IN BABA YAGA CASTLE, WHILE THE OTHER SOLDIERS FOUGHT OR KILLED THE INSANE SOLDIERS, YUI, SEIRRO AND MADOKA WENT IN ARACHNE'S ROOM. They see Arachne's body lying on the floor!?? Seirro glared "Yui, is Arachne still alive? What about that body?" , Yui answered "I can't say for sure, wether it's magic or not. I can feel Arachne in the room...". Madoka smiled warmly "A body is nothing more than a container... is that not right, Nee san?" Arachne flies towards them! "She's coming!", insanity flows through the room! The black smog took the form of Arachne's face, she leers at them then flies away. Seirro glares at the giant face, "That's her alright, that grotesqe insanity, even I can sense...". The madness tries to grab Yui, Madoka use vector arrow to compress her. Arachne smashs the ball of arrows!!! Madoka freaked "Not good enough", Arachne thought to everyone "That will not work Madoka, I abandoned my body and become insanity itself... I traveled to a place you humans can not reach...". Yui repeated to the witch "Become insanity? Why do you want to?", Madoka answered "You mean to become insanity yourself... ...Align yourself with the kinshin... ...And draw him to yourself...". Arachne explains "Fear envelopes the world... whilist insanity consumes everything. It is a place of rest Madoka, I shall become the mother of all.". Madoka laughed "Hahahaha, A mother? It is just absurd, everyone put's you on a pedestal, calling you the mother of deamons. But nee san... surely all you really did, was read from the book of Eibon?". She frowned "F You!!! It matters not who originated it, nor who did the creating... what matters is what you achieve from it in the end. And you... You can not win yourself, a man's heart. How fugly are you really? Dr Stein... was that his name? You had quite the little crush on him, as I recall ", Madoka leered "Well, naturally... unlike you, he actually has creativity. You laughed at this body before, now, did you not? But which of us in the more ridiculous form right now, hm?". The room turned competely pitch black!!!! "Làúğħīņġ āť ťħāť шħiċħ ħăś ñó ƒőřм... мăďőkã... ÿóù ì şħáll ñòł plúñģě iňłő īňśăńiłÿ...", Madoka was stuck on a web as Arachne spoke... She crawled towards her sister and whispered to her, as her eyes changed "ì śħāıı ďēvðûř ÿòûř véřÿ мìņď.". She ate her!!!! Madoka fell from the web!!! Yui turned around "Madoka!!!?". The strawberry blonde little witch, layed on the ground, foaming at the mouth... "I was... Annihilated in a instant...". Seirro yelled "Did she drive her insane?", Arachne smiled "Oh... I would not compare it to the likes of that...". She flew at Yui!!! "Where's Ragnoiroc!?" Yui yelled. She sliced at the madness! "Your eyes are strong... the anti demon wavelength, so that is why Madoka brought this child here... And such Soul Perception capacity... Truly, this is a dangerous one... I suppose I shall play with her... terrify her... ...and plunge her into insanity.". She attacked Yui and Seiro! "What's going on? I don't feel the slightest resistance?!" he screamed. Yui sliced at the madness as Arachne answered "As you can see from my corpse, over there... I have abandoned my physical form. No attacks will affect me now. I shall enjoy killing you, slowly but surely...", Arachne hit Yui! She stepped back as Seirro reminded her... "Yui...", "Yeah... the witch bane, it might just work.". A loud screech sound suddenly reverberated across the castle! everyone heard it and bent in terror!!! Kirik thought as he held his head... "Ungh... in my head... There are spiders... tearing at... the inside of my head...". Meanwhile outside the castle, every Soul Hoshi Soldier and Avatar started losing it! Nygus stopped healing/treating Zolo "Crap", Zolo looked at everyone and said softly "What's wrong everyone? Keep your mind hardened. ". He stood, then "Come on Soul Hoshi, don't be peons.". He criss crossed "The rest is up to you... Seirro... Yui...", meanwhile in the spider queen's room Seirro felt the madness! "Yui... this is...". Yui answered "Arachne is trying to overcome all the souls in the vicinity of the castle, with madness.". Arachne glared at Yui, completely unaffected by the madness!!? "This gurl...". Yui then said "This isn't good, all the souls in the castle, are slowly but surely, falling into madness. We have to do something quickly or...", Seirro thought as she spoke "Do something about it, but how?....!! Wait a minute, if this is the source of the madness. Why isn't it affecting me?". The demon answered "That's the deal", Seirro turned towards the demon in the black room... "I see, so I'm being protected by Yui's Anti demon wavelength... Resonance... no, just as long as I can transmit my wavelength to others...". Yui yelled "Seirro please, lend me your power!", Seirro thought "With my piano? No... the sound of my playing will never reach the entire castle, and the surrounding area...". The demon shouted "Come on... What's wrong? Get playing dammit! I just want to hear some of that sweet music. Hurry it up! Mother trucker... Hell, the whole damn thing will be covered in cobwebs!", Seirro then thought of a idea! "Hey Yui! Could you focus your Soul Perception?". Seirro walked in Arachne's mind... "How do you think Arachne's spreading her insanity over such a large distance", the demon answered as Seirro grabbed a web "Spider web?". Seirro replies "She's spinning her soul out like a spider's web, and flooding the souls with insanity when they get entagled. So let's take advantage of thoses threads, shall we?", he walked to the piano, it was connected to Arachne's web... The demon walked towards Seirro... "You think you can pull this off?", Seirro answered "Didn't you know? My brother's a violinist". Seirro thought "It's a piece in C... ...perfect for transmitting Yui's wavelength...". Everyone started doing unspeakable things to eachother, until Seirro started playing!!! Arachne glared "You mean... to commandeer my web!?", Seirro thought as he played "I can feel everone's location as though they were right here in the palm of my hand... all that's left is to transmit through these threads...". Everyone snapped out of the madness! Seirro smiled "Listen everyone... Yui's Melody", Arachne glared until the wavelength hit her! "It is even being transmitted back to me...". Madoka woke up from the melody playing through the castle! "It looks like you severed your network a little too late. Your madness washed away, and your body..." Arachne madness exploded(?), she dropped... Yui warns "I have you. That's what happens, when you try to creep into people's hearts.". Arachne glared "Gurl... To think... I was actually caught in my own web...". Yui and Seirro then used Soul Star!!! A black dress wrapped around Yui, a bright pink light glowed from her hands! "I'll be taking you to Penance Sama.", Madoka watched them prepare to fight... Yui saw her black dress! "OMG! Where did I...?!!", Seirro glared "The piano is setting off my insanity... I just let my emotions get carried away, and activated the black blood, that's all... it'll settle soon enough, Anyway let's settle this quickly, while you still have that Black Blood armour to protect you". Yui jumped back from Arachne, as she tried freeze her with her webbing! She blocked the webs as they soaked into the dress "Ironically, this black blood armour, is really doing it's job... I can do this!", she thought! Yui jumped towards the witch! "It's over Arachnophobia!". Arachne glared "Ugh! After abandoning my body, I realized I f'd up my hair!!!", she leered as Yui came close... "Do you really think you can settle everything with courage alone? This is nobody's fault but my own, I abandoned too much of my offensive power, that is all.". Yui exclaimed "I'm stronger than you, body or not", she punched Arachne hard!!! She fell and exploded!!? Only her soul was left... "I killed her!!!?", Yui yelled. Seirro grabbed the soul, as froth stopped coming from his mouth "She's still alive, witches can only die once thier soul's are destroyed also... More importantly, do you sense Ragnoiroc?". Yui felt another soul?!! She picked up Rachel, "This girl, it's not Madoka?". She then felt Madoka behind her! "Yes, I think my sisters body... fit's me rather nicely...", she shot Yui with her vector arrow! The witch walked slowly to them... "Thank you, it's easy to manipulate you using Ragnoiroc, as a excuse... You had little choice but, to trust me. I am after all, Ragnoiroc's very own mother. Yui chan, your capacity for Soul Preception is simpy too dangerous. With BJ out of the picture, you are the most dangerous remaining element... And now that you defeated Arachne, I have no further use for you.". Seirro screamed "Were you the one, who killed BJ?", Madoka smiled "Oh no, I merely stood by and watched. I daresay, Dr Stein should be locating the true culprit about now. The world is heading in a very interesting direction, in its quest for reform. Yui, you are nothing more than a obstacle to its progress". She stood in front of Yui and Seirro... many vector arrows pointed towards them... "It is time for you 2 to disappear." she prepared to kill them when, a avatar in a monkey suit suddenly crashed through the wall! "Guah guah guah, hyahaha!!", Madoka shot a vector arrow at him! He jumped back, then pulled out a mirror "I don't mind fighting you... but are you sure? Soul Hoshi troops are storming the castle as we speak". Madoka felt Arachne reaching for her body "There is some residual conscious in this body... I have no intention of handing over this body of course but, that is one tenacious sister I have." she thought. She walked away "Very well, I will retreat for the moment.", Yui yelled "Wait!!! Madoka!!! Where is Ragnoiroc? You didn't lie right?". Madoka leered "Give it up, the Ragnoiroc you know no longer exists. I have no intention of surrendering my child to you.", Yui shouted "But, what's that suppose to mean?!!! We were friends!". She flew away from the castle, Yui punched a hole through the floor!!!!? Seirro looked at her "Yui!?", She screamed "Ugh! After I believed her! It's just not... right... Seirro..." Meanwhile, Ragnoiroc woke up... the naked child tried to cover itself, as 3 arms came out of their back!!!?
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
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