other adults, but seemingly treated as friend by his "objects of affection", despite being disrespected. Sei helped fight on every mission, unless ordered to help in others... He watched the Soldier Exams, and was unhappy to see his favorite child:Yui using the 8 celestial gates!!! Sei now is stuck in a branch from Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil... turning into a Whitezetsu♂. Sei is a normal sized man and usually wears a black trenchcoat, he now wears a skintight ninja costume, with a belt and fishnets. Sei has a RedFox Shaped Soul.
Momo Mljorner Age:24 Height:5'7 Weight:157 Hair:Blonde Skin:Caucasian Eyes:Cobalt SoldierType:Avatar Race:Japanese/British Momo was enrolled into Soul Hoshi at a early age, she became a Avatar and hoped to retire after... But was called back to the academy upon Asura being released on earth... Momo later became pregnant by Stein, and carried a child for months, until Stein stabbed her stomach!!! She was healed as Penance Sama healed her baby, she later got over her horror and tried to help fight against the man, only to be used in his Hypnosis and attacked again!!! Later she started heal mentally after her healed baby was finally born! She happily took care of the child, until they found out about the new attack from america... Momo left Momo jr in Katsuyu's care and left to fight, she's now in a branch of The Tree Of Knowlegdge Of Good And Evil. Momo is a curvy short woman and is usually seen wearing a skintight black robe, she now wears bandages and fishnets. Momo has a YellowThuderbolt Shaped Soul.
Robyn Nico Age:20 Height:5'8 Weight:139 Hair:Black Skin:White Eyes:Chocolate SoldierType:Avatar Race:Japanese/English Robyn was enrolled in Soul Hoshi at ten and quickly became a Avatar, she was put in charge of Africa, but was called back to Nottingham to help seal Asura. Robyn helped on other missions while there and has left to Africa and Australia periodically for different missions... She came back to help fight against Stein, and traveled with the Androids and Ana to help fight Michilis. She now is caught in The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil's Branches... Robyn is a slender curvy woman, she's usually seen wearing the Soul Hoshi Uniform, but now wears a ninja suit, with a black robe... Robyn has a RubyFlower Shaped Soul.
Ana Leonheart Age:24 Height:5'6 Weight:102 Hair:Blonde Skin:Caucasian Eyes:Azure SoldierType:Fighter Race:American Ana was enrolled into Soul Hoshi at a early age, and trained to fight, similar to Yui was. She was drafted to be part of CP13, but was saved by Nottingham after failing to catch Yui. Afterwards, she became close to Robyn due to her strictness, reminding her of her dad... Ana helped fight against Stein and destroyed Monku after finally getting to the area!!! She follows her teacher:Robyn until they find Cell, healing Mira. Ana now is stuck in a branch of The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil, Ana is a small slender woman, she's usually seen wearing a Nottingham Uniform, she now wears a white robe. Ana has a YellowHorn Shape Soul.
Kasanoda Lei Age:29 Height:5'8 Weight:179 Hair:Blonde Skin:Caucasian Eyes:Blue SoldierType:Fighter Race:American/Japanese Kasanoda became a shipwright at a very early age, and harbored great respect for Iceberg, despite his fiesty attitude. He was even ready to murder the Nottingham Soldiers for thiniking they assassinated him, but later helped them upon finding they didn't... Afterwards he came back to water7, and hated the idea of a boat city... so he became a Hawaiian Soldier. He came to Nottingham to help stop CP13, then continued to fight during Stein's betrayel, he then was called to help fight USA and watched the Tokyo Soldiers:Dr Gero and Android19 in the Soldier Exams! Kasanoda now is dreaming in the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. Kasanoda is a normal sized man, he's usually seen wearing a Hawaiian Uniform, but now wears a blue ninja suit and beigh pants... Kasanoda has a RedSword Type Soul.
Izumi Harnet Curtis Age:24 Height:5'7 Weight:104 Hair:Black Skin:Caucasiqn Eyes:DarkGrey SoldierType:Mage Race:American Izumi is a House Wife married to the butcher Curtis, she tried alchemy to get back her stillborn child but suffered because of this, later she helped fight against and defeat Father. And seemingly went back home... Months later, she became a Soul Hoshi Nottingham Soldier and now helps fight against her country. Izumi became a instructor in the Soldier Exams and watch them as they prove they deserve what position she, Hokage and Midoriya will choose for them. Izumi helped fight against Monkuton and is now sleep in the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil... Izumi is a slender House Wife, and is usually seen wearing a white dress and black jeans with the Flammel tattoo on her breast, and her hair in mini braids. She now wears the Nottingham Uniform, and later wears a skintight Ninja Suit. Izumi has a WhiteHummingbirdWing Shaped Soul.
Power Sama Age:??? Height:15'0??? Weight:??? Hair:N/A Skin:Furrybrown Eyes:Red SoldierType:god Race:kami Power Sama is a kami that was born from the beginning of the universe, like all others, He flew around earth, destroying all evil and vile humans and creatures, with his Avatars. His Avatars and Soldiers followed him, until the country's plan to take over the world started. He was ignored like other Kami in america, and watched his followers destroy others and themselves, by following the alter stone tablet's words. No one would listen, excepth a handful, and they left with him to help stop America. Later he tried to help fight Michaelis, but was almost consumed, until Penance Sama told him, that his soldier:Cirris has many Houtentai being created in his body, making him one of the only beings capable of surviving a godpossession Jutsu. All kami possessed him, and now help fight!!! They now come up with plans to kill Kaguya. Power Sama's Soul is a Stone Shape
Yourichi Shioin Age:17 Height:5'1 Weight:93 Hair:Purple Skin:Pancake Eyes:Golden SoldierType:Avatar Race:African/Japanese Yourichi is a Avatar in the Soul Society, despite not using Zanpakto and using only Shunpo. She's much more relaxed than the rest, even flirting with friends and enemies and acting like a child, despite her position. Yourichi returned to the Soul Hoshi Academy upon hearing about the USA. The woman joined the Soldier exams to train, despite not needing to, and fought Touka. Later she quickly befriened the vampire and is excited to help stop America. Yourichi is now dreaming in The Tree Of Knowlede Of Good And Evil. Yourichi is a slender voluptuous woman and is usually seen wearing sleevless shirts and tight pants. Yourichi has a VioletCat Shaped Soul.
Mashiro Kuna Age:25 Height:5'0 Weight:98 Hair:Green Skin:Caucasian Eyes:Brown Type:Badass Race:Japanese/British Mashiro was a lieutenant in under Kensei, but left the Soul Society after being experimented on. She became Superhero afterwards, and helped stop the war between USA and Hueco Mundos, then left back to the Soul Society. Mashiro left upon hearing about America's plans, she joined the Soldier Exam and showed off her techniques. After beating Tenten, she threw her, but was told by Yui she could've hurt the girl. Mashiro explains she was just hyped to've won, and made up with Tenten later. The whole time Cirris has been staring at her, Mashiro noticed him and thought he was only interested in her being a Superhero. This caused her to give him autographs and get his attention, striking poses for him, unknowingly that Cirris was a perv and trying not to pay attention to her body/bodysuit. Mashiro helped fight against Monku and now is trapped in the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. Mashiro is a small curvy voluptuous woman and is usually seen wearing a skintight white body suit, orange gloves, pink scarf and goggles. Mashiro has a LimegreenGrasshopper Shaped Soul.
Anatasia Sarugaki Age:15 Height:4'4 Weight:57 Hair:Pink Skin:Pale Eyes:Brown SoldierType:Mage? Race:Russian Anatasia was a vizard after being experimented on, and became alot more rough over this time. After almost being killed she joined Nottingham, and became Soldier. Anatasia seemingly wanted to be close to who helped her and people who moreso fought or agreed with her thoughts, she is seemingly more "happy" there, with her hair growing longer and her eyebags disappearing... Her fangs seem to be almost completely gone too. Anatasia fought in the exams too, and was placed as a fighter. She was teamed with Yui, Tenten and Zolo, but left upon them racing to where Obito and Miichilis was... She's now dreaming and being turned into a Whitezetsu♀ like every other female caught in the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. Anatasia is beautifully compact girl, she wore a red jogging suit with a white shirt and black stockings, but now is usually wearing a pink dress with white shirt and black stockings under, during the mission, she changed into a ninja suit with fishnets and and scabbard. Anatasia has a Red♀ Shaped Soul.
Kainen Ai Yui Age:"14" Height:5'7 Weight:102 Hair:Black Skin:Pale Eyes:Aqua Type:Fighter Race:Espada Kainen was a soul, until Stein caught her and placed her in a Yui clone. She had Yui's memories "uploaded" into her, the girl loved the fact she "had" a boyfriend (since she didn't get one before death) that she could easily overpower. Kainen tried to molest him right away but was stopped, she later got free and enjoyed her new life! She now searches for Cirris after exploring for weeks, and is unaffected by Infinate Tsukuyomi as she already died... Kainen was a slender girl before, but is now Yui's exact size, even her cup/bust. She's usually seen wearing a she's usually seen wearing a frilly white training dress, cobalt gloves and shoes, with a blue skirt. Kainen has a SapphireCrusifix Shaped Soul.
Kiba Inzuku Age:16 Height:5'9 Weight:148 Hair:Black Skin:Caucasian Eyes:Onyx SoldierType:Fighter Race:Japanese Kiba is a Soul Hoshi Soldier who moved from Konoha to help Nottingham. He and his team came to the academy, and attended the Soldier Exams, to decide who'll be best for which position! When he found he'd fight:Cirris, he cheered as he knew from the small time they stayed, that he was fighting against weakling,!! Kiba easly fought with his partner:Akamaru and Steroids!!!' He was then beaten by Cirris easily.... He won the match by default, as using Soul Hoshi too much could result in horrbie death when a battle. Kiba tried to help fight monku... But is now stuck in the The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. Kiba is a normal sized Butvand usually wears a ninja clothes and fur coat, he now wher's a skintight ninja suit. Kiba has a RedDoggy Shaped!!!
Akamaru Age:1 Height:18inch Weight:17kg Hair:Grey/White Skin:Pink Eyes:White SoldierType:Mage Race:Puppy Dog Akamaru is a puppy adopted by Kiba, the ninja raised the dog from birth and taught it to murder during missions. Kiba later named the dog after the effect Flacca and Steroids have on the dog... Akamaru attempted to help fight Cirris, but was beaten by the weakling and knocked out by his owner. He now is sleep in The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil... Akamaru's fur is white grey, but turns bloodred upon taking drugs... Akamaru has a YellowVapor Shaped Soul.
Garaa Nara Age:16 Height:5'8 Weight:128 Hair:Red Skin:White Eyes:LightGreen SoldierType:Avatar Race:Japanese/African Garaa is a Soul Hoshi Soldier who moved from Libya to help Nottingham. He and his brother came into the academy, and joined the Soldier Exams to see what position they'll take. Garaa was was almost murdered by mistake by Yui when she used Eight Celestial Gates, at the end of the fight, Defense Sama tried to use what power he had left to fight back, but barely touched her with the sand... Later, Defense Sama was moved by Michilis, leaving Garaa to use his sand powers by himself to help fight. He's now asleep like every other soldier caught in the Infinite Tsukuyomi, and is wrapped in the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. Garaa is a normal size boy, and is usually seen wearing a crimson shirt and trenchcoat, he has "love" tattoed to his forehead and wears mascara and uses a powderpuff. Garaa has a DarkbeigeSand Shaped Soul.
Kankuro Nara Age:19 Height:5'14 Weight:180 Hair:Black Skin:Caucasian Eyes:Ebony SoldierType:Fighter Race:Japanese/African Konkuro is a Soul Hoshi Soldier who moved from Libya to help Nottingham. He, his brother and their team came to Soul Hoshi Nottingham and joined the Soldier Exams, to see what position they'd get. Konkuro scared Android19 during their fight, and caused the fatass to leave, screaming. He later helped fight Monku and like the others, were being healed by Mages as they attempted to get past the monster... Kankuro now is sleep in a branch of The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. Kankuro is a normal sized man and is usually seen wearing a black ninja suit and a puppet on his back, he also wears eyeliner and blush on his cheeks, forehead and scalp. Kankuro has a DarkYellowRock Shaped Soul.
Defense Sama Age:??? Height:8'0??? Weight:??? Skin:Sand? Eye:Red SoldierType:god Race:Kami Defense Sama is a kami that was born from the beginning of the universe, like all others, he was created to defend humans from evils that could not normally be destroyed by them. He traveled earth with his Avatars, destroying any vile, tainted thing, until he was betrayed by a human!!! Defense Sama started distrust all human and creatures and eventually started murdering all who even seemed vile. His Avatar, after causing everyone to fear him, was the only person kind enough to see through his barrier and touch him, causing him to want to open up once more. His new Avatar:Garaa, immediately caused him to open, and they resonated easily, both caring for the other and causing Defense Sama to want to protect humans again. He first tried to protect Garaa from Yui's Celestial Gates, but couldn't keep up with her!!! Later he tried to help fight Michaelis, but was almost consumed, until Penance Sama told him, that his soldier:Cirris has many Houtentai being created in his body, making him one of the only humans capable of surviving a godpossession Jutsu. All kami possessed him, and now help fight!!! They now come up with plans to kill Kaguya. Defense Sama's Soul is a SphericalBarrier Shape.
Tenten Age:18 Height:5'7 Weight:117 Hair:Brunette Skin:Caucasian Eyes:Brown SoldierType:Mage Race:Japanese Tenten was enrolled into Soul Hoshi Forbidden City, and moved upon becoming a high ranking mage, to Nottingham. She along with her team, learned of America's plans to take over the world, and joined the exams to see how and if they should help. Tenten used her powers over space to fight, but was beaten by Mashiro... She was saved by Yui and healed by her and Cirris, later, she Yui , Zolo and Anatasia were traveling to the battleground, but was seperated upon Zolo and ahead, then Yui following when he transformed into a kinshin!!! Tenten is now dreaming and is in a branch of The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. Tenten is a slender curvy woman, she usually wears a fuchsia robe and red pants, she now wears a ninja suit and headband her hair is in buns too... Tenten has a OpalScroll Shaped Soul.
Midoriya Izuku Age:26 Height:5'9 Weight:141 Hair:BlackGreen Skin:White Eyes:Green SoldierType:Avatar Race:Japanese Midoriya was a Soul Hoshi Kanto Soldier, he moved to Nottingham after learning of USA's plans. He was hired to be the proctor of the Soldier Exams, and to grade and protect the soldiers after they fought, he also suffered from Tuberculous his entire life, and somehow kept himself in top condition. He was a kind but firece ninja when he needed to fight, and was proud of, surprised by and impressed by the soldiers attacks and enjoyed his job... After the exams ended and Cirris left the room, he died... Midoriya was a slender musclar man, and was usually seen wearing a Shizouka Uniform, with a a green bodysuit and belts holding his weapons and a headband. He wore a Nottingham Uniform upon refereeing the Exam. Midoriya has a TealHead Shaped Soul.
Cell Age:79 Height:7'0 Weight:286 Hair:N/A Skin:Green Eyes:Pink SoldierType:Fighter Race:Android Cell is a android created by Gero's Supercomputer, it was created for taking over the world, but was instead used in a more systematic plan. Dr Gero and Android19 would help stop America's plans, but through overpowering the soldiers. Cell watched and was ordered to come if they recieve defiance after beating them, the android absorbed civilians and criminals as it waited for it's Master, but found they both were easily beaten... This caused Cell to soul search... until it found Mira during the battle, it began healing her by converting the DNA he absorbed, into being part of her, and now wants to be a Dr... Cell now wanders as it stares at the humans and animals, all stuck inside the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. Cell is a tall muscular android created from cells from the strongest fighters on earth, (excluding Yui as her "Princess" form was not seen, and she was considered weak...), it's green with a cicada shaped body and very long... hat shaped head... It's created in perfect form and can still use his tail to drain bioenergy, it elongates when he does despite it now being used in reverse to give energy.
Minato Namikaze Age:24 Height:5'7 Weight:140 Hair:Blonde Skin:Caucasian Eyes:Blue SoldierType:Avatar Race:Japanese Minato was a soldier in Kanto's Soul Hoshi Academy, he became the best at the academy, excelling in every action he did. Minato shortly became a Avatar of Kill Kami, but at twentyfour, was killed... 15 years later he was revived by America, in a plan to use knowledge directly out of him and other Avatar's bodies... But he escaped and found his old friend:Lin. They worked together in fighting Obito and trying help Zolo fight Michilis, he has both of his arms torn off during this... He now wanders around the warzone, unaffected by Infinite Tsukiyomu... Minato was a muscular small man, and was usually seen wearing a green ninjasuit and many belts holding his weapons and tool... Minato had a YellowSupremeRansengan Shaped Soul.
Hagoromo Ootsutsuki Age:???? Height:8'7 Weight:240 Hair:LightBrown Skin:Pale Eyes:Rinnegan/Sharingan Type:Sage/god Race:Kami Hagoromo was the Sage of the six paths and tried to teach peace by helping create Soul Hoshi, his intention was to fix what his mother Kaguya done to earth, and give each academy a Kami to help them help those weaker... Hagoromo helped show how Soul Star is the technique of God, and showed people how to use their souls to save others, but was saddened when they used it as a weapon. This caused Hagoromo to die from stress, though his soul still lingers in otherworld, wanting to fix what he believes he's done to others, and wanting to make up for what his mother done. When Cirris woke in the other world the sage changed his dialect to how people speak today and based on how he thought Cirris does, and explained what happened and the history of Soul Hoshi, he then granted him and Mira a part of his power so that along with Roc and the Kami, they could stop the enemy's plan... He now appears to the dead Ninja to tell them what happened... Hagoromo is a tall muscular man with bunny ear looking potrusions coming from his head, he's usually seen wearing a white robe, bejewled gold necklace and holding a black staff with seven gold rings around it. Hagoromo has a BlancTentails Shaped Soul
Obito Uchia Age:31 Height:5'8 Weight:130 Hair:Ebony Skin:Caucasian Eyes:Black SoldierType:Fighter Race:Japanese Obito is a Ninja from the Kanto Soul Hoshi Academy, he was very kind to others, especially the elderly, and performed good deeds on daily basis. Obito had fallen in love with a comrade:Rin while he was still in the academy, but was jealous on Lin who travelled there as he was turned into a object of her affection. Obito was mad at the philosopher, meanwhile Lin was oblivious as he was rethinking his life, and was unsure if he wanted to continue murdering. They still became friends, and had ended up getting along well, until Obito was crushed by a boulder... It was there that they became very close despite the short time they've known eachother, and he helped Lin with his questions on what path he should take. Afterwards, he was saved my Michilis and trained to help him and CP666, Obito initially didn't want part of America's plans and left, inspite of being grateful. He later arrived to his friends, just in time to see Lin upsettedly killing Rin. Obito reflectively attacked using his sharingan, killing everyone there and still only knocking Lin out... He could feel his wavelength during the moment, and know he didn't want to kill her... Still he went to America and joined them, hoping their plan would save earth... Obito became a agent inCP666 and imbued with power from Michilis, Aojeremiah and from Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. He destroyed others, doing verything he was told, hoping it'll end better... Until he had to fight his friend:Lin, afterwards... he realized that his decision destroyed earth, and causing him to hurt others, something he never wanted to do, and that he was the cause of the exact same incident he suffered, to happen to others... After learning this, he attempted to help once more... he now dies slowly after Cirris revived him, and plans on helping save Mira and destroying Kaguya. Obito is a tall muscular man, he wore a ninja suit, belt and goggles. After joining CP666, he was naked and his skin was Whitezetu's flesh, grafted in him... he also had fire glowing from him. Obito has a OrangeSharingan Shaped Soul.
Tobi Age:??? Height:6'3 Weight:180 Hair:N/A Skin:White Eyes:N/A Type:Fucker Race:??? Tobi was a human who was caught by Infinite Tsukuyomi before now, he then took out and sealed inside a statue for 800 years... When he was broken free, the man kept his personality along with being like Whitezetsu, he still remembers being human, while being curious how to do human functions as he hasn't done anything in years. Like all males and females trapped in the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil now, he was completely turned to a Whitezetsu to be a sex slave, but since he was removed before he could reawaken, he changed into a swirly... white Michilin man shape... And has a eyehole left from his birth body... The man can also wrap around others like armor, and can give his power to whoever he fused with. Tobi's attitude is also from being part of Whitezetsu, and being a sexslave, while he still contains some of his kindness from being human. Tobi helped stop the attack of Soldiers via controlling Monku, and now takes off his mask as there's no need to hide who he is now... Tobi is a fat, swirly pale man, due to his transformation being incomplete. He's naked as he has no genetalia/feel he doesn't need clothes. Tobi has a UglygreenGauge Shaped Soul.
Michilis Michaelis Uchia Elric Age:70 Height:6'4 Weight:239 Hair:Black Skin:Caucasian Eyes:Ebony Type:Kinshin Race:American Michilis was born in America to parents of Japanese and British Decent, due to his upbringing, he saw how America and other countries fought eachother and treated earth. This lead Michilis to truly believe America was correct in their treatment, as other countries were either "destroying earth" or "unnecessarily taking resources" from earth. He was happily drafted by the USA government and trained to be a agent of CP666, he later learned from a ancient tablet left over, that he was the one who'd save earth, and that God had failed the world. A chosen savior named:Michael would save earth, and become the new God. Michaelis had his named changed to this, replacing his birth name, then later found from the government, he also was related to British researchers, and that their findings legally went to others in the family. The oldman took it, and learned much more, using all his new power to destroy anyone who threatened USA, he finally awakened and subdued his Houtentai, and began his process to becoming God!!! Michilis then started his plans: First he and other agents, used a technique to trade "life" and forced memories and instructions from reanimated ninjas... Then he'd attack the Soul Hoshi's that didn't align with America or their goverrnment, this caused all Soldiers and Kami to fight them, he ordered Tobi to keep them back as he tried to extract the kami and consume them, though by now, it wasn't necessary. After he failed, he felt the Houtentai activate!!! And turned into a supernatural being, he then used Inifinite Tsukuyomi and started the plan!!! He was about to murder the few straglers left, when Blackzetsu revealed his true intention!!! The man died as Kaguya's power consumed him... completely. Leaving his legs... Michilis was a tall muscular man, he had black hair and sharingan/Rinnegan eyes. Upon turning to a supernatural thing, he had Rinnegan eyes, a third eye growing in his forehead and two horns growing from his forehead , he also had long white hair. Michilis has a TealDemon Shaped Soul.
Blackzetsu Age:??? Height:??? Weight:??? Hair:N/A Skin:Black Eyes:Yellow Type:Fetus... Blood??? Race:Artificial Human. Blackzetsu is the fetus of Kaguya's children... When she sexed everybody 700 years earlier, most unborn children were made into manifestations of Kaguya. They knew of their existence, and how they were born, and loved thier power as compared to weaker humans. Blackzetsu helped it's mother torture people until she was sealed... it then left to revive the kinshin... The unborn child rewrote Hagoroma's stone tablet, and manipulated America up the point, where they attempted to destroy God and control earth!!! Blackzetsu later revealed his intentions and used the huge amounts of Chakra to revive Kaguya inside his "puppet" his "toy" Michilis Michaels Uchia Elric! Blackzetsu then reformed inside his mother and prepared to attack, he now glares at the soldiers as he helps his mother attack them. Blackzetsu shapes into a human shape without any holes are features except limbs and glowing yellow eyes... It's naked as it's black and only has a human form, with no human parts...
Whitezetsu Age:??? Height:6'4 Weight:??? Hair:Green Skin:White Eyes:Green Type:Sexslave??? Race:Artificial Human Whitezetsu was one of the first people trapped within Infinite Tsukuyomi, he's the shape of what Kaguya believes is the perfect speciman, in mind, body and color. He and Blackzetsu appeared after Michilis tried activating his powers near Monku... This is why he assumed both zetsu were created from his will... Whitezetsu was nicer to everyone, due to him being human before... And would normally share his quick healing parts to save his comrades. He did this to his new best friend:Obito, they became close afterwards despite Whitezetsu's annoying thoughts on humans and high voice. Whitezetsu helped USA because he was happy he was freed from Monku,and seemingly cares nothing about the plan, earth or any humans caught in the war... Whitezetsu is a muscular tall male or woman, both are completely white and have spiky green hair as Kaguya likes, they are completely naked and are always ready to fuck anyone as she wants them to... At any moment, the altered human beings are ready for orgy with anyone as their bodies are always perfectly sculpted. They're always naked too, though their gentalia aren't seen until they have sex...
Kaguya Ootsutsuki Age:??? Height:??? Weight:??? Hair:White Skin:White Eyes:White/Red Type:Goddess Race:Kinshin Kaguya is a woman who came to England simply to move there... She was kind and loving to everyone in the nation and later even had gotten engaged. Kaguya was happy... until she let the madness of needing love/needing to feel love, touch deep inside her... Causing her to have sex with everyone who'd love her. Kaguya got pregnant during this time and birthed Hagoromo, she shared her power with him, and later also wanted to have sex with the sage along other members of her family... She later started transforming into a kinshin because of this and forced people to fuck her to show she didn't need to kill them, her son finally sealed her and bound her to The Tree Of Life Of Good And Evil. Later her unborn children:Blackzetsu pulled out Whitezetsu, her favorite type of people. To help manipulate america into reviving her... Thanks to her powers, they could easily move themselves, despite not having a full human body... Kaguya was revived centuries later, still wanting sex from anyone who'll have her... Kaguya is a voluptuos, cury woman, with bunny ear loooking horns, white hair and three eyes... two Rinnegan eyes and a sharingan on her forehed, she's seen wearing a huge white robe, covering her body... Kaguya has a WhitesilveryBunnyears Shaped Soul.
Seirro Evans Age:15 Height:5'8 Weight:136 Hair:White Skin:Caucasian Eyes:Green Soldiertype:Mage Race:Spanish Seirro was born into a family of musicians, but he was afraid to play in front of others as he believed he couldn't play as good as his brother:Wes, he enroled into Soul Hoshi upon finding he was a deamon. Seirro helped fight Asura, Haru, Americaand other criminals who murdered civilians and has enabled himself to fight, as compared to his previous inability to keep up with other soldiers. Seirro easily beat Kin in the Soldier exams, and helped fight Monku. He now dreams in a branch of The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil, and is turning into a Whitezetsu like all other males caught inside. Seirro is a slender boy, his buttocks and back turned green in the exams, and now fluctuates between his skin color and it, he's usually seen wearing a black leather jacket and pants, but now wears a leather ninjasuit, belts and headband, he also tiead his hair into a tail... Seirro has a RedFangs Shaped Soul.
Zolo Ronaro Age:15 Height:6'0 Weight:350 Hair:Mintgreen Skin:Tan Eyes:Black Soldiertype:Fighter Race:German Zolo was born to travelers, he learned japanese fighting styles first, and learned others from around the world, he later wanted to lean the technique:Soul Star but his parents couldn't enroll the boy, so he left to go by himself. Since Zolo believes he'll be God, he thinks nothing off anyone else, even going as to only seriously consider someone as a equal or rival if they over power the teen. Zolo easily beat the exam, and is still known as the strongest soldier in Soul Hoshi history! He now may be strongest period as compared to Yui, as her power dropped far... He also is upset about this event as he never gets to test himself, neither wants anyone to hurt her before he can, this is the only reason he was upset with Cirris... where he'd otherwise think of him as only a weakling... Zolo helped fight, and is the one who kept interlopers from joining the war, until he saw a chance to show off his power! He immediately starts turning into a kinshin, upon using the 8gates technique to force it, despite keeping sane, he kicks Michilis in half, but starts turning into pure madness afterwards, until Cirris saved him... Zolo is a muscular teen, he's usually seen wearing a white tanktop and cargopants, he now wears a green ninjasuit, scabbard and utility belts. Zolo has a BlueStar Shaped Soul.
Kirik Harvard Age:15 Height:5'8 Weight:150 Hair:Black Skin:Brown Eyes:Wood Soldiertype:Fighter Race:African/English Kirik was a French Soul Hoshi Soldier, but travelled to Nottingham for the anniversary, he saw the Kinshin escape and since has attempt to bring more money and help to the first academy, after seeing Fusagi in a black leather dress though... he quickly forgot his mission, and instead quickly became a molestor... Kirik easily passed his exam, and kept his title of one of the strongest and smartest soldiers, despite his perverted tendacies. Later he freaked out when the earthquake happened, after smelling Kiba... he looks up to see what he was talking about, and was stuck... Kirik is now in a branch of The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. Kirik is a muscular teen, and is usually seen wearing a white tanktop and camoflage pants, he now wears a ninjasuit and belts. Kirik has a Blueteeth Shaped Soul.
Cirris Michaels Age:16 Height:5'7 Weight:102 Hair:Pearlblack Skin:Goldbrown Eyes:Darkbrown SoldierType:Mage Race:American Cirris was born to African-American parents, he left the house upon being the lightningrod for his parents and younger sibilings, and had became dissatisfied there, he got to Europe by plane and tried to find a new life. Cirris was horrified by the world and threw away all his past self, and feelings for what he felt deep inside: He joined Soul Hoshi Nottingham to help others, and was trained in Soul Star as he was not able to do other techniques. Cirris healed his team during all arcs, and was revived by Yui when he was killed. He loves having a girlfriend and wants to stop his creepiness/perversion as Yui now acts like this to attract her boyfriend. Cirris also hates that he's sexually attracted to Kainen, Mashiro and Anatasia as before, he didn't attract any sexual attention from anyone, but now that he's dating his girlfriend, has attention from people he finds attractive. Cirris hated after watching Mashiro's fight, he started to get more attention, and was happy he wasn't told to fight in the next mission. Cirris was upsetted that his mission and Yui showing off hurt her, and truly hoped to do better in the mission. Cirris later got close to the Kami, and tried to save them using his Soul to hold the Kami, but had his soul snatched out, Penance Sama and the other Kami possessed him upon finding he created many Houtentai in him, Cirris is confident and much more powerful now with them, and calmly speaks to his comrades and fights Kaguya, with them. Cirris now plans to go into the space between dimensions and save Mira so they can kill the beautiful kinshin. Cirris is a slender man, he's usually seen wearing a whiteshirt and bluesweatpants. Cirris has a RedAngelWings Shaped Soul.
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
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