A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Grand Genie
VASSAGO LEERS AT THE LAMP, AND THROWS IT UNDERWATER!!! "Now as for this thing... Submerging it would ensure it stays hidden from anyone who may want to find it, I'll be the only 1 who can sense where it is..." he floats over the village "Now I'll search for the last 1...". He flies off... meanwhile Haru scratches his dingdong until Rin walks up towards him "Matsouka should've returned by now, could he still be after those fugly runts?". Haru replies bored "If that retard can't catch 2 children, screw his stupid ass... Search for the remaining 2 lamps.", the lizard monster answers "Yes sir, if we search the remaining villages, the lamps are sure to be there...", Rin chimes "With the 2 of us looking it'll be soon enough.. Haru then says monotoned "Then I'll take these 5, back to the ship...", the monsters floated up "You start heading that way, if you find a village, don't engage them. Report back to me at once, some of them can fuck you up...", the lizard answered "Yes sir!". They flew in opposite directions "I must consider the possibility that Vassago may already have the other lamps, but he'll take my crap too... I'll just wait until he sashays back here, and take his lamps... Then I'll eternal life!" Haru thought, he telekinetically took the lamps back to his lamp... "For now, I'll simply jizz in my ship". Meanwhile Touka asked Rei "Who's the grand genie?", the genie explains "The 1 who gave birth to all of us here in genie world. He is the sole survivor of the madness anomly long ago, who wished for the world to be revived.". Touka tilted her head "What the hell? Don't you need women too, to make actual life??", Rei explained "We can't grant our own wishes, unless we're forced to, that's how the grand genie reincarnated us all. But since normally we're really peaceful, we use the white lamps: which has the power of every soul born in genie world, this is the reason all 7 can pull souls, as granting life wishes is beyond our control...". Touka frowns "You literally said, you guys never have to have sex in your world? Life can just be wished for?", Fusagi sighed "L... look would you tell us why you want us to meet the grand genie?". Touka adds as he explained "1 things for sure, I'm glad I'm not a genie...", Seirei then explain "Ummm the people who attacked our village, had already collected 4 lamps. And you said you a lot of my people were killed in that direction?". Fusagi glared "Yeah, probably a guy named Vassago, Mira replies "There's not a single soul left...". Rei freaks "In that case, there aren't very many genies left in the world...", Fusagi frowned "This is bad, if Vassago found the lamp in the village he attacked, the only 1 left is... by chance does the grand genie have 1?". Rei answeres "Yes...", Fusagi shouts "Haru may have lost his devil eye, but Vassago can sense souls. If he searches for him, he'll beat us to the grand genie and get the 7th lamp!!!". Rei freaks "Then we have to warn the grand genie, right away!", the psychic then orders "Alright show us where the grand genie is, Mira there's no reason for both of to try to get killed, you stay with Touka!". Mira agrees "Becareful...", Fusagi then asks Rei "How long would it take to get to the grand genie if we walked?", he replies "If we walked, over 30 days...". Fusagi freaks "Mother of God... alright we don't have chance, we'll fly... if Vassago finds us, we'll hide..." . They flew away... "See you guys, you becareful as well!!!". Later she thought as they flew to the elder "Vassago seems even stronger than before, which makes things worse that Haru guy is even stronger than him, even Yui may not be up to the task... for now we should focus on the lamp... after that we can stay hidden until she shows up. but... We're banking on a miracle... Geez I guess I'll never get to tell Yui...". Meanwhile Yui asks excitedly "You mean they all got to your place at the same time!!!?", Seirro greets her as he put his hand on Kaio's back answers "Oi, can you hear me Yui? We ran into the professor, and he told us all about this place. He also told us that you were learning how to use white magic in genie world, to bring us back.". Yui laughed "Yeah, hey you said there were 4 of you there? Is Kyubi there too?", Kyubi yells "Feh... as if there were any way, my man pride would let me set back as you all got stronger! Wooooo!!!". Yui giggles "Who's the other 1 then♪?", Seirro answers "Chiba...", Yui asked in surprise "Chiba!!? But Kami can't die...". Seirro smiled "He wanted to stay with us here to train, there isn't a reason for him to go back and to be defeated again...", he then laughs "The gravity here sucks huge freaking balls, how could you stand this crap!?". Yui answers "I know what you mean, but it was easier when I lived there...??? stayed? trained there for days, even now I'm training at 70 × earth gravity! If I don't get stronger, I'll be in serious trouble!". Kaio asks "What do you mean?", Yui explains "Since I was hospitalized, Touka, Mira and Fusagi left to genie world. But Vassago came there too, to find white magic, to make it crazier there were a bunch guys much stronger than him looking too!!!". Kaio freaks "There isn't 1 named Haruka... there?", Yui answers "I don't know...". Kaio walks away from the other soldiers "I'll go check the genie world...", "♪Thanks Kaio Sama♪!". Kaio then felt Haru flying to his lamp!!! "IT'S HARUKA!!!! Yui your opponent is too strong this time around, there's no way you can beat this guy, so avoid him at all costs!". Yui asks "What do you mean by that?", Kaio shouts "This is a order from Kaio!!! Don't go near him!!!! Once you get to genie world get your friend then GTFO!!!! I'm not just saying this for your sake, but everyone on earth and countless other worlds! Haru's wrath will destroy everything you hold dear!!! Just this once, leave well enough alone!". Yui smiled "Wow! Is he really that incredible!♪", Kaio cried "DON'T YOU GO NEAR HIM, UNDERSTAND!!!!!". Kyubi patted Kaio "Do not listen to him Yui, do whatever you need to find white magic, and bring us back to life. I will spend my time here pushing myself harder than you ever did. Together we will surely send her" (Kaio whispers "him" to the wolf) "him flying! (Haruka's a dude name?)". Kaio snatches away "You have no idea what he's capable of!!!!", Kyubi laughs "Then hurry up with our training!". Kaio warned them "Not if you're gonna pick a fight with Haru! Promise me you won't go to genie world!!!", "Alright, I won't". Kyubi thought as Kaio calms down... "Surely, There is no way I am that keeping that ridiculous promise!", Zolo thought "I'm going to surpass her, I'll focus on the fundamentals and use my own techniques. Next time, I'll beat her!". Kaio smiles "Alright, each of you make me laugh with a pun! I'll train whoever can pass the test!", THE SOLDIERS TRIED TO PASS THEIR MOST DIFFICULT TEST YET... Meanwhile Vassago felt Fusagi and Rei, but he flew pass the 2 as he suddenly felt Rin by himself... "That's Rin, I've been waiing for him to seperate from the heard!!!". Rin turns to see Vassago flying towards him!!! "NO!!! It can't be, it's Vassago!!!", Vassago leers as he floats to him "Yo, it's been a long time, hasn't homo chan? I've already taken care of Matsouka... now it's your turn...". Rin cried "W... WHAT!?"
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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