A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Vassago's Return!
ALMOST THERE! 3 OF OUR SOLDIERS, TOUKA, FUSAGI AND MIRA ARE MAKING THERE WAY TO GENIE WORLD! WITH THE HOPE OF FINDING HOW TO USE WHITE MAGIC! HOWEVER... Touka wakes up in a hammock, wearing only a tank top and panties, surrounded by donated blood packs, "Ughhh... I'm so horny, I even wish Seirro was here right now...". She looks at Fuasgi and Mira criss crossed on the floor "They're still image training? Must be a easy way to pass time...", Fusagi fell "That was impressive! You're really something else! I guess I shouldn't be surprised since you trained under Yui and Kyubi!", Mira smiled "Thanks! I'm surprised by fa.., how many techniques you have!". Touka interrupts"It's awesome you guys are training but, this place is getting filthy... you should clean it up.", Fusagi replies "We've only been sitting here, your the 1 making the lamp look like a gory movie!". Touka frowns "But I'm busy! I have to fly lamp, and ignore the smell of lazy shits", Fusagi squints her eyes "You just said you were bored...". Touka drops her blood pack, "You should be nicer to me! I could decide I want fresh blood instead!!!". She stomps back to the control chair, Fusagi watches Touka walk back... "That butt :D... she's luck I...". Touka interrupts her tought! "Hey guys, I've been wondering... where that djinn: Vassago went off to?", Fusagi answers "He was pretty banged up by the time he left, he had to go a world with civilization.". The vamp tilts her head"Yeah, Radish (pfffft, hahahaha) did say, they'd exterminate entire worlds so they could sell them... maybe he went to 1 to get treated...", Fusagi replies "Yeah, then how soon he comes back, will depend on how far the world is... hopefully he died before his lamp left earth." Touka laughs "Or he shutshis dingdong in the door!". MEANWHILE, ON PLANET HARU #79. 18 DAYS AFTER VASSAGO LEFT EARTH... 2 aliens suddenly heard a klaxon! "Something's coming?!!", "Is it Haru ama?!!". A old man monster (?) checked the pc "That signal... it's Vassago sama!!!", a wyvern answers "It's... but we didn't get any word he was coming, could something of happened to him?". The monster called the other fighters! They all watched as 1 lamp landed... "Where's Cabbage Sama?", they ran up to his lamp... "Shit... he isn't coming out...", "Hey guys!!! His life signals really low!". The monsters pulled him out... "He's using life support!!?", "Let's take him to the medical center immediately!". Later a salamander watched Vassago heal in a glass lamp... he turned off the magic "You're fully healed, you may open your eyes.", The small muscular naked djinn stepped out of the lamp... The doctor apologized "We couldn't start another contract...", Vassago answers "No need, I'm tired of relying on other power.". Vassago got dressed as the doctor says "It seems you got in quite a bit of trouble, you should've been a dancer like I tried to warn you...", he turns toward the salamander "Where's Haru sama?". The doctor replies "He just left recently.", Vassago glares "Butthole, sick of this planet already!!!". The doctor informs the man as he leaves "Kiwi sama says once your treatments done, he needed to speak with you in the training room.", Vassago leers "Tell him to suck di...". The doctor interrupts "Sir, we need to perform the devil eye ritual...", the small djinn leers "Use it in someone's crack, seriously it'll be so funny!". Vassago walks in the hall of the base... "1st I'll head back, no I'm starving... I'll eat out then... no... I'll go to Genie world, I don't need a...", his thought is interrupted by a purple fat headed monster with yellow hands "Yo Vassago! Heard you got your naked djinn ass beaten by 3 under age women! And that both Radish and Cabbage were murdered! I thought you guys were immortals!!? hmm!? hmmm? hmmm♪". Vassago walked away from him "Stop talking Kiwi... I tire of the smell of ass", Kiwi grabs his shoulder "Hold it, Haru Sama seemed "upset" about you running to earth by yourself...". Vassago retorts "He isn't here to bitch, now remove your filthy hand you fugly gay.", Kiwi laughed "Fortunately for you, Haru Sama is merciful: he's been in a forgiving mood sense your discovery, he was thrilled at the prospect of eternal youth!". Vassago turns "HOW THE HELL HE KNOWS ABOUT THE GENIE WORLD!!!?", Kiwi smiles "We all heard everything through the devil eyes". Vassago glares "I set mine off before I thought of that idea... wait Godammit fricking Cabbage!!!", he rushed out of the base, "If he get's eternal life, I'll be that punk's bitch forever!" and jumped in his lamp! "I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS, IT'S MINE, YOU HEAR ME!!!". 34 DAYS LATER AFTER BLASTING OFF, TOUKA AND THE OTHERS ARRIVE ON GENIE WORLD!!! The soldiers cheered as they entered genie world! Touka turns towards her friends as they descended "Buckle up! Seriously: this will hurt!", the lamp drops to the surface!!! "HAAAAAH!!!". Touka looks up at the windshield "Ouch... We did it, we landed in genie world!", the other 2 girls looked excited as she continued "Fusagi! Check the atmosphere, even though their ancestors lived on earth, they evolved alot. There's no telling what genies breath...". She falls flat after she sees others outside!!!? "Wow! This world looks weird... I'm surprised we could breath the air."Mira exclaimed, Fusagi replies"This world's fugly! Why's the grass blue and the sky&water green!?". Touka rushed behind them "WHAT THE HELL!!!? WE CRUMBLED AS SOON AS YOU OPENED THE DOOR, RETARDS!!!", Fusagi was about retort when they all felt something... "There's a strong soul over there... lot's of them." Mira warns... Touka smiles "It's probably just Genies, this IS genie world...", Fusagi glares "But it feels evil, doesn't it?". Touka debunks it "They probably feel different than earthlings?...", a lamp flies by!!! "DAMMIT!!!" Touka screams, Fusagi glares "It has to be Vassago, doesn't it!?". Touka cries "Now what do we do!!!? I know. Let's go back to earth right now!!!", Fusagi replies "If he learns white magic, it's all over for us!!! Touka get back to earth and let everyone know what's going on! We'll find the genies 1st, then finally stop him!!!". Touka walks to the lamp "Alright... I'll go back to earth and bring Yui chan back! The round trip will take a little over 2 months alright?", Mira looked worried "Oh shi...". Meanwhile Vassago climbed out of his lamp "Damn, to think I'd be stuck using the devil eye again! There he is!!! He bought his bitches too...", meanwhile in a genie village... many dead genies were straddled everywhere... A frog monster carried a huge lamp to Haru... "Here it is, Haru sama...". A human shaped, pale demon with exposed red muscle colored limbs in the eggmobile(?) answers monotoned, "Delicious, there are 3 more yes?". A fat pink spiky monster takes it... while muscled green monster then reports "Haru sama, Kiwi has just arrived pursuing Vassago, plus the 2 large readings from earlier vanished..". The demon answers bored "The main issue here is the disposal of Vassago, who chosen to defy me. Kiwi will take care of Vassago, those 2 have always hated eachother... however thier abilities are roughly the same. In any case Vassago isn't likely to come away unscathed." MEANWHILE THE MONSTER SEARCHED FOR HIS NEMESIS... UNKNOWING WHAT WAS AWAITING...
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Happy Halloween Finale!

First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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