Continued... :#
THE SALAMANDER THREAT DRAWS NEAR, AS CIRRIS, HINAMI AND MINAMI PREPARE TO ATTACK. CIRRIS TURNS TOWARD MINAMI "Would you support me instead of fighting?", Minami turns "You really sure?". Cirris replies "Yes... I need you to heal me... plus... I don't want to hurt you by mistake with my Rinkaku...", Minami jumps back... As Cirris rushes the Salamanders!!! His kagune slices at them, the army blocks as the mages in the back shoot fireballs at him!!! Minami uses healing magic, as he rushes them again!!! She then thought as she watched the fight... "They have armored tanks, blocking the front, and mages supporting them in the background... They're fighting as if we were in a MMORPG... Cirris's skill can't break through this... it's just a matter of numbers to the army...", Minami then says "Cirris... that's enough... We will appear back in Sylvan... We can't really be killed, so you don't need to be hurt...". Cirris replies "I can't give up... As long as I draw breath, I'll stop those who injure others!!!", he rushes the army!!! His Rinkaku peels back a Salamander's shield as the other parts stab through the Tank!!! "WTF!!!?" the Salamander screamed!!!, Minami stares at him "I never seen this style before... He's fighting as if he seen worse than death... as if he seen something so bad, he's afraid of letting anyone else see...". Hinami then said "Minami Chan, would you please defend Onii Chan, with your magic? Please block the next barrage.", the fairy replies "Okay...". She uses barrier magic to stop the next attack... Hinami smiles "Onii Chan and I, telepathically did this! Hadou #77!!!", a huge wave of magic bursts from Cirris as he holds his blade up!!! Minami thought as she felt his soul... "That was a illusionary spell... He will change into anything for a few minutes... but he could be something like a... Kittycat or a Troll... instead of something powerful... It's really useless in batt...", a huge shadow, suddenly looms ver her... "Huh?". Cirris transforms to fucking Gleam Eyes?!!!!!! The Salamanders shit their pants, as the deomn kills them, via slicing and chewing them!!! Some jump into the water, to be eaten alive by dragons, one more Salamander shook in fear as Cirris almost bites him!!! Minami suddenly stops the demon "Wait... we need information...", he transforms back as she asks the Salamander "Who sent you here...". The Salmander glared "Fuck... Alright, our boss told us to goo... he said ya'll strong as freaking shit, so we had to take a army... but that's all I know of the job...", he stares at Cirris sliding his Rinkaku back into himself... "Seriously, that's all I fucking know... So no more fucked up shit... PLEASE!!!?". Minami replies "Alright...", she turns toward Cirris "Let's go... They can't find out we're here, and he won't tell anyone where we are...". He replies "Alright... I hope we're close...", they break the boulder blocking them, and go into Lugaroo... They look around the town, staring at the many people walking by and selling at stands... "We should be close... but..." Minami says as she stares at the sky... "The Salamanders took up so much time...". Cirrirs replies "Shoot... it'll take too long... but we hafta rest...", Hinami adds "It's okay, Onii Chan! We can play around here, until evening! We'll get to the WorldTree, in no time!". Minami replies "Yeah, we're really close now... it won't be horrible, if we took a break now...", she loos at her cellphone "Besides... I need to talk to my friend...". Minami stares at a giant list of warning texts in her mail... All stating something about the attack!!! She walks away, and calls Recon... She then asks "Hey... What happened...". Recon answered "You're okay!!!!? Good, I was tryin' to warn you earlier!!! The Salamanders are attacking!!! I found out, that there was a mole in Sylvan! But 2 Salamanders found me, and shot me with a paralysis Arrow!!!", she replies "Are you alright...". Recon answered "No... I'm face down, in a river...", Minami looks at the cell "No wonder you sounded like you were underwater... Did you find the mole's identity?". Recon replied "Yeah, it's Sigurd!!! He let the Salamanders know about our alliance with the Cait Siths, and now they're going to attack and kill both them and our armies!!!". Minami sighs "We have to stop them... I'll call you back...", she hangs up, then walks to Cirris, sitting on a bench... "Cirris... I have to go back to Sylvan now... I just found out that our leader's going to be attacked... But you're so close to the Tree... you should go ahead... it's just out of this town...". Cirris replies "I can try to help... If we hurry up... I'll help you with that... and still get to the tree soon...", Minami turns around "You really want to help?". Cirris looks at her "Yeah... We're friends... I won't let you get injured, as long as I can help!", Hinami smiles "Hang onto Onii Chan, we'll be there in a flash!!!". Cirris holds the soldiers with his Rinkaku... "Minami, resonate with me, so I can find the place...", he suddenly rushed back through the cave!!! Minami stares in surprise as he easily passed all monsters watching them, then flew through the clouds toward the site of the treaty!!! Hours later, they home in on Butterfly valley... Meanwhile Sayuka and Alicia prepare to sign a treaty... "With this, our races will work together to fulfill a quest that has been tried and failed for many years.", "Unlike other's lives, we won't be failures after signing this!". They almost shook hands, when a army of Salamanders fly down from the sky!!!? Eugene walks ahead of the army, and says "That's a fucking shame... You WILL be failures, even if you sign it, right now!", he aims his sword at the leaders... All three armies prepare to attack, when Cirris, Hinami and Minami, drop land out of the air!!! "That's... The Sylvans... and those are Cait Sith's... Alright... I..." Cirris says, then walks to Eugene... "(Shit... I can't fight that maniac...) Are you leader of this army?" he asks. Eugene glared "Yes... who the living shit, are you?!", Hinami replies "Ambassador for the Sylvans.". Cirris stretches the lie "Yeah, if you try to fight the leaders: I have several other armies, ready to fight, right now...", Eugene laughed "My Oberon looking ass! You're a Spriggan, how the fuck are you representing them!!!?". Hinami retorts "Onii Chan IS!!! If you don't believe he's one for real, he beat you up, to show you how powerful he is!!! Cirris DOES command every fairy army!!!", he leered "Now you're the commander of every army... including the Salamanders... who I'm actually controlled to attack... right now? Alright, just for being FUCKING STUPID: I'm gonna kick your ass in shards!!!". Cirris sighs as Eugene floats "If you win, we'll leave... If I do: I'll kill them, you and the Spriggan leader!", the man stares at the Salamander... "Shit... I haven't fought voluntarily yet... Now... I gotta duel this shit wrecking fuck...".
To Be Continued... :#
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
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