Continued... |'O'|
CIRRIS THEN ASKS... "Are you OK?", Yui stares at him as she thought "Why am I in Cirris Michaels's room?". Cirris then says as she looks around the room "Don't you remember, you transformed into Sailor Yui, and saved everyone with your powers.", Yui notices his cape and mask... "It... Why does he...". She stood up, they took his cape "Why didn't I see it before?", she wraps it around him "He's, Caped Angel?". Yui then asks "Are you Caped Angel?", Cirris replied "For the sake of finding the Eternal Crystal, and getting my memories...". Yui gasps as he says "I only remember that my family died in a car accident and the doctor told me, that my name's Cirris Michaels... Other than that, I don't remember anything, or know where I'm from. I only know, every night, a voice tells me to: find the Eternal Crystal...", he then explain "I found myself sleepwalking, wearing a cape and mask, like a theif, looking for the Crystal...". Cirris then asks "Why are you looking?", Yui thought "This person is looking for that reason... it makes our reason..." she replies "Bianca said to, so we can protect it...". Cirris smiles "Oh, I see...", Yui thought "I want to tell, Bianca's signal's going off in my head... He told me his secret... but I can't tell mine...". She stares into Cirris's eyes "If time could stop now, I'd be fine with it. Yes. That is what I believe.", she then says "I have to go...". Yui walks out until Cirris holds her "Karisako, you forgot your bag.". Yui blushes "How did he know my real name? He.... called...", she walks away... Cirris smiles warmly "Goodbye, Karisako". Yui thought "His name's Cirris, so I gues it'll be Cir Chan...", she holds his pocketwatch as Cirris holds her hankercheif. "I still have it, and soon... the curtain of that night shall descend..." they smell eachothers missing property". Meanwhile, Bianca speaks with a figure through a Eternal computer "The senshi haven't fully awakened yet, Yui's even further "human" than the others, when can my memories return to?", the figure replied "They will soon, but at this moment, hurry and help them regain there! There's no telling when the next attack'll happen!". Bianca sighed "...", Meanwhile, in the Dark Kingdom, Seirro screamed "WHAT WAS THAT?!!! What power did she use?!!! SHE FUCKING BROUGHT DEAD FUCKING PEOPLE BACK TO GODDAMNED LIFE?!!?????????". Zolo leers "Is that the power of the Silve... I mean the Illusionar... I mean, the Eternal Crystal?", Beryl screamed "They have it!!!?". She marches away... she then walks through a giant black creepy door... "Queen Superbia. I offer my energy to you, with supreme happiness, my god.", Beryl kneels and gives the energy from the last attack... A huge black mist rises up... "脮貌贸么貌枚玫贸枚么玫贸貌玫么玫么贸贸么貌贸枚么贸魔, 钮魔i艧 铆艧 墨艌艣茂帽艧懦茠茠i膷铆猫帽钮, 脥 帽毛锚冒 钮魔膿 蟻蠈蠅蔚艜 艖茠 葲魔膿 臋钮臈艜艅膬暮 膵艡媒艧钮膬木. 脫脭脮脭脮脫么贸玫枚貌贸玫貌么玫玫貌么玫玫玫么贸么魔...", Beryl smiles "We have found it, but it in possession the Senshi...". The Blackmist answers "艢膿畏艣魔i... 脤 褕邪艣 冒茅茠膿膬钮膿菃 脽每 钮魔膿屑 膩 屑茂木募膿艈i膩 膬模艖, 钮魔膿每'艡臎 钮魔膿 艖艅臎艧 钮魔膩钮 魔膩浅 膹膿艣钮艡艖位蔚未 屑褍 邪脽铆艂墨钮i臎艣 膩艌菃 屑褍 莽魔膬艅膷臈艣 艖茠 械锌谓蔚喂慰蟻i艌模 臈膬艡艂魔 墨艅 膹膩艡姆艌膿艣艧. 巍喂蠀畏菃膿艡 艂魔膿 臉钮膿艡艌膩募 膵艡纬艣葲膬艂 膩艌菃 菃膿艣钮艡艖褍 褌薪蔚 魔膿i艡艧 艖茠 钮魔膿 艧膿艅艣魔墨!!!!", Beryl backs up "Yes, my god...". She leaves as her face turns blue... "Centuries ago... I found that mist... like a millennium ago... it seems as if I'm fated to always find her. But now, I have been serving her as I have before... She's now grown blacker and darker... If she does get it, the world will surely perish. I must stop her...", she walks back to her stand "That's why, before we give her the Crystal, I will...". She then yells "Seirro, we know where the Crystal is, Sailor Yui must have it on her person!!!", THE NEXT DAY.... MINAMI WALKS INTO A STORE, SHE WAVES AT ANATASIA AND HINAMI "Hey...", Anatasia leered "Hey Minami!", Hinami giggles "Isn't Yui with you?". She sighs "I haven't seen her much lately... She's been really busy...", Hinami sighs "Ah... Maybe she's doing homework?! Lets have fun for her too, until she's off the hook.". Minami replies "We could watch movies: there's a store with exclusive 1st looks at new movies, but you have to go to the store to download them...", Anatasia adds "Oh yeah... Shop Dark!". Meanwhile Fusagi stood outside the shop, and heard the customers as they walk inside "Did you here about this place?!", "Yeah, it offers stuff before it's completed! You can get anything afyer coming here!", another person jumps in "Yeah, we should find the Eternal Crystal!", "I heard that Sailor Yui, has it!". Fusagi thought as she makes a sexy look on her face... "I sense a evil spirit...", meanwhile, Yui gets ready to to eat with her friends "Oooooh♡! Touka Chan made lunch for everyone, again!". She smiles "Yeah, fruit sandwhiches!!!", they eat until Yui notices Noire's PC "You're looking up data on Demon Chan?". They all look at the screen: REAL NAME: UNKNOWN AGE:UNKNOWN BLOODTYPE:UNKNOWN BIRTHDATE:UNKNOWN AFFILIATION:UNKNOWN OCCUPATION:UNKNOWN Noire then says "She used to appear alot...", Touka added "But recently, news about her, died down...". Yui then asks "Maybe Bianca hasn't sensed her... because she could not be a senshi?", Noire replies "She could not, because she doesn't have powers: Bianca said, you have power greater than ours, and that you're the leader. You could have powers completely different from all of us!". Yui thought "She doesn't know, I only saved everyone because of the MoonStick and because of Caped Angel... But I can't tell them, now can I? I haven't told them about my feelings or what happened... Because if they knew, they'd surely keep me from him... I can't tell anyone how I feel about him, even though it feels like my chest is about to burst. My heart wrenches when I think about him, I have to keep it a secret a little longer...", Bianca suddenly walks up to them "Hey Bianca Chan, you rarely come out!" Touka greets her, Bianca leeps onto her shoulder "It's true, I've been in the basement for a long time...". The cat looks around "Where's Minami? I thought she'd be eating with you?", Yui giggles "Let's invite her with us now♪!". They go in the classroom, and see everyone wringing their hands... "Minami..." Yui tilts her head... Bianca glared "There's something wrong, the atmosphere in the room is strange...", she suddenly leaps and snatched a MP3!!"What the heck, Bianca???" Yui asks, Bianca yelled "Let's take this back to the Arcade!!!". Later, the girls rush inside "Hey girls!", Sam says "Oh, you watching one of those movies here? I hafta admit, I don't watch that crap much...". Bianca yells "Hurry and stick it in, Yui!!!", Yui sticks the MP3 inside a big jack on the side of the machine... it flashes then flings it out!!! "I knew it, that program inside the MP3s are subliminal messages from the enemy!!!" Bianca yelled! Noire then says "I'll go and scan the date in the software, you guys see if you can find them!", she hacks the movie and sees Seirro in it?! "Find the Eternal Crystal, by finding Sailor Yui, and offering her, to the Dark Kingdom!", it starts draining energy from Noire!!! "Ahhh, what kinda people are the enemy?!!! They always use humans to fulfill their evil goals!!!", they all suddenly hear a mob outside!!! They smash the windows of the arcade!!! "Let us in!!!?", "Bring us Sailor Yui!!!". Yui flips out and transforms!!! "I am Sailor Yui!!! Pretty Sailor Senshi Guardian, in a Sailor Suit!!!", she takes out her Sword!!! "MOON HEALING ESCALATION!!!", everyone reverts back!!! Yui smiles until Seirro suddenly dove at her!!! "You didn't get me, ho!!!", Yui uses "Moon Twilight Flash!!!". Seirro vanished then appears behind her!!! He starts strangling her "Where's the The Eternal Crystal!!!?", she gags... "I... don't... kno...w...". Fusagi rushes to him "Akuryutaisan!!!", Touka yells "I'll help you, Supreme Thunder!!!". They bounce off Seirro's barrier!!! And knock the girls out!!! Noire yells "Fusagi, Touka, Yui!!!" as she watches from the basement... Yui coughed "Cir Chan... help... me... I can't take... anymore..." she looks at his pocketwatch... Cirris watches as tears wells up in his eyes "Karisako, I can't get past that barrier... forgive me..." he thought... Seirro finally let's go, then grows a Kunzite knife from his hand!!! "NOW DIE!!!"!!! It's suddenly torn off!!!!? Blood pours from the kunzite as Seirro stared in surprise "!!!?", Shin then yells "Run to safety, Sailor Yui!!!", a stream of lightning suddenly fried Seirro!!!? Yui looks up to see Mira!!! "...Who.... It's... Sailor Demon Chan...".
To Be Continued...♪
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
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