Final Transmutation

MIRA, LIN AND IZUMI CHASE AFTER FATHER, THE DEMON GIRL TURNS TO FIND YUI FIGHTING PRIDE "YUI...", Yui replies "This brat wants a piece of me". Mira laughed "Break 'em off 1, kitkat... (That sounded awesome in my head...)", they flew up to greet the Yukon soldiers, Curtis Chimera and Touka. "HONEY!!!", "YOU'RE ALLRIGHT!!!" Izumi and Sig cry, Touka looks at at Seirro "The hell's wrong with your face?". He rubs his eyes "I'm blind... You'll have to fight instead... I can still sense you though: are you cuddling Darius?!!!", meanwhile Greed climbed up out the hole to see Wrath "You're dead? And don't you look satisfied... Son of a bitch!!!!". Meanwhile Pride fought with Yui as he said "Damn you Greed, you've actually sided with humans!", Yui asks "Why do you listen to it?". Pride flips her "That's a stupid question: What child doesn't listen to your parents?", she retorts "You're parts of his personality... Greed's more of a evolved human than a humonculos if the rest of you are forced to listen.". Pride throws her into a pillar!!! "I'll never get it... Look what we've done to you, and he never so much as looked back at you." Yui says, Pride screamed "So WHAT!!!? DONT FORCE YOUR FLAWED HUMAN LOGIC ON ME!!!!". He suddenly forced his shadow in a cut on her cheek!!! "I've made a bet! I used my body as a foundation for Evans's... sss.... sss... gate, and now it's breaking apart. The container is no longer stable!!! But your soulless body, is perfect! Ġiνė мè ã ñëш  сöłăiňēř!!! Ģiνę МÈ ŸÒÛŘ FĽĘŚĦ!!!". He suddenly feels something stop him!!!? "What?", "You can't take it... You simply can't take it, Pride the humonculos.". Pride looks in himself to see "KIMBLEE??? No... there's no way you can maintain your sense of self in this typhoon of souls!!!", Kimblee leers "Typhoon? Surely you jest. Howls of anguish, are like lullabies to my ears!". Pride freaked as Yui starts moving!!! "Why're you interfering Kimblee?!!", "Eh... If you'd been able to fight in your condition, I would've stayed silent. In the same breath you spoke of "Pride As a Humonculos", you ran screaming to still the body of 1 of the lower lifeforms you so despise, just to escape your own predicament. You are hideous." he glares. Yui put her hands together! Then grabbed his head!!! Pride freaks "I'M GOING TO DIE!!!", Kimblee replied "You don't understand Karis Ai Yui at all!". Pride sees Yui flying to him in it's being!!! "Impossible!!! She's invading me!!!?", Yui glares "YOU'RE MINE PRIDE!!!". Pride freaked "Stop... stop... GET OUT OF MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!", Kimblee tips his hat as the souls disintegrate... Yui smashes Pride's head open!!! His body disintegrates, Yui opens her hand to see a small baby crying in her palm. "So this is your true form".  She wraps him in her black dress "You're going to pay later, my soul won't let me crush you... Wait there you fool." Meanwhile Father drained the life out of soldiers until Lin fired a Star Dama!, "Sorry to interrupt your meal! That's as far as you go!".  The rest come up as he explains "He's trying to make philosopher stones.", Father answered "That's all humans are good for anyway.". Lin sighed "Why DO you look down on them?  Humans gave birth to the philosopher stone which created the humonculi, what can a humonculous create, what can you give birth to? You call yourself a ultimate existance, but you're just a dead end.", Father replied "What if I were to birth humans?". His stomach suddenly bubbles, sounds come from him as humans that looked like everyone's dead family and friends slowly walked to them!!! Lin freaks "Kali!!!", Mira cried "Mom...", Izumi sees her dead child crawl to her then almost threw up!!! Yui climbs out the lair as Lin screams "HUMONCULOS YOU MONSTER!!!", Father fires a beam destroying the "humans" he birthed!!! "Oh no". Meanwhile Touka walks Sierro to the fight, Franky, Zanpano follow... on the surface Mei wakes up to see Mira in front of her!!!? "MIRA?!!!", She answers "You're alve? Good if disintegrated for nothing, I'd been so piss..." she fell!!! Yui got up to see Izumi barley sitting up "Ai... barely protected me...", the girl turns to see her dad covering them, covered with blood! Yui walks to him "Hang on, I'll...", Father suddenly throws the philosopher!!! Then prepared to attack them! When Yukon and surviving Topeka soldiers start shooting him!!! Others came to move the injured as they used every weapon they had, they stood back as Seirro finally came up and start throwing flames!!! They kept attacking until Yui did a sneak attack!!! Father created a barrier, blocking her, she bounced then did a spin kick!!! He blocked again, Lin sat up "He blocked with his hand!!!? He can't supress God anymore!!!". Father screamed as a fire seeping from him!!! "Stone... Philosopher's stone...", he limped to Yui pinned to debris by springs!!! When he saw a alchemy circle light up by her!??? Yui's soul flew back into her body!!! Yui immediately noticed Mira was gone!!! "MIRA!!! YOU MEANIIIIIIEEEEE!!!!", she starts beating Father easily as everyone cheers. He suddely was hit by Greed! Father sucks his philosopher stone out, but starts crumbling??? Yui rushes him, and punched a hole through it's body!!! Father's sucked into it!!!? The dwarf in a flask appears in front of the gate, it opens as Truth leered "Just as you desired". Meanwhile Yui used alchemy once more to bring Mira back, Lin used it revive the dead soldiers and heal everyone (???). Days later... Yui and Mira traveled back to the home Cirris was left by himself in, the soldier looks up as Cirris comes outside to leave with them. Yui suddenly ran up to him!!! "Finally! I couldn't tell you back then! I... ... love you!", Mira tilted her head "For real? How'd you fall for that retard? Forget it...". Cirris blushed in surprise...

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