Continued... :+
CIRRIS SLOWLY POURS COFFEE INTO A CUP AS THE BOSS SAYS "Yes... in circles...", Cirris nervously says "OK...". Then drinks it... "I can't taste a difference, I still hate coffeee...", the boss notices his facial expression unchanged "All cups are different... but I guess you can't see that... I might as well not even tell you my "Coffee's like humans" speech either...". He walks away, then stop "Take care of things down here, Touka chan will help you. Plus, if any humans come here too, treat them like you would the others...", Cirris then asked "It's OK for humans and Vamps to be here?". The boss replies "It's important for us to learn the mannerisms and speech of humans, to better become closer to them... Besides... I rather like them... the humans", Cirris thought "He likes them? What does that mean?". The boss leaves, then stops "1 more thing: be it a suitcase or handbag... if you see any human carrying those, tell me secretly...", Cirris answers "Alright.". Touka suddenly calls to Cirris "Hey!", he runs up to her, Seirro stood up outta of his chair "Hey, man... I see you're working in the cafe... I guess you wanted to be closer to Touka, right?". Cirris jumps "I... got offered the job...". Touka laughs "Yeah, don't be jealous, I don't want a weakling, that's afraid of blood...", Seirro leers "I'm jealous because I found YOU're the 1, who turned my ass green back then! What I'm suppose to think?!!". She laughs as Cirris tries to hide it... Seirro smiles "Forget it, get me a cappuccino", he tugs Touka's dress "But you make it...". She smiles warmly "Alright♡", Seirro sat back down... then leered "And thanks for yesterday... I knew that guy was a vamp, but I didn't think he'd attack then... I didn't think Cirris had the clout to try ta eat me either!!!", Cirris sighs "Sorry!". Later Seirro drunk coffee while Touka talked to Cirris "Make sure he doesn't find out...", "That you made a catface in his coffee?". Touka leers "No... heheheh, that you're transforming so fast... Make sure our customers don't find out he's not a vamp either: We evolved alot here, everything's blood, and bodies taste delicious... Watch for Nishio too... Just because we forced him to work, doesn't mean he won't attack you guys again...", Cirris stares after the long warning... LATER THAT DAY, THE BOSS TELLS CIRRIS TO COME UPSTAIRS... "Alright, you'll learn how to eat, like a vamp!", he picks up a sandwhich, and swallows it!". Cirris stares... "How did you...", the boss leers "You try it...". Cirris bites one... he threw up "Uggg... it tastes like clay, surrounded by soldified vomit with chewed grass covering the meat, which tasts like crotch...", The boss laughs "Hahahaha!!!! Oh... shoot, I haven't laughed that hard in years... (ahem...) You "drink" food, like a vampire does... You bite a piece, "chew" 10 times or so... then swallow, making a pleased face is the hardest part. Master this, and you'll "eat" with your friends again, in no time.", Cirris smiles "I'll try...". EVEN LATER... a mother and child come into the cafe... "Oh look Hinami, a new worker!" the mother smiles, Cirris turns "Welcome...", he stares at them "Regulars?". She walks up to him "Hi♡ My name's Fuck...ushi... (???) no I'm sorry... I meant Fueguchi, and this is Hinami.", she looks at her daughter "Say hello...". The girl pulls her mother's dress... "Well... she's still shy meeting strangers...", Cirris smiles "Hi...". She bows "Hello...", Touka rushed from around the corner "Hi, Fugucc... Fueguchi, we have your package upstairs!". They go up... Cirris stares... "Why're they going up? We coulda gave them coffee...", Touka answered "They're here for human...". Cirris jumps "They're vamps? But, why are they getting it here?", Touka sighs "They can't can't kill, like you...". Cirris stares "Can't kill? I guess older Vamps and (one's that have weak stomachs like me), couldn't... but you're immortals, right?". Touka sighed "Dammit, why don't you go and ask them?!!! Repeating what I say, then guessing what happened, sounds stupid...", she walks away... Cirris stares "I was repeating what she says?". Meanwhile a vamp runs around a alley "Shit.... Where that pointy headed fuck go?!!! I'm so damned hungry...", he suddenly sees a silhouette... "A skinny old man? There's not much meat...". He stupidly leaps over him and shouts!!! "BUT ANYTHING'LLL DO!!!!", His arms suddenly sliced off!!!!? He fell as the old man turns "Article 73, of the CCG's tolerance of said Vamps.Anything that produces a Kagune and red eyes are, as aforementioned: a vampire. Article 74, Said Vampires, has no rights...", he saws him to pieces!!!!! A muscular agent walks to him "What's all this? This here...", the old agent replied "A rather foolish Vamp, tried to drink me...". The muscular one leers "I see... He is foolish to attack you... right Oldface San?", Oldface leers "Indeed, Sausuke Kun.". Sausuke suddenly spun around... "What's wrong Sausuke Kun?" Oldface asks... The muscular man turns back around... "Nothing... I thought some1 was watching us...", the oldman leered "You've been jumpy, ever since we came here... This is a peaceful area, Sousuke kun...". THE NEXT MORNING, Cirris asks "A Mask?", the boss replied "Yes... today we must get you outfitted for 1...". He calls "Touka Chan!", she jumps "Go with Cirris to get him outfitted for a mask, tomorrow.". Touka jumped "Wh... why do I hafta go with this guy, on my day off!!!?", he turns "It's far away, Cirris will get lost... plus he'll be afraid to be alone with Uta San..." She sighs "You're right...", the boss added "Yomo san has also told me, that theres CCG agents in the 20th ward, even more reason to do get his mask, as quickly as possible...", Touka sighed "Yeah...". She turns "Cirris, 12:00, be there... If you're late, I'll kill you!", Cirris jumped "Alright...". The next day, Cirris waited on a wall "It's 1:00... Where i...". Touka suddenly kicked him!!! "Hey...", Cirris mumbles "Wha... You're the... Forget this...". They walk further in the city... then walk down a long flight of stairs... graffiti covers the walls... She stops in front of a store "This is it...", she knocks on a monster shaped door knob as Cirris stares "This place seems suspicious...". They walk in... and look around in the dark room full of statues and mask... "Could they mean this type of mask?" Cirris stares at a mask with a heart and club for eyes... Touka looks around... "Uta san? ..." she suddenly hears Cirris fall over!!! She turns to see him on a stand "What are you doing?", Uta answers "I wanted to see if I could scare him". He later measures his head as he asks "So he needs a mask??", Touka replies "Me too... Investigators were found in the 20th...". He replied "Okay, I'll ma..." he smells Cirris "He smells strange...", Touka yelled "Stop scaring him, and make our masks...", he starts to look at Cirris's head... "So, you like eyepatchs?". Cirris answers "No... I... lose control of my eye when I'm hungry, so I cover it...", Uta measures his head once more... "Do you have a lover? A girlfriend?". Cirris replies "Yui... She's back at our academy... She, was hurt for me... I wish she was here right now...", Uta starts chewing eyeball... "Awww... is she younger or older?". Cirris nervously replied "The same age... um, will answering this help with my mask?", Uta replied "Yeah... it helps me make a mask, when I know what kind of vampire I'm creating it for..."... He looks at Touka "Do you think Touka's cute too?", Cirris jumps "No... I... think she's scary now, she was nice before we came to Tokyo...". The vampire explained "That's because, she could relax with you guys... But here, she has to becareful in Antikue and at school... If she makes a mistake in either area, it's all over... I think of Touka as a hard worker, for doing this in both areas...", Cirris looks at him "It's that much more dangerous here?". Uta smiles "No... it's docile in the 20th, but wards 1 through 4 are uninhabitable, and 13th is a constant bloodshed... But things are peaceful here, a little excitement happens here too, to keep it exciting. If you want, I could gobble you up, in 1 bite♡", Cirris jumps "No thanks!!!". Uta leered "Sometimes even a human comes in here... I get so excited, I can't explain it...". LATER CIRRIS AND TOUKA LEAVE HIS SHOP... "So... Uta san scared you?" Touka asks, Cirris replies "Yeah... Even when he was acting nice...". Touka leers "Hahaha, that fuck's scary to everyone... I don't like going there either... At least you have a mask being made, you'll be ready now...", Cirris turns toward the woman "For...". She yells "The boss didn't tell you?!!! How could he forget the important part??? Nevermind... Listen, have you ever heard of the CCG?", Cirris tilts his head "I heard about it on the news here...". She then said "The CCG are a bunch of insane fuckers, itching to kill us!!! If we expose our real face to them, and don't kill them... it'll be a "troublesome affair" for us... Therefore, we wear masks.", "They'll hunt us down nomatter what?" he replies... Touka adds "If they match your "face" and "identity" it'll be bad.". Meanwhile... Fueguchi stares at a cracked mask as Hinami sleeps in her lap... a tear wakes her daughter up... "Fa... ther...". later, the vamp buries it with her husband's body...
To Be Continued... :#
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
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Happy Halloween Finale!

First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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