A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
End Of Hypnosis
Continued... :&
BLOOD POURS FROM SEIRRO'S SHOULDER AS STEIN LEERED "Seirro, it seems your defensive skills have improved... unfortunately you chose the wrong time ro be persistent... After all, it's hard to step on a ant, without crushing it.", Seiro glared "I can sense your evil intentions, any other moment, I wouldn't of gabe a shit, but sometjing tells me if I let you touch Cirris, something horrible ill happen...". Stein sighed "Seirro I don't wanna kill you.. come on man... :]", the daemon glared ""Dont wanna kill me?" Why did you betray Momo!!!?". Stein leered "She served her purpose, and is useless without me! I didn't want to kill her myself though, and hoped a mission would've got rid of her... or CP13's attack... oh shit then...", Seirro yelled "What were we to you?!!!", "Pieces... parts to experiment on to train, even myself was experimented... Everyone was part of this, including you!" Stein laughs. The daemon shouts "I see , your not the Stein we once new...", Sosuke snickered "The Stein you knew was a illusion, the Stein you think lived with you, never existed. :)". Seirro suddenly used "Soul Star!!!", then sliced at Stein with his scythe arm!!! Stein deflects with his sword, "You can even buy time with that, you know...". Seirro retorted "No, I don't!!!". Stein chuckled "Petulant as ever, I see...", he grabs Seirro's other scythe arm, then snapped it!!! Seirro fell as blood sprays from his arm!!! Stein walks up to him "I'm sorry, I didn't want to kill any of you pissants soldiers... but ou can't bite the hand that groped you.", he swung his sword!!! It's suddenly blocked by Yui's sword!!! "Seirro... take Cirris away, I'll stop... professor Stein...". Seirro sighed "Sorry I still suck and you had to save me...", Yui smiles "It's OK! So long as you both can get away from Stein.", Seirro retorts "I don't have to go, I'll beat 'em with my new attack... I can only use it once so pay attention... If we fail, we both know neither us or Cirris can run...". Gin apologized "Sorry, I didn't wanna interrupt, so I let the girl in...", Sosuke replied "Don't worry, it's just another ant...". Seirro suddenly shouted "Higa Zekko!!!". The pieces of his shattered scythes suddenly stab into Sosuke at once, Yui rushed him as the dust covers her location!!! She's stopped by Stein's finger!!!? He then almost disembowels Yui!!! "Weird... You should be in 2 pieces by now... I must've miscaculated...", Seirro stare in horror "No... no...", Stein vanished!!!? "The fuck!!!?", Seirro fell as his other arm fell off!!! "No... No!!!". Cirris stares in terror as Stein walks to him, "Now get up, Cirris.", he picks him up by his shirt's collar... "I see, your weak from my Spiritual pressure. Ah, but there's no need to worry, it'll just be easier for me if you could walk.". He hears Yui still moving "??? Poor thing... she's still conscious... Your will to live exceeds your skills. I wouldn't push myself too hard though, your backbone's the only thing keeping you from falling to pieces... Struggle all you want, you'll never make it to your feet.", he tilted his head "It's not a matter of will, it's structually impossible. But look at the bright side, you got further than I expected, now rest quietly for a while, your part in this, is over.". Yui looks up "What... ???", Stein explains "I knew about your birth, but couldn't examine you due to my previous work... That's why I so excited to meet you, that I asked Penance Sama to let me come back to work here. I was so excited to sense your Soul and ki as you fought, despite Zolo's physical energy, you ARE the strongest in our world. I had to test this to see how strong you really were, so I let you fight my "puppets" CP9 and gave you the titan tea to see how much stronger you'd be if stimulated...", Yui freaked "....but... you...". Sosuke interrupted "I was overjoyed at seeing your "Princess" form and "Lady" form, due to your "control" over your energy. I wanted to have it to myself, I could fufill my plot with your ki... But... Something happened recently to keep me from making a move directly on you...", Yui wonders "...Something happened... After the TITAN ARC?", Stein answered "Yes... More... before the arc... I learned there are a handful of children on earth that has a gem called: Houtentai. It's a rare orb within everyone of these children, but... I found out something... interesting about... that faggot you're dating: He holds MANY of them!!! I could have everlasting power if I were to even grab 1 of them, I have the means of achieving my pan if I extract at least 1 from his shit soul!!!". Sosuke pulls Ciris up as his monologue continues "So I made plans to capture you immediately...", Franky suddenly fell from the air!!!!? "ULTIMATE HAMMER!!!" he slams down, and destroys the entire hallway!!! The area surrounding Sosuke was competely unscathed, as he held Franky's hand "It's been a while my man...", he threw the cyborg away!!!? Franky yells "Cut that crap!!! I know you betrayed us for the USA?!!! Those shit heads don't care about anyone!!! How could you!!!?", Stein leered "I'm not... I'm not with anyone except Gin and Kaname here...". Franky uses "Soul Star!!!", then rushed to him "I ain't gt a choice but...", he suddenly sees Stein standing next to him!!!? "KuroHitsugi!!!". Franky falls as black mist flows from him... Gin smiled "A level 90 Hado, impressive!", Sosuke smiled "Oh shit... It's not that awesome! I could barely yse a 3rd of it's power!!!". He grabs Cirris again "Now where were we... Ah... As soon as I found out about it, I manipulated the USA secret assassination teams to help me with my plans, both sides of the war the Tsunous attempted to stop are now my puppets in my conquest...", he held up Cirris "I found out something very interested as you, USA and the Hueco Muendos all were being hypnotized... The Hotentai can't taken from it's Master or it'll die along with them... the only way to take it is... Either burning away the body quickly, or redoing the body's make-up to "give" the invader the orb... The burning option was too risky, so I stole 1 of my BF: Lin's books and found that I could easily change the makeup of a priss... All I need to do is t...", poles suddenly erect around the two!!! Yui tries to get up as Stein ran his hand through Cirris!!! And pulls out a glowing orb!!!? "Yes... something so small, will make me a eternal being...", Yui looks surprised to see the hole closing up in Cirris... Stein picks him up, "A'ight, we don't need him anymore...", Gin walks to them "Sho' 'nough! Kill 'em Shinso!!!", his blade suddenly erects to Cirris at intense speed!!!!
To Be Continued... :#
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