Immortal Rampage!

TOUKA AND THE SOLDIERS PLAN A WAY TO GET MORE HELP, WHILE KIWI FLIES TO HIS RIVAL!  "There you are Vassago!!! I'm acting on strict orders from Haru Sama, do you hear that blueballs? I'll f' you up in the open!", Vassago answers as their devil eyes transmit their trash talking "Don't make me laugh Kiwi, try it you retarded bitch: You'll be like fighting a limbless childl!. I'm right here... so by all means, come and get me!". Kiwi screams! "Are you blind!!!? Take a good look at your devil eye! Prepare to suck my di...", meanwhile Touka waves as she walks to the lamp "I'm going back to earth, I'll bring Yui chan, as soon as I can!". Fusagi yells "Wait Touka!..." she freaks out "Mira, do you think we should go back to earth too? We don't even know if that was Vassago, we should rush back, get more fighters, then come back!", Mira then answers "But if it was him, he would've learned white magic... and killed us before we could get back.". They suddenly feel energy flow through them!!! "Fusagi, someone's coming!", Mira warned them as she and Fusagi turns... They see 2 monsters walking from a close by island! "Those certainly aren't genies!!!" Touka shouts, hiding behind the lamp! The Selkie leers "They don't look like genies...", (another) old man man monster answers "It doesn't matter who they are... we have orders to kill any chucker in the world!". They fly over their island, Fusagi glares... "Look at what they're wearing, it's the same skimpy, stripper armor the djinn wore... I can even see their balls!". The selkie screams "Bitch be dissing my rags!!? I'll show you!", he shoots through the lamp!!! The old man monster laughs "You can't see worth a crap!", the selkie answers ".... Uh huh!!! Considering I can to my right too, like a fly!". Mira and Fusagi suddenly kicked and shot them! They both fell in the water "Bloody awesome!", "Nice moves!" Mira and Fusagi gave eachother thumbs up! Touka suddenly screams "WHO GIVES A SHI...". Meanwhile Haru turns towards the green muscular monster "What's wrong, Rin?", the monster replies "The 2 readings from earlier dispose the scouts, we sent earlier.". "Oh... too damn bad..." Haru replies bored/sarcastically... Meanwhile Touka cried "We'll never get back to earth!!!", Fusagi shouts "Get up bitch, someone stronger could be coming!", Mira adds "She's right! We need to find a place to hide!". Fusagi and Mira grabbed their luggage "We'll figure something, stop crying!", "Maybe a genie can fix the lamp". Touka glares "You guys are so fricking optimistic!". Meanwhile Kiwi finally found Vassago! "It is time for us to settle the score!", Vassago laughs "Settle the score?, let me show a little something I learned on earth... The ability to control my power level at will!". Vassago used Soul Star!!! Kiwi crapped "Impossible!!! You and me have always been evenly matched!!!", Vassago leers "IMBECILE!!! I've been in combat situations you couldn't even dream of! Did you honestly believe I'd remain on par with someone content on being a bitch!!!?". Kiwi's devil eye exploded! Rin's too!! "OWCHEEEE! ahem... It must be a malfunction... Vassago's power level was around 22,000...", the spiky monster retorted "It has to be malfunctioning... I'll get a correcting reading on mine...". He looked scared... "My newer version is malfunctioning as well... It says he's risen more than 24,000!", Rin crapped "24,000!!? He risen higher than ours!". Haru answers bored "It must be a trick he learned on earth... if it's only 24,000 you should be able grope him... He likely wants the lamps, to obtain eternal life for himself. Unless he does, he can never hope to resist against me... he never was obedient to my urge... but this is brash even for him... to brazenly declare his treasonous intent...". Meanwhile Kiwi crapped himself  again as he freaks "W... wait Vassago! I'll be your bitch! I'll help you fight Rin and Matsouka!!! I'll suck your di...", Vassago interrupts "Spewing such blatant lies!!! You truly are a pathetic, gay bastard!!!", he then looks behind him "AH HARU SAMA!!!". Vassago turns, Kiwi fires thousand of shots at him!!! He stares at the destroyed island "I don't care how strong you are, there's no way your taking a attack like that head on and getting up!", Vassago answers "You wish. I have to admit, even for you, that was a pretty dismal move.". Crap poured out of Kiwi's pants!!! "WHEN DID YOU!!!?", Vassago interrupts "If my power has risen, my speed obviously has improved as well. Your ruse only succeeded in ticking me off!". Kiwi tried to fly away, Vassago appears in front of him!! Then punched him hard! Kiwi slings back as Vassago gesures to and implodes him!!! "Feh,.. pthooo!!! I got some Kiwi in my mouth!!". He lands "Thanks to the devil eye, Haru must be aware of what's happened. I can handle his bitches, but I'm no match for Haru himself. If the transmissions I picked up earlier between Haru and his men were true, the genie lamps are the source of the white magic, and are the only work once you have all 7. Which mean's if I get 1, once they gain the remaining 6, I'll only have to look for a opening and take them from right under his nose. If everything goes according to plan, and gaining eternal life... defeating Haru will no longer be a dream! With him gone, no one could hope to get in my way!!! I'll be #1!!! The entire universe will bow to me, a djinn, Vassago sama!!!". Meanwhile Matsuouka craps " V... Vassago's power level is the real deal alright... he just did Kiwi in, without breaking a sweat...", Haru replies monotoned "Stop dooking in your pants, the smell of crap is getting overwhelming. Now let us be going...". Haru and his men all flew away... Meanwhile the soldiers found a cave, "Why can't we just fly!!?" Touka cries. Mira turns toward her "We'd love to, but it requires way too much energy... They'd know we're here for sure!", Fusagi looks excited "Here's a good place, they won't find us if we're in a cave!". Touka complains "Shi...", Mira interrupted her "Do you sense energy coming?!!". Fusagi turns around "RUN!!! SOMEONE'S COMING FROM THAT DIRECTION!!!".

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