
CIRRIS, MIRA AND LIN ALL EXCLAIM "Yui's father?", "Mr Ai?", "Vintage armour?!!!". Mira yells "Hey, you know who the...", he freaks "Sorry!". He then laughed "Sorry,  I heard what happened from your dad... I never saw you like that, though...", some people walk up befire she replies "Ah, there he is!", "Mr Ai! We could use your help.". Lin smiled "Happy to oblige!", they walk away, the woman turns toward him "You seemed like you knew them, you sure you don't want to catch up?". He smiles "I'm really chill, but that girl scares me... I'm not sure why my daughter talks to her...", Mira follows "He just left, while I was talking!". She walked up to the group, "Go hide somewhere Cirris!". Zanpano and the toadman watched her "C'mon Yoku", "Let's give 'em a hand!", the creepy oldman shouted "I'm fucking dying here, let me eat so...". They drag him as they yell "You come too, boy. No 1'll recognize you here.", Cirris sighs "Shit, I was suppose to be hidden right? If they find out my soul star/change energy, it all goes to hell...". The cook there stares at him "You have to, I caught you staring at my butt this entire time...", Cirris jumps "Fuck... Sorry!". He walks away as he thought "Dammit... I know I'm suppose to help my new friends, and work. But all I can think about is cleaning her cunt out... But I need to concentrate, like Yui... she's so serious now, without her soul... ", the girl watches him go... "There's criminal looking people like that in Soul hoshi? I shouldn't be so tough on them though, at least they're not some "Army who don't fear even death" or whatever you call them.". Meanwhile Olivia asks "These are just dolls?", a offficer answers "Correct, the ultimate weapon... Soldiers that don't fear death. We create them by putting humansouls into 'em". She turns from the lifeless upside down bodies "Where do you get these souls?", he answered "From nations we crushed, and nations we've yet to seriously fuck...". Meanwhile a Yukon soldier spoke to a alchemist "You still haven't found Izumi Curtis?", the soldier answers "No sir, she's still...". He interrupts "Enough excuses, we own almost the entire world. Find the slut!", the soldier asks "But sir... Why are we trying so hard to find a simple housewife?". He replied "That's none of your fucking business, pissant.", meanwhile, Mira spoke to Lin as they work "A tunnel?". "Yeah, I found 1 underneath the town..." he answers, she then says "That means... they...". Lin stops her "Wait... let's go somewhere private...", they go behind a building near the lake... "So they showed you the location, you feel "them" too under there..." Lin says. Mira replied "Yeah... That's why we came here, I sensed you too... Is there really... you know, something underground?", he smiles "Yeah, satan. I saw it... I saw his servents, I researched, I spoke to it, it's satan.". Mira jumped "Wait, you don't... this is a joke right...", he sighs "No, they call him Father, but satan's literally sitting underneath Topeka Soul Hoshi academy. Where's Yui? I want her to hear this too...", Mira trembles "She's gone missing...". Meanwhile... The gorillaman, withdraws money from a bank. He's followed back to a clinic... then gives the doctor the money "Oh horse shit, this'll do it!" the doctor laughed, the gorrilaman glared "Highway Robbery!!!". His comrade shouts "Hey Darius! The military caught on!", Darius runs beside him "Fuck, a nut!". They all hide as the officials came in! "A soldier! Is someone injured?" the doctor asked, the Topeka soldiers push their way in! "We're looking for someone...", he walks past the lionman, and in the ER!!! Darius looks at him "You're the only patient here? Wait, you're that fucker from the bank!". He aims his gun at him, meanwhile Yui walks to the clinic, she sees a soldier out in front "Huh? What're you soldiers doing?". He answered "We're searching for a suspicious person.", she asks "Suspicious? What do they look like?". He answered "Lessee... Black dress, silvery blond hair, flat chested, sh...", the soldiers here a loud crash outside!!! One looks out to see his partner broken!!! "Harris, who di... Shiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!",  the other looks out "Coen!!! What happened!!!? ". A hand breaks through the wall, then chokes him until he falls...  Darius stood "Chill out a little, you're not at 100% yet", Yui turns "I'm walking now, let's go before I die.". She walk out of the clinic, as the chimera loot the soldiers "They're looking for a girl, with pigtails and a dress... I guess I'll stay like this for a while.". Two officers suddenly run into the hall! "Drop your weapons!", "Hands above your head, Now.". The men hold a gun to Yui, and grab her "You freeze!", "Don't make me put a bullet in this bimbo's brain!!". They run outside, to see two more men!!! The lionman fires at them!!! Meanwhile Darius steals a car, and they try to get away!!! Yui yells " Take a right, then do a immediate U turn!!!", Darius turns... The officers drive by them "Where did they go? They did turn down this street right?", "Step on it!!! Don't lose them!". The lionman sighed "Alright transmute this car to something more practical...", Yui turns "What's wrong with a dragon with fairy wings?", Darius adds "Do it, please!!!! You still have something... in you.". They drive away... Meanwhile Lin finishes "That's it... hello...", Mira snapped out of it "So you found a devil, fought him, then found out he's revived here!!!?". Lin sighs "Yeah... He's not evil itself, but is more or less satan...", Mira exhaled "Great... I couldn't fight him: I'm still holding Roc in my soul...". Lin sighs "Still... This'll be easier if you kids weren't so evil already...", meanwhile the man in a black coat walks to Yui?!!! She feels two souls in the body "Who are you?", "Greedy shit!".

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