A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Vassago vs Rin
VASSAGO LEERS AT RIN AS HE FREAKS "Y... You killed Matsouka!!!?", Vassago laughed "I didn't even break a sweat!!!!". Rin winces "Y... you're lying!", Vassago replies "Once we get started you'll fall for my "lie" too!". Rin then asked "Why do you defy Haru Sama?", Vassago laughs "The answer is simple, I don't like another man's "dingaling" in my butthole! Until now, I was forced to work for him (fortunately, he doesn't like humping when his victim's struggling...) but now when I get the lamps, I'll have eternal life!". Rin realizes "Your after the lamps!?", the djinn finishes "When I get all 7 lamps, Haru's defeat at my hand will be inevitable!!!!!". Rin replied "You think eternal life will be all it takes to defeat Haru sama?", Vassago glared "Nooo Don't say it...". Rin interrupts "Haru's "power" transcends imagination, beyond what you or me could hope to comprehend!!! He's...", Vassago interrupts "ENOUGH OF YOUR HOMO REFERENCES!!! I'LL SHOW YOU THE POWER OF A REAL MAN!!!". Vassago appears behind Rin, he turns to punch him! Vassago catches his fist and throws him! Rin fires a spell so strong, he holds his arm to shoot it! Vassago slaps the blast away!!! The explosion creates a giant mushroom cloud!!! Meanwhile Fusagi watches the explosion "That must be Vassago and 1 of Haru's "guys" fighting... they're power levels are much higher than mine, hopefully they take eachother out!", she grabs Rei as he starts blushing. "C'mon we can fly at full speed, they won't notice us while they're fighting!!! PK Speed!!!", Fusagi flew as fast as she could!!! Meanwhile Vassago beat Rin "This is the great Rin? It's like you're standing still!!!", he knocks Rin into the ground!!! He stands to be kicked by Vassago!!! "How's the familiar feel of being beaten in the ass by another man, Rin?", he gets up laughing "Heehaheeheeheehahahee You've come very far... Now I'll have to use my form that layed dormant for years.". Vassago laughed "Really... "I awakened a dormant power"? If you try to come near me with your...?", Rin answered "No, I mean true power...". Vassago laughs "Heheheh HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You lying limp dick!", Rin explains "You might as well know before you breathe your last breath, there's a good reason why I've kept my full powers hidden. Erecting my power looks truly hideous... as Haru prefers beauty, I stay in this form. But I'd choose his rejection than certain death...". Vassago laughed " True power?!! My hairy, 14 inch di...", Rin interrupts "You're not the only 1 who can transform, I can't grow as large as you djinn but the power is more than enough to make you scream!". His face suddenly turned into a shark head, then his body grew huge!!! Vassago looked in fear, as Rin headbutted him hard then threw him up!!! Vassago shook out of it, then tried to rush him! Rin charges him, hitting him as hard as he could!!! Vassago stopped ragdolling then thought "This the same homo!!!?", the monster smiles "I'll let you in on a little secret before you die, Haru sama informed me, he can transform too! How can ever hope to defeat Haru, when you can't even touch me!!!!?" he fires a beam at Vassago as he finishes, the djinn dodges! Rin suddenly appears behind Vassago then grabs him!!! "NO!!!! NOT MY BUTTHOLE!!!", the monster then piledrived him through a island!!! Leaving a giant hole in the ocean!!! Rin turns back as he thought out loud "He shouldn't be able to survive that, though he's really hard, if he's stays wet, he'll finally go limp. Then I won't have to wrassle him again, even if he can still stand erect, my power should've scared him!". He flies away... Vassago, meanwhile climbs out of the water!!!? "I r... re... refuse... refuse to... be... be... beaten... by... a homo!!!!". Meanwhile the salamader monster found the village Vassago destroyed! "I must inform Haru Sama at once!", he flew to the lamp! Meanwhile Haru was jerking off, when Rin knocked on his door "Haru sama, it's Rin♪", "You may enter..." Haru says as he turns toward him "Have you found a village?". Rin smiled excited "No, but I have dealt with Vassago!", Haru yawned "You had to use your other form also? So he's dead right?". Rin walked backwards... "No... I assure you if by slim chance he did survive, his injuries are grave!", Haru glared "Why didn't you confirm his death?". Rin freaks "I... he was completely submerged in water!!!", Haru answered "You didn't mind getting wet with me, but you won't get wet when I TRULY need it?" . Rin freaks out "I'm terribly sorry, I... I'll go look for him at once!", the salamander ran in the room! "Haru Sama!!! I discovered a village, but it was already destroyed!". Rin freaked "DAMMIT!!! WHY THE FUCK DID HE COME IN NOW!!!?", Haru glares at him "If you located the body, we would've already known where the lamp was!". He then turns toward the salamader "Apple, go contact the Milky force! Tell them to bring ingredients for devil eyes too.", Rin stopped in shock "No disrespect, but I'm unable to think of a reason to call them in...". Haru stretches"My tingling balls tells me otherwise... it says to me that a there's a enemy out there somewhere... Vassago was the likeliest candidate, but now I believe I'm mistaken...", Rin answers "Are you sure your not imagining things? The only 1 close enough to be consider a threat, were those earthlings who molested Vassago. And from what I understand, they all had to work together to beat him...". Haru glares "Are you saying I'm wrong, when you should've been locating Vassago's body, transgender whore!!?", Rin flies away crying. Haru then thought "Djinn possess unfathomable power levels that rise when near death. Their wishes for strength and make each 1 stronger exponentially... Of course they're no match for me, but the thought of eternal male orgy, demands I nip this in the asshole... the fabled Super form, would prove quite a inopportune foe...". Meanwhile Rin found Vassago "Still alive? Quite the tough 1, it's because of your ass... I'll be spared." He picked up his unconscious body "It's your lucky day, we'll mount you up and get the juicy details out of you! What happens after that is up to Haru Sama♡" he flies back to Haru's lamp!!! Meanwhile Fusagi and Rei found the grand genie!!! "He isn't dead already is he?", Fusagi asked, "I don't think so..." Rei answers. They see a genie float out of the grand lamp! "Mr Snail!!!" Rei exclaimed, Fusagi tries not laugh as the genies spoke. "Nice to see you too Rei, the grand genie knows the gist of what's going on..." Snail explained, Fusagi giggles "That'll save alot of time!", they walked in... "Grand genie, I brought Rei and a chubby visitor...". A huge wrinkled genie floated in the room!!! "Welcome traveler, I heard you've stepped in shit...".
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