A parody I thought of! I only now am able to express this goofy/funny story! It shows the adventures of many OCs, in my favorite anime seasons!
Premenstrual WAR!!!
FUSAGI AND TOUKA WAIT FOR MIRA IN FEAR "Fusagi chan, why did you give the lamp to him!!!? After all you went through... He said that was the last 1 he needed too..." Touka asks. Fusagi answered "If I didn't he would've popped US like balloons too! It's miraculous we're still alive... If he thinks he has them all, that means the 1 Mira's looking for must be the 1 Vassago hid... probably to keep Haru from finding it!". Touka smiles "That's right, she may be coming back...", Fusagi replied "Let's hope she doesn't run into Vassago...". Meanwhile Mira felt a soul close by... "VASSAGO!!!", she hid on a island under a cliff... Vassago felt her! "A strong power level up ahead... it disappeared?... that's impossible!!!", Mira freaked as he screamed "I know your down there!!!! I almost have everything, come out now OR I'LL SEND YOUR ASS THROUGH THE HELL KNOWN AS: FINAL FL..." Mira puts down the lamp, "WAIT!!!", she climbs on the small cliff, using magic to hide the lamp' s presence "It's me...". Vassago smiled "OMG What do we have here! If it isn't Karis Ai's BFF! I suppose you tagged along with the other earthlings, I already bumped into them." Mira saw the lamp he was holding "Oh no! That lamp, don't tell me you...". Vassago smiles "It was a gift from that fat friend of yours!", Mira yelled "You killed her, didn't you!!!?". Vassago leered "No however, I'll go back and give her cupcake to finish the job HAHAHAHAHA♡ I'm hilarious...". She looks excited "You mean?", he answeres "I chose to spare her as celebration for me being a badass motherfucker!!!", Mira turns her eyes to the lamp "He must...". Vassago suddenly appears in front of her "AH!", he then leers "Hey wanna do a little... ya know, celebrating with me?". Mira asks "W... what?". Vassago leered "Never mind, you're just... 14? I'll wait to you have more melon... speaking of which... or the absence there of... is that Karis Ai bitch here?", Mira answers "No... we didn't know you you and the other freaks would be here!". Vassago laughs "Ah, that's quite a shame!" he rubs Mira's cheek "The 3 of could've been happy together... Do me a favor, when you go back to earth, give a message to your BFF would you?", he knees her hard in the stomach!!!". "Tell her I'll be paying another visit to earth soon, and that this time, I'll blow it to pieces!!!!", he flew away "HEEEHEEHEEHAHAHAHEEEHEEHAHEHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!". Mira crawled back to the lamp "That... hurt... bu... at least... the lamp's safe...", meanwhile Touka shouts at Fusagi "Fusagi!!! Hurry up and get back inside!". The soldier answers "There's no sign of her yet, I hope she didn't try to jill off on the lamp... Vassago knows that we're here: we have to relocate fast!!!", Mira flies back!!! She bounces on the island as she land "Look Fusagi, I got the lamp!!!". Fusagi and Touka cheered "Wahoo!!!", "Way to go, Mira!". Fusagi frowned "Mira I don't have time to explain this, but we have to get out of here right now! Or we'll be in alot of trouble!", Mira adds "Yeah, I know, I ran into Vassago on the way back!". Fusagi freaks, Mira then calms her down "Don't worry, he doesn't suspect a thing!", Touka yells "Let's get the hell out of here!!!". Meanwhile Vassago swam where he dropped the lamp "All 7 are about to be mine!!! Sorry to break it to you Haru, but my universal reign is just a wish away!!!" he searched... until he realized it wasn't around there... "That's funny, I'm sure I sunk it around here somewhere...??? What the hell!!!!? How the...!!!? All this goddamned fighting, and hiding for it to sprout, fricking, ungodly legs and up and walk the hell away!!!? No... one could've known about where...". He then thought "It was her!!!! No wonder she turned me down, she had the lamp!!! That fugly, little, smelly prick!!!!". Vassago flies toward the cave!!!! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!" he screams a high pitched, horror movie victim scream!!!! Meanwhile Penance Sama was speaking to Syd "Yui ist truly flying to genie world, I wish Ist couldest..." they both here a little girl scream!!! "What the hell!!!?", "The shit!!?". Meanwhile in genie world Vassago destroys the island they were hiding on... He looked around "I'm not able to even sense them out!!!! The morons can drop their energy to almost nothing!!!!! Damn those earthlings, I'll shove thier fricking heads into Haru's filthy, AIDS infected, asshole! once I get the goddamned lampssss!!!!! They'reboundtocomeaftertheotherssssssssixxxx!!!!". Meanwhile Touka yells "I can't make a nest in a place this narrow you know!" Fusagi shouted "Perfect caves aren't easy to come across, freak!". Touka shouts "What the!!!? How am I suppose to relax without a dark...", Fusagi interrupted "You maniac!!! What the bullchip is wrong with you!!!? How the heck are we suppose to find a hiding place: The freaking homes... lamp houses (?) are even destroyed, knucklehead!!!". She close here eyes, then calms down "Chuck that... I have to leave with Mira now, I don't have time to smash you!". Mira tilted her head in wonder "Why?", Fusagi answers "Once you meet with the grand genie, you might be strong enough to defeat Vassago!". Later the girls fly toward the grand genie's lamp "Fusagi, how would the grand genie make me stronger?" Mira asks, Fusagi answers "He can go further than you can by yourself, he'll reach deep inside, and make you feel things you never felt...". Mira blushes, "Wait... that... Never mind, the important part is you'll be able to take Vassago afterwards, that's the point..." Fusagi glared, Mira still blushes as they fly "How does he make you feel things you...?". Meanwhile Vassago sat on a lamp "Damn those freaking bitches, they can sense the lamps as well, I can't leave them here... I'll have to wait until they make their move... I took care of the homo lamp, Haru won't be going any time soon. It'll take 4 days for new devil eye symbols, assuming he ordered them. I'll have to focus on finding the bitches, now while he doesn't have the devil eyes is my best chance." 4 days later "It's been 4 days... hasn't it...? Surprisingly no one caught us..." Mira says, Fusagi answers "Yeah, I sure hope the grand genie dies... I mean doesn't die, (before we can use the lamps)...". She stands up "We're far away enough where he couldn't find us. Let's go at full speed!", Mira adds "Yeah, plus Yui will be here soon!" they both fly as fast as they can!!! Meanwhile Vassago feels their souls!!! "!!!!!!! I've found you at last!!!".
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First, I would love to tell you: This might be the 1st Story/Blog that pops up, if you're reading my Blogs. All of them are written i...
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