Continued... :$
OBITO STARTS BURNING MICHAELIS FROM THE INSIDE!!! THE AGENT TRIES TO PUSH OFF HIS HEAD, BUT HIS HAND GOES THROUGH IT??? "I see, your using my Rinnengan on me...", Obito then yells to Lin "Warp Cirris between Spacetime!!!". Lin uses "Kamui!!!", Cirris's unconcious glowing body warps away! Obito tries it too, but is hit by Michaelis's ball... "Dammit... I was hasty and foolish to try it here..." Obito thought as he stood up again. Lin walks beside him as the Ninja says "My man, we have to work together... follow my lead.", the philosopher replied "Alright, time for the old two man cell, don't get sloppy Obito.". Obito then leers "Your curious Michaelis, about the power of both Sharingan?", the agent retorted "It's no longer the Sharinan, it's the Rinnagan n..." Obito interrupted "I'm not talking about you...". Lin alchemized a Sharingan eye!!!? "I'm talking about us.". Michaelis glared ""Follow my lead" that could mean anything... I should use Limbo, but I'll destroy the eye if it works. No I have to assume he means to warp away as that nigger attacks, or to be warped by it while he attacks. Either way, attacking both will allow me to stop them!!!", he fires two his balls at the soldiers!!! Obito warps away, as the other ball hits!!! "Dammit, I didn't expect them both to use Kamui on Obito!!!" Michaelis glared, meanwhile the ninja appears by Cirris, unearthly glowing... "I used to walk a crooked, broken path, but now I see what I've done..." Obito kneels by the man and put his hand on him... Penance Sama's other half floats into him... Meanwhile the dust clears to show Zolo had saved Lin from the attack!!! A ungodly glow rose from the teen "You a'ight, Lin?!", the philosopher smiles "Yeah, thanks Zolo!". The bushin then hears Michaelis "I remember you...", Zolo turns "You should, I'm the Lord God Zolo, if you wanna rule earth, you gotta kill ME!!!". Meanwhile Robyn, Ana and Android19 ran up to Mira... lying on the ground. They see Cell with his tail in her chest?!!! "Hey... I sensed alot of people here, so I came to see what's happenin'?", Ana stared "What the hell are you?!!!". Android19 answers "He is a android created by Dr Gero, he has absorbed many types of Chakra... and have seem to healed the girl, despite the Dr's plan to infiltrate your academy.", Robyn adds "It appears so...". Android19 started "Cell, our master..." "Get away from her you perverted Cicada!!!" Robyn screamed. The android starts again "Our master is traumatized from the thorough defeat in the tests... we shall not go along with his plans...", Cell answers "I'm not going along... I'm healing the girl. Thanks to somebody's suggestion, I'll help humans instead of eating them.". Android19 tilted his fat head "How did you escape Inzanami Jutsu? We were attempting to save you, a point of our disregarded mission.", Cell replied "I lost all sense of self there, but realized who I am: I am Cell, the sweet giant green cicada, who absorbs energy to transfer to the weak!". Robyn yells "But you and Obito are the wads who started this war!!!?", Cell replied "That's right, me and Obito lost our ways and dragged everyone else into this... But I now know who I am, and what I must do.". Meanwhile Michaelis leers "Even if you could be God, your just mere rubble!", Zolo glared at him... Minito suddenly hops to the group "Lin, you alright?". Lin replied "Yeah, thanks to Zolo...", Minato explained "No, I met from the Senpou Soulsengan...". The philosopher answers "That was fine too, as I was springing back, I warped away with Kamui.", Zolo turns "Senpou? A Avatar technique?". Minato answers "That's right only Sage techniques will work on him, that and Kinshin techniques will actually do physical damage to him.", Garaa adds "Only Mr Uzamaki and your moves will work on him...". Minato sighs "But my techniques kinda suck, they take more chakra than what time we have to charge them now... I'm in no physical condition to fight either..." he looks at his broken off arms... Zolo leered "Kata 0!!!! It's time for your God to take charge!!!", he hops to Michaelis!!! Green steam engulfs everyone!!! Michaelis sighed "If it were red steam... Ohho... I'd shit m...", Zolo suddenly appears in front him!!!? "Don't touch his staff or balls !!!" Minato warns him!!! He starts beating him back then yells "Eat this!!! DEMON TIGER!!!", knocking the man far away!!! Zolo fainted from using the power, Michaelis noticed and throw one his balls!!! Minato coughs up a kunai!!!? "Lin, save him! Touching his balls mean immediate death!!!", Lin through it, but missed!!!? Yui suddenly saved her friend before the ball hits!!! The ball stops in midair... Meanwhile Yui asks "Zolo, are you alright?!", he answers "I coulda dodged, drop me cray cray woman!!!". She drops him as Minato asks "Where's the others?", Yui then says "I don't know, I ran ahead because I sensed his energy... But they're safe at very least...". Lin then asks "Zolo are you alright?", he jumped up "Of course, you fuck!!! I'll show you how "A'ight" I am!!!" he walks ahead of them "We may not accomplish everything we wish for... But if we stay as kids, we'll never start! Just like before, what I do isn't a show of bravery or courage... The days of childhood are over, the time has come for Godhood!!!". Minato sensed his wavelength!!! "Zolo wait, just think... no1 wants this to happen!!!", Zolo replied "I want it too!!!", Yui protested "But you'll be THAT.". Zolo leered "Don't lookat me like that, woman!!!! I don't need my strongest rival to pity me, in her weakest state!!! I'll destroy that yankee!!!", he charges to Michaelis and pierced a hole under his heart!!! He goes into his released form!!! "I WILL FUCK YOUR SHIT!!! KATA-0 KINSHIN ZOLO!!!!", a third eye opens on his forehead, black markings grow across his body... Red steam engulfs everyone surrounding the teen!!! Michaelis sighed "So this is the blood mist that comes when a Kinshin's born... but seeing it like this, means it looks like already dead leaves scattered on the ground...", Zolo retorted "No!!!! They're the sign I shedded my mortal body and achieved my released state!!! This blood colored mist, will be mingled with your ashes!!!!". He teleports to him "Evening slice!!!", a explosion erupts from Michaelis!!! The agent sinks violently underground!!! Minato freaks "He turned...", Yui replies "He's a kinshin!!!". Zolo stops then thought "Shit... the pain's unbelievable, next time I won't stop!!!", meanwhile Michaelis writhes in the hole... "A attack that causes even a sharp attack to have the effect of a blunt force attack... If I get hit with 4... or 5 more of those my auto healing won't work anymore... I should avoid direct confrontation with that attack...". He flew out!!! "Seeing a newborn kinshin is a rare sight!!! So I'll indulge you in a fight for a while!!!", Garaa runs up to Lin... "What did he do?!!!". He replied "He transformed into a kinshin, something that causes people to completely lose their sanity for power. But Zolo not only chose to lose it, but worked to it, instead of naturally becoming 1! After seeing what babygirl did to you in the exams, he used the 8gates technique to speed up his transformation. Now he's a Kinshin...". Zolo flew to Michaelis as Minato said "Listen... we have to support him, if from what I saw was right: the power will fuck him up. Zolo'll ignore that his balls can render him disabled, so we'll have to help him! Michaelis can't use his balls if they're 7ft away, who'll lose control if he can't see them too...". He then says "Lin, if you warp them away he'll lose control.", the philosopher replies "Honestly, I lost vision of my left eye... I have to get close to use it!". Minato then says "Garaa, you aid him up there, his ki dropped too much...", the avatar explained "But my sand's too fucking slow... I can't fly like you guys.". The ninja answered "It's okay... take some of my kunai with you...", Yui uses "Gate of View!!!". She sighs "I want to help, but... anymore might break my body... I never hated how I lost my power, as much as I do now...", Minato replied "It's okay... you'll be more than enough help.". Meanwhile Zolo fires many giant beams at Michaelis as he circles him, the agent tries to use his balls as barries to stop him, but is hit from the sides or back everytime!!! Minato yells "Nomatter what, keep plunging ahead, Zolo!!!", Michaelis tries to hide inside his balls as he throws several others at Zolo!!! Yui knocks them away with Kiblast!!! Minato holds the other balls, Zolo almost reaches Michaelis's ball when it closes. He's then warped to the other side of it, and punched Michaelis out of his ball!!! The man screeches violently across the ground... he stands up "Not since I joined the army, have I've been this excited... Hurry, entertain me longer...". Meanwhile Cirris is revived!!! He woke up in a alternate world... the man stands up to see a sage floating feet away "Awww shit, you're awake!!! I can read yo mind nigga, I know you wonderin': Where am I? Who's that ol' cracker? Man, how I still horny? And didn't you die? Well, I tell you all that, and a bag-a-chips!!!", Cirris asks "Yeah... The last thing I remember is dying... then I felt all the Kami in me...". The sage answers "A'ight, 1st question!! You between tha realm of life 'n death! Yo friends tryin' to save ya now! I'm some1 who been existed outside o' time 'n space an' become a being of pure Qi, Chi, Ki and Chakra!!! You STILL hard because you still rememberin' you got yo' girl's bra wrapped on yo head!!! You almos died nigga, but yo soul was pushed back in by Penance Sama and yo' body bein' healed by the kami in you!", Cirris replies "I'll have to only wait until I'm back... But I...". The sage interrupts "Wait my nigga, you only be watchin' from now. The kami are goin' ta control your body, until they save you guys! Don't worry about more crap from yo' friends! Now, 'long as yo' stuck here: Imma tell ya, what's happenin'!!!", the sage smiles "A'ight, I'mma son of a kinshin from centuries ago:Kaguya! My mom's turned cray cray when she came to this world, a'ight? An' she fucked up people for centuries after Asura was sealed, but she was sealed up right? But befo that, she got fucked by somany assholes, that I was "popped" out! I done tried to help people, fo' what that bitch dun befo' That tree out there: my mom dun took it's chakra fruit, an' spread it's power through ever'body! That's how all this extra shit happenin' along with Soul Star crap! Now, you crazy ass Hoshis, are th' 1s who'll be able to break that thin' an' stop that cazy fucker:Michaelis Uchia, Michilis! Them other fuckers alligned with the government and USA, so they don' know that they sufferin' from what she an' America dun!". Cirris looks excited as he finished "Me:Hagoroma, also done tried to help out with Soul Hoshi, A'ight!? I done helped the "God Hands" find tha academies that best use their power: That's how each of you academies have a Kami, and now all the hands are in you, you th' 1 gonna save everyone with 'em god's possessing you! You an' them Houtentai in you body, are tha reason, you so specia'!.", Cirris repeats "The kami are God's hands... all parts of His power, and they're all in me!?". Hagoroma answeres "Yeah, nigga! You kinda slow on tha uptake, but yeah, you gonna save ever'1 with 'em in your body! Sit back, you gonna watch yourself save earth!". All the kami appear in the area!!! Hagoroma finished "A'ight 1 more thing, I done left instructions somewhere on how to use Soul Star and Houtentai correctly, but them fucked Americans dun' fucked my words. They star to act like my mommy, she went cray cray with her power, and dun' lost her mind and became a kinshin!!! They gon' do the exact same thing she dun, even now that Michilis gon' use the Infinit Tsukuyomi, they don' know it goin ta make everyone slaves!!! Everyone go'n to be put in their on dreams, while the user has access to their power! After that all souls and chakra will merge as 1, and a new "God" will be bo'n from that fruit! You think you ready to stop it?". Cirris replies "Yes, I can do it... we can do it!", the sage laughed "A'ight tha' yo answer..." a light engulfs the kami and the man.... Meanwhile Zolo breathes heavily... as Michaelis laughed "Very good, let's fuck again!!!". Zolo screamed "ŤĦĖ ƒŰĊĶ!!!? Í ÇÀÑ'Ť ÐȃΈΑΤ ТНÎŚ ΑŚŞĦŐŁĒ, ШÍŤĦ ΜΥ ƒŰŁĽ ΡΘШÈŘ!!!? Î'ĽŁ ĦĂVÈ ŤŐ ŲςΕ ПÎĢĦŤ ŻŐĻΟ!!! ".
To Be Continued... :%
Sorry I had to, these are the coolest characters in Naruto imo!!!
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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