IN TOKYO, YUI'S MOTHER READS THE NEWS PAPER "That's our Sailor Mira! Always saving people... compared to the lady of this house...", she then calls "Yui, it's 8:00!!!". Yui hops out of bed!!! "I'm late!!!", she brushes her teeth, puts on clothes, and ran outside!!! "Thanks! Byyneeeee♪". Yui runs down the sidewalk... "Shoot... Why I hafta get up so ea...", she trips over a Black Cat?! "Owwwiiiiie!". The girl gets up, and sees it lying on the ground "Ooooh, poor black kitty♡! Did I hurt you?!". Yui picks her up and kisses the cat "I'm sorry♡!", she scratches her face! "OWWIIIEE!!! What the heck?!! Why're scratching me?!". She then notices "Awww, you trying to get that bandage of your head?", Yui pulls it off... The cat suddenly jumps up on a wall... Yui stares at it, until she hears the school bell!? "Nooo, I'm gunna be late!". She ran in Juuban Highschool... Later she stood out in the hall "She didn't hafta get mad, it was 8:03...", she pulls out her lunch "At least I...". Momo suddenly shouts "Ai San, that's why you get grades like these!!!! Pulling stuff like this!!!", Yui sighs "But I hate English... Why're their 2 types?". Franky walks up to her afterward "Awww, failed tha test?! I thought it was easy?", Hinami walks to her "Yui, eating before lunch, even though you're a girl. At very least try to wait♪!". Yui sighs "I was so hungry, I never gotta chance ta eat...", Franky leers "You shoulda did ya homework too: this stuff's easier, than when I went to school!". Hinami sighs "Not fair, Flam San... It's creepy how you do this so easily...", she looks at his paper... "He got a 90... Shoot...". Later Yui and her friends talked in the playground "Have you heard about tha jewel roberies?! There's seems to be a rise in crime lately..." Anatasia says, Franky leans against his broom "But Sailor Demon gets 'em! They say she's a girl dressed in Fuku, that works with the police!". Hinami replied "Ah... I wish we could meet her... though I understand wanting jewlery tha badly...", Minami then mentioned... "My mom's having a sell... we might be able to buy something...". The girls get excited "Alright le's go after school!!!", later, Yui and Anatasia smush their faces on the window "That 1's a pidgeon blood ruby, the others a yellow 1. Those can't be dropped..." Minami says... Yui falls flat, then hears Minami's mother... "Come everyone, everything's low priced, come 1 come all!!!". Minami tilted her head "Mother never had a sell before...", Yui replies "Your mom's nice, but she's kinda aggressive...". The other girls go in to buy jewelry as Yui stares at her English paper... "With a grade like this, I'll never get jewel...", she tosses it.."Ooof...". She turns to see Cirris standing behind her "What the fuck... Why're ya throwing...", she smiles "OMG, I'm sorry Mr!". Cirris smiles as he tosses it back "Here, please don't throw stuff in the streets, this city looks like shit already...". He walks away as Yui thought "What the heck... Why's he dressed up in the middle of the day?", she walks by the arcade "If Sailor D was going to this school, she could get away with 30s because she only has ta fight criminals..." she walks into the arcade... Yui plays a game based off her "So much fun... I should get a handheld at some point... This is kinda strange to still have around...", a man suddenly comes from the back of the shop "Hey, Yui! You already here? You didn't even take off your Sailor Fuku Uniform!?", he sees her playing "Oh fuck!!! Yeah... Get 'em!!!". Yui giggled "Hey Mr Winchester... I'm sorry but... I... hafta get...", he interrupted "I'M SORRY! I didn't know you were fighting this guy... get 'em...". Yui then notices the Black cat'.. "Ah, it's kittychan!", Dean turns toward it "Hey kitty!", Yui smiles "Awwww, it has a little bald spot!". The cat glares... "Um, maybe I should go home!". LATER YUI GOES BACK HOME. "Hi Yui♡! Your janitor: Franky was by here, and said you had a test today!" Aino says, Yui sighs "Shoot... Why did he hafta tell her?". Her mother takes the test... "YUI!!! WTF!!!? Why do get grades like this?! If you can't get better, don't come at all!", she kicks her out... Yui suddenly feels a kick!!? She turns to see Christopher "Hey littke bitch! Ya got kicked out again?!", Yui sighs "Yeah... Mom wasn't too happy...". He walked away laughing "Heheheh, that's what ya get for being a dumbass!!! Later, bitch!", Yui sighs "I wish Mom didn't get so mad... I guess I hafta stay here until she calms down...". That night, Aino opens the door "Shit... I wish she wasn't calm about it: it's creepy to the neighbors when your child doesn't say ANYTHING when you punish them...". Meanwhile, in a dark castle... Chiba leers into at a figure "It's almost time... to find the power!!"... Later... in Tokyo: Yui lies in bed "I'm so tired... I'll just finish my homework later...", she starts sleeping... until she feels a scratch across her face!? Yui jumps up "Owiiiie!!!", The cat turns around "Sorry, but it's NOT a bald spot, jerk..", Yui smiles "A talking cat!!!?". The cat then says "Listen Yui... I want to thank you for saving me earlier... That bandage was blocking my location/talking powers....", Yui giggles "You're welcome, kitty♡!|. The cat replies "My name's Bianca, and I need you to do something VERY important...", Yui tilts her head "Awww, you wanna hug???", Bianca sighed "No... Listen" she pulls out a brooch "This is a...". Yui picks it up "OMG! ♡It's so pretty♡ Tha...". Bianca yelled "YUI LISTEN!!! That's only to help you fight later... There's been strange events that even the police can't handle lately, you and your team must stop it, and sve our princess!". Yui looks at the brooch cheerfully as Bianca says "You don't believe me? Say: Moon!", Yui speaks with her "MOON, SOUL STAR MAKE UP!!!!" a bright light engulfs the girl!!! Yui then stares at herself, dressed in a white fuku, with a red skirt and boots with odangos in her hair!!! "What's thi...", she notices Minami's energy dropping FAST!!!? "Bianca... my friend... she's..." Yui freaks, Bianca replied "You hafta save her! Hurry Yui!!!". MEANWHILE, MINAMI'S CHOKED BY HER "MOTHER"!!!? "Mom... w... because...of the mone...y you losing?", the fake replied "Ñö, ÿöüř моťħěř'ş śťăřνîñġ īñ ťħē вάśėмеñť!!!". Honoka Karagaya struggles in her ropes, as the fake transforms into a shriveled faced turd colored woman, with glowing red eyes!!!? Minami surprisngly screams "WTF!!!!!!? HELP!!!!!", when Yui jumps in the door!!! The kinshin turns toward her "Who the fuck are you?!", Yui stops... "Uh...". Bianca looks at the moon... Yui smiles "I'm the soldier of Love and Justice: Sailor Yui!!", the kinshin answers ""Sailor Yui"? Never heard of ya!!! Attack!!!!!".All the old women, still lying in the store from that morning, suddenly got up and walked to the girl!!! They starts breaking chairs and bottles, and swinging them at the girl!!! Yui ran, until she tripped hard on the carpet!!! "Ow... This is harder than I thought it'd be!", Bianca yells "Stop them Sailor Yui!!!". Yui stood up and screams!!! Everyone stops in shock at the sonic wave coming from her!!! Yui then hears "Yui... No, you can do this: Sailor Yui...", Bianca then shouts "Concentrate, then aim at that thing!!!", Yui fires a ki blast at the kinshin!!! It immediately dies, then reverts to sand!!!? Yui looks surprised "Wha... She turned to sand?!", she then noticed the voice from earlier, she looks up in the sky and sees a man flying overhead "Awesome, Sailor Yui! I'm CapedAngel, and I hope we'll meet again...", Yui stares as he flies away "Ah... he's so pretty♡!!!". The old women and Minami wake up from the sonic scream... Bianca grabs Yui... "Hurry up!!!". The next day, Minami tells the story to her friends "Then a sailor senshi saved me... but I fainted before hearing her name...", Anatasia leers "You fainted?! You sure your not psychotic?". Minami glares "...", meanwhile Yui giggles "I... I'm a Sailor Senshi♡! Awesome!!!".
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Sailor Yui☆
IN TOKYO, YUI'S MOTHER READS THE NEWS PAPER "That's our Sailor Mira! Always saving people... compared to the lady of this house...", she then calls "Yui, it's 8:00!!!". Yui hops out of bed!!! "I'm late!!!", she brushes her teeth, puts on clothes, and ran outside!!! "Thanks! Byyneeeee♪". Yui runs down the sidewalk... "Shoot... Why I hafta get up so ea...", she trips over a Black Cat?! "Owwwiiiiie!". The girl gets up, and sees it lying on the ground "Ooooh, poor black kitty♡! Did I hurt you?!". Yui picks her up and kisses the cat "I'm sorry♡!", she scratches her face! "OWWIIIEE!!! What the heck?!! Why're scratching me?!". She then notices "Awww, you trying to get that bandage of your head?", Yui pulls it off... The cat suddenly jumps up on a wall... Yui stares at it, until she hears the school bell!? "Nooo, I'm gunna be late!". She ran in Juuban Highschool... Later she stood out in the hall "She didn't hafta get mad, it was 8:03...", she pulls out her lunch "At least I...". Momo suddenly shouts "Ai San, that's why you get grades like these!!!! Pulling stuff like this!!!", Yui sighs "But I hate English... Why're their 2 types?". Franky walks up to her afterward "Awww, failed tha test?! I thought it was easy?", Hinami walks to her "Yui, eating before lunch, even though you're a girl. At very least try to wait♪!". Yui sighs "I was so hungry, I never gotta chance ta eat...", Franky leers "You shoulda did ya homework too: this stuff's easier, than when I went to school!". Hinami sighs "Not fair, Flam San... It's creepy how you do this so easily...", she looks at his paper... "He got a 90... Shoot...". Later Yui and her friends talked in the playground "Have you heard about tha jewel roberies?! There's seems to be a rise in crime lately..." Anatasia says, Franky leans against his broom "But Sailor Demon gets 'em! They say she's a girl dressed in Fuku, that works with the police!". Hinami replied "Ah... I wish we could meet her... though I understand wanting jewlery tha badly...", Minami then mentioned... "My mom's having a sell... we might be able to buy something...". The girls get excited "Alright le's go after school!!!", later, Yui and Anatasia smush their faces on the window "That 1's a pidgeon blood ruby, the others a yellow 1. Those can't be dropped..." Minami says... Yui falls flat, then hears Minami's mother... "Come everyone, everything's low priced, come 1 come all!!!". Minami tilted her head "Mother never had a sell before...", Yui replies "Your mom's nice, but she's kinda aggressive...". The other girls go in to buy jewelry as Yui stares at her English paper... "With a grade like this, I'll never get jewel...", she tosses it.."Ooof...". She turns to see Cirris standing behind her "What the fuck... Why're ya throwing...", she smiles "OMG, I'm sorry Mr!". Cirris smiles as he tosses it back "Here, please don't throw stuff in the streets, this city looks like shit already...". He walks away as Yui thought "What the heck... Why's he dressed up in the middle of the day?", she walks by the arcade "If Sailor D was going to this school, she could get away with 30s because she only has ta fight criminals..." she walks into the arcade... Yui plays a game based off her "So much fun... I should get a handheld at some point... This is kinda strange to still have around...", a man suddenly comes from the back of the shop "Hey, Yui! You already here? You didn't even take off your Sailor Fuku Uniform!?", he sees her playing "Oh fuck!!! Yeah... Get 'em!!!". Yui giggled "Hey Mr Winchester... I'm sorry but... I... hafta get...", he interrupted "I'M SORRY! I didn't know you were fighting this guy... get 'em...". Yui then notices the Black cat'.. "Ah, it's kittychan!", Dean turns toward it "Hey kitty!", Yui smiles "Awwww, it has a little bald spot!". The cat glares... "Um, maybe I should go home!". LATER YUI GOES BACK HOME. "Hi Yui♡! Your janitor: Franky was by here, and said you had a test today!" Aino says, Yui sighs "Shoot... Why did he hafta tell her?". Her mother takes the test... "YUI!!! WTF!!!? Why do get grades like this?! If you can't get better, don't come at all!", she kicks her out... Yui suddenly feels a kick!!? She turns to see Christopher "Hey littke bitch! Ya got kicked out again?!", Yui sighs "Yeah... Mom wasn't too happy...". He walked away laughing "Heheheh, that's what ya get for being a dumbass!!! Later, bitch!", Yui sighs "I wish Mom didn't get so mad... I guess I hafta stay here until she calms down...". That night, Aino opens the door "Shit... I wish she wasn't calm about it: it's creepy to the neighbors when your child doesn't say ANYTHING when you punish them...". Meanwhile, in a dark castle... Chiba leers into at a figure "It's almost time... to find the power!!"... Later... in Tokyo: Yui lies in bed "I'm so tired... I'll just finish my homework later...", she starts sleeping... until she feels a scratch across her face!? Yui jumps up "Owiiiie!!!", The cat turns around "Sorry, but it's NOT a bald spot, jerk..", Yui smiles "A talking cat!!!?". The cat then says "Listen Yui... I want to thank you for saving me earlier... That bandage was blocking my location/talking powers....", Yui giggles "You're welcome, kitty♡!|. The cat replies "My name's Bianca, and I need you to do something VERY important...", Yui tilts her head "Awww, you wanna hug???", Bianca sighed "No... Listen" she pulls out a brooch "This is a...". Yui picks it up "OMG! ♡It's so pretty♡ Tha...". Bianca yelled "YUI LISTEN!!! That's only to help you fight later... There's been strange events that even the police can't handle lately, you and your team must stop it, and sve our princess!". Yui looks at the brooch cheerfully as Bianca says "You don't believe me? Say: Moon!", Yui speaks with her "MOON, SOUL STAR MAKE UP!!!!" a bright light engulfs the girl!!! Yui then stares at herself, dressed in a white fuku, with a red skirt and boots with odangos in her hair!!! "What's thi...", she notices Minami's energy dropping FAST!!!? "Bianca... my friend... she's..." Yui freaks, Bianca replied "You hafta save her! Hurry Yui!!!". MEANWHILE, MINAMI'S CHOKED BY HER "MOTHER"!!!? "Mom... w... because...of the mone...y you losing?", the fake replied "Ñö, ÿöüř моťħěř'ş śťăřνîñġ īñ ťħē вάśėмеñť!!!". Honoka Karagaya struggles in her ropes, as the fake transforms into a shriveled faced turd colored woman, with glowing red eyes!!!? Minami surprisngly screams "WTF!!!!!!? HELP!!!!!", when Yui jumps in the door!!! The kinshin turns toward her "Who the fuck are you?!", Yui stops... "Uh...". Bianca looks at the moon... Yui smiles "I'm the soldier of Love and Justice: Sailor Yui!!", the kinshin answers ""Sailor Yui"? Never heard of ya!!! Attack!!!!!".All the old women, still lying in the store from that morning, suddenly got up and walked to the girl!!! They starts breaking chairs and bottles, and swinging them at the girl!!! Yui ran, until she tripped hard on the carpet!!! "Ow... This is harder than I thought it'd be!", Bianca yells "Stop them Sailor Yui!!!". Yui stood up and screams!!! Everyone stops in shock at the sonic wave coming from her!!! Yui then hears "Yui... No, you can do this: Sailor Yui...", Bianca then shouts "Concentrate, then aim at that thing!!!", Yui fires a ki blast at the kinshin!!! It immediately dies, then reverts to sand!!!? Yui looks surprised "Wha... She turned to sand?!", she then noticed the voice from earlier, she looks up in the sky and sees a man flying overhead "Awesome, Sailor Yui! I'm CapedAngel, and I hope we'll meet again...", Yui stares as he flies away "Ah... he's so pretty♡!!!". The old women and Minami wake up from the sonic scream... Bianca grabs Yui... "Hurry up!!!". The next day, Minami tells the story to her friends "Then a sailor senshi saved me... but I fainted before hearing her name...", Anatasia leers "You fainted?! You sure your not psychotic?". Minami glares "...", meanwhile Yui giggles "I... I'm a Sailor Senshi♡! Awesome!!!".
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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