A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Knock On Heaven's Gate🎇!!!
DAYS AFTER CIRRIS JOINED SOUL HOSHI, HE WAS TRAINED AS THE OTHER SOLDIERS WAITED FOR THEIR NEXT MISSION. THEY STARTED SHOW INTEREST IN THE MISSION THE AVATARS WERE DOING, AND STARTED LOOKING UP THE MISSION. YUI AND MIRA STARTED LOOKING UP ALCHEMY, TO KNOW WHAT THE AVATARS HAD TO LEARN WHILE WORKING... ONE DAY IN MIRA'S HOUSE, HER MOTHER CAME INTO THE HER HUSBAND'S STUDY... "Mira! Yui! Yui! Mira!" she calls, she open the door "Well really, you messed up your father's study again, Mira. I know Yui's innocent, but you...", Yui giggles "We're going to clean everything up, Mrs Elric!". She then puts her hands together, a light flashes!!! Mrs Elric looked in the transmutation area, and saw a fairy made of carpet??? "You're both going still be in trouble...", she says, Mira complained "Come on! We just want to know what we have to learn for work! We could have to use this! Besides, alchemy can fix this easy!". Mrs Elric sighs "Alright, you better fix it before he comes back home. If you do it now, we could go to Hardees!!!", the girls hugged her "AWESOME!!!", "EXCELLENT!!!". Over the next few weeks they continued learning alchemy until one day... they came home "Mrs Elric!!!", "Mom!!!!" they saw her dead body, lying on the floor!!! They watched her being buried at her funeral, unable to bring her back or contact anyone for help at that moment... Days later Yui and Mira sat by Mrs Elric's grave... "Yui... it's okay, I'm okay by myself... I could stay in the academy all the time with..." Mira starts, Yui turns toward her BFF "I have a idea!!! We could use alchemy to bring your mom back!!!", Mira freaked "But isn't freaky stuff forbidden in science?!!!". Yui smiles "It'll be OK! We bought everyone else back!!!", they researched human transmutation for days until one night the girls stayed up late in Mira's house "There's many stories why human transmutation wouldn't work, 1 says it'll cause people to revolt!" Yui said, Mira answers "Like we read about in that report...". Yui turns "Probably, no one could accomplish it, so they forbid it...", Mira replied "We still have lots to learn then, if dad was here he could've helped... Your dad's against violence or rebelling against nature, we can't ask him either...". The next day, a violent storm started flooding Hoshi city!!! The soldiers helped try to block the water until a woman came up out of nowhere.... She put her hands together, then in the river... A giant wall suddenly constructed, blocking the water!!! "This should hold for a while... You guys better reinforce that wall!", she walks back to giangantic husband, holding a umbrella for her. The civilians started working "Yeah...", "Who are you?". She smiles "As you can see, just a normal house wife!", she coughed blood!!!! The civilians freak "Somebody, hurry, get her on a stretcher!!!". Later she lied in a hospital bed, "So you guys are tourists, from the west?"a man asks, she answers "We happened to be passing by, and by chance helped you.". "Your a state alchemist!!!?" someone asks, she answers "I'm just a butcher's wife: Izumi Curtis." she points to the giant man "And this is a husband!". "I see your from America?" another man asks, the crowd kept asking questions... Yui notices she lives where their friends were working "Mira?", she answers "Yeah.". They run ahead of the crowd "Granny!!! Please make us your disciples!!!" Mira yells, she flips the bed on them!!! "Say it again, whore!", the deamon girl rephrased "Mrs...", Yui finishes "Please make us your disciples". Izumi glared "No way!", Yui freaks "Why?". The woman explains "I don't take disciples, and I'm returning home in a few days.", Yui stares into her eyes while Mira held her leg "PLEASE!!!? TAKE US WITH YOU♡". Izumi glares "Why?!!", Yui answers "Because we won't to make life better!". She glares... then thought... She turns toward them "Looks like I have no choice! 1st I'll give you a trial, then if you pass... I'll train you... You girls have to show me that I can teach you alchemy... and show intellignce...", three weeks later, the girls's came back to the academy!!! They rushed inside to tell everyone what they learned, and what they found out about the mission! Then left to Mira's house in secret... Days later they tried human transmutation!!! "35 liters of water, 20 kilos of carbon, 4 liters of ammonia, 1.5 kilos of lime, phosphorus 800 grams, Niter 250 grams, Sulpher 100 grams, Magnesium 50 grams, Maganese 1.5 grams, Iron 5 grams, silicon 3 grams." Yui read, as they got the ingredients... Mira smiles "Should we sneak something different in? We could turn her into a superhuman!", Yui laughs "Heehee, we'll train her afterwards! Besides we'd have to find out what was in everything else too, to do it from scratch!". They poured the ingredients in a alchmy circle... Yui and Mira bit their fingers and poured blood in for the soul... then put thier hands together!!!! Lightening flared from the ingredients, then hands!!!? Mira stares "Something went wrong...", she starts disintegrating!!!? "Yui!!!". She tries to grab Mira, but her leg disintegrates too!!! "Chuck so many ducks!!! It's a rebound!", they reach at eachother until a bright light flashes!!! Yui looks around in a giant white space, only a door existed there... "Mira... What happened?", she then hears a voice "Hey, I'm right in front of you.". She turns to see a white figure of a human sitting in front of her "Who are you?", He answers "Thanks for asking! I am what you humans refer to as the world, also known as the universe, or God, or true knowledge, or all or 1. And I'm you!". The door opens!!! Many black hands grab Yui, and pulls her in!!! "I'll show you true knowledge.". Yui then saw everything in the universe!!! She then sees a figure of Mrs Elric "Mrs Elric, finally... please...", she appears back in the space "How was it?". Yui giggles "I feel like everything's been crammed into my head! But now I understand, this is true knowledge! Our theory wasn't wrong, it wasn't enough! Please let me see, for Mira and...", Truth interrupts "No can do, that's all I can show for this traffic fee". Yui turns "Passage fee?", Truth stands, her leg suddenly disappeared!!! "Equivelent exchange, no? Ain't that right, alchemist girl?". She appears back inside Mira's home, then heals her leg. "It wasn't suppose to happen like this...", she looks up to see a opened body breathing... "No... this isn't what we wanted... it's my fault...". She knocks down armour set up in the room, then draws a circle in it "Return her, she's my best friend, whether it's my arms or my legs, or even my heart! So please, return her, she's my BFF!!!" she put her hands together!!! Meanwhile truth felt her limbs coming... "That fool, she's back for more..." . The next day, the girls were taken to the Soul hoshi infirmiry... Stein came into the infirmiry as soon as he heard "We got a new mission for you idiots, it couldn't come at a worse time though... We've been fighting the USA army, as they've been using alchemy to create humonculi to take nations by force. We tried to stop this world wide threat, but we need more help. Few other soul hoshi academies know of this, and are helping us. The rest are owned by the government, and follow them blindly, so becareful of others also being able to use Soul star...", he looks at Yui... "Wait... I thought you lost your arm, and leg?". She looks up with a icy serious look "I got them back, the only thing I can't return is my soul...", he replied "Ah... everyone said they felt something was up... But this could be used for the mission: original Yui, wouldn't do it... We need to use the crimson alchemist:Kimblee to take a philosopher stone. We hopefully could reverse the evil that the government did, by getting him, and any other supreme admiral in american marines. We called Vassago back to help with the plan, he'll pretend to be still working by himself, and "capture" Cirris, Kimblee will need to pretend he's going to help him, in front of the other soldiers. We'll attempt to capture or kill him at that moment, to take his stones... philosopher... stones.". THE SOLDIERS LEAVE TO KANSAS TO COMPLETE THEIR NEW MISSION!
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