A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
The Bittersweet End
THE SOUL HOSHI AIRSHIP LANDED BY THE SOLDIERS, the door opened... Nygus suddenly ran out!!! "Mira chan, Fusagi Chan, Yui Chan!!!", she ran to Fusagi first! "Are you okay Mira!!!? Did she touch anywhe...?". Fusagi interrupts "I didn't!!! (That's my secret!!!).", Nygus replies "I can tell your a... you know.". Fusagi carefully, walked towards the others... Touka and Sei spoke as they stared at Yui's bloody body "Yui! Are you okay?", "This is brutal...". Yui replies "Sorry... I let the djinn get away...", a civilian retorts "That's alright, just chasn' him off, quite tha accomplishment!"... Fusagi limped to her friends "That jackass was crazy strong... Touka... I'm afraid Seirro and everyone besides us 4 was killed...". Touka smiled "Stop kidding! They won the inexplicable horrible fight against Asura! A naked magic man shouldn't be able to stop you now!!!", Yui says upset "Kyubi's even gone, he was immortal too... without him, we can't even use white magic he learned...". Touka started laughing "That's a joke right!!!? You told me there were 4 survivors, Kyubi is the last 1 right!!!?", the fat civilian walked up to the soldier "Excuse me for livin'". Touka fell flat!!! "N... No way!!! I'm never gonna see him again!!!?" she cries... The civilian yells "HEY!!! ARE YOU SAYIN' YOU RATHER HAD A RETARDED DOG SURVIVE INSTEAD OF ME?!!! IF IT WASN'T FOR ME, EVERYONE ELSE WOULD'VE BEEN DEAD TOO!!! YOU UGLY MOFO!!!". The other interrupted "That's enough! We need to get everyone to a hospital, Soul Star can't heal someone who's dead!". They slowly dragged Yui onto the airship, then flew to the area the others died... Fusagi tried to calm Touka... "Don't cry Touka... I know things look f'ed up right now, but I have a idea... it might sound retarded, but here me out... There's a chance that everyone the djinns killed... can be brought back to life...". Everyone freaked out!!! "HUH!!!?", the psychic explained "It's kind of a long shot though...". Yui then says "Fusagi... Now that you mention it, you started to say something like this earlier... how?", she starts until she sees the bodies! "Stop here Sei, we have to get everyone's bodies onboard...". They put everyone onto the airship... "Where's Chiba's body?", "There isn't 1, he was crushed into powder...". They then started to a hospital... Mira finally wakes up, "HA!!?", Nygus turned towards the girl "You're waking up? Are you okay? (Do feel wierd, like molested by a friend" weird?)". Fusagi turns fast "We did it!!!", Mira asks "H... how!!!? Where's the djinn!!!?". Fusagi lies "He got away... but we gave him a run for his money, he might never come back!!!", the girl then asks "Where's Yui?". She hears her "I'm back here Mira! Thanks to you guys, I managed to survive♪!" she yells, Mira looks on the floor behind her chair. They both giggle, the fat civilian interrupts "YEAH! it's freaking "hilarious", she's making a pool of blood on the floor and their laughing like idiots!". Touka then asks Fusagi "Fusagi... do you think you can tell us what you mentioned before?", she answers "That's right! The djinn said something about using white magic, they heard about it through Radish" (she giggles) "They must've only know black magic... it was confirmed by what he said to Kyubi was what really caught my attention, they said he and other immortals could use magic too, but it was strange that they wanted Kyubi to teach them. What they said next was important: They said while immortals could use magic earth 1s like kyubi and genies could naturally use it... If they go to the world of the genies, they could learn white magic there, it'll be even much more powerful than on earth! I thought then: if we could go the world of genies, we could use it to bring everyone back!!!". Mira jumped excitedly "That means we can bring Kyubi back!", Nygus mumbled "Why would you want him back???". Fusagi adds "After that, we could bring everybody back!". Everyone cheers until Touka stomps the excitement "Except it's not going to be that simple... There's no way we could pull something like that off... For 1 thing, how are we even going to find where this world of genies is at?", Yui smiles "Leave it to me... I can ask Kaio Sama... if anyone knows where it is, it would be him!". She then asks "Kaio Sama you heard right?", Kaio thought to everyone "Of course I know where the Genie world is! Why do you think my names Kaio!!!?". Yui laughs as everyone looks around "Kaio Sama... Everyone can hear you fine, go ahead...", Kaio replies "1st of all, I wanted to congratulate you for defeating the djinn! To be honest, once Yui was beaten, I thought it was all over. I greatly miscaculated the djinn's power, I never new he was that strong.". Yui smiled "Maybe I shouldn't of let him run...", Sei freaked "What the... Why the hell!!!?". Kaio then says "To phrase it in a way you'd understand on earth... it's SU83, by 9045XY!!!", Fusagi freaked out!!! "Dang!!!! Forget it!!!! We can't get to there!!!". She pulls out her cell "Even if we go in the fastest ship in the world, it'll take: 4339 years and 3 months!!! We need to stay alive, for quite a long time!", Touka smiled "Wait... if that's the only problem, I think we'll be alright! We could use the djinn's ship: there were 2, the other 1 flew away but the giant's ship...", Sei finished "Is in Hoshi City!!!". Fusagi exclaimed "If we get Dr Stein and and the engineers to look at it, , we could have a ship ready to work!", Touka giggled "This plan may actually work!". Everyone cheers "WAHOOO!!!! HOPE IS IN SIGHT!!!". THE NEXT DAY, AT HOSHI HOSPITAL... Yui speaks as she lies in her hospital bed, wrapped in a body cast!!! "They said it'll be 4 months before my injuries heal... and even then... they said my body may never get back to normal", a volunteer replies "Don't worry, we're growing more Soul Sucking water food... SSWF". Yui laughs "Awesome!!! Lucky Mira will be out in just 3 days, I'll be alone then...", Touka suddenly rushed in "Look! Dr Stein and Mrs Momo made a ship based on the djinn's lamp! And this!!!". Sei spoke as she ran by him "It's Touka!!!? With your long hair, I thought you were stripper nurse", She interrupted "Stop you old fart!!! I'm still 17!". She turns on the tv!!! "The authorities got the other "lamp", but he made a device that can control it from far away! Now we can all go to genie..." she presses the button!!! The news reporter craps himsels as the ship explodes!!! "It appears the vehicle suddenly exploded!!! What the hell!!!? (Turn off the camera!!! I think I sharted!!)" Debris originating from it is all over the place!!!". Touka screams "WHY THE FREAKING CRAP, WOULD HE MAKE A SELF DESTRUCT TRIGGER!!!!?", Fusagi shouts "Look at the remote!!! It actually says Self Destruct! You voluntarily pressed....". Ms Momo suddenly interrupts everyone! "Hey!", Fusagi runs to the window "Hi Mrs Momo!". She smiles happily "Hi Fusagi chan, me and Stein kun finished our ship! Now with ours and he djinn lamp, we have enough for 8 people..."... THEY TELL HER ABOUT THE LAMP EXPLODING, AFTER SHE FINALLY CALMS DOWN THEY CHOOSE WHO'LL GO...
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Happy Halloween Finale!

First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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