Superhuman Struggle!!!

Continued... :)
YUI YELLS AT THE OCEAN"FROG!!!!", Mira yells "What do you mean?". She answered "On the tracks! That frog appeared out of nowhere!", Chimney frowned "Yokozuna!!!", Kokoro giggled "That guy?". Yui yells as RocketMan closes in "LOOK OUT!!! GET OUTTA THE WAY FROGGY, WE'RE GONNA HIT YOU!!!". Meanwhile Chiba laughed "We did it, time to shake our crotch!!!", Franky spoke to Seirro "I'm surprised, what a way too retreat!", the deamon replies "I wish he didn't use even more meth... Why he's so weak to drugs?". Chiba bumps Fusagi's arm "Those awful assholes, accomplishing our goal with making anyone asymmetrical, was the best idea!", she blushes from being held tightly as Seirro answers "But that was too easy...". Franky glares "Yeah, those fuckers could still get us. They're not like other shits...", thorn whips suddenly wrap around the train car!!!!! "WHAT THE HELL?!!!!!!". Haruhi informed her friend "I've got them Kaoru!!!", he walks by her "Right.". Franky shouts "You think I'll let ya come over here!!!? Cut the whips!!!", Kaoru tugs the whips, snatching the traincars together!!!! Seiro stands up to see the agent holding the traincars together "Such power!!!", Kaoru looks at him "That was a pretty lame idea, idiots.". Seirro glares "So... it was useless... Chiba! Guard Fusagi with your life!!!". Mori warned his comrades "Don't kill the soldiers, we made a promise.", Seirro suddenly kicks Kaoru!!! "Sorry you went through all this, just to be pushed apart again!!!". Kaoru sighed as Seirro kicked his ribs!!!! "He's so hard!!!", Franky yells "That's their fighting style I told you about!!!". Seirro spins in circles "Okay... CONCASSE!!!!", he kicks him harder!!! Kaoru almost lets go of the car!!! Tatsumi glares "That kick was powerful, he almost broke his tekkai!!!", he then yells "Kaoru don't let him make a fool out of you, or they'll cut your pay!!! He's only 1 brat!!!". They hear Fusagi "Occho, fluer clutch!!!", Sierro turns to see Chiba in a choke hold by Fusagi's energy!!! "Wai... What the?!!! Fusagi!!!?", she glares "How many times must I tell you!? Stay out of my business!!!". Tatsumi warns "Pay attention to where you're looking.", he suddenly kicks Seirro back into the car!!! Franky yells "Tooth head!!!", he speaks as Seirro crashed "Jeez, all of you guys are the same... you're all so stubborn when it comes to your comrades!!! Going through all this trouble to escape...". He pushed the car wall into the train!!! "HERE'S YOUR CHANCE!!!!", Seirro watches him break the wall off "FRANKY!!!!!". Meanwhile CP9 stare at him "... that wasn't necessary..." Tatsumi says, Franky laughed "WAHAHA!!! Look how this turned out!", Mori glares "Why are you helping those guys?". Franky replies "I can't stand it!!! Standing by while she keeps doing this... her comrades won't leave without her!". He then looks at the traincar "Ow!!! You guys don't worry about me! I gotta plan!!! Go back to town somehow!!!", Fusagi yells back "Franky, what a thing to do!!! I'm not trying to escape!!!". Seirro yells "Hold on Fusagi!!! We know what'll happen!!! Even if they use the bustercall, we can handle it!!!", Kaoru suddenly appears behind Seirro!!!? "That bustercall is the problem..." The deamon turns, he's kicked away!!! Meanwhile Franky asks "Kaoru disappeared?!!!", Mori explained "No... he can make doors in the atmosphere... right now, he's retrieving Fusagi Tsunou.". Franky stares... meanwhile Kaoru stabs Chiba!!! "Chiba!!! Stop it! I'm not trying to run away!!!" Fusagi yells. Kaoru replied "He was advancing on me, tryin' to touch me and stuff...", Fusagi walks through the door until Chiba sits up "Wait... it's okay... you'll be okay Fusagi... there's still something you're not telling us... we don't care... but you can't leave... She was terrifying... don't make "princess" sad... so... you... Should have faith in Yui!!!". Kaoru kicks him away... Fusagi walks through as her eyes tear up... Seirro gets up "Fusagi!!!", Kaoru answered "It's no use, she won't break her promise...". Seirro glares "How can you say that!!!!?", the agent then says "In the past the bustercall burned almost all her family to a crisp, leaving only her and her parents in the Tsunou family. They even had to leave, after they found she was followed, due to her parents leaving, and everyone else she knew from childhood deaths... she's a irredeemable devil. The memeroies of her family, cause her to turn on her comrades.". Seirro yells "You... knew all that!!!? HOW ROTTEN CAN YOU GET!!!?", Kaoru prepares to run "It's funny... woowoowooowooo wooo!!!". Seirro kicks as the door disappears "DON'T SCREW WITH ME!!!", he shout "DAMMIT ALL TO HELL!!!!!!". Meanwhile Mori leers as he looks out the window "We can see it... So we'll be arriving soon, how nostalgic, it's been 5  years... The nightless island: Wake island.", meanwhile Fusagi told Franky what she found out... "He's still alive!!! For real!!!?" he freaked, she answers "Yes... that's what he told me.". He gasps "So Iceberg's still hanging in there... he told me might die, I knew he wouldn't go out that easily", Fusagi warns him "CP9 intended to kill him, you should keep quiet for his sake.". Franky calmed down "You're pretty smart... So I have the blueprints to the weapon, and you have the power to use it. America has both acquired both of the keys for the ultimate weapons, the day of armageddon is when they get us in the hell. The americans will use the ultimate power to manipulate earth to their liking, my master sacrificed his life to keep the blueprints of this dangerous weapon out of their hands... it's not enough for me to escape, I have to get you back to those soldiers.", Fusagi replies "That's impossible!!! If I go back to them, I'll just put them in danger!". Franky glares at the girl "You're the only 1 who's in danger, they say your very existance is a crime. But no matter what, life is a beautiful, delicate thing... It's never a crime to just exist!", Fusagi stares in surprise... then shouts "My eyes are up here, pedophile! You weren't even looking at me the whole time!!!". Meanwhile the Frankys drifted waiting for the Rocketman to catch to them, "Look ahead!!!", "It's another detached traincar!!! Slowdown!!!". Meanwhile Yui yells "Yokozuna!!! You knocked us off the track!!! We almost caught up to Seirro and Chiba!!!", inside the traincar Kokoro tried to control the train as Zonbai screamed "Can we still get to Wake island?", she screams "The current's too strong". Mira asks as the oldwoman turns the wheel! "Do we know the direction of the island?", "We sure do! It has eternal sunlight over the damned headquarters!". Mira looks outside "That's fine!!! I'll observe the currents, while you follow my directions!", "Huh you?" Kokoro starts. The demon girl smiled "I'm a navigator!!!". Kokoro laughs "NGANGANGANGANGANGANGANGANGA!!!! That's marvelous!!!!", she then looks out a window "Yokuzuna! Come in here, for a moment!". The frog starts talking to Kokoro(???) "8 years ago, you saw Tom get taken away, so you've been challenging the seatrain to get stronger... You don't want your friends to be taken away again, You want to protect the people you like?", the frog agrees "GERO!!!!".  Kokoro laughed "Now it's time to see if your training's a success! Your favorite person: Franky has been taken away!, just like Tom was! Right now, we're chasing after him!!! DO YOU WANT TO COME WITH US!!!?",  Yokuzuna screams(???) "GERO!!!!!!!!!!". The grandma yells "Karis, we've got 1 more comrade!!!", Yui giggles "Awesome!!! How did you understand what he said???". Meanwhile CP9 arrived on Wakeisland "Take the criminals out!!!", Franky bites a officers head "AWOO!!! How dare you treat my like this?!!! I oughta teach you a lesson!!!". Mori glares as the officers swung sticks "Becareful! He bites!!!". The officers finally walk them through the gate, into the lobby!!! Franky freaks as he stares at the giant city!!! "Wow!!! I've never seen anything like this before!!! A waterfall, a hole in the middle of the ocean!!!!?", Mori retorted "Shut up...". Franky stares down "I can't see the bottom, what the hell?!!", the agent sighed "Shit... shut up...". Mephilis watches them walk up "They're back... and they bought the best present possible! It's been 5 years since all 8 of CP9 been together!", he turns toward the others "Now WTF is with this news story!!!? The plan was to kill the rebellion leader, but you killed the entire army!!!?". A long haired, man(?) stood on his head!!! "It's my fault! I'll take full responsibility!!!", another agent glares at his comrade "Enough Tamaki!!! A man shouldn't lower his head so easily!", the openvested man adjust his glasses then explains "We went in quietly, but... we couldn't of known the plan was leaked!!!". The fat agent unzipped his mouth "I announced it to the town...", the vested one turns "What!!! You again Honi!!!? Why do have a zipper if yu never use it!!!?". He pulls Honi's mouth "We're goverment agents you fatfucker!!! WE HAVE TO KEEP SECRETS!!!!", Honi screams "It was a accident Cybababababa!!!!". Miphilis shouts "Shut up!! All of you!!! FUCK A GODDAMNED, DONMA BITCH DUCK!!!! I SPILLED MY COFFEE AGAIN!!!", meanwhile the Frankys spoke with Seirro and Chiba "Our bro sacrificed himself?!!!". Seirro answered "Yes to try to save Fusagi... We'll be too late if we don't hurry!", another Franky points "Hey! I see never night island!!! Wake island!!!". Meanwhile Yui stares "I see 'em!!! HUGE yagara!!!", they see the seatrain coming "YUI!!!". She laughs "Ahhhhh! Seirro!!! Chiba!!!", Mira sighs "I thought you meant.... nevermind let's seige the front door of the American government!!!". Everyone yells "WAKE IS IN SIGHT!!! ALL CREWS PREPARE FOR BATTLE!!!!".

To Be Continued... :D

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