Continued :(
MIRA YELLS AT HER BFF!!! "What are you thinking!!!? Nothing good will come of this fight! Zolo was high at the moment, he didn't mean what he said!", Yui answers "I tried to talk, I tried to see if he meant that. The only thing he regretted was busting a hole in the wall, then leaving to drink kerosene, to follow the marajuna he took...". Mira then sighs "If you apologized, and he's still on crack... then never mind....", Yui sighs "I wish I could tell him, this was a small thing... We would've destroyed HIS ship, if he was captain, like we destroyed mine...". Meanwhile Seirro shouts at Kirik "They came here during the day!!!? The fuck you let them live for?", Kirik screamed "I didn't know they'd fuck that fucker up! What 'bout you "special needs" cook? You coulda' killed them too!!!". The deamon glares "WHAT DOES "SPECIAL NEEDS" MEAN NIG...", Mira comes in the room "That's enough... Yui made her decision... Wait a minute, what are you fighting about". Seirro notices Touka walk in "Oi! What happened?", Mira glares as they ignore her "I tried to treat Zolo, he told me that we're finished... He doesn't need anyone except slaves.". Mira adds "Just this morning, we're all so happy... now Fusagi's gone, we're out $2 mill... and Zolo's finally completely snapped... It feels like we're breaking apart...". That night, Zolo walks onto the peninsula. "It's Zolo! He came!" Touka yelled, Yui walks to him "You look like you know what you want... are you sure you want to fight?". Zolo screamed "Don't underestimate me! I will become captain! And unlike the others: I know you inside and out!", he charged at high speed!!!! Yui rushes toward the bushin!!! He uses "Taio Star!!!", Yui holds her eyes "Daddy's naked body!!!!? This is so bad! Is this what I did to Vassago?!!! I'm sorry!". Zolo then fires a laser!!! "Certain Death: Fire Kata!", Yui falls back from the implosion!!! She fell on many swords!!! Zolo leers "Infinite sword, demon army!!!". Yui tries to punch at the teen "Gum...", he uses many shadow clones to attack!!!! Yui starts fighting them off, until she hears Zolo "Blade Shower!!!", she dodges the many shuriken and swords!!! She then sees him glare "Kept you distracted for the finale! Certain Death: Hell Blade!", a explosion knocks both soldiers back!!! Yui thought of when they worked together, as she exhales suit... "Owiiieee!That meanie...". She heard Zolo yell "I know you're still alive! Come get some of my throbbing blade!!!", she sighs then jumps up "Gum gattling!!!". Zolo fires swords into her hand! She falls back, he then throws many shuriken "Kata 3!!!". Yui cartwheels until she tries another hit!!! Zolo blocks using a sword!!! Then aims his other "Copy Kata!!!", he fires the same impact at her!!! He then charges!!! Yui snatched her arm back, then slung both!!! "GumBazooka!!!". Zolo uses his duel blades to stop the attack! "Take that!!! Broad!!", he swings his blades!!! The impact hit her once more!!!! Yui was pushed backward, but stopped a few inches back!!! Zolo look scared as she easily slung her arm back, bleeding horribly from her own attack, but perfectly fine!!!!? Zolo tried to use Copy Kata, but she pierced through the cheap attack!!! "Gum Pistol!!!!". He fell from one punch!!!? Yui walks away as she says "You meanie!!! You knew you couldn't win!!! Keep the judgement! We have to move on, and go back to our families... and friends...", Touka stood on the boat's railing. Seirro grabs her "Wait! Don't go, imagine how he feels now: if you help the loser, he'll feel worse!", she turns toward him "I was just kinda curious how his blood tasted... I wasn't going to freak out... Besides, he'd probably try to steak through me anyway...". Yui looks upset as she walks to the ship, she hears Kirik state "That is what a captain is! You have to be decisive! If we can't depend on you, who can we believe in?! We surely can't depend on that cracker, he's wishy washy, unreliable and treated me and his right hand man Seirro: like trash! Stein chose you because of you're decisions, not power.". He yells as she flies on the ship "After tonight, we must get off immediately, we must never set foot on the judgement again!", the next day... Zolo lied in the empty boat alone... Meanwhile all the citizens of the city were freaking out! News about Iceberg being shot flooded the entire utopia!!! The other soldiers had just woken up in a hotel, Seirro walked up on the roof to talk to his friends "Where's Yui?", Touka pointed on the top of a sighn "There...". He walks beside her "Where'd you go Seirro?" the vampire asks, he exhales nicotine "I was keeping watch at the peninsula, I thought Fusagi would come back... Wonder where she went, without saying a word...". He then states "I'll search the streets today, if anything happens, we'll regroup at the hotel.", Touka replied "I'll go too♡ ...To search...". Mira suddenly runs on the roof "Yui!!! Big news!!! Everyone's talking about it! LAST NIGHT, ICEBERG WAS SHOT!", Yui turns toward her "Ice pop was shot!?". The demon girl shouts "Yeah! He was shot, he's unconscious right now!", Seirro asks "Who's that?". She answers "The guy who took care of us the other day, he's the president of the company and mayor of water7", Seirro exhales smoke "Wow! He must be a important guy!", she answers "It's said to be the greatest catastrophe that ever happened to the city!". Yui glares "He's respected by everyone in the city... (I thought...)", she flew off the building "I'll see if he's OK!". Mira flies with her "I'll go too!", Seirro turns toward Kirik "We're going to search for Fusagi, do...". He noticed him holding himself... "Uh... I'll see what happens next...", Seirro sighs "If you don't fight, the girl you're jizzing about, will die.". Meanwhile the girls flew to the office, "Awww, he looks so sad" Yui says as she read a paper, "With the crowd, we might not be able to see him..." Mira answers. Meanwhile Franks walked back to his house... "Kiwi... Mizu... am I dreaming?", Mizu answers "No sir, this is where the Franky house should be...". She adds "But this is...", Kiwi finishes "Terrible". He takes his mask off "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE!!!?" he remembers the soldiers he stole from "I see... It was them!!!".
To be continued :C
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