Silver Fox: Foxy!!!

THE SOLDIERS TALK, AS THE "GENIE" STARES AT THEM "Ya know, the genie that comes from the bamboo!" Yui laughed", Chiba frowned "No you moron...". The old man speaks "Um what are you 2 talking about?", they turn towards him "Long time no see, how do you do?". Yui tilts her head "I don't know you...", Touka frowned "Me neither...". The old man replies "Ah... no wonder, I never saw your faces before.", Chiba glared "What kinda answer is that!!!? Who the hell are you?!!!". The old man wipes the blood from his nose "My name is Tojit, 1stly, I must thank you for getting me down from the stilt.", Yui looked surprised "A stilt!!? It was so long I couldn't see the top!!!". Tojit answers "And I was on top...", Yui asks "Darn... so your not a genie if the bamboo... Hey why were you on the stilt.". He answers "I always was a fan of stilts, so decided to climb on them... so I used the long bamboo to make the worlds tallest stilt!", he then glares "Then it grew too tall, I was stuck on top because of my fear of heights...". Touka glares "Your a stupid old fart", he adds "For 10 years!!!!", Chiba yelled "You're the retard that called!!!!?". Yui giggles "Why is everything so long here Mr Tojit?",  he answers "Because everythings so wide and open, they feel free to grow as big as they can!". Chiba retorts "That's fucked up, like teenage mutant ninja monsters... or some bullshit like that "this" is perfectly "natural"... ", Tojit points "It is... see there's a doooooooooog, and a duuuuuuuuuck.". He points at a long dog and duck... Chiba squinted his eyes... "You're just stretching the sound in the name...", Tojit points behind him "There's a mountain lioooooooooon. Becareful, they bite!!!". Chiba turns around "...why is there a lion on a island?!!", the old man points to a cat "There's a normal little caaaaaaaat.", Chiba shouts "Why the hell is it's head only stretched!???". Tojit smiled "Let me thank you for saving me, I'll treat you to some milk....", he looks out at a ranch... "Oh yeah... everyone left already...". He leads everyone in his house "How would like chika boom boom...", Touka suddenly yells "No!!!! not from a ancient old man!!!". He looks in his fridge... "I thought people loved to be hum... oh here, I still have some cheese!", Chiba glared "10 year old cheese...", the old man laughs as he ate some "You kids are so weak... back in my day: we'd eat 6000 year old dust, that's been digested and used as fertilizer, then peed on... We...". He passed out "I need a doctor...", Touka freaks "DOCOR!!! WE NEED A DOCTOR!!! WAIT I'M 1!!!", she stares at the old man... "Looks like food poisoning...". Chiba screamed "We know!!!!", he then sits down "Old man... why did you call us? And where is everyone??", Tojit answers "We're a race of nomads, everytime the tide drops we migrate to another part of the island... but I was stuck on my stilts, that's why I called you on my cell: to save me!" Chiba glares "Dumbshit!!! You called us to save you from stilts!!!!? You could've called someone from your village or anyone closer than we were!!!!". Tojit answered "I didn't know who I should call... besides you don't need to stay here anymore: I can catch up now! And you're payed too...", Chiba shouts "You tried to pay us that old FUCKING CHEESE!!!? YOU FREAKING PIECE OF SHIT!!!". Tojit smiles "I can catch up now, with my hoooorse!", Touka asks "Is a hooooooorse, a horse?". The old man smiles "A beautiful elegant creature, with a long neck and legs!?", they go outside "here it is! ", Tojit laughs "Sherry!!! you stayed here... for me?!!!". He rides his hoooorse around as it remembered being left by the rest of it's people. Touka smiles "I wanna ride next", Chiba laughs "It's so strange... and big.", Yui giggles "They're so happy... !!!!". She turns too late to stop a bullet from hitting Sherry! She falls over with Tojit!!! The other 2 run to her and him, as Yui shouts "WHO DID THAT!!!!?",  a woman in a bikini and vest, a monkey(!!!?) in a hat... and a fat man with fox ear shaped hair and vest... with suspenders holding up his pants, and a stick(!!!!?) shoved down them laughed. "I did, I shot that horse, it's mine now!". Yui glares "You..." he smiles "Do you know who I am?". Yui yells "The guy I'm who's butt I'm going to kick...?", she looks surprised to see him crying on the  ground. The woman patted his back "Don't worry boss, she's kidding... she didn't mean it!", the monkey laughs at him...  The man stood back up and yells "I AM silver fox: Foxy!!!", Yui prepares to fight "I AM: Yui!!!". He interrupts "I know: Karis Ai!", she stops as the woman adds "Karis Ai . Yui, the god killer! Unknown to the world... only those in Soul Hoshi nottingham knows of your achievements, oh... and now us!". Foxy leers "Karis Ai, I challenge you to a Davy Back Fight!", Yui yelled "A Dooky fat bite!!! Bring it!". Chiba thought "Wait... those pirates... YUI DON'T ACCEPT IT: WE'LL LOSE OUR FRIENDS!!!". Meanwhile Mira asks the foxy pirates "A Davy back fight?", they answer "A davy back fight, is a fight between  pirate crews", "After the captains agree, they agreed to a bet that whoever wins can take any member of their crew!", "The crew members can't object either!!!". Mira freaks "What the fuck?!!!", Zolo laughs "YEAH!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO KICK ASS!!!". She yells "Wait if we lose we..." they suddenly hear gunshots!!! "The games have started!" one foxy member leers. Meanwhile Chiba bops Yui "YOU IDIOT!!!We could lose everybody!!!", Yui giggles "All we have to do is win♪". Later they set up a carnival with the Davy Back Fight, Chiba chased Yui "I know you're upset about the old man but..." he sees Tojit and Sherry ordering food from a stand. "The shi...", meanwhile Mira glares as Zolo reads the games they'll play in. "Why do we have to do this? Even if they laugh at us, it doesn't matter... These people are like what you see when hobos control a super center: They have stuff, but you don't see them as people, they're like mosquitos...". Zolo reads the games "We'll be in a Race, sports and comat...", he jumps up "I'LL DO COMBAT!!!", Yui rushed them "I wanna do coba...", Seirro knocks her away "Let me!!! My legs are itching for insides!". They later decided on the who'll play what Kirik, Mira , Chiba and Fusagi will do the race, "I can't go in a boat race, because of my fear of possibly being shot at syndrome" Kirik lied, Mira yells "Stop being a asshole, you said you wanted to change Notingham academy: be braver!". Zolo, Seirro and Touka will do sports... "Don't get in my way!!!" Zolo yelled, Seirro leers "That's my line!", Yui will do combat! "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!". They got ready to start the boat race, the announcer screams "NOW PRESENTING THE JUDGEMENT PIRATES: THEIR MAKE SHIFT BOAT: UTTER CRAP!!!", Chiba glares at Kirik "What?! Boat making isn't my best thing! I should've did the beating crap outta people thing...". The announcer then introduces the foxy boat "AND OUR CREW'S MAKESHIFT BOAT: THE CUTEY BARREL!!!", the woman that was with Foxy before yells "We'll win♡ Don't worry about it everyone!", the foxy crew yells "Kick their assholes Porche chan!!!". She glares at the team "I'm going to sink you...", Mira yells "All hail brittania!... (I always wanted to say that!)."...

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