A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Fusagi VS Milky!!!?
YUI HOLDS HERSELF IN WRITHING PAIN AS SHE STARES AT HER BODY!!!!!? "Wh... what's going on? Why am I over there?!!!", captain Milky leered "I already told you, we switched bodies!", Yui freaked "Th... that can't be right!". His devil eye appears in her eyes "All right Cheese, Let's hurry back to Harusako's lamp!!!", they flew away!!! "FWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!! This body is even faster than my old 1!". Yui freaks out "I... can't move... I guess that's why he injured himself... Wait if he goes back to Fusagi and Mira!!!!". She flies as fast as she can... "Nnnnngh Wait... No only is this body unfamiliar, but I can barely fly now! On top of that... If I DO get back to earth, daddy's going to have a fit!!! D:". Meanwhile Fusagi and Mira flew back to Touka, "TOUKA!!! We need you to resonate with us!" Mira yells! Touka wakes up, then turns around "Hmmm? Wait, what the fucking, fuck!!? 1st you come with Vassago and leave with the lamp, then you you come back asking for help? You haven't gotten our wish yet?!!! I felt you had all 7, why are fooling around with the guy? Just summon the genie already!!!". Fusagi yelled "FOOLING AROUND!!!? What the heck do you think we're doin' with that butthole!!!?", Mira shouts "She's already resonating, let's hurry!". Touka yells as they fly away "Just because I'm resonating, doesn't mean I'm happy with you're screwing around with that guy!", Mira answered "We're in a hurry!!! Even if we wanted to, we don't gave time! Oh yeah, Yui's finally here!", Touka smiles "Yui chan's here!!!? Is she stronger than ever!!!?". Mira gives a thumbs up! Then flies away with Fusagi!!! Touka thought "Yui chan... I never thought she'd grow to be such powerful girl... Meanwhile all me and Seirro ever do is fight... He really missed the boat on that 1...". Meanwhile Vassago landed on Haru's lamp "Hmph, seems Haru stepped out after all.." he thought as floated inside... "I can't sense the lamps... they must be hidden, unless Haru's sticking his penis into the openings... eeeeeesh... Since Milky stayed behind earlier, it could only mean they're still here... It's only a matter of time before the earthlings show up...". Vassago walks into the dressing room "They will be here shortly, I guess I'll swap out my armour for something new, while I can...", he took off his armor "That medicine of Karis Ai's is really peculiar: Not only are my wounds healed, but my strength returned as well.". He opened a locker "FEH... They only have the frumpy suits in my size", he puts on a one piece black suit with rubber covering the torso... "They're arriving, I have to mask my power when they do...". The soldiers land outside, "Where are they?" Fusagi asks, Mira answers "Over here... they feel close...". Vassago watches as they stand directly on the spot!!! "They're here Fusagi!", "Now that you mention it, it does look like someone buried something here...". Fusagi telekentically tears them out if the hole! Vassago watches the girls "That's it... work that huge ass... what the hell am I? Hurry and summon the genie!!!" he thought, Fusagi glares "We've been through alot haven't we?". She then screams in arabic!!!. Vassago thinks "What did she say!!!?", they stare... "Duck!!!!! I screwed the freaking invocation up!!!". Mira asks "Maybe the language they use is a little different here?", Vassago glared "Damnit it!!! Those retarded, fools don't even know what they're doing!". They all suddenly felt a enegrgy flow through them!!! "Do you sense that Fusagi? Those 2 from earlier are coming here!", "Oh H to the E to LL no!!!", Vassago thought as they came closer "Dammit more homos, just what I need... no I meant I...". The soldiers hid as captain Milky and Cheese landed... everyone looked shocked to see Yui's body with Cheese!!!? "!!! The lamps have been dug up!!!?" captain Milky freaked out, "How did they know where they are buried?!!". Fusagi walks up to them "Hey Yui!!! You really gave us a scare! I thought you were that Milky guy for sure! I didn't realize you beat him and got his partner to help us!", captain Milky glares at Fusagi "Were you the 1 who dug up the lamps? How did you know they were here?". She folds her arms "We can sense them remember, moron?", Cheese freaks "They can feel magic?". captain Milky then asks "Did you make a wish?", Fusagi frowns "That's the thing... I said the invocation in arabian, but nothing came out... We don't know why, it must be different than what the book said in the academy's library...". He leered "I see... it didn't work then...", Fusagi wonders "Yui, is something the matter? You seem off... Why are you using the devil eyes?!". captain Milky laughs "You really want to know..." he walks closer... Mira suddenly screams "FUSAGI!!! THAT'S NOT YUI!!!", he slaps her backwards!!! Fusagi lands as she glares at him "What did you that for, Yui?!!". Mira sighed "DAMMIT!!! I said it's NOT really Yui, chuckle head! Use Soul Preception, her soul isn't even in the body!!!", he laughed "That's right, me and her switched bodies... You see, her's was a lot stronger than mine..." They posed "That's right! I am Captan Milky, of the Milky Force!!!!", the soldiers looked in terror as they watched her body pose awkwardly!!! "Now then, why don't I giv it a test drive!? (And get rid of it's virginity: I feel like 7 year old)...". Meanwhile Yui floated slowly to her friends writhing in pain "They're going to kill Fusagi and Mira!!! Th... that way... no...over there... With this unfamiliar body I can't hardly sense souls very well", she looks happy "Wait if I can't control this body, then he can't control mine either!". Meanwhile captain Milky fought the soldiers "C'mon c'mon c'mon!!! I'm going crank it up!!! Are you ready!!!?", Cheese sees Yui!!! "Captain, it looks like that bitch followed us...". He turns "What?...", Yui states "I... I found you...". She lands writhing, as he laughs "If that's all I could do, I guess I made the right decision!", Yui yells "Fusagi, Mira, Listen to me!!! That isn't me!!! He switched bodies with me!!!". The other girls freaked as they saw pink wings spread from captain Milky's body!!!? "That guy up there is Milky!!! Don't hesitate to beat him up!!!" she yells, Fusagi freaks "Have you lost your mind!!!? How!!!?", captain Milky laughed "Fo shizza! How are they gonna beat me with a power of 180'000!!!". Yui says "That's still MY body! You think you can control it's power, much less the Kaio Soul? Unless the mind and body are as 1, you're not going to put out that much power!♪", captain Milky laughed "Your bluffs aren't going to work on me, Milky sama!!!! Allow me to prove your wrong!". He uses Soul Star!!! "Cheese!!! How high is my power level!!?", he freaks out "It's... only 23'000 sir...". captain Milky freaked out "O... only 23'000!!?" Fusagi suddenly double fisted him!!! He glares "NO!!!! How can this be!!!?", Fusagi leers as tears stream down her face "It's true... we mi... might be able to beat him like this!". captain Milky cries "Cheese, what're you waiting for? Come over here and help me!", Cheese walks to him until he hears Vassago behind him "May I take this dance♪ numb nuts?". Yui smiles "Vassago♪!"
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Happy Halloween Finale!

First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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