SEI CHEERED LIILYNETTE ON AS SHE TRIES TO ATTACK!!! "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!", "Alright, bring it!!!". He easily dodges her, she falls over with her butt high in the air! He gropes her then stood back "C'mon!!!", she gets up "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!". After more unsuccessful tries, he gropes her again "♭You can do it!♪". Liilynette stood up, angry only that she didn't muder him yet! "WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!", Sei laughed "C'mon, if you try, you can!". She leaped "Give me back my sword!", "I refuse!" he giggled. The Espada runs to him once more "I'm gonna kill you, you old fart!!!", he sighs, upsetted "You didn't hafta say that...". Meanwhile Stark notices his comrades being murdered... "Are all your Souls that powerful?", Shunsui answered "Yes, they are our secret moves after all...". The Espada glares "Is yours as powerful as his?", the Soul Reaper replies "Chiba is a fragment of THE DEATH GOD:Shinigami. He's incredibly strong naturally, and he'll far surpass me in a few years...". Stark stared in his eye "That means right now, your the strongest...", Shunsui throws his robe on Sei "Hold this Sei san...", the Avatar takes it off his head "Now we got privacy!". Starkk suddenly yells "LIILYNETTE, GET OVER HERE!", she quickly flies from under the robe(???) "N... No need to yell, you made me shit my panties...". Shunsui wonders "Why do you need her?", Starkk replies "We're the same person: While other Espada split their power between themselves and their swords, we split into 2 people...". He explained "When we form together we'll be our original self...", he puts his hand on her head, "Los Lobos." a pillar of bluelight covers them!!! Shunsui used "Katen Kyokotsu", the light disappeared to reveal him in a thick fur coat and with two long!!!! Guns... "Alright... let's go Lillynette..." he headbutts his gun "Are you listening?!!!". "Ow!!! The fucking hell?!!" she screamed. He yells "Listen, we should work together when fighting!", she yells "I was ready you shit! And don't hit me there, I TOLD you that the tip's my head!!!". He loads bullets into the gun "Stop it!!!♪ ♭That's my butt!♪", Shunsui suddenly attacked!!! "Busho Koma!!!". Starkk dodges and fires, he calmly turns his head and shoots again, barely missing him!!! The espada floats straight up... "You crapped your uniform?", Shunsui answers "Well... I meant to kill you with that 1st attack... and Am I wrong, for thinking that gun can only shoot ceros?". Starkk replied "No... what else would I shoot?", Shunsui replies "You're a terrible liar.". The Espada aims at his head "So're you, I did this pain in tha ass release so I could see ya soul.", Shunsui giggles "Sorry, but I told you it's our...". Starkk suddenly used "Cero Metorajetta", Shunsui tried to fly away!!!! "T... this isn't fair!!!" . The Espada glares "Stop crapping, I can smell it...", Sei suddenly used "Sogo No Kotowari!!!". It bounced the attack away?!!! "Was that a Cero?" Starkk asks, Shunsui turns toward him "The hell...". Sei replies "It's 2 against 1, and plus you told me earlier that you shouldn't use your Soul... So I'll take care of him!", Starkk yells "Hey, hey you, the pedophile! Ya know by molesting Lillynette, you touched my ass and nipples too?". Sei smiles "♪You divided your soul, that's like having babies! So it's okay♪", Starkk fires at him, Sei continously fires Cero back until Starkk appears beside him!!!? "I see, you got a rope with some shit written on it, that bounced them back...". Sei loks terrified "How...", Starkk finished "The rope swings ahead of the sword, making it a little faster than you, but because you bounce them back, there's limit to how many you can absorb and throw... So...", he aims at him "I think you couldn't bounce... 1000,000,000,000 shots.". Shinsui and Sei shit their selves until the sky opens again!??? "The fuck?!!! Recruits?" Sei asks, Shunsui answes "You think there's somene who can back up the top Espada? I shure hope not...". Wonderweiss walks out of the hole... A giant "Penis"??? with arms follow him... Everyone stares in terror upon seeing the eyehole again, Wonderweiss suddenly ran his arm through Sei!!!? "Why... coul... be... his dindong?", he says as he faints, Shunsui tries to slash the Espada but is shot by Starkk! "Sorry, but if that retards here, then SteinSama must be ready to go.", the penis blew the wall of fire out... "Wooowee!!! Ain't that a nice smell?" Gin laughed sarcastically, Kaname adds "Agreed", Gin replies "No, that the smell of death!". Stein replies "What's wrong with that... I fel the smell of death... is rather appropriate for this situation.",
everyone shits themselves as they see Aizen free to move!!! Until they here a voice!!! "Not so fast!!!", they look up to see Vizards preparing to fight!!!

While Shinji flies directly up to Stein "Gone ang got pretty good with our hollow forms, ain't we?" he suddenly did a deadly slash!!! Kaname blocks it, and almost sliced his head in half!!! Shinji dodges barely and is almost killed with next attack when Franky stops the man!!! Mashiro meanwhile, kicks the giant penis as hard as she can
making it "cough" blood... (It hurts, typing that...) As the other Vizads help finish off the Espada!!!
To Be Continued... :@
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