
Continued... :0
KORKORO HAPPILY SCREAMS "ROCKET MAN'S LEAVING THE CANAL!!! READY YOURSELVES EVERYONE!!!", Rocketman flies out over the water!!!! Yui cheers"WOW!!!", Mira freaked "We're flying!!!". The Franky's ship drags behind the train!!! "Karis! The Franky family has a total of 50 members! Thank you for everything you've done!", she giggles "Whoah those huge yagara bulls!!!!". Zonbai yells "We're depending on you guys now!", Kirik yells outside "Don't be so damned cocky!!!". Kokoro looks at the sea... "Let's see, so the rails washed away, by the waves. No problem! I'll slide it back...", she screamed into a intercome "URGENT MESSAGE FROM THE CONTROL ROOM! WE'LL BE LATCHING ON SHORTLY, THEN THE SPEED'LL INCREASE CONSIDERABLY! BRACE YOURSELVES FOR MINOR INJURIES!!!" , Mira sighs "So, we'll get hurt nomatter what?", Kirik laughed "Hahahaha! Sounds like me watching a XXX porno!". Meanwhile on the train, Chimney and Gnobe watched the train slide to the tracks! "A little more, grandma, a little more to the right...", Kokoro screams "YOU 2 FOLLOWED US!!!? GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW, OR YOU'LL BE BLOWN AWAY!!!". Rocketman slides on the track!!! He increased speed incredbly!!!!!!! Everyone climbed inside before they flung off! Everyone caught thier breath... Mira held her head "That was amazing!", Kokoro answers "It's not acceleration! The train's outta control!". Yui sighs "It was awesome, until it almost blew into oblivion!", Kirik glares "Wait a minute... there's some suspecious looking people here...". Nakazawa and Tilestone asks "Oh? Who?", Kasanoda yells "YOU!!!", Kirik adds "YOU TOO!!!". Kasanoda breathes smoke "The enemy that kidnapped your friend, assassinated Mr Iceberg. I couldn't stop you, so I might as well join you idiot kids!", Tilestone yells!!! "GAHAHAHAHAHA!!! KASANODA!!! WE... MY HEAD HURTS SO GODDAMNED MUCH, WE WANNA SEE THE ASSASSINS!", Nakazawa agrees "So we hid in the coal car, we're joining you too.". Zonbai shouts "Moreover they kidnapped bro too!", Kiwi frowns "That's right! And we know exactly who they are too!". Tilestone screams "KASANODA!!!! EXPLAIN SOMETHING TO US 1ST!!!!!", Nakazawa adds "You know who the real criminals are... We're not stupid, we won't be surprised...". The air turns thick... "You probably already figured it out... but I'll explain it... Those guys were:Mori, Tatsumi, Haruhi, and Kaoru. They're actually spies from the american government, they tried to kill Mr Iceberg!!!" Kasanoda explains, the mechanics freak out!!! Kasanoda yells "YOU DIDN'T KNOW?!!! THE HELL YOU THINK THEY WERE!!!!!?", they answer "Tobey and Tyso from the old city", "Yeah yeah!". Kasanoda yells "THE FUCK ARE THEY!!!?.". Yui stands up "So... Franky family... Galila shipwrights... We fought eachother in town, but our enemy's the same now. In the upcoming fight, that pidgeon guy... I will definitely kick his butt!", Kirik frowns "(Shit... I can't get a good woody...) It won't end until we get them.". Meanwhile Chimney yells "Gramma, gramma it's aqua laguna!!!", she walks to her until Mira asks "Ms Kokoro, shouldn't you be in the control room?". Kokoro laughed "NGANGANGANGANGANGANGANGAGA! Rocketman is a runaway train!!! I got it on the rails, the brakes are useless so it's impossible to control! All the train can do, is charge at full speed ahead!!!", Mira screams "Yui!!! The train is going to run into a tidal wave!!!". Yui finishes as she bumped the others fists! "We're heading in the same direction, no point in fighting! From now on, we're friends♪!!!", she glared "The sea train ahead of us, has our friends! By joining together, we'll be stronger, we're not going to be beaten by a tidal wave!!! We're going to achieve our goals!!!". They shout "LET'S GO!!!", Kokoro laughs "NGANGANGANGANGA! Let's see if you can do something about this wave!!!". The Frankys start firing canon balls at the wave!!! Mira suddenly hears a voice... "It's Seirro?", Meanwhile on puffing Tom, a navy officer hears his captain "Of fuck!!!", he turns "What's wrong sir!!!". "You're bleeding, oh shit... dear God, strike me down for letting this poor man be even touched by a vile entity!!!". The officer sighs "Here we go...", the captain continued "If I've wronged anyone of these men, may I be struck...". Another officer rushes in "Captain T-bone! We have a problem!!!", he answers "What is it, I'll wrend my very s...". He interrupts "The guards in cars 6 and 7 are wiped out! And the criminals are missing!!!", T-bone freaks "Oh SHIT!!! Give the wounded aid, report to the others!!!", "Yes sir". Meanwhile, Seirro thought to Mira on top of the train car "Mira? Can you hear me?", she answers as Franky drags Chiba up "Yes... Is that you Seirro?". He answers "Yeah, because of these 2 retards the situation's become shit...", Franky shouts "Hey!!!". Meanwhile the Frankys and shipwrights fire at the wave, trying open a hole into it... as Mira thought to Seirro "Seirro, I'm going to tell you what Fusagi and why she did it, and our condition, listen carefully!". Kokoro laughs "NGANGANGANANGANGANGA!!!! That's why I told you guys to be mentally prepared!", everyone outside freaks out "WOOOOOP We're going to die!!!". Yui and Kirik climb on top of Rocketman!!! Kasanoda asks "You guys trying something?", Kirik scoffed "Keep firing...". Yui asks as they prepare "How much is 2x18?", he answers "216", "That's alot to say... now...". Everyone else fires as the soldiers prepare to hit "Gum 300 bond Siege Cannon!!!", they break a hole in the wave!!!!! Rocketman flies through the wave!!!! "We made it through!", "We were dead meat!!!", "We survived Aqua Laguna!!!", Frankys cheers! Kokoro laughs excitedly "NGANGANGANGANGANGANGANGANGANGANGANGANGA!!!! That was impressive! You guys are something!", Yui and Kirik slide back in Rocketman!!! "You guys are amazing!" Kiwi exclaimed!!! Muzu adds "Something like that shouldn't be humanely possible.". Mira informed her BFF "Yui, Seirro's talking teleoathically.", Seirro explained "Fusagi is still in their hands, Mira told me everything just now... every single thing...". Yui giggled "Yeah? Kick thier butts!", Seirro glares "Cool... even if  you said not to...  I won't stop nomatter what!!!", he loses his concentration... then glared "Fusagi doesnt know what happened... she'll still be happy to even see your stupid ass Chiba...". Chiba sighed "But the train's so symmetrically delic...", Franky interrupts "GYA!!! AHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I overheard you guys! It's so touching!!!". Seirro yells "The fuck you're crying?!!!", the cyborg wipes his eyes "IDIOT!!! I'm not crying!!!! IDIOT!!!". He falls flat "Damn it!!! Fusagi Tsunou... isn't she suppose to be the legendary cold blooded she devil?"... Seirro glares "Fusagi's right in front us, I'm saving her...". Franky leers "OKAY!!! I, Franky the head of the Franky family, will lend a hand! If the government get's Fusagi, it'll fuck me as well!", he cries "Not to mention that moving story...". Seirro shouts "Wait... the you heard us? We're talking telepathically!!!", Chiba interrupts "I'm not going... I'm getting bored... If she was in serious danger, I'd go... but she could force the train to stop now...". Seirro glares "There's people watching her, you know she can't now. You...", Chiba runs "I can't destroy this train anymore!!! Fuck you!!!". Meanwhile T-bone patches up all living navy officers, "This is bad!!! These injuries are severe, wrapping the bodies is all I can do for now!!!", a officer glares as he watches his captain crying... He searches fr the murder, "The window's open?", he climbs up to see the soldier and cyborg!!! "I see them!!!", Seirro turns "Oh shit!!!". The man's shot off!!? They turn to see Chiba!? He explains from behind a mask "I'm going to help, through this and 3pounds of cocaine! Now everything looks even! I'm no longer the kami with OCD, I'm shiniking!"...

To Be Continued... :)

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Happy Halloween Finale!