Continued... :@
CIRRIS SLICES INTO A INVISIBLE BARRIER BLOCKING OFF THE BRANCHES OF THE WORLDTREE!!! HE THEN FIRES SOULSUGATENSHO INTO IT!!! HINAMI YELLS "Don't worry, we're coming Yui!!!", Cirris uses Soulfist Explosion!!! As Minami stares "Cirris...", The huge explsion knocks him back into the town streets!!! He flies back up as Minami ran up to him, and continues slicing into the barrier, meanwhile, Yui heard Hinami and feels Cirris!!! "Cirris!!!? Hinami?". She drops down the card she found... Back with Cirris, he used 2nd Gear, then Gum Pistol!!! The force bounced him back slightly, he then sees the card fall to him..."Yui!!! I feel her wavelength...". Minami then ran up behind him "Are you insane... You almost hurt yourself...", Cirris replies "I'm sorry if I scared you... but I need to get up there..." Minami replies "There's barriers surrounding the branches, a few fairies barely glimpsed the top via soom lense on a camera... but no one's been beyond here...". Cirris looks at the tree "I'll go up through the dome then...", he walks to the door, as Minami follows with a worried look. He then says as he walks in "Thanks..."... the door closed... "Here I come..." many tree guardians float around him... "YUI♡!!!" Cirris zooms to the exit!!! Hinami covered by killing guardians aiming at him!!! More guardians fire arrows and throw spears at the man, he deflects them and strikes down few treeguardians, as they attempted to physically attack!!! "Yui... I have to get with you..." he remembers being with her "I could only fight because of you!!! Guardians start slicing and shooting him as he thought "Fuck... I can only get this far because of you!!!" Guardians shoot several arrows through him!!! Lances and Spears stab his fairy body... "You're the reason that I breathe... Y... Yui..." he falls as the guardians continue to stab and shoot... Cirris turns into a blackfame... He thought as Hinami hides from their fire..."I died... I can't save her... I died before... and only live because of her... How can I save Yui, when I can't even live without her?". Hinami brings Minami in!!! The soldier sees Cirris!!! Minami flies past the guardians as Hinami distracts them, then hold him between her breasts. She then flies out with Hinami!!!, Then revives Cirris "Thanks." Cirris says as he looks at his body... "I'll try again... please don't follow... I don't want you to be hurt too...". Minami ran to him "Stop. Why do you keep hurting yourself? Is this person THAT important...", Cirris smiles "Yes... she's my girlfriend...", Minami steps back... "Wait... you...", she holds her mouth as tears come in her eyes "Thi... is too... much...". She flew away! Cirris ran behind her "Minami!!!", he follows her to a hotel... He walks up to her room... "Minami... please... come out...", she replies "Go... I'm fine...". Cirris slides down the door... "Minami...", then says "Minami... I know how you're feeling... I... felt this way before too...". She opens the door, Cirris falls forward then turns "How... How could you feel how I do?". He walks in the room as he said "I... didn't have love before... I was upset when I saw everyone else experience it... and I couldn't... Even when I met Yui... She got along better with others... I didn't think I'd be dating her...", Minami curls up into a ball "I... I wasn't as talkative... as I am now... I was much more shy... even after making friends... I was still shy... I couldn't get out of this feeling nomatter what... But... when I saw you... You saved me... you spoke to me... you have a friend following you... you have someone helping you... you even... have a girlfriend... I was hoping since you're like me... I could learn how to feel loved and social like you... Our wavelengths... are similar... Our souls are the same... We're both shy and unsure of ourselves... We both hide ourselves... I met someone exactly like me... So...". She turns around on the bed "I was hoping... I could date you... then I'd learn to be stronger... then we'd fall in love... but...", Cirris replies as she blushes over her body... "Minami... you can date... You will find someone that loves you... Someone perfect for you... I... can't help Yui... I can't do anything for her... without alot of help... I won't be able to save her... You deserve someone better... someone who could help you... Please... don't let yourself be hurt for me...". Minami sniffled "I... I... I won't... I won't be upset... Thank you... Thanks Cirris....", she stood as he smiles warmly "I could use help... would at very least heal me, until make it up?". Minami smiles "Yeah...", they walk out and see Recon flying to them!!! "Minami!!! Are you okay!!!? I heard about the assassination!!!", she replies "I'm fine... everyone's okay there too...". He sighed "Great... everyon...", he glares at Cirris "You're still in a party with him?!!!". She replies "No... but I'm going to help him with 1 more adventure... We're going to climb up the Wordtree...", he jumped "WTF!!!!!!!!!!????????????? How you're gonna climb that!!!? We don't have nearly enough resources to get up!!!". She replies "We're going to heal him, as he flies up... He only needs us to keep him safe, until he makes it...", Recon glared "Alright...." he turns towards Cirris "You better not fuck it up, and make Minami look stupid, and cry!!!". They walk inside the dome... Cirris starts flying up as Hinami kills guardians close by, while Recon and Minami heal the man! Cirris fights pass many guardians until he makes it higher!!! Too many treeGuardians come and attack!!! "Shit!!! I really...", he suddenly hears a huge explosion!!! All the guardians around him die!!! He looks down to see Tsukiayama walk in "Cirris Kun, the army has arrived!", Sayaka walks in "Sylphs you take the left flank, do not let them near Cirris or us!!!", Alicia comes in "Cait Sith Dragoons, attack the right, don't let them touch anyone!!!!". Tsukiyama kneels as the Salamader army walks in "Do not let them touch Cirris Kun, for I... we, are all his sword! ATTAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!", they all attack the tree guardians!!! Sylphs kept them back from the left, while the Cait Siths Dragoons blocked the right!!! Tsukiyama and the Salamanders, destroy/eat all the guardians coming behind and around Cirris as Hinami, Recon and Minami fought off guardians and healed Cirris, respectively! Cirris starts to get cose as zillions of treeguardians came at him!!! Recon sees him fighting them back!!! "Minami, you focus all your power on Cirris, I'll clear a way!!!", he flies up into the army of guardians and explodes!!!!!? Zillions die, as Cirris flies through!!!! They keep the treeGuardians back as Cirris slices through the ones ahead!!! He looks at the armies then turns toward the top!!!! "I can... we... We can do this!!!!", he uses part of a Houtentai and used Starburststream!!!! He destroys the millionns of Guardians in front of him as flew to the door!!! It almost closes, when he stabs his sword the the crack, then peels it open!!! And flies in, the armies pull back as Cirris and Hinami flip rightside up in a glowing lit room... Cirris and Hinami stair at the strange light and at a door...
To Be Continued... :#
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
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Happy Halloween Finale!

First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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