A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
The Female Titan! :O
MIRA RIDES AWAY FROM THE FEMALE TITAN UNTIL IT RISES IT'S LEG OVER HER... "What is it's goal? The broad's stepped over..." Mira thought until it stomps hard!!! Mira's horse ragdolls away! Mira falls on her knees, her Salem Academy Uniform's hood, covers her head. The titan squats next to her, and lifts it!!!? She stares at Mira, then runs away!!!? Mira stares at it, "You're NOT going to kill me? It took off my hood, and eyed my body?!!!". Reiner rides up beside her!!! "Can you stand?", Mira looks up "No I only learned to stagger on my knees...". She climbs on 1 of his horses as he asks "I heard the 1 with the nice ass came by here!", the demon girl replied "That's a human inside a titan body!". They ride after it until Seirro rides up between them "A BUNCH of fast titans showed up and ate the right flank!!! They'll wipe us out soon!!!", Mira informed him "They came following the bitch titan!". He looked up "That abnormal?", she corrected him "No... it's a human, like Yui!!!". Seirro glared "She's NOT like Yui, look at her ass!!!", Mira agreed "Besides actually having a form: She DOESN'T eat people! She kills to kill, not eat! I bet she's the 1 who lead the others here, and I think she's looking for Yui!!!". Seirro replied "If she is... they can't sense energy then: Yui's in Levi's squad within the right flank in the front, right?", Mira frowned "The shit?!!! My copy of the plans said he's in the left, near the back!". Reiner glares "You didn't hear? Those were plans from Taco Bell's saturdaynight fever party!", Mira and Seirro stare in shock... "Okay, then she has to be in the safest spot: in the center towards the back!" Mira finished. Seirro retorted "If we let her go straight ahead, she'll trample through the center squad! We'll be annihiliated!!!", Mira replied "Then... we have to draw her attention as we speak telepathically to the others...". They started to make a plan, then rushed to the female titan!!! She suddenly spun around and snatched a horse up, flinging the animal into the sky!!! Seirro Reiner flew away as his horse soars, the titan then punched Mira's horse!!! She flew away as the thing ragdolls away! It prepares to catch her, when Seirro flies toward her neck!!! It spun around quickly, causing him to slingshot around instead! It suddenly reached out to him before he could move!!! Mira looks up then yells "Seirro, get revenge for Yui!!! That cow probably stomped my BFF!!!", Seirro thought "She lost her mind?!!! Wait...", he flies away from the titan. They notice she stopped moving, Reiner took the chance to speed to her neck!!! The titan caught him!!! Then squeezed him, a pop sound echos from her closed fist!!! The friends stare in terror until he jumps through it's cut fingers, then grab Mira "Let's GTFO before she molest us... which would be terrifying for everyone now!". The titan leaves to find Yui... meanwhile Reiner ties a bandage around Mira's head "Can you use your 3D gear?", she replies "♪No problem♪". Seirro glared "Shit... my horse's dead, lord knows why another won't come to my whistling... 1 of us has to stay here...", Reiner smiles "Grope to see who should stay behind.", the daemon turns "The fuck...". They suddenly notice some1 bringing 3 horses?!!! "Krista!!!". "OMG, are you guys okay? I felt your souls shaking from miles away..." she asks, Mira replied "We're fine...". She climbs on a horse, as Reiner smiles "You saved our lives!". Kristen sighs "I'm just relieved, I'm happy the worst didn't happen♡.", Seirro got a erection as he thought "Shit she's kinda like Yui, except she actually has tits!!! Fuck, I'm already stuck with Touka.". They rode off to warn others... meanwhile... Levi got the message about the titan coming, he orders his squad to head into the titan forest of ... ignoring all the others going to die... They suddenly hear it running behind them!!! Levi glared "Draw your swords, if that thing appears, it'll all be over... in a FLASH!". Meanwhile Zolo spoke to Mira, now caught up with the rest of her friends in the forest... "Dammit!!! Why are we standing here, when we should be raping titan necks!??? I should kill that shit, and go hairy ass crazy in the field!!!", Mira sighed "Um...". They suddenly feel a army of titans running to the forest! Zolo flies into them laughing!!! Meanwhile Levi's squad freaks as the female titan comes up behind them!!! Reinforcements come up from behind to distract it, they're killed easily as it continues to chase the squad!!! "I'm going to slice that thing into pieces!!!", "You've stepped into hell!!!", "Captain Levi!" "Give us your orders!!!". Levi turns "Cover your ears...", he fires a sound grenade!!! "What was your job? To piss yourselves when a titan comes to slaughter you horrifically? No, it's to keep that little shit from getting so much as a scratch. Or die trying.". Yui turns as she feels more coming "Backup!!! If we don't help, they'll be crushed too! Who can stop that thing other than team Levi!!!?", she feels them die "Another 1!!! There's still 1 more fighting, we can't look away while they die!". 1 of her new team members yell "We have our orders, stop complaing like a brownnosed rat, and keep forward!", Yui thought as she looks behind her "He's still fighting alone... wait... if I could fight on my own... I don't need to wait... I could...". Another soldier turns to see Yui almost bite herself "Yui!??? What are you doing, that's only for when your life's in danger! You promised!!!", Yui remembers... until Levi says "You're not wrong, even though she's a puss: no1 can force her to submit. The difference between us is experience, you can choose to believe in yourself, or rely on us: The survey Corps. Choose whatever you'll regret the least". The soldier turns toward Yui again "Trust us.", Yui looks back once more as the female titan knocks the backup in half!!! "I'll go with you..." she screams regrettably. The titan then bends, then rushed them at full speed!!! It almost steps on the squad when many cords are suddenly ran through the titan, Levi spoke "Tether the horses and switch to 3D gear or flying, I'll be with the commander!" he flies into a tree next to the leader of the army... Levi steps forward "I hope whoever's in there hasnt pissed herself... I can imagine opening the nape and being sprayed... eeeew, disgusting.".
To Be Continued :%
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