IN A CASTLE IN ANTARTICA... BERYL LEERS AT CHIBA "You jave to get the Maboroshi No Ginzuishou once more... are you ready?", he bows "Yes... I'm sorry...". Seirro suddenly hops by him "It's becase you only use Toy Kinshin...", he turns toward Beryl "Queen, I leader of the North Division:America, Seirro wil get the Diamond.". Zolo walks up to them... "Yeah... Hey... about it: what is the: Maboroshi No Ginzuishou?!". Beryl stares in surprise... "The Silver Crystal, is the source of power of the universe, it has everlasting power. Whoever has it, controls all infinitity in the universe.", she leers "Anyone who stands in the Dark kingdom's way, shall be destroyed!". Chiba bows "I'll destroy them, queen...". THE NEXT DAY, FUSAGI PRAYS AT A SHRINE... little girls finish then run away from the area... "Bye Fusagi San!", Fusagi smiles warmly "Bye...". Meanwhile at Juuban highschool... The girls gossip about the bus... "Didn't you hear about the devil bus, on seidon!?", "Yeah, I heard it takes a seperate route than normal!", "It only happens at 6:00, or route 6 on a 6th path!". Bianca listens to the conversation "Girls gossip about everything...", she then climbs onto Yui "C'mon Yui, we gotta go work...". Yui mumbles "I'm sleepy... I don't wanna go now...", Bianca replies "We hafta meet in the arcade♡...". Yui salutes "I'm ready to go♪!", later... Yui plays the Sailor Demon game as Noire speaks to Bianca "So... we're really Sailor Senshi? And we're protectors of justice?", Bianca replies "Yes... you'll soon learn everything...". Noire then asked "What is our mission?", Bianca glares "To find the Maboroshi No Ginzuishou: The Eternal Crystal, and our Princess...". Yui suddenly yells "I beat the new game!", stopwatches come out?! "I won a prize♡!". Bianca quickly grabs them! "We can use these as communicators!!!", Noire then wanders "Bianca, did you do something to the arcade game?", the cat winks... Later the girls go to a bus stop... "Yui... There's beatiful girl that gets on the bus too!" Noire giggles, Franky pops up "And there's the 6th path that the bus takes at 6:00!!!". Yui jumps "MR FRAAAAANKYYYYYY, where'd you come from?", he laughs "I hafta go to my other job, becareful, later...". They get on the bus... Yui happens to see Fusagi get on... she watches her ride "Ooooh, she's so pretty!!!!", later, Noire gets off "This is my stop, see ya later, Yui!". Yui waits then follows Fusagi off "Yui, why're following that goirl? You're acting like predator!", Yui giggles "But she's...". Crows suddenly flew at her, they peck her as she tries to shoo them! Meanwhile Fusagi stood up from praying "I sense a presence... it's not human... it's like... a spirit...", she grabs a cleansing tag... Then suddenly throws it!!! " Akuryuotai San!!!", it hits Yui... she stares... Fusagi jumps "It's a girl!!?". She then bows to her "I'm sorry... Ai San, was it? I though you were a spirit!", Yui thought as Fusagi reaches for her pet crows "I'll forgive anything this pretty lady does, to me♡.". Fusagi suddenly hears a tourist "Save Mii Chan...", the psychic walks to her "What happened?!". The woman sighs "Mii Chan went missing, we can't find her... We have to assume she's been kidnapped...", MEANWHILE IN THE DARK KINGDOM... ZOLO WALKS DOWNSTAIRS TO CHIBA "You're being careless, Chiba!", Chiba replies "I have a vast amount of energy for our master... and I'll be able to lure out the Sailor Scouts!". The next day, Yui gets on the bus... "I like this, but how come I only get to work with you? Noire's alone!", Bianca replied "You hafta find the other scouts, it's...". She starts meowing "What's wrong Bianca? You can speak...", Cirris suddenly repeats "You can talk, Bianca!". Yui jumps "EEEEEEk!!!", Cirris smiles "Hey, we meet again, here!". Yui then asks "Y... you take the bus?! What kinda school...", Cirris replied "I'm commuting to my job, see!", he holds up his card "I'mma game maker!". Yui reads it "Cirris Michaels... 17, ... Art, Art Director, Sound Director, Programming, Music director...", she then says "I... I didn't know you'd come here though...". Yui then asks "Uh... do you know about the Siden incident???!", Cirris looks to the side... "Yeah... I heard about it. It seems when we're at peace, the horrific things start...". Yui looks at him "His profile looks like...", Cirris turns, Yui quickly turns her head "Sailor of Justice...". Yui jumps "W... WHAT???",Cirris covers his face "Maybe not???". Yui gets off at the next stop "That was so close!!!", Bianca added "He's sharper than others...". They go to the shrine and see the same people from yesterday, there! "And that's why said, we won't you to use your 6th sense, to find Mii!", Fusagi answers "6th sense is homing onto a soul... it cannot find a specific area...". The people shouted "You won't help?!!", "Why dowe come here???!", "Her grandfather use to be in the shrine, now she's the 1 kidnapping children!!!!". Fusagi screams "G... get out!!!", the people leave as she notices Yui staring... she quickly hides behind a tree "Poor Fusagi...", Yui then walks away as Bianca thought "That elegant face, that swept away look... that graceful charm... is she our Princess?". Meanwhile, the miko walks inside the shrine and prays... she suddenly sees Yui being choked?!!! Fusagi ran outside "Ai San's in danger, I have to warn her!!!", she suddenly sees the bus outside!!! The doors open, Chiba stood up from the driver seat "Come now girl, you don't need to be afraid...", Fusagi's hypnotized "I can feel my feet moving forward on their own... I can't move...". Yui suddenly notices the bus pass by "The 6:00 bus!!! Fusagi's on it?!!!", she rushes behind it "I hafta save Fusagi!!!". Yui then tosses her pen into the air!!! "I'm a bus driver!!!", Bianca asks as they jump "Why a bus driver?". Yui explains "Because I'll drive the children to safety!", Bianca falls off!!! Cirris caught her as he watches Yui being driven into the portal!!! Yui reaches to them "Bianca!!! CapedAngel and Bianca can't help me this time... :( ", meanwhile Bianca escapes Cirris's hug and ran to Noire "Noire, Yui's in trouble!!! Track her location!!!", Noire looks at her ipod "It says she's going down... ....", the device suddenly forces into the street?!! "It jumped down by itself?!!". Bianca then says "Alright Noire... this...", meanwhile, Yui gets off in the castle "Where am I... I can't see anything... !!! There's the kidnapped people?!", she then sees Chiba massaging Fusagi's breats and cheeks... "I've been attracted to this symmetrical body for a long time...". Meanwhile Noire says "MERCURY!!!" Yui then says "MOON!!!", they both say "SOUL STAR, MAKE UP!!!". Noire appears with Yui after they transform!!! "Noire?!", Chiba glared "Sailor Senshi, I'll defeat you now!!!", Noirse suddenly uses mist!!! "Hurry, Sailor Yui, defeat him while he can't see!". The mist quickly disperses!!!? Yui jumps "It's turned into ice!!!?", Fusagi wakes up "That voice...". Meanwhile, Bianca talks over Noire's device "Yui, use your powers!!!", Yui then throws "Angel Ring Halo!!!", it catches Chiba!!! He uses his psychic power to "force" the girls back, Bianca then yells "Noire, toss the pen I gave you, to Fusagi!!!". Noire throws it to the psychic!!! Fusagi transforms!!! "Phobos, Deimos!!!" her crows circle around her as she says "I read your mind, you creep!!! Akuryuotai San!!!". Chiba caught on fire, and burns into oblivion!!! Bianca then says "Damn, the fire distorted the space your in, hurry and gather everyone in 1 area!!!", the girls gather the hostages as a light engulfs them... they appear at a bus stop... The civilians wake up... Yui turns toward Fusagi "You're a Sailor Scout, like us♡!", Noire smiles "Welcome, Sailor Fusagi!". Fusagi stares at her hands "I'm a Sailor Scout?". Meanwhile Seirro and Zolo see Chiba die "No... they killed him...", "Dammit, man, why...". Seirro flipped the crystal ball "Dammit man... why the hell this had to happen?!!! Weall going to fucking die!!!", Zolo bangs his head into the wall "Of fuck man, that nigger did nothin' wrong!!!". Seirro rends his jacket and pours ashes on his head... Zolo tears off his tantop and lies on the ground "Dammit... What the fuck, we need to get the hell outta here, we're going to die... let!s get outta here!!!", "Yeah... Let get the fuck outOH my God!!! We're all gonna die...". they cry.
A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Sailor Fusagi●
IN A CASTLE IN ANTARTICA... BERYL LEERS AT CHIBA "You jave to get the Maboroshi No Ginzuishou once more... are you ready?", he bows "Yes... I'm sorry...". Seirro suddenly hops by him "It's becase you only use Toy Kinshin...", he turns toward Beryl "Queen, I leader of the North Division:America, Seirro wil get the Diamond.". Zolo walks up to them... "Yeah... Hey... about it: what is the: Maboroshi No Ginzuishou?!". Beryl stares in surprise... "The Silver Crystal, is the source of power of the universe, it has everlasting power. Whoever has it, controls all infinitity in the universe.", she leers "Anyone who stands in the Dark kingdom's way, shall be destroyed!". Chiba bows "I'll destroy them, queen...". THE NEXT DAY, FUSAGI PRAYS AT A SHRINE... little girls finish then run away from the area... "Bye Fusagi San!", Fusagi smiles warmly "Bye...". Meanwhile at Juuban highschool... The girls gossip about the bus... "Didn't you hear about the devil bus, on seidon!?", "Yeah, I heard it takes a seperate route than normal!", "It only happens at 6:00, or route 6 on a 6th path!". Bianca listens to the conversation "Girls gossip about everything...", she then climbs onto Yui "C'mon Yui, we gotta go work...". Yui mumbles "I'm sleepy... I don't wanna go now...", Bianca replies "We hafta meet in the arcade♡...". Yui salutes "I'm ready to go♪!", later... Yui plays the Sailor Demon game as Noire speaks to Bianca "So... we're really Sailor Senshi? And we're protectors of justice?", Bianca replies "Yes... you'll soon learn everything...". Noire then asked "What is our mission?", Bianca glares "To find the Maboroshi No Ginzuishou: The Eternal Crystal, and our Princess...". Yui suddenly yells "I beat the new game!", stopwatches come out?! "I won a prize♡!". Bianca quickly grabs them! "We can use these as communicators!!!", Noire then wanders "Bianca, did you do something to the arcade game?", the cat winks... Later the girls go to a bus stop... "Yui... There's beatiful girl that gets on the bus too!" Noire giggles, Franky pops up "And there's the 6th path that the bus takes at 6:00!!!". Yui jumps "MR FRAAAAANKYYYYYY, where'd you come from?", he laughs "I hafta go to my other job, becareful, later...". They get on the bus... Yui happens to see Fusagi get on... she watches her ride "Ooooh, she's so pretty!!!!", later, Noire gets off "This is my stop, see ya later, Yui!". Yui waits then follows Fusagi off "Yui, why're following that goirl? You're acting like predator!", Yui giggles "But she's...". Crows suddenly flew at her, they peck her as she tries to shoo them! Meanwhile Fusagi stood up from praying "I sense a presence... it's not human... it's like... a spirit...", she grabs a cleansing tag... Then suddenly throws it!!! " Akuryuotai San!!!", it hits Yui... she stares... Fusagi jumps "It's a girl!!?". She then bows to her "I'm sorry... Ai San, was it? I though you were a spirit!", Yui thought as Fusagi reaches for her pet crows "I'll forgive anything this pretty lady does, to me♡.". Fusagi suddenly hears a tourist "Save Mii Chan...", the psychic walks to her "What happened?!". The woman sighs "Mii Chan went missing, we can't find her... We have to assume she's been kidnapped...", MEANWHILE IN THE DARK KINGDOM... ZOLO WALKS DOWNSTAIRS TO CHIBA "You're being careless, Chiba!", Chiba replies "I have a vast amount of energy for our master... and I'll be able to lure out the Sailor Scouts!". The next day, Yui gets on the bus... "I like this, but how come I only get to work with you? Noire's alone!", Bianca replied "You hafta find the other scouts, it's...". She starts meowing "What's wrong Bianca? You can speak...", Cirris suddenly repeats "You can talk, Bianca!". Yui jumps "EEEEEEk!!!", Cirris smiles "Hey, we meet again, here!". Yui then asks "Y... you take the bus?! What kinda school...", Cirris replied "I'm commuting to my job, see!", he holds up his card "I'mma game maker!". Yui reads it "Cirris Michaels... 17, ... Art, Art Director, Sound Director, Programming, Music director...", she then says "I... I didn't know you'd come here though...". Yui then asks "Uh... do you know about the Siden incident???!", Cirris looks to the side... "Yeah... I heard about it. It seems when we're at peace, the horrific things start...". Yui looks at him "His profile looks like...", Cirris turns, Yui quickly turns her head "Sailor of Justice...". Yui jumps "W... WHAT???",Cirris covers his face "Maybe not???". Yui gets off at the next stop "That was so close!!!", Bianca added "He's sharper than others...". They go to the shrine and see the same people from yesterday, there! "And that's why said, we won't you to use your 6th sense, to find Mii!", Fusagi answers "6th sense is homing onto a soul... it cannot find a specific area...". The people shouted "You won't help?!!", "Why dowe come here???!", "Her grandfather use to be in the shrine, now she's the 1 kidnapping children!!!!". Fusagi screams "G... get out!!!", the people leave as she notices Yui staring... she quickly hides behind a tree "Poor Fusagi...", Yui then walks away as Bianca thought "That elegant face, that swept away look... that graceful charm... is she our Princess?". Meanwhile, the miko walks inside the shrine and prays... she suddenly sees Yui being choked?!!! Fusagi ran outside "Ai San's in danger, I have to warn her!!!", she suddenly sees the bus outside!!! The doors open, Chiba stood up from the driver seat "Come now girl, you don't need to be afraid...", Fusagi's hypnotized "I can feel my feet moving forward on their own... I can't move...". Yui suddenly notices the bus pass by "The 6:00 bus!!! Fusagi's on it?!!!", she rushes behind it "I hafta save Fusagi!!!". Yui then tosses her pen into the air!!! "I'm a bus driver!!!", Bianca asks as they jump "Why a bus driver?". Yui explains "Because I'll drive the children to safety!", Bianca falls off!!! Cirris caught her as he watches Yui being driven into the portal!!! Yui reaches to them "Bianca!!! CapedAngel and Bianca can't help me this time... :( ", meanwhile Bianca escapes Cirris's hug and ran to Noire "Noire, Yui's in trouble!!! Track her location!!!", Noire looks at her ipod "It says she's going down... ....", the device suddenly forces into the street?!! "It jumped down by itself?!!". Bianca then says "Alright Noire... this...", meanwhile, Yui gets off in the castle "Where am I... I can't see anything... !!! There's the kidnapped people?!", she then sees Chiba massaging Fusagi's breats and cheeks... "I've been attracted to this symmetrical body for a long time...". Meanwhile Noire says "MERCURY!!!" Yui then says "MOON!!!", they both say "SOUL STAR, MAKE UP!!!". Noire appears with Yui after they transform!!! "Noire?!", Chiba glared "Sailor Senshi, I'll defeat you now!!!", Noirse suddenly uses mist!!! "Hurry, Sailor Yui, defeat him while he can't see!". The mist quickly disperses!!!? Yui jumps "It's turned into ice!!!?", Fusagi wakes up "That voice...". Meanwhile, Bianca talks over Noire's device "Yui, use your powers!!!", Yui then throws "Angel Ring Halo!!!", it catches Chiba!!! He uses his psychic power to "force" the girls back, Bianca then yells "Noire, toss the pen I gave you, to Fusagi!!!". Noire throws it to the psychic!!! Fusagi transforms!!! "Phobos, Deimos!!!" her crows circle around her as she says "I read your mind, you creep!!! Akuryuotai San!!!". Chiba caught on fire, and burns into oblivion!!! Bianca then says "Damn, the fire distorted the space your in, hurry and gather everyone in 1 area!!!", the girls gather the hostages as a light engulfs them... they appear at a bus stop... The civilians wake up... Yui turns toward Fusagi "You're a Sailor Scout, like us♡!", Noire smiles "Welcome, Sailor Fusagi!". Fusagi stares at her hands "I'm a Sailor Scout?". Meanwhile Seirro and Zolo see Chiba die "No... they killed him...", "Dammit, man, why...". Seirro flipped the crystal ball "Dammit man... why the hell this had to happen?!!! Weall going to fucking die!!!", Zolo bangs his head into the wall "Of fuck man, that nigger did nothin' wrong!!!". Seirro rends his jacket and pours ashes on his head... Zolo tears off his tantop and lies on the ground "Dammit... What the fuck, we need to get the hell outta here, we're going to die... let!s get outta here!!!", "Yeah... Let get the fuck outOH my God!!! We're all gonna die...". they cry.
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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