To Be Continued... :@
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
SOUL HOSHI NOTTINGHAM, HAS GOTTEN A DISTRESS CALL FROM SAN FRANCISCO. THEY FIND THAT MANY KINSHIN HAVE SUDDENLY APPEARED AND HAVE SPREAD THROUGH MOST OF EARTH!!! THE SOLDIERS GET TO AMERICA, AND PREPARE TO STOP ASURA ONCE FOR ALL!!! DEEP IN A CERTAIN WORLD, TWO GIRLS ARE PUSHED IN A LINE, BY DEMON LOOKING ALIENS... THEY SPEAK OVER THE FRIENDS, THEN TAKES ONE OF THEM... THE OTHER GIRL TURNS HER HEAD AS SHE HERES THE OTHER SCREAMING IN HORROR, SHE THEN SUDDENLY JUMPS ON A ALIEN WITH A LONG BLADE!!! "You're just gonna eat us, 1 by 1!!! I'm going to kill you all!!!", she kills the few around her!!! "I won't sit by and be eaten alive!!!". Later, she sighed heavily, as blood poured from her eye and mouth... "Just Neblade me, already! I'd rather die here, than be 1 of your cattle.". They start twisting her arm off!!!? "They're gonna torture me, until I die!!!", she screamed until Kaguya(!!!?) saves her!!! "Come with us..." she look surprised at the kinshin as she finishes "We have a nwe home for us all!♪". Now... in the moon... "It's almost tie... is it? Is it? Not yet3×... Almost..." Kaguya stares into a cup of coffee, as a girl with deep bloodred eyes, sighs... Meanwhile, in Sanfrancisco... Seirro and Zolo wait for their team... "Oi... This'll take forever...", "Oi, dude...We don't need to wait for them!". Seirro turns "We do... All the other Soul Hoshi's can't fight of the Kinshin, and they have help from the government AND their kami! We need to wait 'til Chiba shares his powers with everyone!", Zolo shouted "WE DON'T, SERIOUSLY: I CAN HANDLE IT!!! I'M A BUSHIN/SHINAGAMI!!!". The deamon sighed "Dude... Um... you ARE the strongest: even with us all getting some of Chiba's power: you're the strongest kami, now... But Yui kinda...". Zolo shouted "LALALALALALALALALALAOOLAOOLALALALALA" as he put his hands over his ears, "Oi, dude! Yui DID beat you in 1 Punch, if she regained her power: it'll be MUCH more than what we could imagine!". He almost yells as Seirro prepared to fight him, when a huge explosion happened!!! Seirro looks to the academy "Yui finally has Kaim power?!!!", they stare as she walks through a hole in the wall... Zolo glared "Her power... it's....". Yui walks to them, with a glare emblazoned on her face... then smiles "I'm a Kami now!", Seirro leers "It took you a while, I guess letting someone else get "in" you, was a little hard... heheheheheh". Zolo glared "Yui... The fuck?!!!", she turns toward him but suddenly hears Seirro!!! "Oh hell... They followed the other Soldiers, here!!!?", Zolo leers "I have i...". A huge explosion suddenly engulfs them!!! Seirro and Zolo try to stand "Fuck...", "When did they even gesture to attack?!!! I don't even feel ki from them!!!". Seirro freaked "Shit!!! Yui...", he then noticed her energy!!! "Yui?!". He looks up to see her over the Kishin?!! "Shoot...", she slices them to pieces, seemingly without swinging her blade??? She then lands "I hope I didn't kill...", Serro interrupts as he used "Diablo Jambe" and burns the kinshin up "Yui!!! They're madeness!!! They're not alive, don't worry about killing these fucks...". Zolo suddenly hears a Soldier run up to him "Kami of War, there's another kinshin coming!!! Please, he...", a huge kinshin floast over as he speaks!!! Zolo glared "Why the fuck didn't you lose the fucking thing?!!!", he charged to it, "0Kata, Chain Of Darkness!!!", he flew to it, and sliced!!!! Then was pulled in it?!!! "What the fu...", the slice kills the soldiers on the ground?!!! Seirro freaks out "How... the fuck?!!!", Yui glares "Aggressor Mode...", she aims her sword at the kinshin!!! " Rock On, Yui Melody Canon!". The kinshin implodes from the beam of music, flowing from her!!! Zolo fell, and the other Soldiers are healed before they completely died... Seiro leers "Cool... Forgot you had the strongest Soul/sanity.", Zolo sighed "Fuck... we hafta to do the 6th sense shit, again?!!!". Meanwhile, Madoka(!?) stared at Yui through her hand?!? "Eres Muy Linda... Is that who Kaguya was talking about? Maybe if I taste her... I'll see..." she licks her fingers... Meanwhile, the soldiers leave o drink hot cocoa as Seirro says "A couple weeks ago, some way... somehow... Kaguya and Asura fused together, and now "babies" are being created... That's when they started attacking us...", Yui replies "So that's why this is happening... We...". Zolo interrupyed "Shoulda let the great ZoloSama kill them both!!!! But nooooooooooooo! We hafta seal 'em!". Seirro glared "We tried to kill Asura and Kaguya, but both could only be sealed... bothare the ONLY things we haven't killed before...", Yui smiles "Ah, I need to see Cirris! He's still trying to turn into a Shinigami!", she walks away. Seirro and Zolo talk, meanwhile, Mira stands outside of the San Francisco Academy, on a balcony "So much happened since back then... I wonder if...". She suddenly hears Madoka!!!? "Hey, Mira♡!", the demongirl quickly turns around!!! "Madoka!!!? What're you doing here?!!!", the witch slowly walks to her... "I've been looking for you, Mira♡ And call me: Mefe!". Mira stares "What's wrong with you?! You're... dead?!!! And your name's not Mefe!", Madoka smiles " I wander...". Mira sweeps out the Climatact!!! "I'll defeat you first, then find out later!!!!", Madoka appears beside her, licking her face "You can't... I'm... much too fast...". Mira freaks "How did...", Madoka starts licking her face "I only want to talk to you... why do you... want to fight?". Mira blushes "I... I thought you... were...", the witch slurps her face "I was evil? I just wanted to be friends♡...". Mira replies "This is how you make friends with others? It's... kinda like...", Madoka laughs "PFFFFFT, yeah... it's kinda like I like you, isn't it♡?". She holds her until Seirro and Zolo rush outta the academy "MIRA!!!!!", "STOP YOU FUCKING HOMO PISSANT, PEON!!!". They fire Soulmehas!!!! Madoka blocks them with her hand "Leave me alone...", Mira backflips "Dammit....". Madoka leers "What's wrong? I'm not your enemy, right?!", Mira fires lightning!!! "YOU TORTURED NOIRE AND ROC!!!". Madoka vanishes "YOU", "CAN'T", "ME!!!", Mira stares "She's too fast, I can't use the climatact, even fusing with Roc won't let me keep up!!!". Madoka fires at Mira as Zolo glared "Back me up!!!", Seirro yelled "Wait, she can do it... I feel her soulwavelength... she's plannin...". Zolo shouted "To die!!! Let me go out, you idiot!!!". Seirro yells "Fuck Zolo, seriously, she's literally telling us, what she's thinking!!!", Madoka leers "Oh... you can't hit me... I told you, you were too slow!". She fires a ball of Lightning "Dance Lamb!!!", Mira's electrocuted, then falls!!! Madoka walks to her "Oh... got you♡ But before I take you to Kaguya, maybe I should cut off your limbs first...", Mira leers "Got you♪! I knew'd you slow down, after you believed you won!". She fused with Roc!!! "Agressor Mode!!!", then sliced Madoka's arms off!!! "You lied to me, Son of a bitch!!!" Madoka screamed!!! Mira turns "You lied to me, so if I do... it's just too sad, isn't it... Madoka?", then throws the Climtact through her eye!!! Madoka fell on the groud!!! "Liloo lwlo liw loo...", the San Francisco soldiers, gather around the witch "Oh... she has love 1s!", "Fuckk... How many of ours did you kill, on a whim!?". They lynch the witch!!! "What the fuck's leeloo?!". Meanwhile... in the moon "Mefe's dead...", "Awesome, can I go Neblading?!", "No... Leilo's already going...". "Master wants us to stay until we get the Soldier, do not go against her plots...", "Isn't it ..."wrong" to attack the others, when we only need to get the prodigy?", "Shut up, or you'll shorten your life!", "Yes Sir...". "Mzma, go now, and collect a "hostage..."...", Pain(?!!?) leers, "A'ight, when I get back, I'll havva dead teen in tow!". The next day... Yui dreams of being younger... "Daddy♪ I can't wait for Karate school!" Yui giggles, Lin smiles warmly "I'm glad you'll love it! It'll be fun, and you'll make alot of new friends!!!". He hugs her "I love You-eee So much♪", Yui giggles "Yui loves you, too♪!". The instructor comes out "Alright, we're ready for you.", Yui ran to them "Byyyyyyyyyyyneeeeeee♪!", Lin waves back "See you soon, baby girl♪!". Yui wakes up... Sei walks into her room "Hey, good morning♪!", she smiles "Good morning!", she stretches "I was having a dream about daddy... I miss him!". Sei replied "He's safe! Every Civilian and non-fighter, are evacuated to safe place from Kinshi and the government! Don't worry,". Yui smiles "I... I... smell breakfast!", Sei giggled "It is, Baby!!! C'mon before Zolo eats it all♪!". She warps to the breakfast table and starts eating, everyone looks in terror as they both raced-eat!!!! "More♪!!!", "Gimme more, I can eat more, than that scrawny bitch!!!'. Syd sighed, then turns toward Fusagi "Hey... would you come outside?", Fusagi replies "Alright...", later they walk in a different city... "This city was 1 of the 1st to be destroyed, it already returned to it's natural state." he starts, Fusagi stares "Ah... It's really upsetting...". He replied "It is... The Soldiers and Kami of this academy, as well as our PenanceSama, have found out: they're capturing souls, to use for their army...". Fusagi replies "Fuuu... so, Kaguya and Asura can't "have children", so they force othere Souls to create life for them...". Syd sighed "Yeah, they're using the very civilians they attacked before... I wish we really did kill them, this is slightly Nottingham's fault... that and Kyuby's...". Meanwhile, a sniper watches them... "Heheheheheh... This looks like a love story... Too bad it must end in tragedy!", Pain leered, he then heard a knock "Who is it!!!?". A kinshin in a skirt and glasses, walks in "Szzuu.". Pain leered "What the fuck are ya doin here?", she sat next to him "I jus' wanna see ya work...". Pain leered "Alright, as long as ya don't get in my way... Havva ever heard of the movie:Big Snipe?!". Szzu replies "I haven't seen it, but brother said it was awesome! The choreography and scenes were the freaking shit... he says...", her giant eyeless brother screams "UUUUUGHH!!!". Pain replies "Yes, it is the fucking shit! My favorite part is when they sniper fires from far away, unable to be found by his victim!". Szzu replies "It's fun, right? Being so cool?!", he answers "Yeah! When I joined Kaguya, I didn't want to have power, I jus' wanted to see her destroy everything!!! I can't wait to see her return everything to white!!! Watch this, I'm gonna shoot her "boyfriend" down there, and she'll be too scared to fight back!". Szzu sighs "You really wanna shoot her from up here? It seems cowardly...", he laughed "Fuck you, your brother only understands my work!!!! I'm tha director, actor and writer, I don't belong on set!!!" (Szzu speaks with her brother while Pain continues) "When I say die, it time's for my actor to DIIIIIIIIIIIe!!!! BIG SNIP...", Szzu cuts his throat, then bifurcates him!!! "What's wrong? Frog in your throat?". Pain coughs blood "Whe... di... you?!", Szuu replied "You got so caught up in your movie, you didnt see me draw my sword...". He leers "Plaudite Amici Commedia Finita Est", then dies. Szuu giggles cheerily!!! "C'mon brother, shall we eat♡!", "UUUGHHGHUUGHH!!". They eat Pain then call a contact, "Alright... It's time... Everything's set..." Szzu says. Menwhile Fusagi yells "He is freaking stupid, but we seriously blotted out the moon for weeks!! How could we ev...", Syd almost agrees when they both hear Sei "Hey, pedo...", Syd interrupts "Fuck, your the pedophile!!! You even saud you'd have sex with every kid here, if they'd et you!". Sei replied "Don't pay attention to that thing... Listen, we got a call from antartica!!! Someone has a lead on stopping the kinshin!". Syd laughs "Alright, let's hurry before they all get like Asura and Kaguya!!!".
To Be Continued... :@
To Be Continued... :@
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