A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Girl Down
THE SOLDIERS FOLLOW THE DJINN PRINCE INTO THE DRESSING ROOM "Wow, their civilization is much more advanced than earth!" Fusagi said, Mira looks in wonder "Yeah!...". Two shirts fall by the "Strip off your torn clothes and wear these undershirts, they'll give more protection" Vassago said, Fusagi screams "Noooo perv! You'll turn around while we're naked!!!". Vassago replies "Even if I did, I'm too terrified of Haru to get a rise from you! I'm not going to turn around anyway!", Fusagi smiled "You're more of a gentleman than we take you for". Mira laughs "And you saved our lives alot too! I think you actually like us more than you say♡", Vassago glared "If you bimbos don't stop your idiotic attempts at flirting with me, I'll tear open both your stomachs, and make you eat eachothers intestines!". The girls quietly dressed in djinn armor... "The gloves and boots are made of the same material too?" Fusagi asks, "Obviously..." Vassago answers, Mira states "Even though it is, this armour still hurts my chest: All this was made for men only." Fusagi turns towards him "Anyway how long would it take to completely heal Yui?", Vassago answers "She's thin, but because of her power... 15 to 30 minutes...". Fusagi then says "Mira I'm going to visit the grand genie, to see if I can get the password from him.", Mira asks "Let me go with you.", Fusagi answers "No, there's no reason for both of us to risk dying.". She flies away, meanwhile Haru smiles as he stands in a pile of limbs "See, I'm still able to beat you with only my left hand... why don't you just tell me the pass..." Snail suddenly fires the strongest spell he can at him!!! Destroying all the ground around Haru! Haru finishes as Snail trembles in horror "I don't know why you keep wasting time, I'll have to force you into a orgasm if you don't tell me.", he appears in front of Snail! Then punches his face, the genie falls over in horror! "Now tell me what the password is, or I'll be inside your...". Snail laughs "Even if I tell you, it won't do you any good: Rei's going right now, to tell the earthlings the password you wanted so badly!!! Hahahahahahaha!", Haru remembered seeing him as he flew to the cliff "Fuck!!! That little fucker back then!!?". Snail laughs "Hell yeah!!!", Haru frowned "You were just buying time?". He flies as fast as he can to the soldiers!!! "Where's the Milky force? They're all dead too? Pieces of shit... And the lamps are all together? Only I Haru sama will get my wish granted, not you hetero, boring, meanie lower life forms.". Meanwhile the grand genie thought "Oh fuck... I should've told the earthlings the password while they were here... At least I got to punish Snail... hehehehehehe!!!", meanwhile Fusagi felt a familiar energy "I know that so... Hey Rei!!!". He turns to see Fusagi in djinn armor "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!", Fusagi shouts "It's me!!!". Rei yells "Huge tits... I mean Fusagi!", they hold eachother hands!!! "Hey we found all the lamps, we were just coming to ask you how to grant our wish!" Fusagi explained, Rei explained "The grand genie thought so, so he sent me tell you! You have to summon him in ancient arabic language!". Fusagi squinted her eyes "I hate our library... but wait, why didn't he tell the password before?", Rei answered "He might've thought if Haru found you, he could've forced the password out... Now let's hurry before he dies... his ends drawing close...". Fusagi freaks out! "Yeah!", meanwhile Mira looks in the air "I hope she hurries, if Haru comes back I'll have to watch him break Vassago's asshole...". She suddenly feels two souls "It's Fusagi!!? The other 1 is masking their energy... who?...", Fusagi sees Mira "Excellent! Hey Mira!", Mira waves back "Fusagi! Rei!!!". Fusagi flies to her Rei was coming to tell us the password! Where's Vassago?", Mira laughed "He's sleeping! Good thing you dropped your energy! Let's hurry before he wakes up!". They take the lamps to another island... far from Haru's lamp... Rei says the invocation in ancient arabic... A giant light shoots in the air!!! It forms into a giant muscular genie with horns, as the sky turns black!!! Fusagi freaked "Oh... he's freaking giganticly huge... He's much more bigger than the rest of you...", Mira added "He's makes the grand genie look like he's his dingling♡". Rei explains "He's made from all of the strongest elder power, so he doesn't need to resonate to grant wishes like we have to... his name is Genie Of Dreams. This is the 1st time I've seen him...", Mira answered "We have 3 wishes from him too, he is the "Genie Of Dreams...". Rei yells "Hurry!!! Tell me your wish before Vassago or Haru gets here!", Fusagi asks "Tell him, to bring everyone who died by the djinns, back to life!". Rei asks in arabic! The Genie Of Dreams answers "I CANST GRANTH THINE WISH, I CANST ONLY BRINGST 1 BACK AT ONE TIME.", Fusagi and Mira yell "Mother Ducker!!!". Meanwhile Kaio tells the other soldiers "They can only bring 1 back at a time...", the boys all yell "GODDAMED MOTHER FUCKING, GENIE!". Kyubi suddenly screamed "WAIT!! LET ME TALK TO MIRA!!!", Fusagi and Mira suddenly hear Kyubi's voice "Mira it is me, Kyubi!!! I am speaking to you through Kaio!", Kaio screamed "Hey! Donlt drop my honorific! It's Kaio sama!!!". Kyubi finishes "Bring me back 1st! I learned white magic from training here! I will surely bring everyone back once I come back to life!", Fusagi looks at Mira "Hmmm...". Kyubi yells "I know how! I have seen it being used alot here, and have used it! And for your 2nd wish, bring me there: I wish to help fight Haru!", Mira glared "Understood, Rei our 1st wish is to bring Kyubi back to life!". Rei looks at her "Kyubi?" he asks the Genie Of Dreams their wish! "IT HAST BEEN GRANTED!", Kyubi's halo disappears! Meanwhile Vassago feels Haru's energy "What the fuck, Haru's coming!!!? Why the hell's the sky's dark... This planet doesn't have a night!". He finally sees the gigantic genie in the air!!! "Oh freaking hell!!! What's that monsterous thing!!!? Is that what comes out of the lamps!!!!?", he flies towards the island, glaring "THOSE SNEAKY ,FUGLY, FILTHY BITCHES!!! Haru's not far behind me either!!!". Meanwhile Haru asks Rei to grant the 2nd wish... He asks the Genie Of Dreams says "THAT IST A EASY WISH, ITST HAS BEEN GRANTED.", Fusagi and Mira look for him... "Where is Kyubi?", Rei freaked "You wanted him right here!!!?". Vassago lands behind them!!!!! "OH CRAP!!", the soldiers cry, Vassago stomps towards them "You bimbos just sharted away your last chance to defeat Haru! Unless I'm made eternal, we will never stand a chance of defeating him!". Mira shouts "We... we still have 1 more wish!", Fusago yells "Idiot!!! Don't tell him!!!! For the love of God!!!". Vassago leers "I'm relieved to hear that!", meanwhile Haru sees them!!! "There's life signs there too, could they be getting their wish granted? Shit...". Meanwhile Vassago screamed "HURRY FOOLS!!! MAKE ME ETERNAL, HARU WILL BE HERE ANY SECOND!!!!", Mira glared "W... we don't have a choice... who knows how much longer until Yui's injuries heal!", Fusagi glared "Wait... If Kyubi learned white magic... we could've wished him back on earth! He could've brought them back, warped us back, then supported Yui, making her immortal. We could've beaten him by now if WE THOUGHT INSTEAD LISTENING TO THE RETARD!". Meanwhile Kyubi stared in the dark sky "So this is... Gee mee world... Yeah... That is how you say it... .."....
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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