A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
♥ ★ Profiles ☆ ♡
Karis Ai Nickname:Yui, Sailor Yui, Pretty Soldier in a Sailor Suit Age:15 Height:5'7 Weight:101 Hair:Silveryblonde Skin:Pale Eyes:Brightblue Bloodtype:O Birthdate:11-8 SoldierType:Senshi Race:Japanese/English Yui was born to the philosopher:Lin and the devout: Aino, because them wanting to protect herself, she was enrolled into many fighting schools from a very young age. This caused Yui to become a kind (albeit, "funny") tomboy, she grew up being incredibly sweet and got few friends from this,(as her purehearted nature repeled most people). She still is very cheerful until meeting Bianca, the girl finds that there are many evils in earth and fought to find her new friends/senshi! After, she found Cirris and Mira, she tries to stop the one attacking Tokyo city. Yui's almost killed after reviving the entire city... but is saved by Cirris... Yui now holds the dying game man. Yui is a slender lolli, she wears a Juban uniform, with exceptence of white gloves, shoes and the fuku's colored black. When she transforms, she wears a whit fuku with a pink skirt, red bow on the chest, and pink pomps, her gloves go to her elbows and she has a tiara, crescent moon earrings, and ruby odangos keeping her hair in twin tails. She also wore a red mask, but throws it off upon transforming. It stopped appearing during her fight on Tokyo Tower. Yui has a PinkFairywings Shaped Soul.
Mira Elric Nickname:Sailor D, Sailor Demon, Demon Chan, Pretty Demon in a Sailor Suit. Age:15 Height:5'7 Weight:120 Hair:Black Skin:Caucasian Eyes:DarkBlue Bloodtype:B Birthdate:7-22 SoldierType:Sailordemon Race:British Mira was born to British Researchers, they traveled earth unknowing of Mira's meeting with Shin. He told her of the end of the earth, and of the Dark Kingdom. He further told her, she would need to fight to save earth. After he got her to agree to help, "via money, increased cup size and infinite strength" she killed many workers for the dark kingdom all over... She later found out about the Eternal Kingdom, and Superbia destroying the heaven!!! She then was told to pretend to be the Princess, to keep the real one safe upon finding her. Mira finally came to Tokyo, and saw Seirro killing Yui, she immediately used her Climatact to kill him, then used her powers to jump their memories. Afterwards, she started to become reaquainted with her friends until Zolo attacked Tokyo!!! She now watches in horror as Cirris is struck by lightning!!! Mira is a normal growing girl, she's usually seen wearing a blue frilly dress, orange skirt, a blue bow, earrings and heels. When she's Sailor Demon, she wears a white fuku with a orange skirt, elbow length gloves and orange thigh high boots, she has a huge red bow on her chest and Sapphire heart-shaped earrings. Mira has a BlueFire Shaped Soul
Fusagi Tskuono Nickname:Sailor Fusagi, Sailor Of Passion, Fu Chan Age:15 Height:5'7 Weight:??? Hair:Honey Skin:Pale Eyes:Emerald BloodType:AB Birthdate:7-31 SoldierType:Miko Race:Japanese Fusagi is born into a pure line of wealthy japanese archeologists, but thanks to a slight deviation in her family line, she has beautiful green eyes. She became a Miko upon moving to Juban, and takes the job seriously, Due to her granddad being a slight pervert, and pass events... She hates men, and seemingly being chaste when she hears about or is around men. Upon finding she was a Senshi, she Fusagi became somewhat nicer, but still is roughh to Yui as she wants more from their leader. After shaking hands with Mira, she starts remembering her past... Afterwards, she helped fight against Zolo, but watches as he fires lightning at Yui... Fusagi is a voluptuous teen, and wears a cream dress, with gold lacing and hooped diamond studded earrings, the dress is in slices so she can move easier... When a Miko, she wears a white shirt with a long red skirt... When she transformed to Sailor Fusagi, she wears a white Fuku with a red skirt, elbow length gloves, thigh-high red pomps, a purple bow on her breasts and hoop earrings. Fusagi has a TwilightButterflywings Shaped Soul.
Touka Toni Nickname:Touka, Pretty Vampire in a Sailor Suit, Senshi Of Strength! Sailor Vampire, Touka Chan, Sailor Vamp. Age:18 Height:5'9 Weight:116 Hair:Violet-Blue Skin:Caucasian Eyes:Sapphire BloodType:O Birthdate:12-5 SoldierType:Senshi Race:Japanese Touka is born to Vampire parents, because of her parents raising, Touka does not kill to eat, and instead eat bodies/drinks blood from dead humans. Though, after their deaths, she became very saddened and almost disobeyed this order... It became worse after her boyfriend betrayed her. Touka left the area, and tried to find a new place to live. Unfortunately, everyone was upset at/scared of her, for being a vampire, causing her to sit alone alot... Touka found Yui one stormy day, and later was befriend after saving her again later. From then on, Touka became like Yui and the other senshi's sister, and eats lunch with them, despite hating the food. She instead swallows the human food and hates the taste, inspite of her smile and being able to survive on the food. Touka helped fight until the lights were cut off over the entire city, she felt it being cut via her powers, then created a barrier of electricity to float the senshi to the top! Touka tried to attack, but her blast was multiplied 600000times!!!! Touka now watches in terror as it flies to Yui, and blocked... Touka is a tall, voluptuous curvy slender woman, she wears handmade fuku with beigh shirt and green skirt. She also wears flower earrings and a green bow putting her hair in a small ponytail... As Sailor Touka, she wears a fuku with a green skirt, pink bow, green heels, and elbow length gloves, she has huge flower shaped earrings too. Touka has a BlackWings Shaped Soul.
Noire Makenshi Nickname: Sailor Noire, Goddess, Demon Sword, Nite, Night woman, Night Goddess, Pretty Goddess in a Sailor Suit, Sailor Goddess. Age:14 Height:5'6 Weight:104 Hair:Pink/Violet Skin:Pale Eyes:Lightblue BloodType:? Birthdate:9-10 SoldierType:Senshi Race:Goddess Noire was born to doctors, upon her father leaving for work, she stayed with her mother in Tokyo in a condominium. She studied hard to be a doctor like her mother, and was shy... Causing everybody to assume she's cold... But after meeting Yui, she opened up, and was able befriend other people! This caused her to be alot more perky and upbeat! Noire further is incredibly intelligent, causing her peers to assume she was a android or goddess... this also gave her nickname:Goddess. Noire helped fight evil after befriending Yui, and was only unsettled by Yui and Fusagi small fight. After the blackout, she helps fight against Zolo! She now watches Cirris fall in Yui's arms... Noire is a voluptuous teen, she wears a black fuku, that goes the length of a priest robe. She also wears white silk gloves and blue pomps. After transforming, she wears a black fuku with a blue skirt, bow on her chest, pomps, white elbow-length gloves. Water drop shaped earrings. Noire has a BlueFairy Shaped Soul.
Aino Ai Age:31 Height:5'7 Weight:128 Hair:Blonde Skin:Caucasian Eyes:Brightblue Bloodtype:O Birthdate:10-3 Type:Priestess Race:Japanese Aino is a devout priest and mother of Yui, she at first was going to be a Miko, and had devoted her life to the goddess:Kara. But after meeting the philosopher:Lin, she started falling in love, The two dated and married upon her finding she'd be still devout, upon marriage as Kara's spirituality allows marriage unlike in other religions/beliefs. She later had Yui, and happily raised her, with both her and Lin agreeing to enroll her in fighting schools. They were happy to make her able to defend herself, yet be a kind loving tomboy. Due to Lin's cuddling and Aino's strict raising, Yui's a kind, purehearted tomboy. Aino loves reading about Sailor Demon like Yui does, and reads about her in the paper, she wakes Yui up in the morning and seemingly acts rough on Yui, but feels bad for any punishment she gives her. Aino's at home asleep, unknowing of Yui fighting evil... Aino has a PinkDove Shaped Soul.
Blaire Bianca Kitty Age:15 Height:1'4 Weight:6 Hair:Purple? Skin:Caucasia? Eyes:Amber BloodType:A Birthdate:3-7 SoldierType:Mage Race:Witch Blaire was a witch, but was sentenced to be a cat by Penance Sama. Afterwards, she helped with many missions with the Avatars. After Shin has reverted the world, she rewired (like all other soldiers and Avatars) to believe, she is a cat, and is told to find all the Sailor Senshi and protect the Princess. Blaire was unfortunately caught by kids, and was bandaged, after Yui found her, she pulled it off, allowing her to use her powers. She then manifested all the weapons Shin told her to give to the girls, and hacked/manipulated the arcade machines to only give pizes to Yui and her friends. She also used her magic to use the Eternity computers in the basement. After finding all 4, she gave Yui her sword, the:Moon Stick. Then later, upon seeing Mira, she starts remembering her past... Blaire then continues to help as pieces flood in her mind... She now watches Cirris lay limp in Yui's arms/lap. Blaire was a volutptuos witch, but could transform into a black cat... She had purple hair, amber eyes and caucasian skin, she wore a skintight dress and pointy hat. After being rewired, she became a real black cat, she had amber eyes and a crescent spot on her forehead., she further uses her middle name as her first name. Blaire has a BloodPumpkin Shaped Soul.
Shin Age:??? Height:2'0 Weight:??? Hair:Black Skin:White Eyes:Onyx BloodType:??? Birthdate:??? Type:god Race:Kami Shin is the kami of Stars, he came in the moon, upon finding that Cirris's Houtentai was against eachother. He had watched the soldiers in Saitama, and knew of the end of the world coming... and knew he had to save everyone by saving the savior! So he made a wish to change the world, this caused everyone to live different/happier lives. While monsters, creatures and death existed, there was no evil to cause sorrow. But his plan was twisted by the Dark Kingdom, as they captured the male Nottingham soldiers and used them to fight against the savior. He then used Mira to fight against them, and told her to pretend to be the Princess, to protect the real one. They fought many evils until finding Yui, then lead the soldiers to fight the enemy. He then slowly but surely started to return their memories, knowing what would happen and trying not to, too fast, so he wouldn't scare them/fuck thier minds. Upon doing this, the enemy struck again, and almost murdered Yui!!! Shin now watches as Cirris falls into Yui's lap... Shin is a small cat/zebra with white fur, black mohawk, hooves and long whiskers! As a cat, he has green eyes and a gold Crescent moon shape on his forehead. Shin has a (らきすた Shaped Soul.
Beryl Maho Age:1,646,968 Height:6'1 Weight:150 Hair:Red Skin:Pale Eyes:Orange(with yellow replacing white) BloodType:B Birthdate:4-5 Type:Witch Race:Devil Beryl was a Witch a millenia ago, she lived happily until seeing a Arc Angel. Due to growing a Yandere like crush, she attempted to meet him, but found he was in love with another... She started to despise her, then the angel... then started to hate him! Superbia found the evil in her, and easily manipulated the witch to raise a army called the:Dark Kingdom to kill her!!! But when the Arc Angel tried to stop them, he was murdered by her, in turn Beryl was murdered by another angel! A millennium later, she was a archeologists, and tried looking for artifacts in Antartica, but found Superbia once more... This caused her to regain memories of her pass life, and start the Dark Kingdom again!!! She stole the Nottingham soldiers closely intertwined with the Savior and brainwashed them to kill the senshi, and find the Eternal Crystal. Beryl plans on taking it for herself, and kill Superbia, hopefully finding the angel again and rule the world by his side! She now plans on helping Zolo, if the Senshi start to succeed again... Beryl is a curvy slim woman, she wears a form-fitting purple dress, 666shaped earrings, purple heels and cocoa eyeshadow. Before she transformed into the queen of the dark kingdom, she had white skin, red hair, and orange eyes, now she has firey red hair, yellow eyeballs, horns in her shoulders and black mark covering her breasts(???) Beryl has a DiamondUnderwear Shaped Soul.
Queen Superbia Age:?????? Height:???? Weight:??? Hair:N/A Skin:N/A Eyes:Yellow Bloodtype:N/A Birthdate:Before time... Type:Devil Race:Sin Sin Superbia is the source of all evil in the universe, it has caused the manipulation, destruction and condition of earth further than in other worlds. Before time, it caused a rebellion in heaven, and was only thrown to earth... A millennium ago, it interferes with God's plans, and was sealed by angels. Now, It's released, via manipulating Beryl's fate! It once again, possess and manipulates anyone who lets evil in their hearts, and has created the Dark Kingdom via everybody/organization/academy/government in the world. It is the reason for every event in the world, and all plans from Kami, kinshin humans ect. were directly from it, as they're all branches/pawns of the Dark Kingdom. It's the reason why Soul Hoshi Academy was started, for NEEDING to help people against the evil it caused and it's the reason for people abusing Soul Star, and Madness. This is even further worse as, not even it's direct servants know it's true intentions: To be "God", it wishes to once again merge with everything in the universe and influence all with it's beliefs. Superbia now waits for the Eternal Crystal to be placed within it, to take over earth, then infect all beings and things with it's mindset. Superbia is a formless, magnanimous source, it has two glowing green eyes and a third gold eye on it's "forehead" resembling the eye of providence. It was a red jagged smile and is a purple/black color. It's incarnations are every enemy fought by Nottingham and other defenders of good... It's form resembles the darkness and evil of it's soul...
Seirro Evans Age:15 Height:5'9 Weight:128 Hair:White Skin:Pale Eyes:Green BloodType:B Birthdate:10-31 SoldierType:Generalmage Race:Spanish Seirro was born into a family of musicians, but unfortunately due to how Wes played, he was too afraid to even try playing. He used his being a deamon to escape to Soul Hoshi Nottingham, after repelling his crush, he eventually dated Touka while working. After they moved to Saitama, they found out about the Kishin armies attacking earth. He, like other soldiers, attempted to help, and was one of the few to be unaffected by madness during the moon raid. He was saved from Obliteration via the Houtentai, by Shin. Unfortunately, before he was given a happier life... The Dark Kingdom kidnapped and brainwashed him into thinking he was part of the Shitennou, after watching Chiba's death he tried to find the Eternal Crystal by posing as a professor, and using subliminal messages to cause people to frantically search for the Crystal, when it couldn't be found, he starts draing their souls through the TVs. He later uses a program with subliminal messages via the Dark Store. He brainwashed people to find Yui, but was killed when tried directly fighting her, himself via Sailor Mira's Climatact. Seirro is a slender muscled youngman, he usually wears a black leather jacket, pants, hairband and shoes, he wears a yellow shirt under it, and has a sticker that says:EAT on his hairband. As "Zoisite", he wore a Shitennou uniform with green accents, his hair's also longer and tied in a ponytail. Seirro has a RedFangs Shaped Soul.
Zolo Ronaro Age:15 Height:6'7 Weight:481 Hair:Mintgreen Skin:Yellow? Eyes:Black BloodType:B Birthdate:4-4 SoldierType:General Race:German Zolo was born to travelers, he learned many different fight styles as they traveled, upon finding his parents can't enroll him in Soul Hoshi, he left to the only free Academy: Nottingham. He helped with every mission, despite the many Fights/troubles he caused, and is the strongest Soul Hoshi Soldier in history. But during the Kinshin army invasion, he was murdered, but start coming back to life as he was a Shinigami. He was saved by Shin, when he wished to reset earth, saving the bushin from Obliteration. Unfortunately, he was kidnapped and brainwashed by the Dark Kingdom, into thinking he was part of the Shitennou. He watched as his friends died, him and Seirro were the one's who showed the most emotion during this, as they cried/had panic attacks and undulated after seeing Chiba and Kirik being murdered. Zolo had a hard, ugly cry upon seeing Seirro murdered and had cleaned his face when Beryl came... He immediately started his mission by using his power to kill everyone in Tokyo, then after Yui brought them back, he used the same attack, but could only throw her off the tower. He then easily fought the other Senshi, until he absorbed Touka's Surpreme Thunder. He then multiplied it 600000× (Being much more than enough, to destroy earth), he now leers as he at very least killed Cirris... Zolo is a tall muscular young man, he wears a white tanktop and cargo pants, as Kunzite he wears a white Shitennou uniform and has long hair, reaching his back. Zolo has a BlueStar Shaped Soul.
Chiba Shinigami Age:15 Height:5'7 Weight:118 Hair:Black Skin:White Eyes:Red BloodType:A Birthdate:8-8 SoldierType:god Race:Kami Chiba was fragmented from Death, he chose to go to Nottingham after exploring the world were he'd reap souls... He already knows every technique taught in the Academy, but chooses to work with his friends. He helped until they went to Wake Island, then left to train with his father. Unfortunately, upon becoming a full Shinigami, Death died, leaving him in tears at this... He later returned with his friends in Saitama, and fell for Minami, after teaching her how to be a Shinigami, he helped fight against the Kinshin Armies va sharing powers with people he was close to(as acquaintances would die from his power.) he helped fight and was one of the few not driven in madness during the raid. He was saved from bliteration by Shin, but unfortunately was kidnapped and brainwashed like his friends... He loss any extra powers he got too, reverting him to preshinigami power. As a member of Shitennou, he tried collecting souls via jewelry, the Crystal Seminar's students and 6:00 bus at Sendai. After hypnotizing and kidnapping Fusagi, he was infatuated by her perfectly symmetrical breasts and cheeks... massaging them as she slept. He was murdered later... Chiba is a tall slender kami, before being kidnapped by the Dark Kingdom, afterwards, he's returned to his teen height. he wears the Nottingham uniform. As "Jadite", he wore the Shitennou Uniform with Red accents, his hair's cropped too. He has a BlueTwinpistols Shaped Soul.
Kirik Harvard Age:15 Height:5'8 Weight:200 Hair:Black Skin:African Eyes:Wood BloodType:B Birthdate:4-28 SoldierType:GeneralFighter Race:African/English Kirik was the top Soldier of the France Soul Hoshi Academy, he went to Nottingham to see the 1st academy celebrate the anniversary of it's opening. But after seeing the kinshin, and the stae of the academy... He volunteered to enroll into it, he helped until he became extremely perverted after see Fusagi in a black leather jacket. He was very foul... and cheated on her when he went to get "help" for Nottingham. After they broke up, he returned after regaining his former glory in his academy. Then returned once more to Nottingham, to help with the war... He was driven in madness and was about to be Obliterated until Shin saved him. Unfortunately, he was kidnapped and Brainwashed by the Dark Kingdom. He believed he was in Shitennou and began using bridal mannequins to drain souls from men, he was killed after introducing himself to the girls. Kirik is a muscular youngman, he wears a white tanktop and Camouflage pants, as "Nephrite" he wore a Shitennou uniform with gold accents, his hair now reaches his midback... Kirik has a BlueTeeth Shaped Soul.
Cirris Michaels Nicknames:CapedAngel, Meanie, Syrup, Maple Syrup, Weakling, Cir Chan. Age:17 Height:5'9 Weight:101 Hair:PearlBlack Skin:Goldenbrown Eyes:DeepBrown Bloodtype:O Birthdate:12-7 SoldierType:Angel Race:American Cirris is the 1st born of his family, and due to pressure put on him by his parents, he was dissatisfied. He left home, upon flying to England. After seeing how evil the earth was, he devoted his life to saving people. After meeting Yui, they date despite few problems, he's killed trying to protect her, and is brought back, later he's possessed by Kinshin, and seals a kinshin/ends a war. He later is tortured in Tokyo, then murders MAMY government agents, in Saitama, he saves Yui again, and finally uses a Houtentai at this point. When the Kinshin army invades, he helps some as he tries to learn how to use his Shinigami powers. Though, resisting the madness, he overhears Yui's and Seirro's crush on each other. He then unconsciously uses a Houtentai to kill himself, as he loves Yui and thought she didn't feel the same way/pitied him/he interrupted their relationship. Yui tried saving him via using another Houtentai, but the conflicting Houtentai started to Obliterte earth. Shin made a wish and saved earth, resetting earth and their lives. Cirris is now the lone survivor of a car crash, and has no memory of his new or past life... He is also much braver and outgoing/Extroverted than before, he became a Game Designer and is working in Tokyo. But due to strange dreams, he found himself sleepwalking, looking for the Eternal Crystal, when he realized it, he started searching himself/consciously to find it. After meeting Yui, they start regaining their pass feelings/love, and have worked together. After finding eachother's secrets, they start falling in love. Cirris then starts hearing/feeling her normally, and came when the blackout occurs. He catches Yui when she fell, and after being kissed by his lover, she jumps(???) from his arms to the top of the tower... His pass feelings came back as Zolo prepared to fire and kill her... He then blocked it, Cirris now lays in her lap, dying. Cirris is a slender man, after reincarnating he's a tall muscular slender man. He wears a white shirt with blue sweatpants, when working he wears a tuxedo and/or a Moto Azabu uniform. As CapedAngel, he wears a black tux, shoes and top hat, with a white mask and red cape. Cirris has a RedAngelwings Shaped Soul.
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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