YUI, THE LIONMAN AND DARIUS WATCH THE HUMONCULOUS EAT..."I feel like I was bought from the dead, thanks!", Yui sighs "You didn't need to eat everything...", the lionman adds "That was all our emergency rations!". The humonculous smiles "You're together?", Yui answers "Yeah, I've been traveling with Donkey Kong and Mufasa for days". The men reply "I'm Heinkle", "I'm Darius", "We were originally Topeka soldiers, but due to circumstances... We're stuck with this creep...". Heinkle continued "Who's this creep?", Yui answers "I feel his soul, with a... philosopher stone... He's a humonculous.". The humonculous smiles "I'm Greed. But don't pee, I'm done with the others: They're planning on giving this world to Father instead of me...", Yui asked "So you rebelled then came to us?". Greed explained "I wanted to get you too, along with my family, I wanted our enemies too! I'll make the deal sweet too: Father lives underground, is going to open the gate when "The Day" comes! When he does, if you and your BFF jumps in, you'll get everything back.", Yui answers "That's true, but we'll need to pay a toll... Why is he opening it, is there a specific date?". Greed smiles "I didn't here anything... Did you hear anything at your academy?", Yui replies "No... Only we'd have surprise allies with us...". Greed stands up "Fucking me, blabbed too much! Thanks for the food!", she stood with him "You're gonna just go?". He turns "Yeah, they want let me have the world so... I'm not doing what they want. I don't even want to know what they'll do if I came back, and I WANT everything and everyone, I want kill you...", she then asks "How about joining us?". He turns around laughing "Join youx2???! That's rich!!! Get real, this world belongs to me! If you'd agree to work with me, I'd tag along..." he walks away, Yui sighs "We'll work for you.". Greed laughed as the men jump "You can't agree for us!!!", "We don't know if he's really with us!!!". He suddenly appears in front of Yui!!! "You're on, but your a outcast now!", "I got much worse things to regret than this!". Greed then speaks to the chimera while Yui thought "Looks like I won't be seeing no1 for a while now...", meanwhile Izumi's servant shouts "I'm running this for Mrs Curtis, next time: Buy something will ya?" to alchemist that asked about her again. He then get's on his cell "Sorry had to deal with some soldiers... again. Anyway, Mira and Mr Lin has a message for you...", Curtis listens on his cell "That's very important news. The "Promised Day" Eh...". Meanwhile Siberian soldiers fight in a battle, one soldier calls the Ukrainian academy "We're under attack!!!", "Who is it?!!?!", "We don't know!!!", "How many units?!!!", "1!!!". The other shouted "WTH!!!? I asked you who it was, respond!!! Who are you fighting?", the soldier looks up as Izumi leers "A Housewife♡" . He cried "You heard her... (sniffle)", later she spreads the news of the truth about Soul Hoshi Topeka... The Yukon and Nottingham soldiers pass the news until Seirro finds out, he reads a small piece of paper "After the new year... next spring... comes the promise day.The north and the east will make thier move.", weeks later, in smallville, a train arrives in a station. A engineer salutes Miles "Welcome.", "We appreciate your cooperation, your're having a festival?". The engineer answered "This is our sheep festival!", Miles explains "Sorry to ruin it, but the train's having alot of problems. We'll need to give it a thorough inspection. Can we ask for a small favor?". The engineer tilted "Sir?", "We need to refill our water supply.", the engineer answers "Take as much as you need.". The soldiers moved tanks out of the traincar, two men take one tank far away... They arrive at a house "We're here sir...", he takes off the top, Cirris comes out "Thanks...". One soldier explains "The front doors locked, we'll need to go around to the back...", they go in... Cirris go upstairs to a bedroom... He prepares to switch shirts, when he notices Yui. "Dammit... You scared me... so... bad...", His bodyguards run inside!!! "Is someone in here?!!!", Heinkle and Darius run in too!!! "You okay ms?!!!". Greed walks in "The hell?!!!", Cirris answers "We're all together?", Yui turns toward him "Yeah... You feel right: Those 3 "guys" are mine, and I recognize your bodyguards...". She walks out with Cirris "Where's Mira?", "He's with Mr Miles, your dad went to Topeka ahead of them. He wanted to tell you abut "The Promise Day"." Yui answered "I know, Greed told me... It's our chance to get Mira's body and my soul back, and when america might be obliterated.", she walks outside... "We're going as soon as night comes... We can't move in day now...". That night Yui leaves with her team "Heh, I still since greed in you... soulless." Greed leered, Yui answers "I eat alot, just like I did before losing my soul...". He sighs "No, I meant when you were talking to that crossdresser", "I feel myself/soul talking, maybe I wanted to eat Cirris?" Yui answers. The team walks outside "You're sure you'll be okay?" a soldier asks, Greed answered "We're outsiders, we move in the shadows(until Pride show up...)", Yui replies "And "The Promise Day"'s almost here...". She waves at Cirris "Stay hidden, when it's over I want you to be here for... something...", Cirris wondered "OK...". Meanwhile Zanpano, Toad, Sei and Vassago walk to Topeka... "It's strange, we're suppose to protect our nation, but now we're traveling with a alien to stop our army, and save earth!" Toadman says, Vassago turns "Let's get this straight, I'm not trying to save earth. I'm trying to wreck it's shit, after I lull it into security.". Meanwhile Miles speaks with a general "Everything's ready on our end Grumman...", "We still have a problem..." he gestures to the Fuhrer... Meanwhile Mira's caught by Pride!!!
To Be Continued... D:
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