A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
End Of The Game... then reset...
THE FOXY PIRATES SWIM AFTER THEIR BOSS AS THE NARRATOR SCREAMED!!! "BOSS IS SENT SOARING THROUGH THE SKY!!! THE LANDING POINT IS OUTSIDE THE BATTLFIELD!!!! OUR BOSS HAS TRAGICALLY LOSS AFTER 920 STRAIGHT WINS!!! THE WINNER OF THIS ROUND IS...", Yui thought as she held her arms to the crowd "I won't let you have any of my friends... even if I die...", the narrator finishes "KARIS AI YUI!!!!". Her friends cheer as they jump out of their seats! Minutes later, Touka carries Yui to the island. She starts using Soul Star and wrapping her up... Fusagi sighed as she smiles "I was scared, she'd be killed thinking the afro bought her power", Kirik looks up "Watchu talkin' 'bout cracker?! It DID!!!". Yui suddenly sits up!!! "NO DON'T CRAWL IN MOUTH!!! I HATE ROA... ???", Zolo laughs "What the hell? You won Yui! Why were you dreaming about eating bugs?". She lies down "My house was kinda nasty...", Chiba agrees "Your houses seemed to be by hobos for their pet gopher rats...", Kirik yells "Suck a...". Foxy interrupts him "Karis Ai! it's all because of you, I lost my perfect record!", the bandaged pirate holds his hand out "Not bad, Sister...". Yui smiles at the man, then prepares to shake his hand... He suddenly tries to flip her!!! "EAT THIS!!! OVERHEAD THROW OF VENGEANCE!!!". Yui's arm streached over him... he slams his head into the ground. Zolo laughs "Idiot!", Yui hugs him "I see, you wanted to hug!!! You were just streaching my arms around ya shoulder!". He pushes the girl off "NO!!! I don't want a hug!!! Let's just get this over with, who dya want!", the narrator screamed once more "THE JUDGEMENTS HAVE BEEN SAYING THEY NEED A MECHANIC!!! WILL IT BE: SONIEH? OR DONOBAN? OR THE DOWNRIGHT SEXY GINA-CHAN!!!". The foxy pirates stare in terror until she says... "I choose your flag!", the pirates freak out!!! Seirro and Kirik rush to their captain "Hey Yui!!! Think again!!! Isn't Gina-chan alot better!!!?", "We won't get another chance like this: loli!". Yui hugs them "Touka's alot better, right Seirro?"Touka blushes, "And don't worry Kirik, there's lot's of us at home!!!", Foxy freaks "You're evil!!! You didn't even give it a thought and you want to rob us of our pride!!!?". Yui giggles "I don't want your sail, just the flag!", the pirates shout "How thoughtful!", "Our symbol's on the flag too! We won't be able to use that idiot!!!", "Stop pretending to be nice, you crazy woman!". She then smiles "OK, I'll just erase the symbol for you! Then I'll give you a new 1!!!", Foxy's eyes sparkle as he looks at her "Karis Ai... You're so nice...". LATER... "OK! done!" she smiled, the pirates fall flat after seeing her poorly drawn foxy head, and girly looking letters, spelling Foxy. Yui smiles "They like it!", they scream "No we don't!!!". The foxy ship let's go of the island, freeing the judgement ship! Foxy shouts as they start sailing away "HEY KARIS AI!!!! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!!!!", Zoro raises his middle finger then spanks his buttocks! "Yeah right faggot! Next time'll you'll be kissing my ass!". Meanwhile Tojit talks to Sherry "Sherry, don't worry, you waited 10 years for me... Now it's my turn to wait until your healed... (unless the ants get you 1st...) then we'll go back together!, he suddenly hears the soldiers walking to them "You guys...". Yui giggles "We kicked their butts!", he stares at her "You're f'd up yourself!". She smiles "Nobody at home even notices... heehee!", he laughs "Thank you!". Mira laughs "Awww that's you accepted the challenge, but a knucklehead like you'd accept either way...", Yui falls flat... The demon girl turns to Tojit "Why don't we take you to your people?", Chiba sighed "That'll take way too long, we could carry the man...". Tojit laughs "No problem, I'm a easy going guy, I'm not in a hurry!", he stands up "Let's see... you must be friends! Since you're all here let me treat you to something nice!". Chiba laughs "Not that cheese again... Seriously, you'd kill the people you're trying to treat.", Tojit walks into someone!!!!? He looks up "Is that a person?", Mira steps backward "He was here the entire time?", tall man wakes up... "WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?!!!". The soldiers scream "That's what we're asking you!!!!", Togit freaked "I thought you were a tree!". Fusagi falls backward in terror!!! Everyone notices her freaking out!!! The man leers "Arararararararararararara radadradadrada! You sure grown to be a juicy young woman... Fusagi Tsunou.". Yui smiles "You know him Fusagi?", everyone else freaks. Mira thought out loud "To terrify Fusagi to this extent... even Haru didn't make collapse!", The giant man exclaimed "Chill... it's not like I was ordered to come here...". Zolo yells "Who do you work for?!!", Fuasgi answers "The Maines, he's a supreme admiral.". Everyone jumps in surprise as she explains "In the entire american navy, there are only 3 people with this title: Kimblee, the crimson achlemist. Aojeremiah, the blue pheasant and Michilis, the yellow saviour. The only 1 superior to them is:Goku the commander in chief. Their the crowned assault force, and he's 1 of them!", Kirik blushed hard "Cooooooooool! A brother is 1 of the ulti...". Aojeremiah turns toward Mira "Ooooooh!!! Look at those tatas... How old are you?", Kirik screams "PAY ATTENTION TO MWHAT I SAY!!!! DAMMIT!!!!". The admiral smiled "Chill, I'm only here for a walk... I'm too comfortable to get into a meet/greet thing.", Kirik yells "You sure he's a admiral Fusagi!!!? Someone like him is more of a random bastard!". Aojeremiah retorted "Hey, I at least do my model of: uptight with absolute justice!", Seirro and Kirik answer sarcastically "I CANSEE THAT!". The admiral lies on the ground "I'm not here to arrest you Fusagi Tsunou, so chill... I'm only suppose to find your whereabouts... I'll report the discovery, and her bounty will go up... $16000000 plus $79000000 would be... too hard to count, fuck that doody...", Zoro glares "Too lazy to count? I hate that shit too!". The admiral then looks at Tojit "Oh yeah, I overheard you in my sleep... pack up, get ready to move.", Chiba glared "You can fly him and his entire home to another part of the island?". Aojeremiah smiles "Yeah...", the shinigami sighs "That diesn't sound convincing at all...", later they pack all Tojits belongings onto a suv! Mira watches "They're acting like old friends now...". The admiral then sticks his hand in the water, "ICE AGE" the water surrounding the ocean freezes!!! Zolo and Kirik yells "Energy manipulation!!!?", Fusagi glares "He... met...", Aojeremiah finishes "The goverment always find aliens and crap... We forced the Manipulate energy techniques from the Spectreians". He stands up, then turns back toward the island "That should hold for about a week, it's a little cold by the way... you should wear more clothing...". Tojit freaks exciteded "Sherry we can cross the sea now! After 10 long years, we can be withour friends!", he turns toward the soldiers and admiral "Thank you! Thank you for this miracle!!!". Everyone smiles happily, as Tojit puts on his coat!!! He drives slowly away "Thanks again! I won't forget you guys!", the soldiers wave "Becareful!!!", "You have a SUV, with snow tires?!!!", "Don't play with stilts again!". They walk back up onto the island, Yui smiles "This is great!♪". Aojeremiah wakes up as they walk toward him "How should I say this... You are the soldiers who sealed Asura... and The black sword?", Yui almost replies, when Kirik interrupted "Fo shi, to the zle, to the zle!!! We stopped what no one else could!". The pheasant stands up "I dealt with your father, Karis Ai. A long time ago... His power was very... strange, it... defied the prophecy.... You might intefere with ittoo...", he glares at all the friends "Even though I only came to see Fusagi Tsunou:"Maybe you should... just die here and now.".
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