A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
IN SPACE, THE DUO INEXORABLY HURDLES TO EARTH! Meanwhile Yui collects soul energy in her body, a bluish light wraps around her hand. "OK, I'm ready!", Kaio then says "Okay, see if you can track this super giant brick!". He threw the brick, really fast in the air!!!! The brick slingshots around Yui! She closed her eye, then suddenly turned and shot it!!! Kaio looked surprised "She did it!! Splendid Yui! I never imagined you would be able to master The Star Dama in such a short amount of time!". Yui smiled "I worked hard on that!", Kaio answered "Remember the Star Dama is a martial arts discipline that allows you to borrow a small amount of energy from all surrounding life, including plants, animals, people even the air itself... and then concentrates it, and releases it... even here, the Star Dama had this much destructive force! Just imagine what it could do on earth! You'll also have the tremendous sun to draw from! If you're not careful, you could destroy the very planet you're trying to protect!". He glares "If you can help it, don't risk it.", Yui smiles "I'll make do with Kaio Soul!". Kaio smiled excitedly "The day of battle is almost upon us! The djinns will be arriving... OMG!!!" he yelled!! "OH NO!!! WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!". Yui freaked "What's wrong!!?", Kaio answers "I... I didn't factor the time it would take to travel back on snake way!". Yui freaked out! "You mean you can't warp me back!!!?", Kaio screams "At your speed, you'll make it in 2 days! I'll tell your friends to bring you back!". Yui yells "But I'll still be a day late!", Kaio cries "Okay! I messed up! Now hurry and tell your friends to bring you back!". Yui answered "I can't sense them from here!", Kaio bent over "Put your hand on my back and reach them in your mind!". Yui put her hand on him "Like this!?", she thought to Sei! "Mr Sei, can you hear me?". Meanwhile Sei was fapping in his bathroom, when he suddenly heard Yui!!! "YUI!!!? Is that you!!? W... Where are you!!!!?" he yelled almost falling off the toilet! Yui answered "I'm still in other world, have you came up with a way to bring me back?". Sei answers "Yes, we... uh... um already came up with a way to bring you back! We were waiting for you...", she laughs "Great! Could you bring me back right now? The djinns are coming tomorrow♪!". Sei freaked out! "HOLY TIT! Tomorrow!? That's a month earlier than we thought!", Yui thought "Please hurry, I'll be a little bit late...". Sei calms down as he grabs himself "O... Okay, got it! But how are you doing? We heard you've been training in the other world. How has that gone?", she giggles "It's been great!". Meanwhile Touka and a civilian heard him talking "Sei is talking to himself in the bathroom?", "Do you think he's... ya know fapping WAY too much to Yui?". He suddenly ran out with his pants down! "HURRY! GET THE SPELL READY!", meanwhile on Kaio's planet Yui smiled "That was amazing! He actually heard me!". Kaio leered "Of course! Now while we're waiting! Let's fix up your ripped clothes...", he bent his antenna to her "Here!". Yui looked excited "Wow! And they're really light!", Kaio giggled "Because of your training! They're also made an incredibly stong fabric that can repel even minor attacks!". Yui warmly smiles "Thanks Kaio Sama! Terrific! It's just like what daddy bought! I was worried you'd make some get up like yours!", Kaio glares "You're welcome..." Yui turned around looking at her dress "I think the mark on the back is the snazziest part!" he says. Meanwhile Yui's friend used the spell, Yui's halo disappeared! "Good! The halo over your head vanished! Get going!!!" Kaio screams "Remember the enemy is more powerful than you can imagine!". Yui ran "I know! I'll do my best! Thanks for everything Kaio Sama! When I really die, I'll come see you again!", she flew off the planet "Seeeee ya!♪". Kaio smiled "What unfathomable strength that girl has... and her heart is even clearer than crystal. I never imagined someone like her existed in the lower realm! Still her sense of humor... When she dies, I'll train her on that!". Meanwhile Yui bounced on snake way! "Yahooo! I'm a living cotton ball♪" she suddenly glared then flew as fast as she could!!! "There's no time to play around, I gotta hurry!". THE NEXT MORNING AT 11:30 AM, IT HAPPENED AT LAST...! The djinn crashed into Hoshi City!!! The civilians walked around the landing site! "What was...?" "What's going on?" "This is amazing!". They saw the small djinn fly out of his lamp!!! "Is that man!?", the djinn exhales... All the soldiers suddenly felt their Soul Reaction!!! The short djinn then leeres "Earth, wasn't it? Ugly inhabitants, wouldn't you agree?", the giant one replies "Heh heh heh, why don't we say hello, to these noisy pests?". He flipped the bird, the whole city exploded!!! (Except the academy: because of Penance Sama!!!) Zolo yells as he ran towards the explosion "What the duck!? What the hell are they doing!?". The humongus djinn laughed "Ha ha ha!!! I think I offended them! Maybe I should try again!", the small one answers "You made your point, if you keep this up, you'lll ruin the resale value of this planet.". The giant looked shocked "Oh yeah! We need to find that secret too! ", the small one answers "Souls... the 1 who killed Radish is most likely the 1 who can help... and if he so happened to be standing here, our wish just went up in a cloud of smoke!". The big djinn jumped back "Goddamed shoot, I'm sorry, you're completely right!", the small djinn searched "What's done is done... now let's find the 1 with the highest power level... that'll be who we're looking for, unless it turns out to be Karis Ai's BFF." The big one looked around then yells "There are several readings just over 1000, and 1 is coming here now! Why would this world have them?", the short one answers "Don't worry about it, just find the immortal. We'll deal with the rest of them later...". He leers excitedly "THERE WE GO! 2 READINGS AND THEY'RE REALLY CLOSE! ALRIGHT, CABBAGE LET'S HAVE SOME FUN WITH THEM!", they flew towards the soldiers!!!! "Ha ha ha! This is great! The gravity here is so low, I feel weightless!" Cabbage laughed. Meanwhile Touka, Sei and some civilians who came to support were watching the news!! "... baffled about what could cause a earthquake at this magnitude! All cities near the earthquakes epicenter reamain unrespnsive, as...", Sei spoke "They're hear! They're finally here!". Touka stood up! "Let's go! I'll support!", a civilian yells "The hell we'll do!?". Sei replied "I'm afraid he's right... Even to the fight type soldiers, their strength is beyond comprehension... (They're even stronger than our best: Stein...)". Touka prayed "Yui, get here soon!", 12:00 PM... Kyubi took off his trainig shirt "Damn, when did I put this on again!!? Nevermind... do not be afraid Mira, we have become significantly stronger in the past year.". They suddenly felt Soul Reactions from every direction! "Are there more than just 2 djinn!?", Fusagi flew down! "Hey it's been awhile guys!". Kyubi leers "It is just you, I see you gained "defense" for the fight!!", Fusagi smiled "Give me a brake, you probably chased squirrels and people the whole time!". Kyubi laughed "Are all those other idiots coming too? (She saw right through me!)", Fusagi leers "Yeah, they'll be here soon. I was just the closest!". Mira smiled "Hi Fusagi!", she walked up to her friend "Hiiii! You look stronger! ...Why is your hair purple?". Mira laughed "From training! You... must be stronger!", Fusagi glared "I know why you ment fatter, both of you!!: Listen, I know I didn't lose weight, but I got much stronger with my pk!". She whispered to Mira "Anyway, how was it being trained by Kyubi!?", Mira smiles "It was tough, but he wasn't nearly as bad as he used to....". Kyubi suddenly interrupted!!! "The time for small talk is over, they are here!", the Djinn hovered over the soldiers! "Heh heh... another 1 showed up, so now there's 3!" Cabbage says... the small djinn glares at him "... goddamit I know! (I can do preschool math!!!)". The djinn floated to them, the soldiers felt them as they came closer "They feel like a denomic aura!", Fusagi thought out loud!!! The djinn landed, the small one leered "Have you been waiting for us?", Kyubi glared "That is right!".
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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