A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
SOMEWHERE HIDDEN ON EARTH Almost every witch just finished their meeting, they all bowed "Joma joma DabaRasa, bitches". "We are now finished with the Mass Witch meeting, you are now dismissed." The head witch: Madaa, commanded them. Madoka started to walk... "Let's go Ragnoiroc.", they jumped "Yes Ms Madoka". Suddenly another Witch blocked her with a stick! "Wait" the curvy witch in a frog hat said. Ragnoiroc freaked! "Ahhhhhh!? We can't go home! What're we gonna do!?", then shouted "Shut up! or I'll take your money!". Madoka spoke calmly "Oh, how may I help you? Mami frog?", The witch retorted "It is irritating.". Madoka looked annoyed "I'm not the only one accompanied by outsiders, look at the little one there with the human". They look at a small witch with a chameleon themed hat... "He is such a disgrace to the witch mass, but that is not what I want to talk about now. I saw you... What are you doing at Soul Hoshi in secret? You stick out like a sore thumb to me." she said. Madoka snapped to Ragnoiroc "My coat", "Yes ma'am" they said. They put the coat on her, "I will stay there as long as I wish to continue my study, we all agreed on that in the meeting. Remember..." Madoka said as she walked away. Mami blocked her once more! "HOLD IT!!! She has lost her ability to see reality well, Soul Hoshi is the organization that kills everyone. Including us witches! I also know you are trying to create more kinshin!". She finished as Ragnoiroc looked scared for the witch! "Give me a break, peddle that somewhere else. I...", Madoka suddenly grabs her and her friends mouth! "A frog and a mouse... I will gladly show you the meaning of punishment!" . She let's go... "But I'm busy now, the academy nurse can not be late ", Mami and her friend, in the mouse themed hat trembled in horror! "Y...y...you snake...". LATER AT SOUL HOSHI Seirro was in the affirmy with Madoka, she checked his body with a stethoscope "Show me your back... how are you feeling?". Seiro answered "I'm feeling fine, but I keep having the same odd dream lately.", Madoka asked "Fap dreams?". Seirro told her "No unfortunately... In the dream I'm in a room where everything is black... I hear jazz, sorta familiar ,cheap tunes playing fitfully from a phonograph. After a while he would come in, dancing his oddly lopsided dance. A tiny demon in a double breasted suit.". THE DEMON WALKS INTO THE ROOM singing "Swing swing", Seiro answers "Hey, It is not Swing jazz". The demon replies smiling "We listen to jazz at night", Seirro looks irritated "You can listen to Anything, Anytime, Anywhere you like. You decide what you like anyway.". The red demon smiled "You're right!" (He points to him) "I decided, you have the qualifications". The demon appears on the back of the chair, Seirro was in. "Didn't you feel fear when you were slashed? Don't you wish for a more powerful soul, so you won't be beaten once more?" He asked leering, Seirro answered " It's foolish to force power, it's one of the fundamentals of Soul Hoshi". The demon laughed hard "HA, Idiot where do you think you are, Heaven? You're on earth, GROUND LEVEL!!! The most important thing to survive is THE POWER!!! You need power so strong you'll never be hurt again!". Seirro stares... the little demon, snatches him out of the chair. "I don't think you can understand yet, GET OUT!", Seirro begs as he is dragged out of the black room! "Wait a second, I don't wanna leave this room! Let me stay until the end of the dream, PLEASE! I promise I won't complain about the music!". The demon speaks as he pushes Sierro out. "Then obtain the power! Search for the rules can break, you'll be strong!". Madoka then asks... "Why did you want to stay in the room?", Seirro answered "As I leave the room, I'd walk in the dark. I can see a light, then... I... I'd come out between Yui's legs.". Madoka said "Oh shi...", as she though... "Clearly, he is affected by Ragnoiroc's blood". Seirro then asked neutraly "So, what do you think?", Madoka replied bored "Well, besides erratic heart rhythm, your are making good progress. Can I check your blood pressure?". Seirro tilted "Sure", she wrapped him up and took his blood pressure as she said "About the dream, it is common to have the same dream over and over again. It is nothing to worry about. Do you have any other concerns?". Seirro replied "Not really concerns but... since I got injured, I haven't seen Yui alot. I haven't seen her at all now, even after I healed.", Madoka leered "I am sorry about that." she said, trying not to laugh! Meanwhile, Mira and Zolo were looking in a pot. "A jug?", Zolo asked, "Yep a jug" Stein replied. He then added "Well it is just a jug, but the water is called. Kyoun water, it sucks soul waves", Zolo reached to the jug "Okay, the jug looks alot more suspicious though...". He put his finger in it... "MUOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!", he suddenly snatched it out!!!! "What tha heck is this jug!!?". Stein then added "Water, I'd suggest using only a finger, at least one or two for a while.". Zolo smiled excitedly "You mean if I could stick a hand or my arm in it, I'd be stronger?!", Stein answered "Precisely". Zolo held up the jug "Interesting! I haven't done much beside weight lifting!", Mira's mouth dropped "WHAT!!!?". Zolo turned to her "What's what?", Mira answered "It's not fair: Why are stronger than everyone, with just weight lifting!?". Zolo smiled proudly "Oh that! You see I am the Zolo after all! We're at a different level! I'm going to be a god, soon anyway!", Mira cried "No fair!". Stein tapped her on the shoulder "Dr Stein?", Stein answered "I don't think he's doing it consciously, it's he pushes himself to be much stronger. Saying things like, he's going to be the biggest kami.". Mira repeats "Pushes himself?", Stein answered "Right consequently, he never gives up. Believing he should be able to do things as powerful as a god. Trying over and over again.". Zolo sticks his hand in the jar again "MUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!", Stein finishes as they watch the green hair teen "He is seriously trying to be above almighty power. No wonder he becomes stronger.". Mira then said "I see", Stein then added "But that's the way that works for Zolo, Yui will have to find a way that works for her.". Mira said "A way that works for her, a protective style...", Stein spoke "I'll find something for helping her, she might start running around, training with everyone again.". Zolo stuck his hand in again! "MUOOOOOOOOH!!! I'll be killed!!!", Stein looked at the teen "I told you just one finger to start with... You can have it, so why don't you go home?". Blaire whispered to Mira (In cat form, she works for Soul Hoshi, Penance Sama, and must live as part neko!) "Hey, Mira about the party... ", Mira looked up "That's right Blaire... We're having a party for Zolo, or he'll get angry again...". The witch finished "I want seafood", later Mira went to the infirmiry. "May I come in...", she sees Seirro without a shirt. "Hahaha oops!", she smiles Seirro asks irritated "What's up?". Mira reminds him "Don't forget about the party... I'll see if I can make Yui go...", Madoka spoke as she left "She may not be able to look at your scar, like your other friends...". Seirro looked down as he grabbed his shirt "I know, she blames herself for it...", LATER AT SEIRRO AND TOUKA'S APARTMENT. Zolo, Seirro, Mira, Fusagi, Touka and Chiba all were eating and talking. "I ate so much... whatever they were!" Zolo laughed as he rubbed his stomach, "Hey!" Mira snapped! Chiba smiled "It's a nice place, and clean too.", Seirro layed back yawning irratted "She goes ballistic if I make a mess". Chiba then turned to him "So just you 2 living here?", Blaire suddenly bursts in the room! Wearing only a towel! "Howdy, enjoying the party? Would someone care to take a bath with me?". She drops her towel!!!! "Whoops!", Chiba looks freaked out. Seirro nose explodes, blood flies everywhere!!! Chiba turns toward Seirro again, "Is she always like that??!", Seirro answered dazed "Oi... somebody, save me from that soultry cat...". Meanwhile in Hoshi city streets, Madoka walks home from Soul Hoshi... "It's finally paying off, staying undercover at Soul Hoshi... black blood, contaminated Seirro... Should I try it now?...". She then sees Mami and her friend come up... "Oh, such a nice surprise...", Mami asks coldy... "I guess you already know, still... do you want to know why I am here?". Madoka replied "Yes, please", Mami explained "I am here to kill you!". Madoka asked "Why? we are allies", Mami answered "We just want to do our thing with magic, under the nose of Soul Hoshi. I do not care what you want in Soul Hoshi Academy, You endanger us". Madoka answered "Is that the reason? I have one piece of advice for you, it is not safe to walk around in your own costume. Even if you use soul protection, there are many Soldiers here...", Mami answered leering "Do not worry, unlike you, I can transform in the worst case scenario.". Madoka look irritated "I see, you mean you defeat me with something like that?", Mami answered "I know that I cannot win a ordinary battle... but as long as you keep soul protect, it will be like attacking a human. If you lift the protection and fight back, we run with transforming magic.". She finished, laughing "Soldiers will know what you are, and hunt you down. Either way, we would win.", Madoka looked agitated "Not only would I be killed but, also forced to listen to your horrible jokes...". They prepared to kill the witch, as they lifted their soul protect!!! "Farewell Madoka". Meanwhile Mira felt energy flow through her whole body! "Witches!!!!? 2 of them!!!? Why are they here in Hoshi City!!?", She got up and ran!!! "I have to check... I have to get Yui... I...". Seirro freaked out, "HEY!!!". Meanwhile Mami laughed "I wanted to see you cry and beg, too bad we don't have much time...", Madoka leered "you intend to win?!! You may need real punishment!!!". Madoka dropped her nurse coat, "Not good as research subjects either...". Mami started to freak "You are going to lift the protection?", she then noticed....!!!! "!!! What did you did you do with the snake tattoo, on your shoulder!!!!!?". Madoka leered "I wonder...", the mouse themed witch start freaking!!! Her body started bending, twistig and converting out of natural shape!!! As if somebody was in her!!!! "What!!!??? Mizune!!!? What is inside of her?!!", Madoka leered... Mami remembered, "You planted them, that time...". She remembered when she grabbed their mouths!!! Madoka held her arm out "I have millions in my body, it is nothing to spare a couple.". The witch screamed then exploded!!!! Mami looked in horror as blood rained out of the sky!!! "Mi... Mizune...", Madoka ordered her snake as she leered "Swallow it whole". Mami freaked, "Ahh... ugh... why? why? Is not that magic too? How did you manage to control it, without lifting the Soul Protect?". Madoka leered "Well they are automatic. Very simple magic creatures... Are they not lovely? I just have to give them a simple sign, they are not like pidgeons or rabbits, but handy.". She laughed quietly "You do not actually believe That I only put them in Mizune, do you?", Mami, crying, turned into a frog and hopped away fast!!!. Madoka put her coat back on... "Of course that was quick... Stein and Mira...", "Ms Madoka... Yui said she's coming..." Mira assured the nurse. Stein spoke as he walked up "I felt the presence of 2 witches around here.", Madoka answered "Yes, I felt them and arrived just now...". Mira spoke "I wonder if it's the one who attacked Seirro!? I'll look...", Madoka answered "Could be her...". Stein replied "No... that's not possible. She was with that freak, if it was her, she wouldn't have lifted her protection. She surely is interested in soldiers. She would be discretely watching... if she was here I mean...". Stein then smiled slightly... "Well... it might've been a warning to Soul Hoshi. You know, like a deliquent's act. Anyway , it's great that your safe. We can't get through a single day without the nurse.". Madoka laughed "Hahaha, You're right!", Seirro ran up to them... "Mira, are you okay? Don't go flying off like Yui, it's dangero...". They then heard Yui running to them! She then put her hand on his scar! "Yui!!?", She thought as she held him "I need to face this, I'll never run away again!!!". Stein walked up to the teen, "Yui, come by my office tomorrow"... meanwhile, Mami was hiding from the snake... "That should be enough for now... That witch!!! I will get you someday!". Madoka walked up to the frog, she stomped her... "You have my baby inside you, no use running from me... I need you to help me free a man. A convict named The Thirteenth, Devil eye... Later a explosion happened in witch jail!!! a man with a bandage, wrapped around his spoke... "I can't see... I can't see anything... I really want to see a fine comedy...".
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